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Bücher von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe

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  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    50,00 €

    Este livro foi escrito para ajudar estudantes e gerentes de projeto que atendem aos requisitos de educação e experiência para se tornarem certificados PMP. O exame PMP é administrado pelo Project Management Institute. O PMI é a principal associação profissional para a profissão de gerenciamento de projetos. O livro de terminologia de gerenciamento de projetos (PMTB) é sua melhor escolha para se preparar para o exame profissional de gerenciamento de projetos.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    50,00 €

    Questo libro è stato scritto per aiutare studenti e project manager che soddisfano i requisiti di istruzione ed esperienza per ottenere la certificazione PMP. L'esame PMP è amministrato dal Project Management Institute. Il PMI è la principale associazione professionale per la professione di project management. Il libro di terminologia sulla gestione del progetto (PMTB) è la scelta migliore per prepararsi all'esame professionale di gestione del progetto.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    50,00 €

    Este libro está escrito para ayudar a los estudiantes y gerentes de proyectos que cumplen con los requisitos de educación y experiencia para obtener la certificación PMP. El examen PMP es administrado por el Project Management Institute. El PMI es la asociación profesional líder en la profesión de dirección de proyectos. El libro de terminología de gestión de proyectos (PMTB) es su mejor opción para prepararse para el examen profesional de gestión de proyectos.

  • von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    60,90 €

    Dieses Buch wurde geschrieben, um Studenten und Projektmanagern zu helfen, die die Bildungs- und Erfahrungsanforderungen erfüllen, um zertifizierter PMP zu werden. Die PMP-Prüfung wird vom Project Management Institute durchgeführt. Das PMI ist der führende Berufsverband für den Berufsstand des Projektmanagements. Das Projektmanagement-Terminologiebuch (PMTB) ist die beste Wahl, um sich auf die Fachprüfung für Projektmanagement vorzubereiten.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    50,00 €

    Ce livre est écrit pour aider les étudiants et les chefs de projet qui répondent aux exigences d'éducation et d'expérience pour devenir certifiés PMP. L'examen PMP est administré par le Project Management Institute. Le PMI est la principale association professionnelle de la profession de gestion de projet. Le livre de terminologie de gestion de projet (PMTB) est votre meilleur choix pour vous préparer à l'examen professionnel de gestion de projet.

  • von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    71,90 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    48,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    48,00 €

  • von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    57,90 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    48,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    48,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    46,00 €

    This book emphasizes that there was no significant progress since 1960. Statistic analysis shows that the country¿s economy was even better the time of president Hubert Maga during independency time than the time of Yayi Boni and Patrice Talon. The economy was at the worst level in the time of Marxist-Leninist of Mathieu Kerekou but president Nicephore Soglo did a great job by recovering the economy and put the GDP rate to 5.6%. It is very important to notify that since 1990, Benin had just experienced only one great leader who worked hard to make positive change in this country. Beninese¿s people are still expecting until today a great leader like Nicephore Soglo but could not find one because since 1996 every president had left the office with a deficit budget and the country level of poverty is getting worst and worst. It means that there is no progress but only poverty, an increase of unemployment, increase of corruption, no freedom of press or speech.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    42,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    46,00 €

    W tej ksi¿¿ce podkre¿lono, ¿e od 1960 r. nie nast¿pi¿ ¿aden znacz¿cy post¿p. Analiza statystyczna pokazuje, ¿e gospodarka kraju by¿a jeszcze lepsza w czasie prezydentury Huberta Magi w okresie niepodleg¿o¿ci ni¿ w czasie Yayi Boni i Patrice Talon. Gospodarka by¿a na najgorszym poziomie w czasach marksistowsko-leninowskiego Mathieu Kerekou, ale prezydent Nicephore Soglo wykonä ¿wietn¿ robot¿, odbudowuj¿c gospodark¿ i ustawiaj¿c stop¿ PKB na 5,6%. Bardzo wäne jest, aby poinformowä, ¿e od 1990 roku Benin do¿wiadczy¿ tylko jednego wielkiego lidera, który ci¿¿ko pracowä, aby dokonä pozytywnych zmian w tym kraju. Mieszkäcy Beninu nadal oczekuj¿ do dzi¿ wielkiego lidera, jakim jest Nicephore Soglo, ale nie mogli go znale¿¿, poniewä od 1996 roku kädy prezydent opu¿ci¿ urz¿d z deficytowym bud¿etem, a poziom ubóstwa w kraju jest coraz gorszy. Oznacza to, ¿e nie ma post¿pu, a jedynie bied¿, wzrost bezrobocia, wzrost korupcji, brak wolno¿ci prasy i s¿owa.Ta ksi¿¿ka zostäa przet¿umaczona przy u¿yciu sztucznej inteligencji.

  • von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    54,90 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

    Resume: This book analyses concrete, reinforced concrete, concrete admixtures, steel, fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), and Cement materials. It develops with detail in this book, each material characteristic, their role, and most importantly their resistant in terms of stress and strain under solicitation loads of compression, traction and flexion. The study includes also the analysis of concrete composite materials and detailed method of experimental test procedures. The knowledge could help civil engineering activists to understand each of the materials properties and to choose the right material needed to meet the design requirements. This book can be used by students in research environment, in laboratory, by engineers at construction site or by professors as teaching instrument.

  • 17% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    48,00 €

    This book is written to help construction project practitioners to challenge the problems which lead most of the time the performance of construction projects into failure. It is developed in this book, a knowledge of construction projects concerning construction schedule, construction cost, construction productivity and construction bid. The factors which cause delay and cost overrun, low productivity and unsuccessful bid contract are part of the contents of this book. The method of Pert and Gant and a basic knowledge of Microsoft project have been introduced to help the users of this book to successfully handle the planning of future development construction projects. Earning value management has also been described, interpreted in detail and samples of the project are used to evaluate the performance of the project in terms of schedule performance index and cost performance index. In the end, a list of potential construction project research topics in different areas of civil engineering is discussed and the methodology of conducting project management research is proposed in several published keynote papers included in this book.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Kokou Missogbe Thomas R Akogbe
    59,00 €

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