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Bücher von Kamal Nain Chopra

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  • 19% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    69,00 €

    Nearly all the aspects of dusty plasmas like Dynamics of Dusty Plasmas, Debye length, Applications of Dusty Plasmas in Industry and Astrophysics, Plasma Treatment for Biomedical Field, Applications of Dusty Plasmas in Material Science, and Devices for Plasma Diagnostics, have been discussed in this book in quite detail. For giving a deeper understanding of the Debye length, its significance in electrolytic solution and semiconductor, in addition to that in dusty plasma has also been given. In order to broaden the area of the applications of plasma science, a Chapter on the Plasma Treatment for Biomedical Applications, has also been added, since the applications of dusty plasmas are in general limited to Industry and Astrophysics; and Material Science. However, this chapter also touches a brief discussion of the use of dusty plasmas in Biology and Medicine.

  • von Kamal Nain Chopra
    79,90 €

    Dieses Buch soll den Leser mit verschiedenen theoretischen und experimentellen Studien zu verschiedenen Themen von Interesse im Bereich "Erneuerbare Energien und Umweltschutz" vertraut machen und ihn in die Lage versetzen, ein Forschungsthema zu wählen, das seinem Interesse und Verständnis entspricht. Die Auswahl der Themen wurde von den Autoren auf der Grundlage ihres theoretischen und experimentellen Hintergrunds und verschiedener Interaktionen mit Wissenschaftlern und Akademikern während ihrer Arbeit in DRDO-Labors (wie LASTEC, IRDE und GTRE), IIT, Delhi, und ausländischen Labors in Frankreich, Österreich, der Schweiz und Italien getroffen. Verschiedene wichtige Themen wie Phosphatgläser und faseroptische Verstärker für Anwendungen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien, röntgenstrahlfreie Elektronenlaser für die Kontrolle der Umweltverschmutzung, die Verwendung optischer Thyristoren bei der Energiespeicherung und Closed-Loop-Technologien im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien wurden behandelt. Das Buch dürfte für Studenten, Forscher und Technologen, die sich mit dem faszinierenden Gebiet der erneuerbaren Energien und der Bekämpfung der Umweltverschmutzung durch den Einsatz von Lasern und verwandten Geräten beschäftigen, sehr nützlich sein.

  • 19% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    65,00 €

    Este libro pretende familiarizar al lector con diversos estudios teóricos y experimentales de varios temas de interés en "Energías Renovables y Control de la Contaminación", y además permitirle elegir el tema de investigación basado en su interés y comprensión. La elección de los temas ha sido hecha por los autores sobre la base de sus antecedentes teóricos y experimentales y varias interacciones con científicos y académicos, mientras trabajaban en laboratorios DRDO (como LASTEC, IRDE, y GTRE), IIT, Delhi, y laboratorios extranjeros en Francia, Austria, Suiza e Italia. Se han tratado varios temas importantes, como los vidrios de fosfato y los amplificadores de fibra óptica para aplicaciones en energías renovables, los láseres de electrones libres de rayos X para el control de la contaminación, el uso de tiristores ópticos en el almacenamiento de energía y las tecnologías de bucle cerrado en energías renovables. El libro será de gran utilidad para estudiantes, investigadores y tecnólogos dedicados a este fascinante campo de las energías renovables y el control de la contaminación mediante el uso de láseres y dispositivos relacionados.

  • 19% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    65,00 €

    Este livro destina-se a familiarizar o leitor com vários estudos teóricos e experimentais de vários tópicos de interesse em "Energias Renováveis e Controlo da Poluição", e permitir-lhe ainda escolher o tema da investigação com base no seu interesse e compreensão. A escolha dos tópicos foi feita pelos autores com base nos seus antecedentes teóricos e experimentais e em várias interacções com cientistas e académicos, enquanto trabalhavam nos laboratórios DRDO (como LASTEC, IRDE, e GTRE), IIT, Delhi, e laboratórios estrangeiros em França, Áustria, Suíça, e Itália. Foram discutidos vários tópicos importantes, incluindo Vidros de Fosfato e Amplificadores de Fibra Óptica para Aplicações em Energias Renováveis, lasers de electrões sem raios X para controlo da Poluição, utilização de Tiristores Ópticos no armazenamento de Energia, e Tecnologias de Circuito Fechado em Energias Renováveis. O livro deverá ser bastante útil para os estudantes, investigadores e tecnólogos envolvidos neste fascinante campo das Energias Renováveis e Controlo da Poluição, utilizando lasers e os dispositivos relacionados.

  • 13% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    31,00 €

    Jeta kniga prizwana poznakomit' chitatelq s razlichnymi teoreticheskimi i äxperimental'nymi issledowaniqmi po razlichnym temam, predstawlqüschim interes w oblasti "Vozobnowlqemoj änergetiki i kontrolq zagrqzneniq", i w dal'nejshem dat' emu wozmozhnost' wybrat' temu issledowaniq, osnowywaqs' na swoem interese i ponimanii. Vybor tem byl sdelan awtorami na osnowe ih teoreticheskogo i äxperimental'nogo opyta i razlichnyh wzaimodejstwij s uchenymi i akademikami wo wremq raboty w laboratoriqh DRDO (takih kak LASTEC, IRDE, i GTRE), IIT, Deli, i zarubezhnyh laboratoriqh wo Francii, Awstrii, Shwejcarii i Italii. Obsuzhdaütsq razlichnye wazhnye temy, wklüchaq fosfatnye stekla i wolokonno-opticheskie usiliteli dlq primeneniq w wozobnowlqemoj änergetike, rentgenowskie lazery na swobodnyh älektronah dlq kontrolq zagrqzneniq okruzhaüschej sredy, ispol'zowanie opticheskih tiristorow dlq hraneniq änergii i tehnologii zamknutogo cikla w wozobnowlqemoj änergetike. Kniga budet polezna dlq studentow, issledowatelej i tehnologow, zanqtyh w ätoj uwlekatel'noj oblasti wozobnowlqemoj änergetiki i bor'by s zagrqzneniem okruzhaüschej sredy s pomosch'ü lazerow i sootwetstwuüschih ustrojstw.

  • 19% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    65,00 €

    Questo libro si propone di far conoscere al lettore diversi studi teorici e sperimentali su vari argomenti di interesse nel campo delle "Energie Rinnovabili e Controllo dell'Inquinamento" e di consentirgli di scegliere l'argomento di ricerca in base al suo interesse e alla sua comprensione. La scelta degli argomenti è stata fatta dagli autori sulla base del loro background teorico e sperimentale e di varie interazioni con scienziati e accademici, mentre lavoravano nei laboratori del DRDO (come LASTEC, IRDE e GTRE), dell'IIT di Delhi e di laboratori stranieri in Francia, Austria, Svizzera e Italia. Sono stati trattati vari argomenti importanti, tra cui i vetri fosfatici e gli amplificatori a fibre ottiche per applicazioni nelle energie rinnovabili, i laser a elettroni liberi da raggi X per il controllo dell'inquinamento, l'uso di tiristori ottici nell'accumulo di energia e le tecnologie ad anello chiuso nelle energie rinnovabili. Il libro dovrebbe essere molto utile per gli studenti, i ricercatori e i tecnologi impegnati in questo affascinante campo delle energie rinnovabili e del controllo dell'inquinamento attraverso l'uso dei laser e dei dispositivi correlati.

  • 19% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    65,00 €

    Ce livre a pour but de présenter au lecteur diverses études théoriques et expérimentales sur différents sujets d'intérêt dans le domaine des "énergies renouvelables et de la lutte contre la pollution", et de lui permettre de choisir un sujet de recherche en fonction de son intérêt et de sa compréhension. Le choix des sujets a été fait par les auteurs sur la base de leur expérience théorique et expérimentale et de diverses interactions avec des scientifiques et des universitaires, alors qu'ils travaillaient dans des laboratoires du DRDO (comme LASTEC, IRDE et GTRE), à l'IIT, à Delhi, et dans des laboratoires étrangers en France, en Autriche, en Suisse et en Italie. Divers sujets importants ont été abordés, notamment les verres phosphatés et les amplificateurs à fibre optique pour les applications dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables, les lasers à électrons libres à rayons X pour le contrôle de la pollution, l'utilisation de thyristors optiques pour le stockage de l'énergie et les technologies en boucle fermée dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables. Ce livre devrait être très utile aux étudiants, aux chercheurs et aux technologues engagés dans ce domaine fascinant des énergies renouvelables et du contrôle de la pollution par l'utilisation des lasers et des dispositifs connexes.

  • 19% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    65,00 €

    This book is to acquaint the reader with various theoretical and experimental studies of various topics of interest in ¿Renewable Energy and Pollution Control¿ , and further enable him to choose the topic of research based on his interest and understanding. The choice of the topics has been made by the authors on the basis of their theoretical and experimental background and various interactions with scientists and academicians, while working in DRDO labs (like LASTEC, IRDE, and GTRE), IIT, Delhi, and foreign labs in France, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. Various important topics including Phosphate Glasses and Fiber Optics Amplifiers for Applications in Renewable Energy , X-ray free electron lasers for Pollution control , use of Optical Thyristors in Energy storage, and Closed Loop Technologies in Renewable energy have been discussed. The book should be quite useful for the students, researchers, and the technologists engaged in this fascinating field of Renewable Energy and Pollution Control by using Lasers and the related devices.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    59,00 €

    The present attempt of the author is to acquaint the reader with various theoretical and experimental studies of interest in ¿Optoelectronic Instrumentation for Research in Oceanography¿, a topic on which the availability of literature, especially at one place, is very much required for scientists in particular, and researchers and academicians in general, working in this fascinating field. Practically all the important Optoelectronics devices e.g. SATELLITES, SONAR, and MASERS SYSTEMS having applications in Oceanography have been discussed along with the latest research works available in literature.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kamal Nain Chopra
    59,00 €

    The book deals with the newly emerging techniques of business management. The topics discussed are: minimization of the uncertainties in business for the optimum performance of a firm, documentation of business plan by optimization of the administration¿s function, resource management in commerce, advanced marketing in commerce, methodology of optimizing the financial resources of a firm, creativity and innovation for improving the business, artificial intelligence on management of organization and commerce, organizational behavior, theory, and ecology, entrepreneurship outperforming innovation, education and proposed mathematical model on practicum, role of creativity and innovation in economic growth of business sector, and impact of creativity and spiritualism on efficiency of the media managers. The topics have also been treated mathematically for optimization purposes. Also, some related literature has been given for each topic.

  • von Kamal Nain Chopra
    121,00 €

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