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Bücher von Linda Sealy Knowles

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  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    20,00 €

    The SecretNews spread like wildfire throughout the whole county that the most eligible bachelor was getting engaged to his young beautiful, spirited sister. How could a brother and sister get married? Everyone knew that they weren't blood relatives but they had grown up together since Hope was only a small child of three. They had shared adventures and took part in each other's struggles as they tried to follow their dreams.WillA young, rugged rancher with coal black hair and crystal blue eyes, he had always been bossy, over-protective, and affectionate at times when it came to Hope, his young shadow and later the one to whom he confided his secrets. Will was ready to settle down, fall in love and start a family. But who would have thought that he would have chosen the spirited young beauty with big brown eyes sparkling with mischief? It was rumored that he had waited for years for his young side-kick, Hope, to grow up.HopeA young beauty with golden hair and big brown eyes, Hope had loved Will all of her life-as a big brother. He was her best friend, protector, enemy, and hero. She had loved him and looked up to him all her life. Will challenged her ever inappropriate behavior for a young lady while she fought him with all the stubbornness that she could command. Why would this feisty, exquisite young woman want to settle down with Will, who was more like a real brother to her than a lover?

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    19,00 €

    Would winning a cook in a poker game be a good deal for Luke Tyler, a gold mine owner, especially when the cook is a reluctant, beautiful young gal?LukeWith the charm of a lazy smile, the dark-haired gold mine owner, joins in a poker game. His opponent is the owner of the saloon-café, who has a daughter that prepares the food for his establishment. Luke Tyler's gold mining camp is in desperate need of a good cook. His opponent holds a sure hand to win the big pot, but he doesn't have money to continue. Luke encourages him to put up his daughter as collateral. Confident that he can't lose, he agrees. Unfortunately, his lady luck has ran out.Mary GraceMary Grace Winters is the picture of beauty with the heart of a tiger. She works her fingers to the bone for her pa as housekeeper and cook at his café. When she overhears that she's been put up as collateral for a bet in a poker game, she swears she'll hate her pa for the rest of her life and she'll never be owned by a total stranger.Linda Sealy Knowles weaves a heart-warming story filled with humor, enduring family ties, and romance.

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

    "You want me to be a mail-order bride to a total stranger?"Abby Mills knew she had to leave her home, but to go and live with a total stranger-for life?Sheltered for eighteen years, Abby makes a promise to her dying mother, the madam of The Red Dog Saloon, to leave the only home she had ever known. The saloon wasn't a safe place for a beautiful young girl to live without the protection of her mother. With the help of an old friend of her mama's, Abby finds herself having to make a crucial decision about her future.The offer of a new home with wide-open spaces, fresh air and freedom were too much to resist, but to marry a stranger might be asking the unthinkable.After Mason Waters and his uncle struck it rich in 1851, Mason's uncle opened a bank in San Francisco, but that wasn't the ideal life Mason had in mind. Feeling smothered and unhappy in San Francisco, Mason bought a ranch in northern California. After several years of hard work, Mason had everything he needed and wanted on his ranch-but a wife. After requesting that his uncle choose him a mail-order bride-one who was of good character, hardworking and easy on the eyes, he patiently waited for her arrival.Before his bride-to-be showed up, several men spread indecent rumors about his new bride's past. Uncertain of the truth, upon meeting Abby, Mason made several offensive remarks to her. How and why he would believe those remarks about her, she wasn't sure. But one thing was clear to Abby. Her new husband didn't trust her to be of good character, having believed the lies that she worked upstairs in the Red Dog Saloon.Abby knew the truth, but she wasn't about to force it on him, so she accepted her fate. For better or worse, she was here to stay as his mail-order bride, but would Mason ever fully accept her as his wife?

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    16,00 €

    Sarah Sullivan is forced to live all winter in an isolated mountain cabin with a total stranger.Sarah Sullivan leaves home to marry her fiancé in Fort Laramie, Wyoming, although she has not seen him in a year. In route, the stagecoach is robbed and one of the passengers is killed, leaving a small child, Penny, who becomes Sarah's responsibility.Seth Jenkins, a trapper living on a mountain, witnesses the robbery and scares the bandits away. He carries the woman and child to his mountain cabin and takes care of them until they're able to travel. As he prepares to take them down the mountain to Fort Laramie, an explosion blocks the main pathway, trapping them for months.Sarah works beside the mountain man and Penny to survive the cruel winter months, and the attraction for each other grows. Her fiancé is waiting on her arrival, but can she marry one man when her heart is trapped by another?

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    19,00 €

    Joy Carlstrom had just received an answer to her prayer, a miracle in the form of a young cowboy.The western sun beat down on Joy Carlstrom's young body as she lay sprawled across a pile of dirt that would be her pa's resting place. With no one to help, she cried out to God. With only a rusty shovel, she needed help to bury her pa. She prayed for a miracle.When the uneven clip-clop of a horse's hooves sounded behind her, Joy sprang to her feet. A young man stood nearby staring at her. With a tear-streaked face, she waved the rusty shovel like a weapon while demanding, "Who are you? What do you want?"The tall man removed his hat to show copper-hued hair and kind eyes. "Ma'am, don't be afraid. We just need a little water, and I'd be grateful if you could lend me a tool to remove the stone from my horse's hoof."Joy's eyes widened as realization struck her. Was this man God's miracle?

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

  • von Linda Sealy Knowles
    18,00 €

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