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Bücher von Kavita Verma

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  • von Kavita Verma
    41,00 €

    Il-ktieb "Rasali ta' Rasajna: Il-Kulinarja Indjana Illuminata" huwa b¿al spirtu mg¿arfa g¿al dawk li jsibu tajjeb fil-kulinarja Indjana u jixtiequ jiskopru b'profondità l-art sabi¿a u l-gost tat-Tisjir Indjan. L-awtur, Kavita Verma, tfakkar li l-kulinarja Indjana hija kunjom tat-tamära u l-ispirazzjoni.F'din is-Sensiela, tista' tifhem l-¿ila u tajjeb ta' k¿ina Indjana b'ri¿etti li jippreservaw tradizzjonijiet il-kultura, ming¿ajr maqsuma f'partikulari. Kavita Verma tfakkar il-potenzjal uniku ta' k¿ina Indjana biex tkompli tikseb il-kuntatt ma' tamära li tg¿odd f'dak li toqg¿od tikseb.Minn pasti klassi¿i g¿all-platti l-aktar moderni, dan il-ktieb joffri platti b'gust u diversità li jippreservaw u jsospendu l-miraklu tat-tiswija Indjana. L-espertiza ta' Kavita Verma jib¿g¿a permezz tal-ri¿etti li jippreservaw il-gost klasiku u jintrodüu l-¿wida u l-gost tat-tiswija Indjana."Rasali ta' Rasajna" mhix biss ktieb tat-tiswija, i¿da wäda ta' illuminäjoni. B'kull päna, dan il-ktieb joffri is-sens ta' skoperta u ¿ila kulinarja. Huwa g¿all-bidliet fil-k¿ina tag¿na, fosthom u b'ri¿etti ta' tiswija ta' Indja ta' kuljum, li jag¿mlu kull buna s¿i¿a ta' kul¿add li jsiefer lejn il-kulinarja Indjana.I¿ares mal-¿ila, l-ispirazzjoni, u t-tamära tat-Tisjir Indjan b' "Rasali ta' Rasajna: Il-Kulinarja Indjana Illuminata" u er¿a tkun lill-gastroteknja Indjana fil-k¿ina tieg¿ek illum.

  • von Kavita Verma
    33,00 €

    Gold as an Investment Customer Perception delves into the fascinating world of how customers perceive gold as a financial asset. Through a thorough exploration of consumer sentiments and beliefs, this study unravels the multifaceted aspects that influence individuals' decisions to invest in gold.Our comprehensive analysis investigates the historical significance of gold as a store of value and a symbol of wealth, shaping customers' perception of its enduring allure. We delve into the factors driving customers' confidence in gold's stability, particularly during times of economic uncertainty.Understanding the psychological and emotional dimensions of gold investment, we uncover the role of sentiment and risk perception in shaping customer attitudes towards this precious metal.Moreover, we examine how cultural and societal influences impact customers' affinity for gold as an investment, shedding light on the diverse perspectives that shape their choices.By customers' perspectives towards gold, we provide invaluable insights for investors, financial advisors, and policymakers alike. Armed with this knowledge, stakeholders can better tailor investment strategies and communicate the benefits of including gold in a diversified portfolio.Join us on this enlightening journey through "Gold as an Investment: Customer Perception," where we unlock the intricate interplay of beliefs, emotions, and rationale that underpin individuals' preferences for this timeless and coveted asset.

  • 15% sparen

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