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Bücher von Kemal Yildirim

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  • 15% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    34,00 €

    Beginning in the nineteenth century, Feylis Kurds began moving westwards from the Iran-Iraq border region, settling in Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. Due to their connections with trade routes between Baghdad and Iran, they flourished as traders, becoming central players in Baghdad¿s commercial life. Following the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and the departure of many Jewish trading families, Feylis Kurd merchants moved in to fill the gap, quickly rising to the ranks of the middle and upper classes. They came to control many of the main bazaars in Baghdad, including Shorja and Jamila markets. Despite their economic and social preeminence, Feylis Kurds faced official discrimination from early on. Historically, they had tended to be viewed as Persians, and some had acquired Persian nationality as a means of avoiding conscription in the Ottoman army. In 1924, an Iraqi Nationality Law was introduced, which distinguished between descendants of Ottoman citizens, who were considered ¿original¿ Iraqis and automatically granted Iraqi nationality, and citizens of Persian origin, who had to acquire Iraqi nationality.

  • 15% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    34,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    51,00 €

    Umm Kulthum earned an unshakable reputation by revising her traditional Arab songwriting at a period when, but for the colonial influences and the result of cultural exchanges, the Arab world had surrendered to modern trends. She presented songs that belonged to the Egyptians¿ and Arabs¿ own cultures that had not been copied from others. In the words of Danielson, it brought her respect and manners unique to Egyptian women in this position, where a musician could be marginalized socially. Umm Kulthum, even if she had not been a political personality, performed her art at a time, when politics in the Arab world were very active and shaped by nationalist influences. She surprisingly never avoided expressing the pride she felt for Egyptian culture in a process, where most people were able to criticize the old customs and traditions. According to Philip V. Bohlman, who pointed out Umm Kulthum¿s place in world music, the world that was recalled by the songs of this great artist, who had the paradoxes of fame and symbolism, were not primarily global; it was local, and even if it carried many forms and meanings, it was concrete and personal in the lives of the listeners worldwide.

  • 15% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    34,00 €

    Côte d¿Ivoire is a country in Western Africa, bordering Ghana in the east, Burkina Faso and Mali in the north, Guinea and Liberia in the west, and the Gulf of Guinea in the south. It has a population of 23,295,302 and covers an area of 322,463 sq. km. The official language is French, although a large number of native dialects are also spoken. (CIA, 11 February 2016). The World Culture Encyclopedia (WCE) explains the origin of the country¿s name: ¿In the fifteenth century, French and Portuguese merchants in search of ivory named the region the Ivory Coast for its abundance of the natural resource. The country changed its name to Côte d'Ivoire in 1985; its official name is the République de Côte d'Ivoire ¿ a reflection of French control of the country from 1843 until independence.¿ (WCE, 2015) With regard to the economic and social situation in Côte d¿Ivoire, an April 2015 report of the Independent Expert on capacity-building and technical cooperation with Côte d'Ivoire in the field of human rights explains: "A thriving economy can provide fertile ground for human rights to flourish."

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    46,00 €

    Significance and influenceThat Hume was one of the major figures of his century can hardly be doubted. So his contemporaries thought, and his achievement, as seen in historical perspective, confirms that judgment, though with a shift of emphasis. Some of the reasons for the assessment may be given under four heads:As a writer Hume¿s style was praised in his lifetime and has often been praised since. It exemplifies the classical standards of his day. It lacks individuality and colour, for he was always proudly on guard against his emotions. The touch is light, except on slight subjects, where it is rather heavy. Yet in his philosophical works he gives an unsought pleasure. Here his detachment, levelness (all on one plane), smoothness, and daylight clearness are proper merits. It is as one of the best writers of scientific prose in English that he stands in the history of style. Kant as a German Philosopher in his doctrine of transcendental idealism, argued that space and time are mere "forms of intuition", which structure all experience, and therefore that while "things-in-themselves" exist and contribute to experience, they are nonetheless distinct from the objects of experience.

  • von Kemal Yildirim
    20,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    34,00 €

    Rousseaüs ideas of law and civil state are his efforts to improve the government processes in France during the 18th century enlightenment era. The situation of France at this time was not palatable as there were social injustices and inequalities, which characterized the state of nature on the ground. Among the three social classes that existed in France at that time, it was the third estate comprising the third class citizens with less land that paid the highest taxes. The first and second estates consisting of the first and second class citizens were exempted from it. This boils down to the state of nature idea of the strong getting stronger and the weak getting weaker. This gave rise to all the evils that people perpetrated on one another in this state. Although Rousseau formulated his theory after reading and analyzing those of Hobbes and Locke, the scope of his project was not significantly different from theirs¿. He understood society to be an invention, and he attempted to explain the nature of human beings by stripping them of all of the accidental qualities brought about by socialization.

  • 15% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    34,00 €

    Rousseaüs theory of education emphasized the importance of expression to produce a well-balanced, free thinking child. He believed that if children are allowed to develop naturally without constraints imposed on them by society they will develop towards their fullest potential, both educationally and morally. This natural development should be child-centered and focused on the needs and experiences of the child at each stage of development. Rousseau was naturalist. His philosophy emerged as a reaction against the contemporary social and political set up. He wrote against theatricality, coercion and cruelty during these times. His philosophy concepts of ¿Natural State¿, ¿Natural man and Natural Civilization¿. Natural state means that simple framing community or state without evils, corruption and social classes. Natural man means, man is governed and directed by the laws of his own nature rather than those of social institutions. ¿Civilized man born lives and dies in a state of slavery¿. Rousseau man meddles with them and they become evils. However, Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher, who produced works of unparalleled influence.

  • 15% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    34,00 €

    Niccolo Machiavelli (1469 - 1527) was an Italian statesman and political writer. He was employed on diplomatic missions as a defense secretary for his nation. When here tired from his public life, he wrote one of his famous books, The Prince in 1513, which describes the mechanisms through which political power is gained and maintained. The prince is the most revolutionary work that opens a new chapter as far as the realm of modern political philosophy is concerned. Unlike the conventional understanding about political power during the ancient as well as medieval periods, Machiavelli¿s political analysis does not associate the end of the state power to some extra-political (moral, religious and cultural) standards, so that it has been defined as an end in itself. Accordingly, he confines his inquiries into the means that are best suited to acquire, retain and expand political power. At the final analysis, he separates the discourse on political power as well as the means to acquire and sustain it from basic religious and conventional moral maxims.

  • 16% sparen
  • 11% sparen
  • 11% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    59,00 €

    Indigenous Peoples¿ cultures have adapted and evolved along with their understanding and appreciation of their world. Indigenous societies have imbued the land with meaning; every feature is named and linked to the history and spiritual lives of the people. The land and waters of the Arctic anchor indigenous societies. They provide resources upon which their cultures continue to survive. However, Indigenous peoples have inhabited the Arctic for thousands of years. The proportion indigenous people are estimated to be about 10 percent of the total population living in arctic areas. There are over 40 different ethnic groups living in the Arctic. Map with fact boxes on Indigenous peoples who are permanent participants at the Arctic Council. Arctic indigenous peoples include for example Saami in circumpolar areas of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Northwest Russia, Nenets, Khanty, Evenk and Chukchi in Russia, Aleut, Yupik and Inuit (Iñupiat) in Alaska, Inuit (Inuvialuit) in Canada and Inuit (Kalaallit) in Greenland. All of the above-mentioned countries except Iceland have indigenous peoples living within their Arctic territory.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

    William Ewart Gladstone PC FRS FSS (/¿¿lædst¿n/ ; 29 décembre 1809 - 19 mai 1898) était un homme d'État britannique et un politicien libéral. Au cours d'une carrière de plus de 60 ans, il a occupé pendant 12 ans le poste de Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni, répartis sur quatre mandats commençant en 1868 et se terminant en 1894. Il a également été quatre fois chancelier de l'Échiquier. Gladstone est né à Liverpool de parents écossais. Il entre pour la première fois à la Chambre des communes en 1832, et commence sa carrière politique en tant que High Tory, un groupement qui devient le Parti conservateur sous la direction de Robert Peel en 1834. Gladstone a été ministre dans les deux gouvernements de Peel et, en 1846, il a rejoint la faction dissidente des Peelites, qui a finalement fusionné avec le nouveau Parti libéral en 1859. Il a été chancelier sous Lord Aberdeen (1852-1855), Lord Palmerston (1859-1865) et Lord Russell (1865-1866). La propre doctrine politique de Gladstone - qui mettait l'accent sur l'égalité des chances et l'opposition au protectionnisme commercial - est connue sous le nom de libéralisme gladstonien. Sa popularité auprès de la classe ouvrière lui valut le sobriquet de "William du peuple". William Gladstone eut une profonde influence sur la carrière de Joseph Chamberlain.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

    William Ewart Gladstone PC FRS FSS (/¿¿lædst¿n/; 29 dicembre 1809 - 19 maggio 1898) è stato uno statista britannico e un politico liberale. In una carriera di oltre 60 anni, ha servito per 12 anni come Primo Ministro del Regno Unito, suddivisi in quattro mandati a partire dal 1868 fino al 1894. Gladstone è nato a Liverpool da genitori scozzesi. Entrò per la prima volta alla Camera dei Comuni nel 1832, iniziando la sua carriera politica come Alto Tory, un raggruppamento che divenne il Partito conservatore sotto Robert Peel nel 1834. Gladstone servì come ministro in entrambi i governi di Peel, e nel 1846 si unì alla fazione separatista dei Peeliti, che alla fine si fuse nel nuovo Partito liberale nel 1859. Fu cancelliere sotto Lord Aberdeen (1852-1855), Lord Palmerston (1859-1865) e Lord Russell (1865-1866). La dottrina politica di Gladstone, che sottolineava le pari opportunità e l'opposizione al protezionismo commerciale, fu conosciuta come liberalismo gladstoniano. La sua popolarità tra la classe operaia gli valse il soprannome "The People's William"William Gladstone ebbe una profonda influenza sulla carriera di Joseph Chamberlain.

  • von Kemal Yildirim
    37,90 €

    William Ewart Gladstone PC FRS FSS (/¿¿lædst¿n/; 29. Dezember 1809 - 19. Mai 1898) war ein britischer Staatsmann und liberaler Politiker. In seiner über 60 Jahre währenden Karriere diente er 12 Jahre lang als Premierminister des Vereinigten Königreichs, verteilt auf vier Amtszeiten, die 1868 begannen und 1894 endeten. Gladstone wurde in Liverpool als Sohn schottischer Eltern geboren und diente viermal als Schatzkanzler. Er trat erstmals 1832 in das Unterhaus ein und begann seine politische Karriere als High Tory, eine Gruppierung, die 1834 unter Robert Peel zur Konservativen Partei wurde. Gladstone diente als Minister in beiden Regierungen von Peel und trat 1846 der abtrünnigen Peelite-Fraktion bei, die sich schließlich 1859 in der neuen Liberalen Partei zusammenschloss. Er war Kanzler unter Lord Aberdeen (1852-1855), Lord Palmerston (1859-1865) und Lord Russell (1865-1866). Gladstones eigene politische Doktrin - die Chancengleichheit und den Widerstand gegen Handelsprotektionismus betonte - wurde als Gladstoner Liberalismus bekannt. Seine Popularität in der Arbeiterklasse brachte ihm den Beinamen "The People's William" ein. William Gladstone hatte einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf Joseph Chamberlains Karriere.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

    Afryka to ogromny kontynent z ró¿norodno¿ci¿ kultur. Zamiast postrzegä to jako przeszkod¿ w rozwoju, kontynent ten powinien wykorzystä t¿ bogat¿ ró¿norodno¿¿ kulturow¿ w d¿¿eniu do rozwoju gospodarczego i zmieni¿ nastawienie swoich obywateli do pracy, zaufania mi¿dzyludzkiego, czasu, m¿odzie¿y i kobiet. Istnieje prawdopodobnie tyle samo ró¿nych definicji kultury, co ró¿nych kultur. Wed¿ug Zimmermanna (2015) "kultura jest cech¿ charakterystyczn¿ i wiedz¿ konkretnej grupy ludzi, zdefiniowan¿ przez wszystko, pocz¿wszy od j¿zyka, religii, kuchni, ¿rodowisk spo¿ecznych, muzyki i sztuki". Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych do spraw O¿wiaty, Nauki i Kultury (UNESCO, 2016) przyj¿¿a szerok¿ definicj¿, stwierdzaj¿c, ¿e kultura jest "t¿ z¿o¿on¿ cäo¿ci¿, która obejmuje wiedz¿, wierzenia, sztuk¿, moralno¿¿, prawa, zwyczaje i wszelkie inne zdolno¿ci i nawyki nabyte przez [cz¿owieka] jako cz¿onka spo¿ecze¿stwa". Niektórzy uczeni utrzymuj¿, ¿e kultura jest ¿ci¿le powi¿zana z rozwojem gospodarczym, inni gor¿co si¿ z tym nie zgadzaj¿, argumentuj¿c, ¿e skutki geograficzne i klimatyczne s¿ najwäniejszymi czynnikami ksztätuj¿cymi globalny rozwój gospodarczy.

  • 16% sparen
  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

    Het boek onderzoekt de politieke situatie op het etnisch verdeelde eiland Cyprus en de rol die AKEL, de communistische partij van Cyprus, speelt in het voortdurende conflict tussen de Grieks- en Turks-Cyprioten. DeProgressieve Arbeiderspartij (Grieks: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ (¿¿¿¿), Anorthotikó Kómma Ergazómenou Laoú (AKEL); Turks: Emekçi Halk¿n ¿lerici Partisi) is een marxistisch-leninistische, communistische politieke partij op Cyprus. AKELis een van de twee grote partijen op Cyprus en steunt een onafhankelijk, gedemilitariseerd en niet-gebonden Cyprus en een federale oplossing voor het interne aspect van de kwestie Cyprus. Het legt vooral de nadruk op toenadering tot de Turks-Cyprioten. Hij steunt de toetreding tot de Europese Unie met enig voorbehoud.

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