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Bücher von Kanwaljit Chopra

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  • von Kanwaljit Chopra, Kanthi Kiran Kondepudi & Mahendra Bishnoi
    173,00 - 174,00 €

    This volume focuses on the potential use of probiotics in treating metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus, metabolic acidosis, and gut dysbiosis. Chapters draw an association between gut microbiota and its diversity with metabolic diseases like diabetes, obesity, related liver and gut disorders; gut-brain axis; increased inflammation, and a compromised immune system resulting from these manifestations and scope of intervention with probiotics. Special attention is laid on describing the mechanisms of action of such beneficial effects of probiotic administration. The ability of probiotics to decrease metabolic endotoxemia by restoring the disrupted intestinal mucosal barrier is also included.The volume is a comprehensive compilation describing the scope and application of probiotic and prebiotic therapy in treating metabolic disorders. Readers will discover how probiotics are not just confined to the microbiology industry but are showing promising results in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors.

  • von Kanwaljit Chopra
    23,00 €

    Depresja jest jedn¿ z najbardziej rozpowszechnionych i zagräaj¿cych ¿yciu form chorób psychicznych zwi¿zanych ze znaczn¿ niepe¿nosprawno¿ci¿ i ¿miertelno¿ci¿. Stres mo¿e by¿ uwäany za istotny wk¿ad w rozwój zaburze¿ depresyjnych spowodowanych zaburzeniami regulacji osi HPA. Chociä w patogenezie depresji bierze udziä wiele ¿cie¿ek, obecne leki przeciwdepresyjne s¿ ukierunkowane g¿ównie na szlak monoaminergiczny. Jednak potencjä terapeutyczny innych ¿cie¿ek jest nadal badany. Leki ukierunkowane na tlenek azotu, cytokiny i kwas kynureninowy mog¿ by¿ lekami z wyboru w najbli¿szej przysz¿o¿ci. Choroba Alzheimera jest zaburzeniem neurodegeneracyjnym z post¿puj¿c¿ demencj¿. Chociä podstawowe badania nad chorob¿ Alzheimera poczyni¿y w ci¿gu ostatnich 2 dekad znaczne post¿py, obecnie dost¿pne leki s¿ w stanie tymczasowo poprawi¿ objawy poznawcze, a ¿adne leczenie nie mo¿e odwróci¿, zatrzymä, a nawet spowolni¿ tego nieuchronnego procesu neurodegeneracyjnego. Ksi¿¿ka ta rozwodzi si¿ nad niedawno odkryt¿ hipotez¿ patogenetyczn¿ i terapeutyk¿ depresji psychicznej i choroby Alzheimera.

  • von Kanwaljit Chopra
    39,00 €

    Depression is one of the most prevalent and life-threatening forms of mental illnesses associated with significant disability and mortality. Stress can be considered as a major contribution for the development of depressive disorder due to dysregulation of HPA-axis. Although there are multiple pathways that are involved in the pathogenesis of depression, the current antidepressants mainly target monoaminergic pathway. However, therapeutic potential of other pathways is still under investigation. Drugs targeting nitric oxide, cytokines and kynurenine acid pathway might be the drugs of choice in near future. Alzheimer¿s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder with progressive dementia. Although basic research in Alzheimer¿s disease has made remarkable progress in past 2 decades, currently available drugs are able to improve cognitive symptoms temporarily, and no treatment can reverse, stop, or even slow this inexorable neurodegenerative process. This book dwells on the recently unravelled pathogenetic hypothesis and therapeutics of mental depression and Alzheimer¿s disease.

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