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Bücher von Kuldeep Singh

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  • von Kuldeep Singh
    28,00 €

    This is a comprehensive guidebook that covers the principles and applications of electron transport in materials for optoelectronic devices. The book starts with an introduction to the basics of electron transport, including the concept of conductivity, mobility, and carrier concentration. It then delves into the specific properties of materials that are used in optoelectronic devices, such as semiconductors, metals, and insulators. The author discusses the various techniques used to measure electron transport properties, including electrical and optical methods. He also covers the challenges and limitations associated with these techniques, as well as strategies to overcome them. The book then explores the use of electron transport properties in various optoelectronic devices, such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, and photodetectors. The author describes the key components of these devices, including the materials used, device structures, and working principles. He also discusses the role of electron transport in device performance and optimization. Overall, "Electron Transport Properties for Optoelectronic Devices" provides a comprehensive overview of electron transport in materials for optoelectronic devices. It is an essential reference for researchers and graduate students working in the field of optoelectronics, as well as for professionals in industry who are involved in the design and development of optoelectronic devices.

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    18,00 €

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    29,00 €

    Pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh] is among the top ten legumes grown globally, along with common beans, pea, chickpea, broad beans and lentils. More than any other legume adapted to different agroclimatic zones, pigeon pea uniquely combines optimal nutritional profiles, high tolerance to environmental stresses, high biomass productivity and most nutrient and moisture contributions to the soil. It is a tropical grain legume grown mainly in India. Pigeon pea is nodulated by a wide range of rhizobial strains including Bradyrhizobium (cowpea group) and fast-growing rhizobia. Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is agriculturally and ecologically important for many purposes including the production of food, fodder, enrichment of the soil in nitrogen, thereby the application of nitrogenous fertilizers is reduced. Synergistic effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Rhizobium on nodulation and nitrogen fixation by pigeon pea (Cajanus Cajan) are well documented. These traits allow its cultivation in a range of environments and cropping systems.

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    43,00 €

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    35,00 €

    A plantação de cana-de-açúcar com plantação em filas emparelhadas em canteiros largos e sulcos, plantação em filas abertas em meia crista, e métodos de plantação mais largos melhoraram o crescimento, rendimento, atributos de rendimento e absorção de nutrientes de N, P, e K em relação à plantação convencional.A maior eficiência do uso de azoto agronómico (NUE), a percentagem de recuperação de azoto, e a eficiência do uso fisiológico de azoto também foram registadas no método de plantação em filas emparelhadas em canteiros largos e sulcos.Os parâmetros de qualidade da cana , nomeadamenteBrix Percent, Pol Percent, Purity Percent, e CCS Percent, não foram significativamente afectados por diferentes métodos de plantação e níveis de nitrogénio. Osresultados obtidos com a plantação em grandes linhas emparelhadas de canteiros e sulcos provaram ser um método mais promissor que deu mais rendimento líquido e benefício: relação custo. A maior produtividade e retorno líquido foram obtidos a 150 kg N ha-1.

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    35,00 €

    La plantation de la canne à sucre avec laméthodede plantation en rangs jumelés sur lit large et sillon, la plantation par irrigation à sillon ouvert sur demi-billon et les méthodes de plantation plus larges ont amélioré la croissance, le rendement, les attributs du rendement et l'absorption des éléments nutritifs de N, P et K par rapport à la plantation conventionnelle.Lesparamètres de qualité de la canne, à savoirle pourcentage de Brix, le pourcentage de Pol, le pourcentage de pureté et le pourcentage de CCS, n'ont pas été affectés de manière significative par les différentes méthodes de plantation et les niveaux d'azote. Lesrésultats obtenus avec la méthode de plantation en rangs jumelés sur lit large et sillon se sont avérés être la méthode la plus prometteuse qui a donné un meilleur rendement net et un meilleur rapport bénéfice/coût. La productivité et le rendement net les plus élevés ont été obtenus à 150 kg N ha-1.

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    35,00 €

    La siembra de caña de azúcar en cama ancha y surcoemparejado, la siembra en medio surco abierto y los métodos de siembra más amplios mejoraron el crecimiento, el rendimiento y los atributos de rendimiento y la absorción de nutrientes de N, P y K en comparación con la siembra convencional.La mayor eficiencia agronómica de uso de nitrógeno (NUE), el porcentaje de recuperación de nitrógeno y la eficiencia fisiológica de uso de nitrógeno también se registraron en el método de siembra en cama ancha y surco emparejado.Losparámetros de calidad de la caña , es decir,el porcentaje de Brix, el porcentaje de Pol, el porcentaje de pureza y el porcentaje de CCS, no se vieron afectados de forma significativa por los diferentes métodos de plantación y niveles de nitrógeno. Losresultados obtenidos con la plantación en cama ancha y en hileras emparejadas demostraron ser el método más prometedor, ya que proporcionó un mayor rendimiento neto y una mayor relación beneficio/coste. La mayor productividad y rendimiento neto se obtuvieron con 150 kg N ha-1.

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    35,00 €

    L'impianto della canna da zucchero con la semina a file larghe e solchi accoppiati, con l'irrigazione a solchi aperti a mezza costa e con i metodi di impianto più ampi ha migliorato la crescita, la resa e gli attributi della resa e l'assorbimento dei nutrienti N, P e K rispetto all'impianto convenzionale.I parametri qualitativi della canna , qualipercentuale di Brix, percentuale di Pol, percentuale di purezza e percentuale di CCS, non sono stati influenzati in modo significativo dai diversi metodi di impianto e dai diversi livelli di azoto. Irisultati ottenuti con l'impianto a file affiancate a letto largo e a solchi si sono rivelati il metodo più promettente, in grado di fornire un rendimento netto e un rapporto benefici/costi più elevati. La produttività e il rendimento netto più elevati sono stati ottenuti con 150 kg di N ha-1 .

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    43,90 €

    Die Anpflanzung von Zuckerrohr mit einem breiten Beet und einer Furche in zwei Reihen, die Anpflanzung mit halboffener Furchenbewässerung und die breiteren Anpflanzungsmethoden verbesserten Wachstum, Ertrag und Ertragsattribute sowie die Nährstoffaufnahme von N, P und K gegenüber der konventionellen Anpflanzung.Die höhere agronomische Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz (NUE), die prozentuale Stickstoffrückgewinnung und die physiologische Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz wurden ebenfalls bei der Anpflanzungsmethode mit einem breiten Beet und einer Furche in zwei Reihen festgestellt.DieQualitätsparameter des Zuckerrohrs, d.h.Brix-Prozent, Pol-Prozent, Reinheits-Prozent und CCS-Prozent, wurden durch die verschiedenen Anbaumethoden und Stickstoffgehalte nicht signifikant beeinflusst. DieErgebnisse, die mit der Anpflanzung von breiten Beeten und Furchen in gepaarten Reihen erzielt wurden, erwiesen sich als vielversprechendste Methode, die einen höheren Nettoertrag und ein besseres Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis lieferte. Die höchste Produktivität und der höchste Nettoertrag wurden bei 150 kg N ha-1 erzielt.

  • von Kuldeep Singh
    35,00 €

    The sugarcane planting with wide bed and furrow paired row planting, half ridge open furrow irrigation planting, and wider planting methods improved growth, yield, and yield attributes and nutrients uptake of N, P, and K over conventional planting. The higher agronomic nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), percent nitrogen recovery, and physiological nitrogen use efficiency were also recorded in the wide bed and furrow paired row planting method. The cane quality parameters viz. Brix Percent, Pol Percent, Purity Percent, and CCS Percent were not significantly affected by different planting methods and levels of nitrogen. Results obtained with wide bed and furrow paired row planting proved to be a most promising method which gave more net return and benefit: cost ratio. The highest productivity and net return were obtained at 150 kg N ha-1.

  • von Ajay Pratap Singh
    32,00 €

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