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Bücher von Kemal Yildirim

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  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    51,00 €

    The Zazas, (also known as Kird, Kirmanc or Dimili) are a people in eastern Anatolia who natively speak the Zaza language. Their heartland, the Dersim region, consists of Tunceli, Bingöl provinces and parts of Elaz¿¿, Erzincan and Diyarbak¿r provinces. The majority of Zazas consider themselves ethnic Kurds, part of the Kurdish nation,Among Kurdish Social groups, However, Zazas identify themselves with different names changing from region to region. Kirmancs, Kirds, Dimili/Dumbili and Zazas. And the dialect carry the names of their different regions - Kirmanchki, Kirdki, Dimilki and Zazaki. Compared to other Kurdish dialects, their dialect alone retains characteristics from ancient languages which have been preserved through time. Zazas originated in eastern Anatolia and are genetically indistinguishable from their Kurmanji neighbors, although linguistically connected to the region south of the Caspian Sea. The future of the Zaza will greatly be determined by the political processes in Turkey through the Government policies in Turkey. and through the prospective of Kurdish movement and the activity of Zaza intellectuals themselves.

  • 18% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    51,00 €

    The Amarna Period was an era of Egyptian history during the latter half of the Eighteenth Dynasty when the royal residence of the pharaoh and his queen was shifted to Akhetaten ('Horizon of the Aten') in what is now Amarna. It was marked by the reign of Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaten (1353¿1336 BC) in order to reflect the dramatic change of Egypt's polytheistic religion into one where the sun disc Aten was worshipped over all other gods. Aten was not solely worshipped (the religion was not monotheistic), but the other gods were worshipped to a significantly lesser degree. The Egyptian pantheon of the equality of all gods and goddesses was restored under Akhenaten's successor, Tutankhamun. This book examines Foreign policies of this famous civilization as well as the Diplomatic practices conducted during Amarna Era in ancient Neareast.The Amarna Letters feature correspondence among the rulers of several empires, dubbed by modern historians The Club of Great Powers such as Babylon, Assyria, Mitanni and Hatti, viz. the major powers in Mesopotamia, the Levant and Anatolia during the Late Bronze Age.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    59,00 €

    They follow a faith born in Mesopotamia more than 4,000 years ago. It is rooted in Zoroastrianism but has, over time, blended in elements of Islam and Christianity. Yazidis pray to God three times a day facing the sun and worship his seven angels ¿ the most important of which is Melek Taus, or Peacock angel.They need to hear the Gospel and see the lives of true believers.As non-Arab and non-Muslim Iraqis,persecution of the Yazidi people of Iraq, leading to their expulsion, flight and effectively exile from their ancestral lands in North Iraq, the abduction of Yazidi women and massacres of at least 5,000 Yazidi civilians Yazidis have long been one of the country's most vulnerable minorities in Mesopotamia . Persecution under Saddam Hussein as well as ISIS in Iraq forced thousands of families to flee the country. Germany is home to the largest community abroad, with an estimated 40,000.and about 100,000 scattered around the world.

  • 18% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    59,00 €

    We define human rights as the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until death. In principle human rights apply regardless of where you are from, what you believe or how you choose to live your life. In which it can never be taken away, although they can occasionally be restricted ¿ for example if a person breaks the law, or any sort of threat in the interests of national security. These basic rights are based on values like dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence. But human rights are not just abstract concepts ¿ human rights therefore are defined and protected by law in the respective countries according to their constitutional law. This book explores Challenges in Postmodernism for Human Rights and Fundamental Rights in Mediterranean Countries.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    63,00 €

    The Government¿s relations both at local base and their interactions with such organizations either vis-a-vis or underground is being analyzed. l also try to indicate how Islam spread rapidly from its birthplace in Arabia. In part its spread was due to jihad ('holy war' ) so all these Muslim Organizations arising in Turkic, Persian and Arab world that shapes the governments with their direct or indirect political interactions based on their philosophy though slightly differs a bit among all those sects arose.I also wish to express certain hints on a balanced comparison between Islamic and other views in the field of polity and form of government, l therefore review of the important issues in the philosophy of politics, and on every issue find out what is the view of Islam in conceptual approach and how it is shaped in minds, comparing it with the other views. I therefore intend to make a detailed investigation of the basic differences between them. And I focus on some issues to explain the views of Islam pertaining to them in order that it may be possible to make such comparisons. To me it was therefore important also to indicate ¿What Do Muslims believe ?¿

  • 18% sparen
  • 15% sparen
  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

    Stalinizm jest ¿rodkiem zarz¿dzania i zwi¿zanych z nim polityk realizowanych w latach 1927-1953 przez Józefa Stalina (1878-1953). Polityka i idee stalinowskie rozwijane i realizowane w Zwi¿zku Radzieckim obejmowäy szybk¿ industrializacj¿, teori¿ socjalizmu w jednym kraju, pästwo totalitarne, kolektywizacj¿ rolnictwa, kulminacj¿ osobowo¿ci i podporz¿dkowanie interesów zagranicznych partii komunistycznych interesom Komunistycznej Partii Zwi¿zku Radzieckiego, uwäanej przez stalinizm za wiod¿c¿ awangard¿ komunistycznej rewolucji w tym czasie.Stalinizm promowä eskalacj¿ konfliktu klasowego, wykorzystuj¿c przemoc pästwa do przymusowego oczyszczenia spo¿ecze¿stwa z bur¿uazji, któr¿ doktryna stalinowska uwääa za zagro¿enie dla kontynuacji komunistycznej rewolucji. Polityka ta doprowadzi¿a do znacznej przemocy politycznej i prze¿ladowä tych ludzi. "Wrogami" byli nie tylko ludzie bur¿uazyjni, ale tak¿e ludzie z klasy robotniczej o kontrrewolucyjnych sympatiach. Stalinowska industrializacja miäa oficjalnie przyspieszy¿ rozwój komunizmu, podkre¿laj¿c potrzeb¿ tak szybkiej industrializacji.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

  • von Kemal Yildirim
    37,90 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    32,00 €

    Le stalinisme est le moyen de gouverner et les politiques connexes mises en ¿uvre de 1927 à 1953 par Joseph Staline (1878-1953). Les politiques et idées staliniennes qui ont été développées et mises en ¿uvre en Union soviétique comprenaient l'industrialisation rapide, la théorie du socialisme dans un pays, un État totalitaire, la collectivisation de l'agriculture, un culte de la personnalité et la subordination des intérêts des partis communistes étrangers à ceux du Parti communiste de l'Union soviétique, considéré par le stalinisme comme le principal parti d'avant-garde de la révolution communiste à l'époque.Le stalinisme a favorisé l'escalade du conflit de classe, en utilisant la violence d'État pour purger par la force la société de la bourgeoisie, que la doctrine stalinienne considérait comme des menaces à la poursuite de la révolution communiste. Cette politique a entraîné une violence politique considérable et la persécution de ces personnes. Les "ennemis" comprenaient non seulement les bourgeois, mais aussi les ouvriers ayant des sympathies contre-révolutionnaires. L'industrialisation stalinienne a été officiellement conçue pour accélérer le développement vers le communisme, en soulignant la nécessité d'une industrialisation aussi rapide.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

    Postmodernizm to okres, który przyniós¿ wiele nowych koncepcji do ró¿nych teorii i dziedzin. Filozofia równie¿ by¿a pod wp¿ywem tego okresu, który spowodowä pojawienie si¿ nowych idei dotycz¿cych ¿ycia, cz¿owieka, natury, uczu¿ i emocji. Postmodernizm jest szerokim ruchem, który rozwin¿¿ si¿ w po¿owie i pod koniec XX wieku, obejmuj¿cym filozofi¿, sztuk¿, architektur¿ i krytyk¿, co oznaczäo odej¿cie od modernizmu. Postmodernizm definiuje si¿ na ogó¿ jako postaw¿ sceptycyzmu, ironii lub odrzucenia wobec tego, co opisuje jako wielkie narracje i ideologie zwi¿zane z modernizmem, cz¿sto krytykuj¿c o¿wieceniow¿ racjonalno¿¿ i skupiaj¿c si¿ na roli ideologii w utrzymaniu w¿adzy politycznej lub ekonomicznej.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

    Nazwa "Ilirowie", stosowana przez staro¿ytnych Greków w odniesieniu do Ilirów (staro¿ytny Grek: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, Illyrioi; ¿acina: Illyrii lub Illyri) by¿a w staro¿ytno¿ci grup¿ plemion indo-europejskich, które zamieszkiwäy cz¿¿¿ zachodnich Bäkanów.Terytorium zamieszkiwane przez Ilirów stäo si¿ znane jako Iliria autorom greckim i rzymskim, którzy okre¿lili terytorium odpowiadaj¿ce Serbii, Chorwacji, Bo¿ni i Hercegowinie, S¿owenii, Czarnogórze, Kosowu[a] oraz wi¿kszo¿ci ¿rodkowej i pó¿nocnej Albanii, pomi¿dzy Morzem Adriatyckim na zachodzie, a rzek¿ Draw¿ na pó¿nocy, rzeka Morava na wschodzie i uj¿cie rzeki Aoos na po¿udniu Pierwszy opis iliryjskich ludów pochodzi z Periplusa z Pseudo-Scylaksy, staro¿ytnego tekstu greckiego z po¿owy IV w. p.n.e., który opisuje przybrze¿ne przej¿cia w rejonie Morza ¿ródziemnego ich pó¿nocnych s¿siadów, móg¿ odnosi¿ si¿ do szerokiej, ¿le zdefiniowanej grupy ludów.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • von Kemal Yildirim
    26,90 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen
    von Kemal Yildirim
    24,00 €

  • 11% sparen

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