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Bücher von Jr.

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  • von Jr. & John Lovato
    42,00 €

  • von Jr. & L. O. Rabon
    19,00 €

    For centuries, Christians around the world have used the four weeks leading up to Christmas to prepare themselves for the celebration of Jesus' birth. The Christian church has also observed Christmas as a season beginning on Christmas Day and ending on Epiphany. These devotionals are an aid to fully embracing the seasons of Advent and Christmas. They combine the Biblical texts for Advent and Christmas found in the Revised Common Lectionary with Christian hymns that express these great truths. This book is offered with the prayer that it will help you worship Messiah Jesus more thoughtfully and meaningfully during the Advent and Christmas seasons.

  • - Alternative Proofs in Mathematical Practice
    von Jr. & John W. Dawson
    57,00 - 79,00 €

    Each chapter that follows provides a detailed case study of alternative proofs for particular theorems, including the Pythagorean Theorem, the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Desargues' Theorem, the Prime Number Theorem, and the proof of the irreducibility of cyclotomic polynomials.Why Prove It Again?

  • von Jr. & Martin Luther King
    8,00 €

    'Far from being the pious injunction of a Utopian dreamer, the command to love one's enemy is an absolute necessity for our survival'Advocating love as strength and non-violence as the most powerful weapon there is, these sermons and writings from the heart of the civil rights movement show Martin Luther King's rhetorical power at its most fiery and uplifting.One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series. This new selection showcases a diverse list of thinkers who have helped shape our world today, from anarchists to stoics, feminists to prophets, satirists to Zen Buddhists.

  • von Jr. & Thure Magnuson
    54,00 €

  • von Jr. & Hendrith Vanlon Smith
    22,00 €

  • von Jr. & Nick J. Guevara
    19,00 €

  • - Student and Teacher Learning in Secondary Schools
    von Jr., Christine Clayton & James Kilbane
    41,00 - 114,80 €

    Inquiry in Tandem explores how engaging in teacher and student inquirysimultaneously promotes professional development that impacts teacher practice and studentlearning in powerful ways.

  • - The Discipline and Its Dimensions
    von Jr. & Nathaniel Norment
    62,40 - 149,80 €

    African American Studies: The Discipline and Its Dimensions is a comprehensive resource book that recounts the development of the discipline and provides a basic reference source for sixteen areas of knowledge.

  • von Jr. & Ronald J. Krotoszynski
    117,00 €

    Demonstrates how the Supreme Court enforces rules against content and viewpoint discrimination, but has been less reliable in safeguarding First Amendment rights when ordinary citizens need the government's assistance to speak. This book should be read by anyone concerned with free speech and its place in democratic self-government.

  • von Jr. & Robert G. Beard
    23,00 - 31,00 €

  • - Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice
    von Jr. & Joseph E. Flynn
    103,70 €

    White Fatigue: Rethinking Resistance for Social Justice ultimately argues that if we are to advance our national conversation on race then educators must be willing to define reactions to conversations about race with more nuances, lest we alienate potential allies, accomplices, and leaders in the fight against racial injustice.

  • von Jr., Reno) Bach & Bernhard W. (University of Nevada
    32,00 - 85,00 €

    An informal and practically focused introduction for undergraduate students exploring infinite series and sequences in engineering and the physical sciences. With a focus on practical applications in real world situations, it helps students to conceptualize the theory with real-world examples and to build their skill set.

  • - A Lifetime in Medicine: 1946-1990
    von Jr., MD. Sellers, Thomas F & usw.
    23,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Jr., Joseph H & M.D. Hafkenschiel
    25,00 - 35,00 €

  • von Jr. & William G. Eliot
    40,00 €

  • von Jr. & Henry Ware
    26,00 €

  • - Pastoral Rhetoric and the Deviant Speaker
    von Jr., Professor of English, Washington And Lee University, usw.
    58,00 - 105,00 €

    This book examines how the medieval clergy tried to govern the day-to-day speech of Western Christians. It explores, for the first time, how Chaucer, Langland, Gower and the 'Patience' poet presented and judged these attempts to label Sins of the Tongue.

  • von Jr. & Albert D. Audette
    70,00 €

  • von Jr. & Marc D. Johnson
    15,00 €

  • von Jr., Curtis Taylor & Dr. Shameka Pointer
    24,00 €

  • von Jr. & FRANK M. CONAWAY
    26,00 €

  • von Jr. & FRANK M. CONAWAY
    17,00 €

  • von Jr., Montiville B. Wellman & John B. Wellman
    25,00 €

  • von Jr. & Philip E. Burnham
    21,00 €

    Philip E. Burnham, Jr. published six previous books of poetry over the course of his life: Winter Dreams (Ibbetson Street Press, 2015), Shore Lines: Poems from the Water's Edge (Ibbetson Street Press, 2012), A Careful Scattering: Poems for the End of the Year, illustrated by Louise and Elizabeth Burnham (Cervená Barva Press, 2007), Housekeeping: Poems Out of the Ordinary (Ibbetson Street Press, 2005), Sailing from Boston: Poems of Loss and Remembrance (Ibbetson Street Press, 2003), and My Neighbor Adam (Mellen Poetry Press, 2003).

  • von Jr. & FRANK M. CONAWAY
    21,00 €

    FREE PDF @{ I OFFER TO YOU ONE OF THE ANSWERS TO REVELATION 13:18. THE QUESTION FROM " ONE " OF THE KING JAMES VERSIONS [ ] OF THE HOLY BIBLE READS: " HERE IS WISDOM. LET HIM THAT HATH UNDERSTANDING COUNT THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST: FOR IT IS THE NUMBER OF A MAN [MY NOTE: MEN]; AND HIS [ SO MAN --BORN FALLEN! IS THAT ALL MEN?]NUMBER IS SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX; TRANSLATED BY MR. J. M. PRYSE AS: " Here is clever-ness: let him who has the intuitive mind compute the number of the Beast; for it is the number of a man [ MAN ], and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." "' Here is cleverness '- Would be, in the English idiom, ' HERE is a puzzle. ' The number of the Beast is simply he phren, the letters of which, as numerals, total 666; the lower Mind = 666. HE-PHREN, the Greek term = THE LOWER MIND = 666 = " THE EGO "!

  • von Jr. & O. Wesley Allen
    46,00 €

    When it comes to understanding a passage in the Bible, context is everything. What historical events surround a books composition? What larger literary unit is a given passage part of? What central themes explored by the book touch on the verses in question? If we dont know the answer to questions like these, we are ill-prepared...

  • von Jr. & Walland Philip Vrbancic
    30,00 €

    DOS 4.1 is a reimagined Disk Operating System for the Apple II computer, released in 2018. Programmed by Walland Philip Vrbancic, Jr., a professional programmer since 1983. It contains the power and the flexibility that he always thought DOS should have, while remaining compatible with DOS 3.3. This book, encompassing over 240 pages, explains all new features in detail. Highlights of DOS 4.1 Improvements:? A rebuilt Zero Page, faster Variable Handling, more extensive Time Stamps, and an Expanded Catalog and File Manager.- Complete support for Language Cards and popular Clock cards, as well as additions for homebrew ROM modifications.- Included tools have been enhanced specifically for DOS 4.1, including Big Mac, CFFA Volume Manager, Disk Window, GPLE, Sourceror, and others.- Many new commands and enhancements to existing commands.

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