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Bücher von Julia Donaldson

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  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Zog is the keenest dragon in school. He's also the most accident-prone, flying into trees and even setting his own wing on fire. Luckily, a mysterious little girl always comes by and patches up his bumps and bruises. But will she be able to help Zog with his toughest test: capturing a princess?

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler are at their sparkling best in this fabulously original sequel to the bestselling ZOG. Meet the Flying Doctors: Princess Pearl, Sir Gadabout and, of course, their trusty 'air ambulance', Zog the dragon, as they fly around the country, tending to a sunburnt mermaid, a distressed unicorn, and even a sneezy lion.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Join the witch and her animal friends for a broomstick adventure!

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    A witty farmyard thriller from the author of THE GRUFFALO!

  • von Julia Donaldson
    11,00 - 18,00 €

    This is the tale of a tiny snail, and a great big grey-blue humpback whale.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    8,98 €

    Inspired by the real-life Ugly Five safari animals, THE UGLY FIVE is a jubilant celebration of creatures that are often rather unloved. The animals proudly rejoice in their ugliness, while their babies tell them they're perfect just the way they are. A funny, heart-warming rhyme that is a joy to read aloud, with bold, comical illustrations.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    9,48 - 9,98 €

    Poor little monkey! He's lost his mum. Luckily butterfly is nearby to help him find her . . .

  • von Julia Donaldson
    9,98 €

    Find out what happens when the clever mouse meets a hungry Gruffalo in the nation's favourite bedtime story!

  • von Julia Donaldson
    9,98 - 18,00 €

    The bestselling sequel to The Gruffalo, available in big book format!

  • 21% sparen
    von Julia Donaldson
    28,00 €

    The bestselling picture book, available in large format!

  • von Julia Donaldson
    10,00 €

    What do you do when your house is a squash and a squeeze? Make it feel even smaller!

  • von Julia Donaldson
    13,00 €

    A warm tale about a friendly giant whose heart is better than his dress sense!

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    The breathtakingly beautiful story of one little girl and her five paper dolls.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Spinderella the spider has a passion for football! She tries to play a match with her brothers and sisters but she doesn't know how many spiders should be on each team. Even worse, she can't count the goals! Luckily for Spinderella, her Hairy Godmother has a plan...

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Never fear, Superworm's here! He can fish Spider out of a well, and rescue Toad from a busy road. But who will come to Superworm's rescue, when he's captured by a wicked Wizard Lizard? Luckily, all of Superworm's insect friends have a cunning plan...

  • von Julia Donaldson
    9,98 - 13,00 €

    "Stick Man lives in the family tree With his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three." But it's dangerous being a Stick Man. A dog wants to play with him, a swan builds her nest with him. He even ends up on a fire! Will he ever get back to the family tree?

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Celebrate twenty-five years of the modern classic The Gruffalo with this special anniversary edition of the story, featuring bonus extra material.

  • von Lucy Richards & Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    One of Julia Donaldson’s classic picture book stories about two monkeys who are as different as night and day.Night Monkey and Day Monkey don’t think they have much in common. But when they each spend time in the other's opposite worlds, they learn a lot. And they also learn to be the best of friends.One of the finest rhyming picture book stories from Julia Donaldson, the author behind The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom and What The Ladybird Heard. Full of fun and food for thought, Night Monkey, Day Monkey is beautifully drawn by Lucy Richards, one of the most talented illustrators drawing today.

  • - A new Tales from Acorn Wood story
    von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Cat's Cookbook by Julia Donaldson is an intriguing book published in 2021. It belongs to a genre that is yet to be explored by many. The book is a unique blend of fascinating stories that revolves around a cat and its adventures. The cat's journey is filled with various experiences, each teaching a new recipe. The narrative style of Julia Donaldson is captivating and makes the reader immerse in the world of the cat. The book was published by Pan Macmillan, a renowned publisher known for bringing out some of the best books in the market. The book is written in English and is a must-read for all the book lovers out there. Explore the world of the cat and its recipes by getting your copy today!

  • 18% sparen
    von Julia Donaldson
    14,00 €

    A splendid alphabet of animals from the UK's favourite children's author, Julia Donaldson, and visionary illustrator Sharon King-Chai.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    16,00 €

    Find out what's so important about Ron Rabbit's Egg in this phonics story collection from Julia Donaldson. This Read with Oxford Stage 2 collection is ideal for children who are developing early reading skillsRead with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully levelled reading books to build your child's reading confidence.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    14,00 €

    The tiny hermit crab loves his new shell. He doesn't want to share it - not with a blobby purple anemone and a tickly bristleworm. But life in the rock pool proves tougher than Crab thinks, and soon he finds he needs his new housemates in this rollicking story of sea, shells and friendship.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Every day, Tiddler is late for school, and every day he has another tall tale for his teacher. But did he really ride a seahorse? Did he really meet a mermaid? And who will believe him when he really does get captured in a net? TIDDLER is a classic of the future, with a little hero that all children will identify with.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    9,98 - 12,00 €

    Eleven brilliant books in one! A glorious, playful celebration of the joy of books and reading.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    18,00 €

    Räuber Ratte. "Rozbijnik Shhur? ? zahopliva avantjurna knizhka vid avtorki bestseleriv nomer odin ne lishe u Velikobritaniji, ale j u vs'omu sviti Dzhuliji Donal'dson. Virshovana istorija, jaka zahopljue z pershogo rjadka ta darue jaskravi vrazhennja! istorija rozpovidae pro nechemnogo shhura rozbijnika, jakij skache po dorozi na svoemu koni ta postijno vidbirae u zustrichnih jihnju jizhu. Konjushinu u krolika, gorihi u bilki ta navit' sino svogo konja ? vse jomu hochet'sja prisvojiti. Ta odnogo razu na shljahu bandita zustrichaet'sja hitra kachka, jaka ne hoche viddavati svogo. Chi otrimae nareshti Shhur vidplatu ta zrozumie ganebnist' svojih vchinkiv? Diznavajtesja z knigi! Barvisti iljustraciji, stvoreni talanovitim Akselem Shefflerom, chudovo dopovnjujut' istoriju ta dopomagajut' ditjam povnistju zanuritisja u prigodu! Kniga "Rozbijnik Shhur? bula adaptovana dlja populjarnogo animacijnogo fil'mu na BBC One za uchastju Devida Tennanta, Nini Sosan'ji, Roba Brajdona ta Toma Hollandera.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    19,00 €

    Superwurm. «Supercherv'jak» - ce jaskrava ta zapal'na istorija, jaka dopovnena kumednimi ta barvistimi iljustracijami Akselja Shefflera. Chitati jiji legko, cikavo ta veselo! Kogo mi vvazhaemo supergeroem?! Zvichajno, togo hto vidriznjaet'sja neabijakoju smilivistju ta zavzhdi gotovij prijti na dopomogu. Vse ce pro nejmovirnogo Supercherv'jaka, golovnogo geroja odnojmennoji knizhki Dzhuliji Donal'dson. Gerojami ne narodzhujut'sja - gerojami stajut'. Ce v povnij miri pokazue personazh virshovanoji istoriji «Supercherv'jak». Vin nadzvichajno horobrij ta duzhij, a takozh chudovij drug, jakij gotovij vrjatuvati tih, hto v bidi, z najskrutnishoji situaciji. istorija v knizhci rozpovidae pro Supercherv'jaka, jakij aktivno ta vidchajdushno dopomagae inshim tvarinam. Ale zh kudi bez antigeroja?! Nim vistupae zlij Jashhirkovich, jakij hoche vidibrati u cherv'jaka jogo sili. Chi zmozhe golovnij geroj dati vidsich negidniku? Diznavajtesja z knizhki.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    18,00 €

    The Fish Who Cried Wolf. Sjuzhet virshovanoji istoriji «V'jurchik. Ribun-balakun» rozpovidae pro malen'ku ribku V'jurchika z duzhe VELIKOJu ujavoju. Golovnij geroj z legkistju vihodit' z ljuboji situaciji, vigadujuchi sobi nezvichajni vipravdannja. Napriklad: «Vibachte. Spiznivsja. Z vos'minogom bivsja...». Ta shho zh rozpovist' V'jurchik, koli popade u spravzhnju prigodu, zagubivshis' u shirokih prostorah okeanu?! i chi zmozhe vin vidshukati shljah do domu? istorija v knizi zacharovue svoeju zabavnistju ta darue nadzvichajno priemnij nastrij. Vona zahopljue, trimajuchi u cikavosti do samogo zakinchennja. iljustraciji do knigi namaljuvav nezrivnjannij u svoji spravi Aksel' Sheffler. Zavdjaki jogo talantu nove tvorinnja Dzhuliji Donal'dson take barviste, a geroji v n'omu duzhe harizmatichni. Perekladom virshokazki zajmavsja majster slova Volodimir Chernishenko, jakij zrobiv jiji legkoju dlja chitannja ta zapam'jatovuvannja. Kniga «V'jurchik. Ribun-balakun» , stane chudovim provedennjam vil'nogo chasu, rozvivajuchi ujavu ditej ta vihovujuchi u nih vazhlivi moral'ni jakosti. Chitajte z zadovolennjam, otrimujuchi jaskravi emociji.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    15,00 €

    D'Liewen ass net einfach fir den Här Äschtchen, dee stänneg mat engem hondsgewéinleche Bengel verwiesselt gëtt. Hie wëll moies just seng kleng Ronn dréien, wéi hien ënnerwee eng sëlleg geféierlech Aventuren erlieft, déi hie wäit ewech vun doheem féieren ... Ma esou séier gëtt hien net op, fir de Wee zeréck bei seng Famill ze fannen an um Enn kritt hien zauberhaft Hëllef. Déi faarweräich Illustratioune si wéi gewinnt vum Axel Scheffler an den Originaltext, deen d'Martine Schoellen an d'Lëtzebuergescht iwwerdroen huet, staamt vum Julia Donaldson.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    10,00 €

    A fun-packed search-and-find book based on the bestselling picture books by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

  • von Julia Donaldson
    12,00 €

    Julia Donaldson celebrates her young readers and the diversity of names in this unique and very special picture book

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