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Bücher von Kev F Sutherland

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  • von Kev F Sutherland
    24,00 €

    Tales Of Nambygate returns after three decades! 120 pages of classic comedy strips that originally appeared in the 1990s humour mags Gas, The Damage, UT and Blag, all written and drawn by Kev F Sutherland.This collection of stories includes Phallas The Soap Opera, Battler Britten the World WAr Two Ace, and Sam Shovel Secret Investigator, telling a series of stand-alone and linked tales of three generations of graduates from Nambygate School.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    12,00 €

    The Book Of Esther - where Mordecai and Esther have to fend off the threat of extermination by the evil Haman. The Purim story as a Disneyesque comedy adventure. Originally commissioned by Bible Society, this story written and drawn by Kev F Sutherland is now available in a pocketbook sized paperback digest for the first time.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    15,00 €

    "Lord, what fools these mortals be!" 120 page graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy, but this time reworked as a heist movie. Written and drawn by Marvel and Beano creator Kev F Sutherland. Theo the Greek is marrying Hippolyta at their restaurant Athens, while some star-crossed lovers disobey their parents and a prog rock group performs their concept album Pyramus and Thisbe. And next door in Woods nightclub, Titania, Oberon and Puck are having a ball. What could possibly go wrong? Quite a lot it seems, when Quince gets the gang together for one last job. ¿¿¿¿¿ "Another brilliant book from Kev. He brings Shakespeare to life in a new, fun and interesting way - updated for the 21st century in his own unique way. I love his books!!

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    17,00 €

    The Book Of Esther - where Mordecai and Esther have to fend off the threat of extermination by the evil Haman. The Purim story as a Disneyesque comedy adventure.Originally commissioned by Bible Society, this story written and drawn by Kev F Sutherland is now available in a pocketbook sized paperback digest for the first time.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    17,00 €

    Captain Clevedon, The Avon Avenger, returns again. His 2011 adventure is here, alongside his long-lost 1994 debut. All written and drawn by Beano and Marvel artist Kev F Sutherland.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    17,00 €

    Royalty - a colouring book full of Kings & Queen of Great Britain, England & Scotland since King Arthur, right up to the present day. These are all original illustrations by Kev F Sutherland, whose work you'll have seen in Marvel & Beano comics, and in his Shakespearian graphic novels.Here's the way to remember every single King & Queen of England and Great Britain, a simple poem:Willie, Willie, Harry, Stee,Harry, Dick, John, Harry 3,1, 2, 3 Neds, Richard 2,Henry 4, 5, 6,Then who? Edwards 4, 5,Dick the Bad,Harries Twain, And Ed the Lad. Mary, Betsy, James the Pain,Charlie, Charlie, James again. William and Mary,Anna Gloria,4 Georges,William and Victoria.Edward seven, Georgie V, Edward, George and Queen Lizzie,Then Charlie three, the last in line,For whose stanza there's not been time.Well, okay, after a fashion. Though who the hell Stee is, we don't know. And where does this leave Ethelred The Unready?This Royalty Colouring Book gives you a chance to have colouring fun with the faces, and camp costumes, of the Top Twenty best Royals ever. If we've missed out your favourites, and who knows how many Stee fans there out there, there'll always be volume two.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    19,00 €

    La segunda colección completamente nueva de dibujos de Eurovisión para colorear del dibujante de cómics Kev F Sutherland. Esta vez tenemos 33 imágenes que muestran a todos los países ganadores y a todos los ganadores, incluido el ganador de 2022, Ucrania, más 6 países que nunca han ganado, pero que deberían haberlo hecho. Este libro es 100% no oficial y 100% dibujos nuevos, arte y texto originales.¿Quién lo hizo?Irlanda - 7 victoriasSuecia - 6 victoriasFrancia - 5 victoriasReino Unido - 5 victoriasLuxemburgo - 5 victoriasHolanda - 5 victoriasIsrael - 4 victoriasNoruega - 3 victoriasDinamarca - 3 victoriasItalia - 3 victoriasEspaña - 2 victoriasSuiza - 2 victoriasAlemania - 2 victoriasAustria - 2 victoriasUcrania - 3 victoriasMónacoBélgicaYugoslaviaEstonialetoniaPavoGreciaFinlandiaSerbiaRusiaAzerbaiyánPortugalLos no ganadores:IslandiaChipreAustraliaPoloniaMaltaLituaniafeliz para colorear

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    19,00 €

    Den andra helt nya samlingen av Eurovision-teckningar att färglägga av seriekonstnären Kev F Sutherland. Den här gången har vi 33 bilder som visar varje enskilt vinnande land och varje enskild vinnare - inklusive 2022 års vinnare Ukraina - plus 6 länder som aldrig har vunnit, men som borde ha vunnit. Den här boken är 100 % inofficiell och 100 % nya teckningar, originalkonst och text.Vem har gjort det?Irland - 7 segrarSverige - 6 segrarFrankrike - 5 segrarStorbritannien - 5 segrarLuxemburg - 5 segrarNederländerna - 5 segrarIsrael - 4 segrarNorge - 3 segrarDanmark - 3 segrarItalien - 3 segrarSpanien - 2 segrarSchweiz - 2 segrarTyskland - 2 segrarÖsterrike - 2 segrarUkraina - 3 segrarMonacoBelgienJugoslavienEstlandLettlandKalkonGreklandFinlandSerbienRysslandAzerbajdzjanPortugalDe icke vinnarna:IslandCypernAustralienPolenMaltaLitauenGlad färgläggning

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    22,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    19,00 €

    Fun colouring book with the Top 20 best Scottish Pop stars for your coloring pleasure, as drawn by Kev F Sutherland.Welcome to ScotlandWe're the country that gave you tarmac, Bovril, and marmalade. The country that gave you the telephone, the television, the pneumatic tyre, and the adhesive postage stamp. And, of course, we're the country that gave you these Pop Star Colouring Books (our artist, Kev F Sutherland, was born in Aberdeen). But probably even more important than all of these is the pop music to have come from Scotland.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    18,00 €

    A colouring book for adults and kids of all ages, with 34 top Eurovision pop stars from the 50s to the 2020s, all drawn specially by Kev F Sutherland (of Beano and Marvel comics fame) with brand new text about every act facing each image.A colouring book for adults and kids of all ages, with 34 top Eurovision pop stars from the 50s to the 2020s, all drawn specially by Kev F Sutherland (of Beano and Marvel comics fame) with brand new text about every act facing each image.Buck's FizzBrotherhood of ManABBALordiConchita WurstAlexander RybakDanaDana InternationalKatrina and the WavesJohnny LoganKeiinoSandy ShawCliff RichardLuluFrance GallDomenico ModugnoJahn TeigenJeminiManeskinNettaMans ZelmerloewLoreenTerry WoganCeline DionVerka SerduchkaJedwardRiverdanceEleni FourieraSandra KimJamalaDaði Freyr and GagnamagniðFire SagaLys AssiaAnyone we've missed?

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    18,00 €

    A brand new colouring book of all original line drawings of David Bowie by Beano & Marvel artist Kev F Sutherland + For the text of this colouring book, we followed the futuristic thinking of David Bowie and asked two AI systems to write the articlesThe Top 20 brand new images of David Bowie, for your coloring pleasure. From Ziggy to Heroes, The Goblin King to the Thin White Duke, Bowie the pop chameleon is here in every guise. These are brand new copyright illustrations by Kev F Sutherland, legendary artist from Marvel comics and The Beano.kevfcomicartist.comDAVID BOWIEDavid Bowie seems to be the most popular man in the world of adult colouring books, so I apologise if I'm adding to an already saturated market with this book of brand-new images, all specially drawn by me. Here you'll find my selection of the Top 20 Bowie songs, with an image for each.Obviously there's been some whittling down, sometimes because there was no really good image to go with the song - so no Laughing Gnome or Fame I'm afraid - or because I didn't want too many from the same time period. And there was no room for any Tin Machine, which I'm sure has disappointed millions. I've tried to make original image choices where I could, cos let's be honest you've seen enough colouring book versions of the Aladdin Sane cover. So, what have we got?Love You Til Tuesday and Space Oddity, from his debut album;Life On Mars, from Hunky Dory;Starman and Ziggy, as seen on Top Of The Pops and the Ziggy movie;Rebel Rebel, as seen on Dutch TV show Top Pop;Golden Years, as performed on Soul Train;Young Americans, as performed on the Dick Cavett show;Heroes and Peace On Earth, both as shown on Bing Crosby's Merrie Olde Christmas, filmed in September 1977 just before Bing died;Boys Keep Swinging, from Lodger;Ashes To Ashes and Fashion, from Scary Monsters;Modern Love, from Lets Dance;David as The Goblin King from Labyrinth;Time Will Crawl, as seen in the unbroadcast Top Of The Pops episode he recorded which didn't get shown because the single dropped down the chart that week;Little Wonder, from Earthling; Under Pressure, as performed at Glastonbury (with Gail Anne Dorsey doing the Freddie Mercury parts, just out of shot);and Little Fat Man, from David's last TV appearance on Extras.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    20,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    20,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    50,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    30,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    40,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    21,00 €

    Hamlet is a punk rocker, in this 120 page graphic novel retelling of Shakespeare's tragedy, written and drawn by Beano and Marvel creator Kev F Sutherland."Something's rotten, look at the state of Denmark Street"It's 1977, and on London's Tin Pan Alley, the home of the music business, Hamlet and The Danes are the hottest new punk rock band. But when Hamlet discovers his dad's been killed and his uncle's taken over the music biz, while also marrying his mum, there's hell to pay.This book gives you the 120 page graphic novel, plus the full Shakespeare play so you can see how much is by the bard and how much by Kev F, plus there's a Soundtrack Album, and an article about the history of London's Denmark Street."A hit - a palpable hit!""...really smart & clever, & particularly enjoyed the Frankenstein piano & the seamless riffing from high Shakespeare to low demotic." - Martin Rowson¿¿¿¿¿ "I normally stay away from Shakespeare works, but not this - enjoyable and funny" - Debbie, Amazon

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    28,00 €

    Quince has got the gang together for one last job.120 pages of original comic strip drama, by Kev F Sutherland of Beano and Marvel fame.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    28,00 €

    "Something's rotten, look at the state of Denmark Street"Hamlet is a punk rocker in this 120 page graphic novel by Beano and Marvel creator Kev F Sutherland, with the complete Shakespeare play at the back of the book.It's 1977, and on London's Tin Pan Alley, home of the music biz, Hamlet and The Danes are the hottest new punk band. But when Hamlet's dad gets killed, and his uncle takes over the business, there's hell to pay."A hit - a palpable hit!"

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    17,00 €

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    19,00 €

    The genuine 1970s teenage diary of comic book writer and artist Kev F Sutherland, a slice of history showing the TV, pop music, and occasional life of a teenager in the UK long long ago.

  • von Kev F Sutherland
    72,00 €

    The genuine illustrated diary of comedian, comics writer and artist Kev F Sutherland. How he spent his 2018, in excruciating detail.

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