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Bücher von Kevin Sweeney

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  • von Kevin Sweeney
    22,00 €

    When one of the great living mystics, Father Richard Rohr, writes, "All great spirituality is somehow about letting go," do we just skim by this and catalogue it as another great quotable by a prolific author?Or, do we dare to allow this truth to utterly change our relationship with God, humanity, and reality itself? Can we feel the truth of this statement resonate in the center of our being so powerfully, that we are almost forced to ask the natural question that follows:How?How is each life altering step of the great spiritual journey somehow about letting go?Well, this book is the answer to that question.Each chapter focuses on a specific topic, and names the unique challenges of it and the ways we get stuck within it. Then, shows how some form of letting go is always required in order to do that specific thing well, to sustain joy and peace while doing it, and to become more free as a result of it.My dream is that everyone who reads this will open up to the possibility that to engage everything from the concrete to the cosmic, from joy to justice, and from the tiniest arguments with your partner to the most monumental social tragedies of our time without losing our joy, we have to learn how to let go.

  • von Kevin Sweeney
    20,00 €

    A man with no name and no memory finds himself on board a train of infinite length, filled with corpses. All of the corpses are clones of himself, dead versions of him, and no two are exactly the same. They have different haircuts, or beards dyed wild colors; some have tattoos, or piercings, or scars, missing or multiple limbs, or weirder still, are a completely other species... there are dwarf versions of him and dinosaur versions of him and even cartoon cereal box mascot versions of him, all gruesomely murdered. Who is he, who are they, who murdered them, and why? What else can he do but walk, and hope to find answers to the ultimate murder mystery somewhere amongst the endless corpses?

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