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Bücher von K M A Ahamed Zubair

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  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    Es un hecho ampliamente reconocido que, incluso antes de la aparición del Islam, los árabes habían establecido relaciones comerciales con los habitantes de la costa occidental del sur de la India. Sus barcos, cargados de mercancías, frecuentaban los puertos de la costa occidental y viajaban a Extremo Oriente a través de Ceilán. Algunos árabes se establecieron en diversas partes de la península india, donde los lugareños se familiarizaron con el árabe a través de ellos. La propagación del Islam se aceleró con la llegada de comerciantes musulmanes, que animaron a sus seguidores a memorizar secciones del Corán para recitarlas a diario durante las cinco oraciones obligatorias. Como el Corán aún no se había traducido a las lenguas locales, los musulmanes lo estudiaban en su forma árabe original. Los comerciantes árabes se sintieron obligados a organizar las enseñanzas coránicas y, más tarde, las tradiciones del Profeta para sus hijos y la comunidad local, utilizando las mezquitas como centros educativos. Importaron auténtica literatura islámica, a menudo traída por los peregrinos, lo que facilitó la difusión del conocimiento islámico por el sur de la India. En el norte de la India, la lengua persa se impregnó junto a los invasores musulmanes procedentes de Persia y Afganistán, convirtiéndose con el tiempo en la lengua oficial del país.

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    È ampiamente riconosciuto che, anche prima della comparsa dell'Islam, gli arabi avevano stabilito legami commerciali con gli abitanti della costa occidentale dell'India meridionale. Le loro navi, cariche di merci, frequentavano i porti della costa occidentale e viaggiavano verso l'Estremo Oriente passando per Ceylon. Alcuni arabi si stabilirono in varie parti della penisola indiana, dove gli abitanti del luogo impararono a conoscere l'arabo grazie a loro. La diffusione dell'Islam accelerò con l'arrivo dei commercianti musulmani, che incoraggiarono gli adepti a memorizzare sezioni del Corano da recitare quotidianamente durante le cinque preghiere obbligatorie. Poiché il Corano non era ancora stato tradotto nelle lingue locali, i musulmani lo studiavano nella sua forma originale in arabo. I commercianti arabi si sentirono obbligati a organizzare gli insegnamenti coranici e, più tardi, le tradizioni del Profeta per i loro figli e per la comunità locale, utilizzando le moschee come centri educativi. Importarono l'autentica letteratura islamica, spesso portata dai pellegrini, facilitando la diffusione della conoscenza islamica nell'India meridionale. Nell'India settentrionale, la lingua persiana si diffuse insieme agli invasori musulmani provenienti dalla Persia e dall'Afghanistan, diventando infine la lingua ufficiale del Paese.

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    Il est largement admis que, même avant l'apparition de l'islam, les Arabes avaient établi des relations commerciales avec les habitants de la côte ouest de l'Inde du Sud. Leurs navires, chargés de marchandises, fréquentaient les ports de la côte ouest et se rendaient en Extrême-Orient via Ceylan. Certains Arabes s'installèrent dans diverses régions de la péninsule indienne, où les habitants se familiarisèrent avec l'arabe par leur intermédiaire. La propagation de l'islam s'est accélérée avec l'arrivée des commerçants musulmans, qui ont encouragé les adeptes à mémoriser des passages du Coran pour les réciter quotidiennement lors des cinq prières obligatoires. Le Coran n'étant pas encore traduit dans les langues locales, les musulmans l'étudiaient dans sa forme arabe originale. Les commerçants arabes se sont sentis obligés d'organiser l'enseignement du Coran et, plus tard, des traditions du Prophète pour leurs enfants et la communauté locale, en utilisant les mosquées comme centres éducatifs. Ils ont importé de la littérature islamique authentique, souvent apportée par des pèlerins, facilitant ainsi la diffusion des connaissances islamiques dans le sud de l'Inde. Dans le nord de l'Inde, la langue persane s'est répandue aux côtés des envahisseurs musulmans venus de Perse et d'Afghanistan, devenant finalement la langue officielle du pays.

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    É amplamente reconhecido que, mesmo antes do aparecimento do Islão, os árabes tinham estabelecido ligações comerciais com os habitantes da costa ocidental do Sul da Índia. Os seus navios, carregados de mercadorias, frequentavam os portos da costa ocidental e viajavam para o Extremo Oriente através do Ceilão. Alguns árabes estabeleceram-se em várias partes da península indiana, onde os habitantes locais se familiarizaram com a língua árabe através deles. A difusão do Islão acelerou com a chegada dos comerciantes muçulmanos, que incentivaram os adeptos a memorizar secções do Alcorão para as recitarem diariamente durante as cinco orações obrigatórias. Como o Alcorão ainda não estava traduzido para as línguas locais, os muçulmanos estudavam-no na sua forma original árabe. Os comerciantes árabes sentiram-se obrigados a organizar os ensinamentos do Alcorão e, mais tarde, as tradições do Profeta para os seus filhos e para a comunidade local, utilizando as mesquitas como centros educativos. Importaram literatura islâmica autêntica, frequentemente trazida por peregrinos, facilitando a difusão do conhecimento islâmico no Sul da Índia. No Norte da Índia, a língua persa impregnou-se de invasores muçulmanos da Pérsia e do Afeganistão, acabando por se tornar a língua oficial do país.

  • von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    43,90 €

    Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass die Araber bereits vor dem Aufkommen des Islam Handelsbeziehungen mit den Bewohnern der südindischen Westküste unterhielten. Ihre mit Waren beladenen Schiffe liefen die Häfen an der Westküste an und fuhren über Ceylon in den Fernen Osten. Einige Araber ließen sich in verschiedenen Teilen der indischen Halbinsel nieder, wo die Einheimischen durch sie mit der arabischen Sprache vertraut wurden. Die Ausbreitung des Islams beschleunigte sich mit der Ankunft muslimischer Händler, die ihre Anhänger ermutigten, Abschnitte des Korans auswendig zu lernen und täglich während der fünf Pflichtgebete zu rezitieren. Da der Koran noch nicht in lokale Sprachen übersetzt war, studierten die Muslime ihn in seiner ursprünglichen arabischen Form. Arabische Händler fühlten sich verpflichtet, ihren Kindern und der lokalen Gemeinschaft Koranlehren und später auch die Traditionen des Propheten zu vermitteln, indem sie Moscheen als Bildungszentren nutzten. Sie importierten authentische islamische Literatur, die oft von Pilgern mitgebracht wurde, und förderten so die Verbreitung des islamischen Wissens in Südindien. In Nordindien setzte sich neben den muslimischen Invasoren aus Persien und Afghanistan auch die persische Sprache durch, die schließlich zur Amtssprache des Landes wurde.

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    It is widely acknowledged that even before the emergence of Islam, Arabs had established trade connections with the inhabitants of South India's west coast. Their vessels, loaded with merchandise, frequented the ports along the west coast and voyaged to the Far East via Ceylon. Some Arabs settled in various parts of the Indian peninsula, where the locals became acquainted with Arabic through them. The spread of Islam accelerated with the arrival of Muslim traders, who encouraged adherents to memorize sections of the Quran for daily recitation during the five obligatory prayers. As the Quran wasn't yet translated into local languages, Muslims studied it in its original Arabic form. Arab traders felt obliged to arrange Quranic teachings and later, Prophet traditions for their children and the local community, using mosques as educational centers. They imported authentic Islamic literature, often brought by pilgrims, facilitating the spread of Islamic knowledge across South India. In North India, Persian language permeated alongside Muslim invaders from Persia and Afghanistan, eventually becoming the country's official language.

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    In the pursuit of fostering a deeper understanding of Islamic teachings and values among our young generation, it's with utmost pleasure that this book embarks on a journey into the visionary world of Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi. Within these pages, we delve into the profound impact of Al-Nadwi's methodologies and pedagogical approaches in Islamic literature crafted specifically for the impressionable minds of our youth.Abul Hasan Ali al-Nadwi, a luminary in the realm of Islamic scholarship, envisioned a world where the vibrant tapestry of Islamic teachings was intricately woven into the fabric of children's literature. His works stand as a testament to his foresight, encapsulating a blend of Islamic ethos, cultural richness, and educational enlightenment meticulously tailored for young readers.This book seeks to unravel the underlying pedagogical foundations and methodologies embedded within Al-Nadwi's literature. It aims to dissect the essence of his approach, elucidating how his writings transcend mere narratives, offering a methodology steeped in Islamic teachings and an educational framework fostering moral development and cultural understanding.

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

    In the fascinating journey of exploring the rich heritage of the Arwi Muslim community, this book aims to uncover the unique traditions, scholarly contributions, and cultural expressions that have flourished through centuries. Delving into the intricate tapestry of Arwi history, language, and customs, this work seeks to capture the essence of a vibrant community that has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of Tamil Nadu and beyond.Within the diverse fabric of the Arwi Muslim community lies a treasure trove of traditions and practices that reflect a distinctive blend of Arabic and Tamil influences. This book endeavors to illuminate the multifaceted aspects of this community's legacy, from the unique method of teaching Arabic to the sublime compositions that resonate with spiritual depth. From the eloquent epistles penned in poetic Arabic to the invocation for rain and the melodic folk songs reminiscent of Tamil culture, the Arwi Muslims have crafted a rich tapestry of expressions that blend faith, scholarship, and cultural nuances.

  • 17% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    42,00 €

    The literary landscape across various regions in India, particularly in areas like Vaniyambadi, Virinjipuram, Walajabad, Thiruvannamalai, and others, has been richly adorned by the contributions of numerous scholars, poets, and writers. Their diverse works, encompassing languages like Urdu, Arabic, Persian, and Tamil, have not only preserved cultural heritage but also enriched it with religious, philosophical, and literary depth. This compilation aims to highlight the impactful contributions of these remarkable personalities, shedding light on their works, legacies, and significant literary feats.The exploration into the literary tapestry of various Indian regions brings to the forefront a vibrant mosaic of poets, scholars, and writers. Among these luminaries, individuals like Dr. Azeez Tamannai, Badshah, Gundu Khaja Abdul Khader Shakir, and others stand as pillars, leaving indelible marks through their poetic, scholarly, and religious contributions. Spanning across languages, these figures have wielded Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Tamil, and even Sanskrit and Hindi words, infusing their compositions with an eclectic blend of linguistic richness.

  • von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    19,00 €

    Torgowcy-araby-musul'mane i korennye tamily, prinqwshie islam w shtate Tamilnad w Indii, i Shri-Lanka wstupili w bolee tesnyj kontakt w rezul'tate swoej kommercheskoj deqtel'nosti. Oni byli swqzany obschej religiej, no razdeleny dwumq raznymi qzykami. Oni chuwstwowali neobhodimost' w qzyke ssylok. Oni nachali pisat' na tamil'skom qzyke adaptirowannym arabskim shriftom pod nazwaniem Arwi. S wos'mogo po dewqtnadcatyj wek ätot qzyk pol'zowalsq populqrnost'ü sredi goworqschih na tamil'skom qzyke musul'man Tamil Nadu i Shri-Lanki. Cennye i poleznye idei tamil'skih musul'manskih umow byli peredany na arabizirowannom tamil'skom qzyke pod nazwaniem Arwi. On okazal wes'ma poleznuü uslugu razwitiü i progressu arabskoj i tamil'skoj kul'tur. Odnako w nachale HH weka ätot qzyk prishel w upadok. I ne bylo predprinqto nikakih shagow, chtoby ostanowit' äto padenie. Vychislitel'noe issledowanie qzyka Arwi bylo ob#qsneno w ätoj knige s ego problemami kodirowaniq i resheniqmi so special'noj ssylkoj na Unicode. Problemy i problemy kodirowaniq Arwi mozhno reshit', prinqw simwoly Unicode dlq wwoda qzyka Arwi. Segodnq sistema pechati nuzhdaetsq w takih resheniqh kodirowaniq, dlq togo, chtoby sdelat' zadachu pechati namnogo prosche.

  • von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    60,90 €

  • 18% sparen
  • 18% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    22,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    24,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    37,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    60,90 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    22,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    60,90 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von K M A Ahamed Zubair
    50,00 €

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