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Bücher von Josh McDowell

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  • von Josh McDowell
    27,00 €

  • von Josh McDowell
    21,00 €

    En Plenitud de vida, Josh McDowell y Ben Bennett combinan la sabiduría ganada con esfuerzo y la energía juvenil para presentar principios bíblicos, probados por el tiempo y respaldados por la investigación, para superar las heridas, las luchas y los obstáculos para lograr una vida en todo su potencial --una vida de plenitud espiritual, emocional y relacional en lugar de quebrantamiento--, el tipo de vida para el que has nacido.

  • - The Best of Josh McDowell
    von Josh McDowell
    35,00 €

    Be prepared "in season and out" with this handy reference book of faith. Timely and biblically based, Josh McDowell's work offers defenses in 60 of the most-challenged areas of faith. All in one easy-to-reference volume, this book will strengthen your commitment and help you stand firm against challenges to the truth.

  • von Josh McDowell & Don Stewart
    23,00 €

    Considered answers to the top 65 questions asked about Christianity.

  • von Josh McDowell & Bob Hostetler
    22,00 €

    High school student Brittney Marsh is about to discover Truth. However, the forces of hell are determined to prevent her from finding it. In this novel, Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler uncover the truth about making right moral choices. Aimed at teens, this practical, biblically based book combines fiction and fact for a lasting moral impact.

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Death of a Loved One
    von Ed Stewart & Josh McDowell
    14,00 €

    Fifteen-year-old Chad Rogers has never experienced such anguish. Suddenly he is faced with the death of his little brother and the critical injuries of his mother and best friend, Rob. He now must find a way to survive when those he loves most are gone. But how?

  • - The Answers to Ethical Dilemmas, Challenging Situations, Difficult Decisions
    von Norm Geisler & Josh McDowell
    23,00 €

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Past Sexual Abuse
    von Ed Stewart & Josh McDowell
    14,00 €

    Fourteen-year-old Ann Cassidy has a secret, but she can't keep it any longer. The nightmares, the flashbacks, the false guilt-she has to tell someone. When Ann finally reveals the horror of her childhood sexual abuse, she feels some relief-but she has a new flood of emotions to deal with and she's scared.

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Conflicts With Others
    von Ed Stewart & Josh McDowell
    14,00 €

    Fifteen-year-old Ken Myers is fed up. He says his parents never listen to him, that they are all the time criticizing him, and he feels like an outsider in his own home. And it's not much better with his 'friend' Todd-they're not talking to each other anymore. What can he do to resolve the conflict?

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Divorce of Parents
    von Josh McDowell & Ed Stewart
    14,00 €

    When fifteen-year-old Jessica Ingram hears those words she knows she will never be the same. Suddenly her family-and her emotions-are in pieces. She feels as though her whole world is coming apart.

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Thoughts of Suicide
    von Ed Stewart & Josh McDowell
    14,00 €

    Sixteen-year-old Kevin Colvin, burdened by his parent's fighting, the recent death of his best friend and slipping grades, despairs that he's just 'a waste of space on this planet. Is this a passing thought or is he about to seriously contemplate suicide?

  • von Bill Jones & Josh McDowell
    20,00 €

    Honest, frank and straight to the point, youth experts Josh McDowell and Bill Jones jump into the middle of over 230 questions common among teenagers. From 'How can I get along with my parents?' to 'How can I resist drugs when all my friends do it?' to 'How far can I go physically before it's wrong?'-no question is off limits, and no answer is impossible.

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Knowing God's Will
    von Ed Stewart & Josh McDowell
    14,00 €

    A star athlete at his high school, Bobby Franklin faces graduation with anything but certainty. Should he choose ministry over his beloved baseball? Should he earn a college degree-or skip school and try to make it in baseball-or marry his girlfriend, Ashley? As a Christian, he wonders how he can know specifically what God wants him to do.

  • - My friend is struggling with.. Finding True Love
    von Josh McDowell & Ed Stewart
    14,00 €

    Senior high students Luke and Traci feel something for each other like they have never felt before. And the more they're together, the deeper their feelings and desire for each other grows. Will these feelings last? Are they truly in love? How can they really know?

  • - Compelling Evidence Which Proves the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
    von Josh McDowell
    25,00 €

    Contains compelling evidence which proves the resurrection beyond reasonable doubt.

  • von Josh McDowell
    19,00 €

    Evidencias cristianas para evitar confusion, sobre Dios, la Biblia y la fe.

  • von Josh McDowell
    21,00 €

  • - Como desarrollar una relacion profunda y duradera
    von Josh McDowell
    25,00 €

    Como lograr relaciones permanentes, maduras, y satisfactorias.

  • - Experimenta El Gozo de Ser Tu Mismo
    von Josh McDowell
    24,00 €

    Who are you? Who told you who are you? Do you like what you see? It's not always easy to love and accept yourself for who you really are. Your experience probably has convinced you that your identity is shaped by how you look, how you perform, and what you achieve. But your identity can be reshaped as you come to see yourself as God sees you---no more and no less. Here, in this freshly revised edition of Josh's best-selling book 'His Image, My Image', you will discover the Biblical basis for a healthy self-identity, redefine your self image, learn to embrace God's view that you are loveable, valuable and competent and come to know yourself as God really knows you. Regardless of your past, God sees you for who you really are, and He likes what He sees. That's why He took the extraordinary, self-sacrificing steps to form a relationship with you. Accept that relationship, and experience the true joy of being you!

  • von Josh McDowell & Don Stewart
    18,00 €

  • von Josh McDowell
    21,98 €

    "Seven in 10 Protestants ages 18 to 30---both evangelical and mainline---who went to church regularly in high school said they quit attending by age 23, according to the survey by LifeWay Research." (USA Today) Don't Check Your Brains at the Door gives teens answers that make sense, even for the toughest of questions.

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