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Bücher von Joseph Yeenu

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  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    The reason why believers of today are not seeing the glory of God is that, they have failed to agree with God and as such any time man takes his own way rather than agreeing with God, God disassociates himself from that man and when this happens the spirit of God does not assist him/her to do whatever he/she want to do because he/she has taken his/her own way. The question that will be on the mind of believers of today is how can we agree with God? it is simply means reading his word and obeying whatever we have being commanded to do and also when we hear his voice we do exactly as he has told us to do and when we do that we have agreed with God hence this book will enlighten believers of today what it really meant to agree with God and the areas in their lives which they need to agree with God so that they will be able to walk with God and as such this book is an evangelical tool which is suppose to be believers manual who want to serve God faithfully and end up in heaven and as such i will encourage believers to buy a copy and also copies for their loves ones so that they don't serve God ignorantly and later on left behind when Jesus Christ comes for the second time Shalom.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    Most believers find it difficult to win their battles against their enemies, which God said nobody can stand against them and defeat them all the days of their lives, making them undefeatable. Therefore, the book Israel Against Ai, will try to let believers know that because they have touched an accursed things, that is why they cannot stand against their enemies. God cannot be with his children anymore who have touched an accursed things, be it fornication, robbery, stealing, etc and as such it the same accursed things that the Israelites touched that made them find it difficult to win the battle against Ai. Just imagine returning as a victor against giants and your next battle is against dwarfs, you will jump into conclusion and say that, this is an easy battle, but the Israelites did not know that God was longer with them, until they destroyed the accursed things in their midst, before they were able to defeat Ai. This book is a must to be read, by believers who are into warfare and also believers in general who claim to be soldiers for Christ and intend to make heaven. I will encourage believers to get copies for their friends and love ones to help them not perish shalom.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    When you go to school and you study languages an example English language you will realize you will come to the topic called summary, which will enable you summaries a passage either in a single sentence or two lines etc. In the same vain you can be asked to deduce the theme for the passage you have read if there is no theme for the passage according to your own understanding and as such my knowledge of the scriptures has made me realized we can have a theme for the Bible which will serve as a yard stick on how to understand the Bible better and also how to serve God without ending up in hell fire hence the book "The Theme of the Bible" which will explain into details the Bible according to my own understanding and as such I will encourage readers of this book to peruse it with an open heart with the help of the Holy Spirit and finally it is an evangelistic tool for believers and unbelievers and as such I will encourage readers of this book to get copies for their friends and love ones so that they can get an idea of how to understand the Bible base on the theme of the Bible according to my own understanding by the help of the Holy Spirit shalom.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    Currently when you enter into any church as a man or woman of God and you ask who are those who are born again in the church you will be surprise everybody will raise his/her hands irrespective of the kind of life style they are living and as such they believe they are born again because they believe in the name of Jesus Christ and have being baptized forgotten what Jesus Christ said if you love me you should keep my commandments and as such anybody who claims to love Jesus Christ and does not keep his commandment is a liar and as such this book are you sure you are born again? Will enlighten believers to know those who are truly born again to clarify the erroneous teachings and believes of some believers and even some men of God who are teaching false doctrine so that the reader of this book will not end up in hell fire after the end of his earthly journey or not left behind when Jesus Christ comes for the second time and as such this book is an evangelistic tool for new converts and Christians who believes they are matured in the faith to know their stand whether they are truly born again to be raptured shalom.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    22,00 €

    When God was about to create the universe He had a plan for the world and his spirit ensured that his plans and purposes came to pass, and as such, when God's children operate outside the will of God, they do not see His glory because they failed to agree with Him. That is why bible says "can two walk together unless they agree", and as such, if we want to walk with God we need to agree with Him, and base on this reason you will realise if God has a plan for the world then He will also have a plan to save mankind, and as such, the book "God's salvation plan for mankind" will take you through step by step salvation process to enlighten mankind to know what they need to do to enable them make heaven at the end of their earthly journey. That is why bible says "God who have began a good work will continue his work until it is finally finished until the day Jesus Christ returns for the second time". Because of this reason, the bible admonishes us that if we call on God who without respect of persons judgeth every man's work we should pass our time of sojourning here in fear shalom.

  • von Joseph Yeenu
    20,00 €

    Most people have problem understanding the bible and as such, the book "Understanding the bible" will enlighten you to understand the bible through the help of the holy spirit. Moreover, it will let you know why things are so in this world and the reason why there is misunderstanding of the bible by a lot of people, who then jump into conclusion that the bible is just an ordinary book, written by men and as such, "Understanding the bible" will refute the argument that the bible was not written by men, but it was written through God's divine inspiration and therefore, the bible should not be read just like any other book or taken to be a mere book, but should be accepted that it was inspired by God and was written by holy men, who were moved by the holy spirit to write whatever they were told to write. Lastly, it is meant to minister the believers and non believers who have some doubts about certain issues in the bible and as such, I will encourage everyone to get a copy and also get a copy for friends and love ones who are perishing.

  • 15% sparen
    von Joseph Yeenu
    34,00 €

    When Jesus Christ finished his ministry he charged the disciples to make disciples of all nations teaching them to obey all things that he has taught them and lo he is with them even to the end of time and as such the Apostles ensured that wolves will not enter the sheepfold and devour them by changing the ancient landmark which they have set. Currently false doctrine is being preached every where which is leading so many souls to hell as a result of lack of knowledge. Hence the book Heresies in the churches today will highlight some of the doctrinal errors which is being preached today with scriptural references to enlighten the readers of this book to know the right doctrine to follow since bible says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and in all thy getting get understanding. Finally, the book will enable you to know the right church to attend to make heaven after the end of your earthly journey and as such take your time to peruse the book prayerfully by the help of the Holy spirit and lastly get copies for your friends and love ones to enable them also get to know the truth so that they will not be left behind when Jesus Christ comes (Matt. 13:11) shalom.

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