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Bücher von Josh Becker

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  • von Josh Becker
    61,00 €

    In this hilarity-infused and unique memoir, Josh discusses the idea of navigating change. Josh's careers as a U.S. Air Force Pilot, Restaurant Owner, Texas State Trooper, Winery Operations Manager, and Systems Engineer have provided him with a unique perspective on life and career adaptation. The stories included are often hilarious, sometimes tragic, and always include insight to help deal with life's changes. If you are changing careers, changing locations, adding to your family unit, or just want some perspective on how we all deal with life's sharp turns, then look no further.

  • von Josh Becker
    23,00 €

  • von Josh Becker
    26,00 €

  • von Josh Becker
    24,00 - 41,00 €

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