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Bücher von Kushal Singh

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  • von Kushal Singh
    22,00 €

    Thieves in past..patriots in present. The story is set in the country of Sweden and Russia when the relation between the countries were on extreme bitterness. Read how two thieves Kevin and Ross come up for their country when everyone was terrified for the suspicious and extremely dangerous work i.e. of being a spy in order to save their country. Full of action packed animated images to take you to the background. A lot of genre supporting book especially patriotism, friendship and love.

  • von Kushal Singh
    18,00 €

    A love story of a lonely writer takes the form of a bestseller novel. This is what best describes the book in one line. The love story of a young lonely writer Aditya and his love Ahana. Read to find out what happens when dreams of tomorrow force Ahana to leave her love of life behind. As the love story of Ahana and Aditya were progressing at its pace, time had its own plans. Ahana leaves for America to pursue her dancing career whereas, on the other hand, Aditya is back to where he started, his lonely life. Aditya's life takes a big turn as he goes on to become the most celebrated of the writers all over the globe when he decides to preserve his memories with Ahana in the form of a novel. Will the novel, "The Moonlight Smile that Stole my Heart" ever get to its complete end, or some stories are never meant to be completed. Will our Romeo writer Aditya ever again meet his Juliet Ahana? Read on to find out what destiny has for the love buds.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    50,00 €

    "Tourism in Transformation: Exploring Destinations, Technology, and Sustainable Practices" delves into the evolving landscape of global tourism and offers a captivating journey into the interplay between destinations, technology, and sustainable practices. This book presents a thought-provoking exploration of how the tourism industry is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by emerging technologies and an urgent need for sustainable practices.Through a compelling narrative, the book takes readers on a fascinating voyage across diverse destinations, showcasing how technology has revolutionized the way we experience and engage with them. From virtual reality-enhanced travel experiences to the rise of smart tourism destinations, readers will discover the profound impact of technology on tourism and the possibilities it offers for immersive, interactive, and personalized adventures.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    37,00 €

    Unlocking the World: Adventure, Dark, Sports, Educational, and Medical Tourism Unveiled" is a captivating exploration of global tourism. Through extensive research and firsthand experiences, the author reveals the hidden layers of adventure, dark, sports, educational, and medical tourism. The book immerses readers in the adrenaline-fueled world of adventure tourism, showcasing thrilling expeditions to breathtaking destinations like uncharted territories and towering mountains. It also delves into the enigmatic realm of dark tourism, where travelers seek out sites associated with tragedy and the macabre, examining the motivations behind this intriguing phenomenon.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    50,00 €

    "Turismo in trasformazione: Exploring Destinations, Technology, and Sustainable Practices" si addentra nel panorama in evoluzione del turismo globale e offre un viaggio accattivante nell'interazione tra destinazioni, tecnologia e pratiche sostenibili. Il libro presenta un'esplorazione stimolante di come l'industria del turismo stia subendo una profonda trasformazione, guidata dalle tecnologie emergenti e dall'urgente necessità di pratiche sostenibili.Attraverso una narrazione avvincente, il libro accompagna i lettori in un viaggio affascinante attraverso diverse destinazioni, mostrando come la tecnologia abbia rivoluzionato il modo in cui le viviamo e ci confrontiamo con esse. Dalle esperienze di viaggio potenziate dalla realtà virtuale all'ascesa delle destinazioni turistiche intelligenti, i lettori scopriranno il profondo impatto della tecnologia sul turismo e le possibilità che offre per avventure immersive, interattive e personalizzate.

  • von Kushal Singh
    60,90 €

    "Tourismus im Wandel: Exploring Destinations, Technology, and Sustainable Practices" (Reiseziele, Technologie und nachhaltige Praktiken) erforscht die sich entwickelnde Landschaft des globalen Tourismus und bietet eine fesselnde Reise in das Zusammenspiel zwischen Reisezielen, Technologie und nachhaltigen Praktiken. Dieses Buch ist eine anregende Untersuchung darüber, wie die Tourismusbranche einen tiefgreifenden Wandel durchläuft, angetrieben durch neue Technologien und den dringenden Bedarf an nachhaltigen Praktiken.Durch eine fesselnde Erzählung nimmt das Buch die Leser mit auf eine faszinierende Reise zu verschiedenen Reisezielen und zeigt, wie die Technologie die Art und Weise, wie wir sie erleben und mit ihnen umgehen, revolutioniert hat. Von Reiseerlebnissen mit virtueller Realität bis hin zum Aufkommen intelligenter Reiseziele werden die Leser die tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen der Technologie auf den Tourismus und die Möglichkeiten entdecken, die sie für immersive, interaktive und personalisierte Abenteuer bietet.

  • von Kushal Singh
    43,90 €

    "Unlocking the World: Adventure, Dark, Sports, Educational, and Medical Tourism Unveiled" ist eine fesselnde Erkundung des globalen Tourismus. Durch umfangreiche Recherchen und Erfahrungen aus erster Hand enthüllt der Autor die verborgenen Schichten des Abenteuer-, Dunkel-, Sport-, Bildungs- und Medizintourismus. Das Buch lässt den Leser in die adrenalingeladene Welt des Abenteuertourismus eintauchen und zeigt aufregende Expeditionen zu atemberaubenden Reisezielen wie unerforschten Gebieten und hoch aufragenden Bergen. Es taucht auch in das rätselhafte Reich des "Dark Tourism" ein, bei dem Reisende Orte aufsuchen, die mit Tragödien und dem Makabren in Verbindung gebracht werden, und untersucht die Beweggründe für dieses faszinierende Phänomen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    37,00 €

    Unlocking the World: Adventure, Dark, Sports, Educational, and Medical Tourism Unveiled" è un'avvincente esplorazione del turismo globale. Attraverso ricerche approfondite ed esperienze dirette, l'autore rivela gli strati nascosti del turismo d'avventura, oscuro, sportivo, educativo e medico. Il libro immerge i lettori nel mondo adrenalinico del turismo d'avventura, mostrando spedizioni emozionanti verso destinazioni mozzafiato come territori inesplorati e montagne imponenti. Si addentra anche nell'enigmatico regno del turismo oscuro, in cui i viaggiatori cercano siti associati alla tragedia e al macabro, esaminando le motivazioni alla base di questo intrigante fenomeno.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    50,00 €

    "Le tourisme en transformation : Exploring Destinations, Technology, and Sustainable Practices" se penche sur le paysage changeant du tourisme mondial et propose un voyage captivant dans l'interaction entre les destinations, la technologie et les pratiques durables. Cet ouvrage propose une exploration stimulante de la manière dont l'industrie du tourisme subit une profonde transformation, sous l'impulsion des technologies émergentes et d'un besoin urgent de pratiques durables.À travers un récit captivant, le livre emmène les lecteurs dans un voyage fascinant à travers diverses destinations, en montrant comment la technologie a révolutionné la façon dont nous vivons et nous nous engageons avec elles. Des expériences de voyage enrichies par la réalité virtuelle à l'essor des destinations touristiques intelligentes, les lecteurs découvriront l'impact profond de la technologie sur le tourisme et les possibilités qu'elle offre pour des aventures immersives, interactives et personnalisées.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    37,00 €

    Desvendando o Mundo: Adventure, Dark, Sports, Educational, and Medical Tourism Unveiled" é uma exploração cativante do turismo global. Através de uma extensa pesquisa e de experiências em primeira mão, o autor revela as camadas ocultas do turismo de aventura, sombrio, desportivo, educacional e médico. O livro mergulha os leitores no mundo cheio de adrenalina do turismo de aventura, apresentando expedições emocionantes a destinos de cortar a respiração, como territórios inexplorados e montanhas imponentes. Também mergulha no enigmático reino do turismo negro, onde os viajantes procuram locais associados à tragédia e ao macabro, examinando as motivações por detrás deste intrigante fenómeno.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    50,00 €

    "Turismo en transformación: Explorando destinos, tecnología y prácticas sostenibles" se adentra en el cambiante panorama del turismo mundial y ofrece un cautivador viaje a la interacción entre destinos, tecnología y prácticas sostenibles. Este libro presenta una exploración que invita a la reflexión sobre cómo la industria turística está experimentando una profunda transformación, impulsada por las tecnologías emergentes y la urgente necesidad de prácticas sostenibles.A través de una narración convincente, el libro lleva a los lectores a un fascinante viaje a través de diversos destinos, mostrando cómo la tecnología ha revolucionado la forma en que experimentamos y nos relacionamos con ellos. Desde experiencias de viaje basadas en la realidad virtual hasta el auge de los destinos turísticos inteligentes, los lectores descubrirán el profundo impacto de la tecnología en el turismo y las posibilidades que ofrece para vivir aventuras inmersivas, interactivas y personalizadas.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    37,00 €

    Unlocking the World : Adventure, Dark, Sports, Educational, and Medical Tourism Unveiled" est une exploration captivante du tourisme mondial. Grâce à des recherches approfondies et à des expériences de première main, l'auteur révèle les couches cachées du tourisme d'aventure, du tourisme noir, du tourisme sportif, du tourisme éducatif et du tourisme médical. Le livre plonge les lecteurs dans le monde du tourisme d'aventure, riche en adrénaline, en présentant des expéditions palpitantes vers des destinations à couper le souffle, telles que des territoires inexplorés et des montagnes vertigineuses. Il plonge également dans le domaine énigmatique du tourisme noir, où les voyageurs recherchent des sites associés à la tragédie et au macabre, en examinant les motivations de ce phénomène intriguant.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    22,00 €

    Kniga "Otkrywaq mir: Priklüchencheskij, temnyj, sportiwnyj, obrazowatel'nyj i medicinskij turizm" - äto uwlekatel'noe issledowanie global'nogo turizma. Blagodarq obshirnym issledowaniqm i sobstwennomu opytu awtor raskrywaet skrytye sloi priklüchencheskogo, temnogo, sportiwnogo, obrazowatel'nogo i medicinskogo turizma. Kniga pogruzhaet chitatelq w mir priklüchencheskogo turizma, napolnennogo adrenalinom, demonstriruq zahwatywaüschie äxpedicii po takim mestam, kak neizwedannye territorii i wozwyshaüschiesq gory. Kniga takzhe poswqschena zagadochnoj sfere "temnogo" turizma, kogda puteshestwenniki stremqtsq posetit' mesta, swqzannye s tragediej i makabrizmom, i issleduet motiwy ätogo intriguüschego qwleniq.

  • 16% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    37,00 €

    Unlocking the World: Adventure, Dark, Sports, Educational, and Medical Tourism Unveiled" es una cautivadora exploración del turismo mundial. A través de una exhaustiva investigación y experiencias de primera mano, el autor desvela las capas ocultas del turismo de aventura, oscuro, deportivo, educativo y médico. El libro sumerge a los lectores en el mundo cargado de adrenalina del turismo de aventura, mostrando emocionantes expediciones a destinos impresionantes como territorios inexplorados y montañas imponentes. También se adentra en el enigmático reino del turismo oscuro, en el que los viajeros buscan lugares asociados a la tragedia y lo macabro, examinando las motivaciones que subyacen a este intrigante fenómeno.

  • 11% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    22,00 €

    Kniga "Turizm w uslowiqh transformacii: Issledowanie destinacij, tehnologij i ustojchiwyh praktik" poswqschena äwolücii global'nogo turizma i predlagaet uwlekatel'noe puteshestwie wo wzaimodejstwie destinacij, tehnologij i ustojchiwyh praktik. Jeta kniga predstawlqet soboj nawodqschee na razmyshleniq issledowanie togo, kak industriq turizma perezhiwaet glubokuü transformaciü, obuslowlennuü poqwleniem nowyh tehnologij i ostroj neobhodimost'ü wnedreniq ustojchiwyh praktik.S pomosch'ü zahwatywaüschego powestwowaniq kniga otprawlqet chitatelq w uwlekatel'noe puteshestwie po razlichnym naprawleniqm, demonstriruq, kak tehnologii rewolücionizirowali nashi wpechatleniq i wzaimodejstwie s nimi. Chitateli uznaüt o glubokom wliqnii tehnologij na turizm i o wozmozhnostqh, kotorye oni otkrywaüt dlq zahwatywaüschih, interaktiwnyh i personalizirowannyh priklüchenij, nachinaq s puteshestwij w wirtual'noj real'nosti i zakanchiwaq poqwleniem "umnyh" turisticheskih naprawlenij.

  • 18% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    50,00 €

    "Tourism in Transformation: Exploring Destinations, Technology, and Sustainable Practices" investiga a paisagem em evolução do turismo global e oferece uma viagem cativante à interação entre destinos, tecnologia e práticas sustentáveis. Este livro apresenta uma exploração instigante da forma como a indústria do turismo está a sofrer uma profunda transformação, impulsionada pelas tecnologias emergentes e por uma necessidade urgente de práticas sustentáveis.Através de uma narrativa convincente, o livro leva os leitores numa viagem fascinante através de diversos destinos, mostrando como a tecnologia revolucionou a forma como os experienciamos e interagimos com eles. Desde as experiências de viagem com realidade virtual até ao surgimento de destinos turísticos inteligentes, os leitores descobrirão o profundo impacto da tecnologia no turismo e as possibilidades que oferece para aventuras imersivas, interactivas e personalizadas.

  • 12% sparen
    von Kushal Singh
    22,00 €

    A love story of a lonely writer takes the form of a bestseller novel. This is what best describes the book in one line. The love story of a young lonely writer Aditya and his love Ahana. Read to find out what happens when dreams of tomorrow force Ahana to leave her love of life behind. As the love story of Ahana and Aditya were progressing at its pace, time had its own plans. Ahana leaves for America to pursue her dancing career whereas, on the other hand, Aditya is back to where he started, his lonely life. Aditya's life takes a big turn as he goes on to become the most celebrated of the writers all over the globe when he decides to preserve his memories with Ahana in the form of a novel. Will the novel, "The Moonlight Smile that Stole my Heart" ever get to its complete end, or some stories are never meant to be completed. Will our Romeo writer Aditya ever again meet his Juliet Ahana? Read on to find out what destiny has for the love buds.

  • von Kushal Singh
    20,00 €

    18 Rhyming poems that will shake you from within and bring you to the reality of world and people's thoughts. How some victims come up and how some give up. Steps that are extreme and reliable or bad.

  • von Kushal Singh
    17,00 €

  • von Kushal Singh
    17,00 €

  • von Kushal Singh
    12,00 €

  • von Kushal Singh
    20,00 €

  • von Kushal Singh
    17,00 €

  • von Kushal Singh & Swastik Singh
    14,00 €

    Thieves in past..patriots in present. The story is set in the country of Sweden and Russia when the relation between the countries were on extreme bitterness. Read how two thieves Kevin and Ross come up for their country when everyone was terrified for the suspicious and extremely dangerous work i.e. of being a spy in order to save their country. Full of action packed animated images to take you to the background. A lot of genre supporting book especially patriotism, friendship and love.

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