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Bücher von Joyce Carol Oates

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  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    24,00 €

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    22,00 €

    "Anellia" is a young student who, though gifted with a penetrating intelligence, is drastically inclined to obsession. Funny, mordant, and compulsive, she falls passionately in love with a brilliant yet elusive black philosophy student. But she is tested most severely by a figure out of her past she'd long believed dead.Astonishingly intimate and unsparing, and pitiless in exposing the follies of the time, I'll Take You There is a dramatic revelation of the risks--and curious rewards--of the obsessive personality as well as a testament to the stubborn strength of a certain type of contemporary female intellectual.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    28,00 €

    From Joyce Carol Oates, the bestselling author of We Were the Mulvaneys, comes an epic family novel about the division between the permissible and the forbidden, between ordinary life and the secret places of the heart. Set in an industrial, working-class town in upstate New York, You Must Remember This is the story of the Stevicks: two parents trapped in a frustrating marriage; their idealistic, ambitious son, and fifteen-year-old Enid Maria, who becomes caught up in a secret sexual relationship with her uncle Felix, a professional boxer twice her age. A true and empathetic tale that merges love and violence, it is also a brilliant re-creation of a decade that worshiped conformity, one that tells of lives that break every convention in the search for meaning and fulfillment.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    26,00 €

    Ein eindrucksvolles Porträt der größten Hollywood-Legende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts: Marilyn Monroe1926 wird Norma Jeane Baker in Los Angeles geboren. Ihre Kindheit ist von Einsamkeit und Sehnsucht geprägt. Als junge Frau hat sie bereits verinnerlicht, dass es für sie nur einen Weg gibt, sich ihres Selbstwertes zu versichern: über das Begehren der Männer. Ab da beginnt die Verwandlung zur Kunstfigur Marilyn Monroe. Einfühlsam und sprachgewaltig erzählt Joyce Carol Oates in ihrem Roman von der größten Hollywood-Legende des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, von ihrem Schmerz, ihrer Strahlkraft, ihren Träumen und ihrem tragischen Ende.»>, 30.03.2021»Absolut packend und ehrlich.« Martina Sievers, Für Sie, 12.05.2021"Ein erzählerisch wildester Ritt." Thea Dorn, Das literarische Quartett ZDF, 14.05.2021"Ein ganz beeindruckendes Werk, wie ein Punkkonzert. " Eva Menasse, Das literarische Quartett ZDF, 14.05.2021"Brutal, entlarvend." Eva Menasse, Das literarische Quartett ZDF, 14.05.2021» [...] historisch wie aktuell bestürzende[s] wahrhaftige[s] Buch« Wolfgang Schütz, Augsburger Allgemeine, 01.06.2021

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    19,99 €

    Genie und Wahnsinn: ein Thriller auf höchstem Niveau von Amerikas Literatur-Ikone Joyce Carol OatesUnter dem Pseudonym »Pik-Bube« verfasst der renommierte Schriftsteller Andrew Rush düster-verstörende Thriller. So leicht ihm das Schreiben dieser rauschhaften Gewaltfantasien weit nach Mitternacht von der Hand geht, so verschwommen ist später seine Erinnerung an den Inhalt. Als ein Plagiatsvorwurf Rushs guten Ruf - und damit seine Existenz und seine Familie - bedroht, ist plötzlich »Pik-Bube« mit hinterhältigen Ratschlägen zur Stelle. Und fast gegen seinen Willen beginnt Rush ihnen zu folgen ...»Nur wenige Autoren leuchten die dunkelsten Winkel des menschlichen Geistes derart gekonnt aus.« Seattle Times

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    9,99 €

    Niemand hat Amerika so sehr den Puls gefühlt wie Joyce Carol Oates. Ihre Helden sind unsichere Existenzen. Männer werden zu Jägern und Frauen zu wehrlosen Wildtieren, die es zu erlegen gilt. Nicht immer endet es mit dem Tod, aber das Gleichgewicht ist nachhaltig gestört. Eine amerikanische Chronik lautet der Untertitel der grandiosen neunzehn Erzählungen, die zwischen 1963 und 1999 entstanden sind. Da erschießt eine Mutter ihre drei Kinder, weil sie ihren neuen Liebhaber nicht verlieren will. Da drechselt ein morbider Richter aus den Knochen seiner Opfer elfenbeinerne Schmuckstücke. Da weiß die drogensüchtige Melanie still zu halten, wenn sie die Männer bedient, aus Angst, dass wieder der Würgegriff angewendet wird. Elende Ehen, gewaltbereite Männner, gedemütigte Frauen, die Familie ist kein Zufluchtsort, rassistische Übergriffe, die Arglosen sind alles andere als arglos. Auch hier zeigt sich Oates als geniale Beobachterin menschlicher Abgründe, sie weiß das dunkle Ich, die zerstörerischen Leidenschaften in brillant bedrückenden Geschichten einzufangen. Oates Einblicke in das Durchschnittsleben, das schnell zur Hölle werden kann, sind grandios, schockierend und trotz allem tröstend.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    9,95 €

    Im Hexenkessel der Hysterie - Provozierend aktuell! Niemals wäre Matt auf die absurde Idee gekommen, ein Attentat auf seine Schule zu verüben. Und doch soll es Zeugen geben, die schwören, er habe damit gedroht. Matt steht unter Verdacht. Und wie es scheint, gibt es nur einen Menschen an der Schule, der ihm glaubt: Ursula Riggs, die Unnahbare, die Jungen sonst aus dem Weg geht, so gut sie kann.Sind denn alle verrückt geworden?

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    12,00 €

    Michaela and her husband have moved to the starkly beautiful but uncanny landscape of New Mexico, to take residency at a distinguished academic institute. But then Gerard is stricken with a mysterious illness, initially misdiagnosed, and soon their life begins to resemble a nightmare. At thirty-seven, Michaela faces the terrifying prospect of widowhood - and the loss of Gerard, whose identity has greatly shaped her own.In vividly depicted scenes of escalating suspense, Michaela cares desperately for Gerard in his final days, and then careens through the chaos of the days after he is gone. Her love for her husband, however fierce and selfless, has not been enough to save him and his death is beyond her comprehension. A love that refuses to be surrendered at death - is this the blessing of a unique married love, or a curse that must be exorcized?Breathe is an exploration of haunting, a horror story about the raw madness of grief, and an intense, heart-wrenching love story that grapples with the philosophical questions most fundamental to our existence.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    31,00 €

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    6,00 €

    Ein historischer Roman über eine schwierige Liebesgeschichte aus den amerikanischen Südstaaten: Die in ihrem Dorf als exzentrisch abgestempelte Edith Margaret Freilicht, die 1890 geboren wurde, bleibt selbst ihrem eigenen Mann und ihren Kindern ein Rätsel. Erst als der Wassersucher Tyrell Thompson ins Dorf kommt, öffnet sich die schöne Rothaarige ihm gegenüber, und entgegen allen Konventionen der damaligen Zeit beginnt eine leidenschaftliche Beziehung zwischen dem auf den ersten Blick so ungleichen Paar.Joyce Carol Oates, geboren 1938, ist eine US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin, die zu den bedeutendsten Autorinnen der amerikanischen Gegenwartsliteratur gezählt wird und mehrfach ausgezeichnet wurde. Sie hat bisher gut 300 Erzählungen und 60 Romane veröffentlicht, jedoch zählen zu ihrem Werk auch Dramen, Lyrik sowie Biographisches. Sie widmet sich in ihren Texten sehr unterschiedlichen Sujets: Während „Jene" und „Foxfire" eher realistisch-sozialkritische Themen behandeln geht es z.B. in „Bellefleur" um fantastische Begebenheiten und in ihren Jugendbüchern wie „Unter Verdacht" ums Erwachsenwerden und Identität.

  • - A Novel
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    33,00 €

    A painful truth of family life: the most tender emotions can change in an instant. You think your parents love you but is it you they love, or the child who is theirs? --Joyce Carol Oates, My Life as a RatWhich should prevail: loyalty to family or loyalty to the truth? Is telling the truth ever a mistake and is lying for ones family ever justified? Can one do the right thing, but bitterly regret it?My Life as a Rat follows Violet Rue Kerrigan, a young woman who looks back upon her life in exile from her family following her testimony, at age twelve, concerning what she knew to be the racist murder of an African-American boy by her older brothers. In a succession of vividly recalled episodes Violet contemplates the circumstances of her life as the initially beloved youngest child of seven Kerrigan children who inadvertently informs on her brothers, setting into motion their arrests and convictions and her own long estrangement. Arresting and poignant, My Life as a Rat traces a life of banishment from a familybanishment from parents, siblings, and the Churchthat forces Violet to discover her own identity, to break the powerful spell of family, and to emerge from her long exile as a rat into a transformed life.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    13,98 €

  • - A Novel
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    15,00 €

    ?Timely, monumental. . . . Yet another piercing examination of American culture by the writer this reviewer considers our country's greatest living novelist. . . . It is brilliant. How blessed we are to have her as a novelist in our chaotic, confusing times. Night is spot on for these times of racial divide, as well as in portraying the fractious family dynamic that many of us know all too well. . . . Night deserves the top spot on your quarantine nightstand. Here's a fervent salute to Oates, our finest American novelist, for this one.? -- Star TribuneThe bonds of family are tested in the wake of a profound tragedy, providing a look at the darker side of our society by one of our most enduringly popular and important writersNight Sleep Death The Stars is a gripping examination of contemporary America through the prism of a family tragedy: when a powerful parent dies, each of his adult children reacts in startling and unexpected ways, and his grieving widow in the most surprising way of all.Stark and penetrating, Joyce Carol Oates's latest novel is a vivid exploration of race, psychological trauma, class warfare, grief, and eventual healing, as well as an intimate family novel in the tradition of the author's bestselling We Were the Mulvaneys.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    12,00 €

    An ingenious dystopian novel of one young woman's resistance against the constraints of an oppressive society

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    17,00 €

    Genie und Wahnsinn: ein Thriller auf höchstem Niveau von Amerikas Literatur-Ikone Joyce Carol OatesUnter dem Pseudonym `Pik-Bube´ verfasst der renommierte Schriftsteller Andrew Rush düster-verstörende Thriller. So leicht ihm das Schreiben dieser rauschhaften Gewaltfantasien weit nach Mitternacht von der Hand geht, so verschwommen ist später seine Erinnerung an den Inhalt. Als ein Plagiatsvorwurf Rushs guten Ruf – und damit seine Existenz und seine Familie – bedroht, ist plötzlich `Pik-Bube´ mit hinterhältigen Ratschlägen zur Stelle. Und fast gegen seinen Willen beginnt Rush ihnen zu folgen ...`Nur wenige Autoren leuchten die dunkelsten Winkel des menschlichen Geistes derart gekonnt aus.´ Seattle Times

  • - New and Selected Stories 1966-2006
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    26,00 €

  • - Life, Craft, Art
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    21,00 €

    A tribute to the brilliant craftsmanship of one of our most distinguished writers, providing valuable insight into her inspiration and her method Joyce Carol Oates is widely regarded as one of America's greatest contemporary literary figures. Having written in a number of genres -- prose, poetry, personal and critical essays, as well as plays -- she is an artist ideally suited to answer essential questions about what makes a story striking, a novel come alive, a writer an artist as well as a craftsman. In The Faith of a Writer, Oates discusses the subjects most important to the narrative craft, touching on topics such as inspiration, memory, self-criticism, and "the unique power of the unconscious." On a more personal note, she speaks of childhood inspirations, offers advice to young writers, and discusses the wildly varying states of mind of a writer at work. Oates also pays homage to those she calls her "significant predecessors" and discusses the importance of reading in the life of a writer. Oates claims, "Inspiration and energy and even genius are rarely enough to make 'art': for prose fiction is also a craft, and craft must be learned, whether by accident or design." In fourteen succinct chapters, The Faith of a Writer provides valuable lessons on how language, ideas, and experience are assembled to create art.

  • - Poems
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    25,00 €

    This collection of fifty-two poems from the author of Angel Fire and Anonymous Sins explores the annihilation of the time-bound ego, a liberating, sometimes terrifying experience for all who live within the "fabulous beast" of history and nature. The poems explore the shifting, elusive point at which the inwardness of individual experience touches upon the larger consciousness of a species or an era, forming a connection with a "self" that goes beyond subjectivity.The poems are grouped into four parts: "Broken Connections," "Forbidden Testimonies," "The Child-Martyr" and "A Posthumous Sketch," are prose poems which, though technically different from the others, are concerned with the same theme-the relationship between the individual and a larger, all-inclusive whole. Neither fatalistic nor rebellious, the poems convey the idea that as long as we live in time we must struggle, and that is this struggle that determines our humanity.

  • - Heroes: Stories to Benefit PROTECT
    von Joyce Carol Oates & Andrew Vachss
    31,00 €

    55 Stories to benefit Protect, the political lobby of the National Association to Protect Children, whose victories include the Circle of Trust act and the HERO Corps, which hires wounded veterans to assist law enforcement in hunting online predators. Contributors include Andrew Vachss, Joyce Carol Oates, Harlan Ellison®, David Morrell, Laird Barron, Linda Rodriguez, Charles de Lint, Hilary Davidson, Joe R. Lansdale, Joelle Charbonneau, Reed Farrel Coleman, SJ Rozan, and Alison Arngrim. 600 pages of fiction of all genres, poems and art, essays and memoirs, to fund one cause: to protect children from abuse and exploitation of all kinds. 100% of proceeds goes to PROTECT.  Table of Contents: When!? by Linda Sarah The Questions by Alison Arngrim City Water by Allison Glasgow Black and White and Red All Over by David Morrell Silvia Reyes by P.J. Ward Plan B by Andrew Vachss Gatekeeper by Richard Prosch The Night Watch by Susan Schorn One Night in Brownsville by Gary Phillips Silverfish by S.J. Rozan Parental Guidance by Scott Adlerberg Superhero, With Crooked Nails by Rachael Acks Angel by Terrence McCauley Mr. Nance by Linda Rodriguez Something I Said by Bracken MacLeod El Puente by Rios de la Luz Mesquite by Graham Wynd Level 5 by C.R. Jahn On the Road to La Grange by Karina Cooper Reprisals: Enmity by John A. Curley The Whistler in the Graveyard by Chad Eagleton (illustration by Dyer Wilk) Solar Highway by S.A. Solomon Jibber Jabber by Reed Farrel Coleman Doll: A Poem by Jyl Anais Ion (illustrations by Jyl Anais Ion) Doggone Justice by Joe R. Lansdale The Occurrence of the Black Mirror by Teel James Glenn Sister Cecilia by Hilary Davidson Croatoan by Harlan Ellison® Little Howl on the Prairie by Thomas Pluck Things Held Dear by Neliza Drew 49 Foot Woman Straps It On by Laird Barron Moon Over the Midwest by Elizabeth Amber Love Sixth Floor by Albert Tucher Adamsville by Clare Toohey Point of View by Will Graham High Meadow Storm by Wayne Dundee Out of Context by Joelle Charbonneau Lone by Alex Segura (illustrations by Dennis Calero) Love and Valour on ‘the Victorian Titanic’ by Gill Hoffs Just Pretend by Martyn Waites Freak by Charles de Lint The New Heroes of the Old Fairgrounds by K.L. Pereira When the Hammer Comes Down by Josh Stallings Stretching Fifteen by Angel Luis Colón Bounty by Jerry Bloomfield Light-Bringer by Laura K. Curtis Hercules and the Spawn of the Titans by Michael A. Black How to Paint Your Dragon by Andrew D’Apice Don’t Fear the Ripper by Holly West Two Views by Tim Daly A Hundred Pearls by Errick Nunnally Snapshots by Christopher Irvin Deceit by Joyce Carol Oates The Perfect Weapon by Zak Mucha An Open Letter to the Children of the Secret by Dionysios Dionou Behavior is Truth by Gwyndyn T. Alexander Pigeons for Protect! by Linda Sarah 

  • - Stories
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    22,00 €

    A mesmerizing storyteller who seems almost unnaturally able to enter the tormented inner lives of her characters.Denver PostBlack Dahlia White Rose is a brilliant collection of short fiction from National Book Award winner and New York Times bestselling author Joyce Carol Oates, one of the most acclaimed writers of our time. These stores, at once lyrical and unsettling, shine with the authors trademark fascination with finding the unpredictable amidst the prosaicfrom her imaginative recreation of friendship between two tragically doomed young women (Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Short), to the tale of an infidelity as deeply human as it is otherworldly. Black Dahlia White Rose is a major offering from one of the most important artists in contemporary American literature; a superb collection that showcases Joyce Carol Oatess ferocious energy and darkly imaginative storytelling power.

  • - 1973-1982
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    27,00 €

    When her journals began, 34-year-old Oates was already a recipient of the National Book Award (1969), with many O Henry awards, and others, under her literary belt. This volume focuses on excerpts from that first decade, 1973-1983, one of the productive of Oates' long career.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    23,00 €

    Maps the surprising contours of ordinary life, exploring how the power of violence, loss, and grief shape both the psyche and the soul.

  • - Stories
    von Joyce Carol Oates
    27,00 €

    A collection of thirteen spellbinding stories that maps the eerie darkness within us all.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    10,00 €

    Hard-hitting, page-turning and celebratory of friendship in unlikely circumstances, Joyce Carol Oates' sure touch with small town life hits home in her first young adult novel.

  • von Joyce Carol Oates
    17,00 €

    A tale of murder, loss and romance in the mist of Niagara Falls: it is the crowning achievement of Joyce Carol Oates's career to date.

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