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Bücher von Logan Ury

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  • von Logan Ury
    17,00 €

    A funny and practical guide to help you find, build, and keep the relationship of your dreams.Have you ever looked around and wondered, "e;Why has everyone found love except me?"e; You're not the only one. Great relationships don't just appear in our lives - they're the culmination of a series of decisions, including who to date, how to end it with the wrong person, and when to commit to the right one. But our brains often get in the way. We make poor decisions, which thwart us on our quest to find lasting love.Drawing from years of research, behavioral scientist turned dating coach Logan Ury reveals the hidden forces that cause those mistakes. But awareness on its own doesn't lead to results. You have to actually change your behavior. Ury shows you how.This book focuses on a different decision in each chapter, incorporating insights from behavioral science, original research, and real-life stories. You'll learn:- What's holding you back in dating (and how to break the pattern)- What really matters in a long-term partner (and what really doesn't)- How to overcome the perils of online dating (and make the apps work for you)- How to meet more people in real life (while doing activities you love)- How to make dates fun again (so they stop feeling like job interviews)- Why "e;the spark"e; is a myth (but you'll find love anyway)This data-driven, step-by-step guide to relationships, complete with hands-on exercises, is designed to transform your life. How to Not Die Alone will help you find, build, and keep the relationship of your dreams.

  • von Logan Ury
    16,00 €

    "A lasting, loving relationship doesn't just happen. It's the result of a series of decisions: when to date, who to date, who to settle down with, if you should break up, and everything in between. Very often, we don't understand why we're making certain decisions, and that causes us to make mistakes. And our current dating environment--with its overwhelming [number] of options and constant pressure to make the right choice--only makes those decisions harder. Logan studied psychology at Harvard and spent years researching relationships. Here, she explains expectations, emotions, and other invisible forces that drive our faulty decision-making"--

  • von Logan Ury
    18,00 €

    Fragst du dich auch manchmal, warum alle außer dir Liebe gefunden haben? Keine Sorge, du bist nicht allein, denn gute Beziehungen tauchen nicht einfach auf - sie sind das Ergebnis einer Reihe von Entscheidungen. Die Verhaltensforscherin und Dating-Coachin Logan Ury zeigt dir, wie dich eine Veränderung deiner Denkweise ans Ziel führt. Ihr einfach anzuwendender Leitfaden enthält spannende Erkenntnisse aus der Verhaltenswissenschaft und zahlreiche Geschichten aus dem wirklichen Leben. Du wirst lernen: . was dich beim Dating zurückhält (und wie du das Muster durchbrichst),. was bei einer langjährigen Partnerschaft wichtig ist (und was wirklich nicht), . wie du die Tücken des Online-Datings überwindest (und die Apps für dich arbeiten lässt), . wie du mehr Leute im wirklichen Leben triffst (bei Aktivitäten, die du magst), . wie Dates wieder Spaß machen (und sich nicht mehr wie Vorstellungsgespräche anfühlen), . warum »der Funke« ein Mythos ist (du aber trotzdem Liebe finden wirst).

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