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Bücher von Kathryn Knight

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  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Heart, humour, actionand excitement¿Freedom Rider 4 - Chariot of Titan¿ joins, like almost all volumes of¿Freedom Rider¿, beautiful cars, including classic oldtimers,with a nostalgic eighties feel and modern technology,while being set in the present day of the 21st century.¿Freedom Rider¿ was inspired above all by the fascinating and abundant material of¿artificial intelligence¿, which is also being used more and more in everydaylife today, but also by the eighties cult series ¿Knight Rider¿,with everything that made this series cool and in which an¿artificial intelligence¿, in the form of a car, also appeared.Also at ¿Freedom Rider¿ is a modified, but newly built 1982 Trans Am,which among other things has a neural, artificial intelligence,albeit aloof without science fiction -together with a humorous team, take center stage.But ¿Freedom Rider¿ is, as always, much more. The fourth volume of the exciting and challenging book series, with heart, humour, action, great car stunts, scientific facets, tongue-in-cheek, heartwarming, sometimes a bit biting dialogues and the whole range of narrative skills, once again comes up with a breathtaking story.The eccentric millionaire, Don van Shirelain, succeeds in building theplasma plane ¿Titan¿ and equipping it, among other things,with C.I.C.C.¿s (the Trans Am), modern but in the wrong hands,also dangerous technology. ¿Titan¿ will challenge Logan and C.I.C.C. in amurderous duel. In addition, the millionaire Shirelain is being creepedout by the shady stranger T.C., who is obviously pursuing his own plans.Furthermore, Logan still has to deal with a substance called ¿Hydro-Gel¿,the South Seas, a school, a mysterious and ancient brotherhood,a secret society and his personal nemesis, when a duel begins,not only between ¿Titan¿ and ¿C.I.C.C.¿...Conclusion: As always, Kathryn Knight again exploits all the nuances of herextraordinary linguistic talent, her plastic storytelling, to create an entertaining, exciting tale that stretches the boundaries of the old-fashioned, that isintelligent, exciting, and different from old-fashioned literature.In addition, there is a touch of not quite serious irony and the scientific aspects areembedded in the story with a wink of the eye in a relaxed, light-hearted way!

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Herz, Humor, Actionund Spannung¿Freedom Rider 4 ¿ Chariot of Titan¿ vereint, wie fast alle Bände von¿Freedom Rider¿, schöne Autos, auch klassische Oldtimer, mit einemnostalgischen achtziger Jahre Gefühl und modernerTechnologie, spielt aber in der Gegenwart des 21. Jahrhunderts.Inspiriert wurde ¿Freedom Rider¿ vor allem vom faszinierenden und reichlichMaterial bietenden Thema ¿künstliche Intelligenz¿, welche auch in der heutigenZeit immer mehr im Alltag zum Einsatz kommt, aber auch der achtziger Jahre Kult-Serie ¿Knight Rider¿, mit allem, was diese Serie cool machte und in der auch eine ¿künstliche Intelligenz¿, in Gestalt eines Autos, vorkam. Auch bei ¿Freedom Rider¿ stehen ein modifizierter, aber neu gebauter 1982er Trans Am, der unteranderem eine neurale, künstliche Intelligenz besitzt, allerdings ohne Science Fiction ¿ zusammen mit einem humorvollen Team, im Mittelpunkt.Doch ¿Freedom Rider¿ ist, wie immer, sehr viel mehr. Der vierte Band deraufregenden und anspruchsvollen Buch-Serie, mit Herz, Humor, Action, tollenAuto-Stunts, wissenschaftlichen Facetten, augenzwinkernden,herzerwärmenden, manchmal etwas bissigen Dialogen und der ganzenBandbreite erzählerischer Fähigkeiten, wartet erneut mit eineratemberaubenden Geschichte auf.Es gelingt dem exzentrischen Millionär, Don van Shirelain, das Plasmaflugzeug¿Titan¿ zu bauen und es unter anderem mit C.I.C.C.s,(der Trans Am), moderner, aber in den falschen Händen, auch gefährlichenTechnologie, auszurüsten. ¿Titan¿ wird Logan und C.I.C.C. in einemmörderischen Duell stark zusetzen. Außerdem umschleicht den MillionärShirelain noch der zwielichtige Fremde T.C., der offenbar eigene Pläne verfolgt.Desweiteren muss sich Logan noch mit einer Substanz namens ¿Hydro-Gel¿, derSüdsee, einer Schule, einer mysteriösen und alten Bruderschaft, einem Geheimbundund seiner persönlichen Nemesis beschäftigen, als ein Duell, nicht nur zwischen¿Titan¿ und ¿C.I.C.C.¿ entbrennt¿Fazit: Wie immer schöpft Kathryn Knight wieder alle Nuancen ihres außergewöhnlichen, sprachlichen Talents, ihrer plastischen Erzählweise, aus, um eine unterhaltsame, spannende, die Grenzen des alt-täglichen, ausdehnende Erzählung zu erschaffen, die intelligent und aufregend ist und anders als alt-hergebrachteLiteratur. Außerdem gibt es einen Touch nicht ganz ernster Ironie und diewissenschaftlichen Aspekte werden mit einem Augenzwinkernlockerleicht in die Geschichte eingebettet!

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Herz, Humor, Actionund SpannungKathryn Knights ¿Freedom Rider¿ ist auch im zweiten Band erfüllt vonWitz, zumeist aktueller Forschung und einer spektakulären Handlung,die von einem außergewöhnlichen schriftstellerischen Talent kündet.¿Freedom Rider¿ ist die spektakuläre neue Actionseriemit sehr viel Herz, Humor und Action.Im zweiten Band der fantastischen Serie in Romanformbekommen es Logan Grace, der derweilen für C.O.D.E. arbeitet,und C.I.C.C., der inzwischen sein loyaler Partner ist,mit ihrem bisher härtesten Gegner zu tun,dem geheimnisvollen C.A.P.P., einem weiteren Super-Auto,das C.I.C.C.s Fähigkeiten in nichts nachsteht.Außerdem sind sie mit einem mysteriösen Phantom, einemweiteren Schurken der besonderen Klasse und auftauchendenBegebenheiten aus Logans Vergangenheit beschäftigt¿Auch der zweite Band von ¿Freedom Rider¿ ist erfüllt von Spannung,einer komplexen, aber unterhaltsamen Handlung und vielleichteinem Trans Am, der nicht ganz so einfach ist, wie Logan am Anfangdachte, denn er ist sicherlich kein gewöhnliches Auto.Aber wie immer spielt auch der zweite Bandin der Gegenwart des 21. Jahrhunderts.Schnallen Sie sich an und drehen Sie denliterarischen Zündschlüssel!

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Heart, Humour, Actionand ExitementKathryn Knight¿s ¿Freedom Rider¿ continues in its second volumeto be filled with humour, mostly actual researchand a spectacular plot, that announces anextraordinary literary talent.¿Freedom Rider¿ is the spectacular new action series with a lot ofheart, humour and action.In the second volume of the fantastic series in novel formit gets Logan Grace, who meanwhile works for C.O.D.E, and C.I.C.C.,who has become his loyal partner, face their toughest adversary yet,the mysterious C.A.P.P., another super-car,which is in no way inferior to C.I.C.C.¿s abilities.They are also dealing with a mysterious phantom, another specialclass villain, and emerging incidents from Logan¿s past....The second volume of ¿Freedom Rider¿ is also filled with suspense,a complex but entertaining plot, and perhaps a Trans Am that isnot quite as simple as Logan thought at the beginning, because hecertainly is no ordinary car.But as always, the second volume is setin the present day of the 21st century.Fasten your seat belt and turn theliterary ignition key!

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Heart, Humour, Actionand Exitement ¿Freedom Rider¿ deals with big themes such as artificial intelligence,art, science, and an appeal that attracts sophisticated readers whileproviding the reader with an entertaining read.Be ready for lots of action, humour and excitement when FBI agentLogan Grace (inspired by David Hasselhoff - 32 years old) and his carC.I.C.C. go on a manhunt. The FBI agent Logan Grace will have a hard time hurt.Considered lost by his organization, a mysterious device saves his life.Saved by C.O.D.E. - the Cooperation of Development and Equity -he takes up the fight against his opponents and crime.In addition, his new partner - C.I.C.C. - a super car equipped with athought control and thought voice - more precisely, a modifiednew built 1982 Trans Am. Not only does it / he has a lot oftechnical refinements, like microprocessors and computertechnology, but it / he also has a thought voice, yes it / he talksand it / he learns - learns through its / his driver.In addition to his new job and the smouldering thoughts ofrevenge and perhaps his new life, Logan Grace must succeedin saving many people from a newly developed anddangerous perfume drug.The first volume, ¿The Night of the Grace,¿ is the prelude toan exciting new action series from - not without reason -Kathryn Knight.

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Herz, Humor, Action und Spannung¿Freedom Rider¿ beschäftigt sich mit großen Themen wie künstlicherIntelligenz, Kunst, Wissenschaft und einem Reiz, der auch gehobene Leseranzieht, dem Leser aber gleichzeitig eine unterhaltsame Lektüre bietet.Seien Sie bereit für sehr viel Action, Humor und Hochspannung,wenn der FBI-Agent Logan Grace (inspiriert vonDavid Hasselhoff - 32 Jahre) und sein Auto C.I.C.C. aufVerbrecherjagd gehen.Der FBI-Agent Logan Grace wird bei einem Einsatz schwerverletzt. Von seiner Organisation für verschollen gehalten, rettet ihmeine geheimnisvolle Einrichtung das Leben. Von C.O.D.E. ¿der Cooperation of Development and Equity -der Kooperation für Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit ¿ gerettet ¿nimmt er den Kampf gegen seine Widersacher und das Verbrechen auf.Hinzu kommt noch sein neuer Partner ¿ C.I.C.C. ¿ ein mit einerneuralen, künstlichen Intelligenz, ausgerüstetesSuperauto ¿ genauer gesagt ein modifizierter, neugebauter 1982er Trans Am.Er verfügt nicht nur über jede Menge technischer Finessen,wie Mikroprozessoren und Computertechnologie, sondern er hatauch eine Gedankenstimme, ja er spricht und er lernt ¿lernt durch seinen Fahrer.Zusätzlich zu seiner neuen Aufgabe und dem schwelendenGedanken an Rache und vielleicht seinem neuen Leben, muss esLogan Grace gelingen, viele Menschen vor einer neuentwickelten und gefährlichen Parfüm-Droge zu retten.Der erste Band ¿The Night of the Grace¿ ist der Auftakt zueiner spannenden, neuen Actionserie von ¿ nicht grundlos ¿Kathryn Knight.

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Heart, humor, action and exitement¿Freedom Rider¿ breaks the boundaries of what can be achieved withaction, story, charismatic characters and fabulous storytellingand also makes the hearts of car enthusiasts, young-at-heart adults,lovers of high-quality art of storytelling and style lovers beatfaster and provides perhaps also C.I.C.C. ¿ a preview of the car oftomorrow - without eccentric fantasies, but grounded in reality.¿Freedom Rider¿ is made up of many finely tuned componentsthat makes reading a celebration!So buckle up, please, because with ¿Freedom Rider¿ comesthe highest-speed action series since the cult series ¿Knight Rider¿.¿Freedom Rider¿ is the fantastic new action series inbook form with a lot of heart, humour and action.The third volume in the exciting, explosive series of novelsabout the wonder car C.I.C.C. (Computer Intelligent Companion Car),a brand-new, modified 1982 Trans Am with the ability to performspeed-increasing stunts, with microprocessors, computer technology,neurotechnology and he talks - mentally, with a sometimes somewhatdemanding, but loyal neural, artificial intelligence and he learns by hisdriver, leaves the reader breathless with a phenomenal story, fantastic characters, stunning dialogue, and breathless suspense. All of this is combined with scene-setting, movie-quality, cinematic detail work.The crime fighters Logan Grace (C.I.C.C.¿s driver), Pamela Holden (C.I.C.C.¿s maintenance engineer) and Alexander Murphy (chief of C.O.D.E. - the Cooperation of Development and Equity), all inspired by the original cast of ¿Knight Rider¿, encounter the smart villainSherlock de LaCroix in the third volume of the successful book series, an insidious substance called ¿Aero-Gel¿, nanotrackers, robotic insect spies,diamonds and a whole lot more...To make the situation worse, Logan and C.I.C.C. have their handsfull with the kidnapping of Alexander Murphy...Conclusion: Read! There¿s something here for everyone. ¿Freedom Rider¿ comes at you with rapid, but controlled storytelling and goes to the absolute thrill limit!

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,99 €

    Herz, Humor, Actionund Spannung¿Freedom Rider¿ sprengt die Fesseln des Machbaren mit einemumwerfenden Spiel aus Action, Story, charismatischen Figuren undfabelhafter Erzählkunst und lässt dazu noch die Herzen vonAuto-Fans, junggebliebenen Erwachsenen, Favorisierern hochwertigerErzählkunst und Stilliebhabern höher schlagen und lässt vielleicht auchin Bezug auf C.I.C.C. - einen Ausblick auf das Auto von morgenerahnen ¿ ohne exzentrische Fantastik, aber in der Realität verankert.¿Freedom Rider¿ setzt sich aus vielen, feinabgestimmtenKomponenten zusammen, die das Lesen zu einem Fest machen!Also anschnallen bitte, denn mit ¿Freedom Rider¿ kommt dierasanteste Action-Serie seit der Kult-Serie ¿Knight Rider¿.¿Freedom Rider¿ ist die fantastische, neue Action-Serie inBuch-Form mit sehr viel Herz, Humor und Action.Der dritte Band der spannenden, explosiven Romanserie rund umdas Wunderauto C.I.C.C. (Computer Intelligent Companion Car),einem brandneuen, modifizierten 1982er Trans Am mit der Fähigkeit zudrehzahlsteigernden Stunts, mit Mikroprozessoren, Computertechnologie, Neurotechnologie und er spricht ¿ gedanklich, mit einer manchmal etwas anstrengenden, aber loyalen neuralen, künstlichenIntelligenz und er lernt durch seinen Fahrer, lässt den Atem der Lesermit einer phänomenalen Story, fantastischen Charakteren,umwerfenden Dialogen und atemloser Spannung stocken. All dies istverbunden mit kulissenhafter, filmreifer, kinohafter Detailarbeit.Die Verbrechensbekämpfer Logan Grace (C.I.C.C.s Fahrer), PamelaHolden (C.I.C.C.s Wartungsingenieurin) und Alexander Murphy (Chef von C.O.D.E. ¿ der Cooperation of Development and Equity), alle inspiriert von den Originaldarstellern von ¿Knight Rider¿, stoßen im dritten Band der erfolgreichen Buchserie auf den smarten Schurken Sherlock de LaCroix, eine heimtückische Substanz namens ¿Aero-Gel¿, Nanotracker, Robo-Insekten-Spione, Diamanten und sehr viel mehr¿Zu allem Überfluss haben Logan und C.I.C.C. auch noch mit derEntführung von Alexander Murphy alle Hände voll zu tun¿Fazit: Lesen! Hier ist für jeden etwas dabei. ¿Freedom Rider¿ kommtmit rasender, aber kontrollierter Erzählkunst auf Sie zu und gehtbis ans absolute Spannungslimit!

  • von Kathryn Knight
    21,00 €

    When Claire Linden's job sends her to the sleepy town of Gull Harbor, she never expects to encounter her ex-boyfriend. As a medium, the prospect of tackling a haunted house is less daunting than seeing Max Baron again. Throughout their passionate college relationship, he promised to love her forever. Then, without explanation, he abandoned her on graduation day. Max never intended to break Claire's heart--a cruel ultimatum forced him to disappear from her life. While he's shocked to find her in Gull Harbor, he isn't surprised by the bitter resentment she feels for him...or the fiery attraction that remains between them. Claire is determined to rid her temporary home of its aggressive ghost, but Max soon realizes she's facing a danger beyond the paranormal. When Claire risks everything to help a desperate spirit, Max must race to save her--before another tragedy tears them apart forever.

  • von Kathryn Knight
    22,00 €

    Rain Anderson can't decide which is more unsettling--encountering the ghost of her missing friend, or reuniting with the man whose love she foolishly rejected. But one thing is certain: the past has come back to haunt her, quite literally. Five years ago, Rain's tight-knit group of high school friends unraveled when one vanished during their senior year. Now, a parent's deathbed request has reunited the friends at Silver Lake, including Jason Lansing, the man Rain discarded. Rain and Jason discover the powerful attraction between them has survived, but though Jason is willing to forgive, he can't let himself forget. The possibility of falling for Rain again is too risky. Slamming doors, crashing objects, flaring fires--clearly the ghost has a message to share. As Rain and Jason struggle to unravel the truth, they must face a desperate spirit in need of help--and a burning passion that refuses to die.

  • von Kathryn Knight
    25,00 €

    After tragedy tears Jamie Brandt's life apart, her only goal is to finish high school so she can leave her small hometown behind. In the meantime, riding her horse is her main source of solace, until a mysterious stable hand shows up at the barn. There's something not quite right about the handsome new employee, and the more Jamie sees of him, the more determined she becomes to figure out what he's hiding. Dothan Reed came to historic Huntsville, Maryland, for one reason-revenge. But his plan can't move forward until he finds the missing piece he needs to enhance his powers. As the only surviving Nephilim, Dothan is not only weaker than full-blooded angels; his forbidden lineage makes him an outcast in both worlds. When he discovers Jamie is the key to locating an ancient weapon, he's forced to interact with a vulnerable human girl-a task that becomes more appealing with each encounter. Jamie soon learns Dothan isn't the only one with a dark secret. Each new revelation further threatens her safety, and Dothan's betrayal shatters her heart. Forgiving him seems impossible, but the thought of turning her back on him is equally painful. As their connection deepens, Dothan will have to make his own difficult choice: continue on his path of vengeance, or protect the girl he loves. And when Dothan's actions thrust Jamie into an unforeseen danger, he must seek the help of his enemy...or risk losing her forever.

  • von Kathryn Knight
    24,00 €

    Four years ago, Emily Shea and Staff Sergeant Brett Leeds agreed to part with no strings attached. Sparks flew during their brief affair, but fate intervened, sending Brett overseas. When an unexpected pregnancy derailed Emily's own plans, her attempts to locate Brett were soon overwhelmed by the challenges of single motherhood. Now, Brett has returned home, and Emily is forced to share her secret. Despite feeling betrayed, Brett is determined to forge a relationship with their son, Tyler. As the former lovers battle both their inner demons and their mutual desire, another presence enters their lives-Tyler's imaginary friend. Soon, however, the chilling evidence points to a different conclusion: a ghost has formed a dangerous connection with their son. Emily's attempts to help both a lost soul and a friend in need spiral toward a deadly confrontation, and Brett must race to save Emily before he loses her again-forever.

  • von Kathryn Knight
    19,00 €

    When a costly mistake ends Malorie Montgomery’s career, she returns to Cape Cod in search of a fresh start. But her plans for a new—and quiet—life are quickly derailed when she makes a grisly discovery in the woods, and her screams bring the one person from her past she’d hoped to avoid. Dean Slater, the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart in high school, now lives in the beachfront community that was supposed to be her haven…and he’s just as hot as he was six years ago.With his rough background, Dean always knew he wasn’t good enough for the kind, intelligent beauty who claimed his heart, but somehow he’d believed their love was strong enough to survive anything—until the tragic night she turned her back on him when he needed her trust the most. Despite their painful history, Dean can’t resist the instinct to protect her, especially when it becomes apparent there’s a killer in their town.Their former chemistry soon reignites, but Malorie has long accepted that her dark family secret has destined her to a life alone. And when she uncovers evidence that makes her the killer’s target, a deadly confrontation threatens to destroy any possibility of a second chance.

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