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Bücher von Karen Lampe

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  • von Karen Lampe
    28,00 €

    Aprenda a desarrollar, implementar y sostener un ministerio de cuidado congregacional en su iglesia, sin importar el tamaño, su forma o a la denominación a la cual pertenezca. Los pastores y líderes de la iglesia realmente quieren cuidar a las personas en sus congregaciones y comunidades. No obstante, ellos no pueden cuidar a una iglesia por sí solos. Además, la mayoría del liderato laico no tiene la capacitación requerida para ejercer este ministerio de cuidado. El Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional es un modelo del cuidado de persona a persona, el cual su efectividad ha sido comprobada en iglesias pequeñas y grandes en los EE. UU. Es un ministerio centrado en el servicio del laicado. Estos líderes reciben una capacitación rigurosa, y luego son comisionados para servir como ministros del cuidado congregacional (MCC), para brindar el cuidado en sus congregaciones y comunidades extendidas. Este notable enfoque del cuidado congregacional fue primeramente desarrollado, por la autora, Karen Lampe, junto con su equipo, en la Iglesia Metodista Unida de la Resurrección, en Kansas City. El mismo ha sido probado, refinado y fortalecido, y ahora se está adaptando a todo tipo de contextos congregacionales. Una de las primeras adaptadoras de este modelo fue la coautora, Melissa Gepford, quien desarrolló un Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional en su iglesia rural. Juntas han creado esta guía, inmensamente práctica, para cualquier pastor/pastora o líder que busque desarrollar un Ministerio del Cuidado Congregacional. Este libro presenta el modelo de ministerio, y explica los cinco pasos esenciales que establecen el fundamento para el ministerio. Es extremadamente práctico, lleno de listas de verificación y otras herramientas para ayudar a los pastores y a otros líderes a comprender (y explicar) esta forma de brindar el cuidado congregacional. El libro también incluye una sección enfocada en el componente vital de este ministerio: el ministro/la ministra del cuidado congregacional, o el/la MCC. Esta sección describe completamente las características de los MCC, tales como: reclutar personas para este ministerio; cómo discernir quiénes son los candidatos idóneos para el ministerio, y cómo llevar a cabo la capacitación de los MCC durante un período de varias semanas. Detalla, además, información importante que los MCC deben saber y los comportamientos y hábitos que deben practicar para ser efectivos en el desempeño del ministerio.

  • von Karen Lampe
    24,00 €

    Pastors and church leaders genuinely want to care for people in their congregations and communities. But pastors cannot care for an entire church, and most laypersons don''t have the training to do it. The Caring Congregation Ministry is a model for person-to-person care that''s been proven to work in small and large churches across the U.S. It is a laity-centered ministry, where laypersons receive rigorous training and then are commissioned to serve as Congregational Care Ministers, caring for others in their own congregation and their extended community.This remarkable approach to congregational care was first developed by author Karen Lampe and her team at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, in Kansas City. It has been tested, refined, and strengthened, and is now being adapted in all sorts of congregational settings. One early adapter was co-author Melissa Gepford, who launched a Caring Congregation Ministry in her own rural church. Together, they have created this immensely practical guide for any pastor or leader seeking to create a congregational care ministry.This Implementation Guide is the main book for getting started. It introduces the ministry model and explains the Five Essentials which form the ministry''s foundation. It is extremely practical, full of checklists and other tools to help pastors and other leaders understand (and explain) this way of providing congregational care.The Implementation Guide also includes a section focused on the crucial component of this ministry-the Congregational Care Minister, or CCM. This section fully describes the characteristics of CCM''s, how to recruit people to this ministry, how to discern if candidates are a good fit, and how to conduct the CCM training over a multi-week period. It details the critical information CCM''s must know, and the behaviors and habits they must practice in order to be effective.Note that the companion book, The Caring Congregation Ministry: Care Minister''s Manual, is required for the CCM training. It serves as a training workbook, which then becomes the CCM''s personal reference manual.

  • von Karen Lampe
    18,00 €

    The Care Minister''s Manual is the personal training workbook and reference guide for Congregational Care Ministers (CCM''s), who serve a central role in the Caring Congregation Ministry. CCM''s receive in-depth training, where they learn the theological foundations of congregational care, plus the behaviors, habits, and practices they will need to follow in order to serve others well. Each CCM-in-training should have a copy of this Manual. It serves as their training workbook, which then becomes the CCM''s personal reference guide.The Caring Congregation Ministry is a model for congregational care that''s been proven to work in small and large churches across the U.S. It is a laity-centered ministry, where laypersons receive training and then are commissioned to serve as Congregational Care Ministers or CCM''s, caring for the people in their congregation and community. The Caring Congregation Ministry: Implementation Guide is the main book for pastors and other leaders seeking to build, launch, and sustain a Caring Congregation Ministry in their church.

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