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Bücher von Kate Thompson

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  • von Kate Thompson
    16,99 €

    Nach einer wahren Geschichte: eine Hommage an Bücher, Bibliotheken und die Kraft der Hoffnung Der historische Roman »Die Bibliothek der Hoffnung« erzählt die Geschichte der U-Bahn-Station Bethnal Green in London, die während des 2. Weltkriegs für 5.000 Menschen zu einer Art Zuhause wurde. London, 1944: In der stillgelegten U-Bahn-Station Bethnal Green suchen die Londoner Schutz vor den Fliegerbomben. Hier haben sie sich eine Art neues Leben aufgebaut, es gibt sogar ein Theater, einen Kindergarten - und eine kleine Bibliothek. Die hilfsbereite Clara Button und die rebellische Ruby Munroe haben unzählige Bücher vor den Bomben gerettet, jetzt schenken sie vor allem Frauen und Kindern Ablenkung, Wissen und Hoffnung. Doch je länger der Krieg dauert, desto härter wird die Entschlossenheit der Frauen, stark zu bleiben, auf die Probe gestellt - denn es könnte die Leben derer kosten, die ihnen am nächsten stehen. Anrührend und hochspannend erzählt die britische Autorin Kate Thompson eine wahre Geschichte: Eine kleine Bibliothek unter den Straßen von London schenkt den Menschen die Kraft, auch in dunklen Zeiten ein Licht zu sehen. Der liebevoll recherchierte historische Roman aus der Zeit des 2. Weltkriegs wird alle Leser*innen von Antonio Iturbes »Die Bibliothekarin von Auschwitz« oder Lea Kampes »Der Engel von Warschau« begeistern.

  • - A gripping, heart-wrenching page-turner based on real events
    von Kate Thompson
    12,00 €

    A gripping and heart-wrenching novel set in London in World War Two, following the two women who run a secret underground library

  • von Kate Thompson
    33,00 - 34,00 €

  • von Kate Thompson
    33,00 €

  • - Counseling and Healthcare
    von Kate Thompson & Kathleen Adams
    65,00 - 122,00 €

    Therapists, coaches, healthcare professionals, and educators have known for decades that expressive writing is a powerful tool for better living. But until now, few have had access to practical applications that have proven successful. In this groundbreaking collection, you will discover how expressive writing can call us into healing community.

  • von Kate Thompson
    29,00 €

    Home is where the heart is...

  • von Kate Thompson
    38,00 €

    Secrets of the Sewing Bee tells the story of the defiant and courageous women on the home front, from Kate Thompson, author of Secrets of the Singer Girls.Orphan Flossy Brown arrives at Trout's garment factory in Bethnal Green amidst the uncertainty of the Second World War. In 1940s London, each cobbled street is strewn with ghosts of soldiers past, all struggling to make ends meet. For the women of the East End, their battles are on the home front.Flossy is quickly embraced by the colourful mix of characters working at Trout's, who have turned their sewing expertise to vital war work. They fast become the family that Flossy has always longed for. Dolly Doolaney, darling of the East End, and infamous tea lady, gives her a particularly warm welcome and helps Flossy settle into wartime life. Things aren't so easy for Peggy Piper, another new recruit at the factory. She's used to the high life working as a nippie in the West End, and is not best pleased to find herself bent over a sewing machine. But war has the ability to break down all sorts of class barriers and soon Peggy finds the generosity and spirit of her fellow workers difficult to resist.Dolly sets up a sewing circle and the ladies at Trout's play their part in defending the frontline as they arm themselves with their needles and set about stitching their way to victory. But as the full force of the Blitz hits London, the sewing bee are forced to shelter in the underground tube stations on a nightly basis. In such close quarters, can Dolly manage to contain the secret that binds them all? And how will Peggy and Flossy cope as their lives are shaped and moved by forces outside of their control?

  • von Kate Thompson
    18,00 €

  • von Kate Thompson
    19,00 €

  • von Kate Thompson
    18,00 €

  • von Kate Thompson
    20,00 €

  • von Kate Thompson
    23,00 €

  • - An Introduction for Professionals
    von Kate Thompson
    39,00 €

    The author of this book guides the reader through developing journal writing to use as a therapeutic tool. The book includes advice on working with individuals, facilitating a therapeutic writing group, proposed clinical applications, practical techniques, useful journal prompts, exercises and case vignettes.

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