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Bücher von Lorenca Bejko

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  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    "The EU Law Puzzle" is an in-depth investigation of the complex and ever-changing realm of European Union (EU) law. This legal framework is fraught with intricacies, subtleties, and interesting problems, all of which are aimed to be illuminated by the contents of this book. A brief summary is provided here, focusing on the most important topics and fascinating issues. cultivate it.Invites readers to go on an enthralling trip through the layers of EU law, providing insights into the history, present, and future of the legal system. It forces us to accept the conundrums, complexities, and nuances that constitute this legal system, and it urges us to be active players in the process of figuring out its mysteries.

  • von Lorenca Bejko
    52,95 €

    Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2021 in the subject Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: Cumma Sum Laude, , course: Diplomacy, language: English, abstract: The aim of this research is to develop a visceral understanding of the politics behavior of Albanian state toward the approval and the complex road of Entering the European Union. To come across comparison of Albania with developed member countries in European Union to for a better contemporary equality drive adopted by modern nations. All the research is proposed to be conducted within the normal period of 3¿4 years full time study. The proposed research is planned to be library-based with key resources such as legal/political agreement reports, theoretical quantitative data collected via cases, journal articles but expanded into other sources such as governmental institutions, courts and socio-legal statistics centers based in political studies. Its aim is to be combined with empirical data such as interviews of governmental representative different academics, politicians, public relations specialists from European Union, EU council, Albanian Government and such. There have been evidences of corruption, drugs, human trafficking and poverty that are strong indicators of the slow progress of Albanian state into the European Union integration and conducting statistical research into those categories will shed light in so many unanswered questions. An analysis focused into rules in books, rules in European Law approach versus EU law in action combined with a critical doctrinal overview focused mainly in deployment of techniques such as literary criticism and political perspectives.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    56,00 €

    This book's idea was inspired by the widespread coverage of public diplomacy in the wake of September 11, 2001; this is an ideal time for diplomacy students to investigate this issue.Early on, the book demonstrated that there was still a significant lot of mystery surrounding public diplomacy (that is, the interaction between diplomats and the foreign publics with whom they engage), notably in the United States, where debate on the subject was particularly fierce.Since September 11th and the start of the Iraq War, public diplomacy has been the number one subject of discussion among US diplomats and policymakers. There is remarkably little scientific literature on the subject in the years after the end of the Cold War, despite the fact that various American think tanks have produced guidance studies on public diplomacy (some more valuable than others). Those interested in this issue have to sift through a deluge of brief analyses and suggestions for policymakers. A lack of understanding of underlying trends and a perspective on how official communication with foreign publics should be seen in the context of larger diplomatic practice is, nevertheless, a problem.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    56,00 €

    A diplomacia não é mais apenas domínio dos Estados. Diplomacia comercial, diplomacia econômica, diplomacia de negócios, diplomacia aberta, diplomacia coercitiva, diplomacia preventiva, diplomacia de bombardeiros, diplomacia do Pará, diplomacia cultural, diplomacia pública, diplomacia de celebridades, diplomacia esportiva e diplomacia parlamentar demonstram que o número de atores internacionais cresceu significativamente. Os parlamentos estão cada vez mais assumindo a liderança entre essa gama diversificada de atores diplomáticos. A diplomacia parlamentar está evoluindo de tal maneira que está mudando a percepção das pessoas sobre a diplomacia em geral, ao mesmo tempo em que aborda a lacuna democrática na política externa. A frase abrange todos os tipos de colaboração entre os membros dos parlamentos, bem como as muitas atividades ou reuniões no exterior das quais eles podem participar. Parlamentos e legisladores estão se tornando atores internacionais mais vitais e importantes, incentivando a colaboração, impulsionando a discussão política e participando ativamente da arena internacional. Os parlamentares participam regularmente de assembléias parlamentares de organizações internacionais e outros fóruns multilaterais.

  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    A diplomacia é uma disciplina desafiante e dinâmica, e a arte dos assuntos consulares é um dos seus sub-domínios. Inclui a administração das relações diplomáticas, a negociação de acordos internacionais, e a protecção de pessoas que vivem fora do seu próprio país. Este é um campo que exige um conhecimento profundo da política internacional, sistemas jurídicos e normas culturais. A protecção das pessoas que residem noutros países é o foco fundamental do trabalho consular. Isto inclui oferecer ajuda aos residentes que se encontram numa situação precária, tais como os que foram detidos ou presos, os que foram vítimas de um crime, ou os que necessitam de tratamento médico. Para além disso, implica ajudar os cidadãos que procuram vistos ou outros documentos de viagem. As actividades consulares abrangem não só a prestação de ajuda às pessoas, mas também a negociação de acordos internacionais. A negociação de tratados, acordos comerciais, e outros acordos internacionais estão todos incluídos nesta categoria. Para além disto, implica a administração de relações diplomáticas entre diferentes nações.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    56,00 €

    La diplomatie n'est plus seulement l'apanage des États. La diplomatie commerciale, la diplomatie économique, la diplomatie d'affaires, la diplomatie ouverte, la diplomatie coercitive, la diplomatie préventive, la diplomatie des bombardiers, la paradiplomatie, la diplomatie culturelle, la diplomatie publique, la diplomatie des célébrités, la diplomatie sportive et la diplomatie parlementaire démontrent que le nombre d'acteurs internationaux a considérablement augmenté. Les parlements jouent de plus en plus le rôle de chef de file parmi cet éventail diversifié d'acteurs diplomatiques. La diplomatie parlementaire évolue de telle manière qu'elle modifie la perception qu'ont les gens de la diplomatie en général, tout en comblant simultanément le fossé démocratique en matière de politique étrangère. L'expression englobe tous les types de collaboration entre les parlementaires, ainsi que les nombreuses activités ou réunions à l'étranger auxquelles ils peuvent participer. Les parlements et les législateurs deviennent des acteurs internationaux de plus en plus vitaux et majeurs en encourageant la collaboration, en stimulant le débat politique et en participant activement à la scène internationale. Les parlementaires participent régulièrement aux assemblées parlementaires des organisations internationales et autres forums multilatéraux.

  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    La diplomatie est une discipline stimulante et dynamique, et l'art des affaires consulaires est l'un de ses sous-domaines. Elle comprend l'administration des relations diplomatiques, la négociation d'accords internationaux et la protection des personnes qui vivent en dehors de leur pays. Ce domaine exige une connaissance approfondie de la politique internationale, des systèmes juridiques et des normes culturelles.La protection des personnes résidant dans d'autres pays est l'objectif fondamental du travail consulaire. Il s'agit notamment d'offrir une aide aux résidents qui se trouvent dans une situation précaire, comme ceux qui ont été arrêtés ou emprisonnés, ceux qui ont été victimes d'un crime ou ceux qui ont besoin d'un traitement médical. Les activités consulaires englobent non seulement l'aide aux personnes, mais aussi la négociation d'accords internationaux. La négociation de traités, d'accords commerciaux et d'autres accords internationaux est incluse dans cette catégorie. En outre, elle implique l'administration des relations diplomatiques entre différentes nations.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    56,00 €

    La diplomacia ya no es sólo dominio de los estados. La diplomacia comercial, la diplomacia económica, la diplomacia comercial, la diplomacia abierta, la diplomacia coercitiva, la diplomacia preventiva, la diplomacia de los bombarderos, la paradiplomacia, la diplomacia cultural, la diplomacia pública, la diplomacia de las celebridades, la diplomacia deportiva y la diplomacia parlamentaria demuestran que el número de actores internacionales ha crecido significativamente. Los parlamentos están tomando cada vez más la delantera entre esta diversa gama de actores diplomáticos. La diplomacia parlamentaria está evolucionando de tal manera que está cambiando las percepciones de la gente sobre la diplomacia en general, al mismo tiempo que aborda la brecha democrática en la política exterior. La frase abarca todo tipo de colaboración entre parlamentarios, así como las numerosas actividades o reuniones en el extranjero en las que pueden participar. Los parlamentos y los legisladores se están convirtiendo en actores internacionales más vitales e importantes a través del fomento de la colaboración, el impulso de la discusión política y la participación activa en la arena internacional. Los parlamentarios participan regularmente en asambleas parlamentarias de organizaciones internacionales y otros foros multilaterales.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    56,00 €

    La diplomazia non è più solo dominio degli Stati. La diplomazia commerciale, la diplomazia economica, la diplomazia aziendale, la diplomazia aperta, la diplomazia coercitiva, la diplomazia preventiva, la diplomazia dei bombardieri, la diplomazia para, la diplomazia culturale, la diplomazia pubblica, la diplomazia delle celebrità, la diplomazia sportiva e la diplomazia parlamentare dimostrano che il numero di attori internazionali è cresciuto in modo significativo. I parlamenti assumono sempre più un ruolo guida in questa vasta gamma di attori diplomatici. La diplomazia parlamentare si sta evolvendo in modo tale da cambiare la percezione che le persone hanno della diplomazia in generale, affrontando contemporaneamente il divario democratico nella politica estera. La frase comprende tutti i tipi di collaborazione tra i membri dei parlamenti, nonché le numerose attività o riunioni all'estero a cui possono partecipare. Parlamenti e legislatori stanno diventando attori internazionali sempre più vitali e importanti, incoraggiando la collaborazione, stimolando il dibattito politico e partecipando attivamente all'arena internazionale. I parlamentari partecipano regolarmente alle assemblee parlamentari delle organizzazioni internazionali e ad altri forum multilaterali.

  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    La diplomacia es una disciplina exigente y dinámica, y el arte de los asuntos consulares es uno de sus subcampos. Incluye la administración de las relaciones diplomáticas, la negociación de acuerdos internacionales y la protección de las personas que viven fuera de su país. Se trata de un campo que exige un profundo conocimiento de la política internacional, los sistemas jurídicos y las normas culturales.La protección de las personas que residen en otros países es el eje fundamental del trabajo consular. Esto incluye ofrecer ayuda a los residentes que se encuentran en una situación precaria, como los que han sido detenidos o encarcelados, los que han sido víctimas de un delito o los que necesitan tratamiento médico. Las actividades consulares abarcan no sólo la prestación de ayuda a las personas, sino también la negociación de acuerdos internacionales. La negociación de tratados, acuerdos comerciales y otros acuerdos internacionales se incluyen en esta categoría. Además, implica la administración de las relaciones diplomáticas entre diferentes naciones.

  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    La diplomazia è una disciplina impegnativa e dinamica e l'arte degli affari consolari è uno dei suoi sottocampi. Comprende la gestione delle relazioni diplomatiche, la negoziazione di accordi internazionali e la tutela delle persone che vivono al di fuori del proprio Paese. Si tratta di un campo che richiede una conoscenza approfondita della politica internazionale, dei sistemi giuridici e delle norme culturali. La protezione delle persone che risiedono in altri Paesi è l'obiettivo fondamentale del lavoro consolare. Si tratta di offrire aiuto a chi si trova in una situazione precaria, come chi è stato arrestato o incarcerato, chi è stato vittima di un crimine o chi ha bisogno di cure mediche. Le attività consolari comprendono non solo l'assistenza alle persone, ma anche la negoziazione di accordi internazionali. La negoziazione di trattati, accordi commerciali e altri accordi internazionali sono tutti inclusi in questa categoria. Inoltre, comporta la gestione delle relazioni diplomatiche tra le diverse nazioni.

  • von Lorenca Bejko
    68,90 €

    Diplomatie ist nicht mehr nur eine Domäne der Staaten. Commercial Diplomacy, Economic Diplomacy, Business Diplomacy, Open Diplomacy, Coercive Diplomacy, Preventive Diplomacy, Bomber Diplomacy, Para Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy, Celebrity Diplomacy, Sports Diplomacy und Parliamentary Diplomacy zeigen, dass die Zahl der internationalen Akteure deutlich gewachsen ist. Die Parlamente übernehmen zunehmend die Führung unter diesen vielfältigen diplomatischen Akteuren. Die parlamentarische Diplomatie entwickelt sich in einer Weise, dass sie die Wahrnehmung der Menschen von Diplomatie im Allgemeinen verändert und gleichzeitig die demokratische Kluft in der Außenpolitik angeht. Der Ausdruck umfasst alle Arten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Parlamentariern sowie die vielen Aktivitäten oder Treffen im Ausland, an denen sie teilnehmen können. Parlamente und Gesetzgeber werden zu wichtigeren und wichtigeren internationalen Akteuren, indem sie die Zusammenarbeit fördern, die politische Diskussion fördern und sich aktiv an der internationalen Arena beteiligen. Parlamentarier nehmen regelmäßig an parlamentarischen Versammlungen internationaler Organisationen und anderen multilateralen Foren teil.

  • 11% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    22,00 €

    Diplomatiq - äto slozhnaq i dinamichnaq disciplina, a iskusstwo konsul'skogo dela - odna iz ee podotraslej. Ono wklüchaet w sebq uprawlenie diplomaticheskimi otnosheniqmi, wedenie peregoworow po mezhdunarodnym soglasheniqm i zaschitu lic, prozhiwaüschih za predelami swoej strany. Jeto oblast', trebuüschaq glubokih znanij mezhdunarodnoj politiki, prawowyh sistem i kul'turnyh norm. Zaschita lüdej, prozhiwaüschih w drugih stranah, qwlqetsq osnownym naprawleniem konsul'skoj raboty. Jeto wklüchaet w sebq okazanie pomoschi zhitelqm, nahodqschimsq w opasnoj situacii, naprimer, arestowannym ili zaklüchennym w tür'mu, zhertwam prestuplenij ili tem, kto nuzhdaetsq w medicinskoj pomoschi. Konsul'skaq deqtel'nost' wklüchaet w sebq ne tol'ko okazanie pomoschi lüdqm, no i wedenie peregoworow o zaklüchenii mezhdunarodnyh soglashenij. V ätu kategoriü whodqt peregowory po dogoworam, torgowym soglasheniqm i drugim mezhdunarodnym soglasheniqm. Krome togo, konsul'skaq deqtel'nost' wklüchaet w sebq uprawlenie diplomaticheskimi otnosheniqmi mezhdu razlichnymi gosudarstwami.

  • 13% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    31,00 €

    Diplomatiq perestala byt' tol'ko prerogatiwoj gosudarstw. Kommercheskaq diplomatiq, äkonomicheskaq diplomatiq, delowaq diplomatiq, otkrytaq diplomatiq, prinuditel'naq diplomatiq, prewentiwnaq diplomatiq, bombardirowochnaq diplomatiq, paradiplomatiq, kul'turnaq diplomatiq, publichnaq diplomatiq, diplomatiq znamenitostej, sportiwnaq diplomatiq i parlamentskaq diplomatiq demonstriruüt, chto kolichestwo mezhdunarodnyh igrokow znachitel'no wyroslo. Parlamenty wse chasche berut na sebq weduschuü rol' sredi ätogo raznoobraznogo kruga diplomaticheskih igrokow. Parlamentskaq diplomatiq razwiwaetsq takim obrazom, chto menqet predstawlenie lüdej o diplomatii w celom, odnowremenno ustranqq demokraticheskij probel wo wneshnej politike. Jeta fraza ohwatywaet wse widy sotrudnichestwa mezhdu chlenami parlamenta, a takzhe mnogie zarubezhnye meropriqtiq ili wstrechi, w kotoryh oni mogut uchastwowat'. Parlamenty i zakonodateli stanowqtsq wse bolee wazhnymi i krupnymi mezhdunarodnymi igrokami blagodarq pooschreniü sotrudnichestwa, aktiwizacii politicheskih diskussij i aktiwnomu uchastiü na mezhdunarodnoj arene. Parlamentarii regulqrno uchastwuüt w parlamentskih assambleqh mezhdunarodnyh organizacij i drugih mnogostoronnih forumah.

  • von Lorenca Bejko
    43,90 €

    Die Diplomatie ist eine anspruchsvolle und dynamische Disziplin, und die Kunst der konsularischen Angelegenheiten ist einer ihrer Teilbereiche. Sie umfasst die Verwaltung diplomatischer Beziehungen, das Aushandeln internationaler Abkommen und den Schutz von Personen, die außerhalb ihres eigenen Landes leben. Der Schutz von Menschen, die sich in anderen Ländern aufhalten, ist der grundlegende Schwerpunkt der konsularischen Arbeit. Dazu gehört die Unterstützung von Einwohnern, die sich in einer prekären Situation befinden, z. B. wenn sie verhaftet oder inhaftiert wurden, wenn sie Opfer eines Verbrechens geworden sind oder wenn sie eine medizinische Behandlung benötigen. Zu den konsularischen Tätigkeiten gehört nicht nur die Hilfe für Menschen, sondern auch die Aushandlung internationaler Abkommen. Das Aushandeln von Verträgen, Handelsabkommen und anderen internationalen Vereinbarungen fällt in diese Kategorie. Darüber hinaus geht es um die Verwaltung der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Nationen.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    65,00 €

    Durante séculos, procedimentos de paz e tratados de paz têm sido utilizados para parar a guerra, promover a estabilidade, e fomentar um sentimento de unidade em todo o mundo. Certas componentes devem ser abordadas, acordadas e efectivamente executadas para que uma conclusão pacífica possa ser alcançada dentro de qualquer guerra em particular, frequentemente através do desenvolvimento de acordos oficiais conhecidos como tratados de paz. Este documento analisará o processo de negociação e implementação da paz, assim como a sua eficácia em termos de paz e estabilidade a longo prazo. O Processo de Paz e os Acordos de Paz tiveram uma influência substancial nas relações internacionais. A resolução pacífica de disputas através de discussões e acordos, segundo R Mac Ginty em International Politics (2010), foi há muito reconhecida como uma premissa básica nas relações internacionais. Isto é frequentemente visto sob a forma de Tratados de Paz, que são criados entre dois ou mais governos para a resolução de um conflito específico. Estes acordos têm o potencial de modificar as relações das partes, conduzindo talvez à formação de relações diplomáticas mais fortes.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    65,00 €

    Depuis des siècles, les procédures et les traités de paix ont été utilisés pour mettre fin à la guerre, promouvoir la stabilité et favoriser un sentiment d'unité à travers le monde. Certains éléments doivent être abordés, convenus et exécutés de manière efficace pour qu'une conclusion pacifique puisse être obtenue dans une guerre donnée, souvent par le biais de l'élaboration d'accords officiels connus sous le nom de traités de paix. Cet article examine le processus de négociation et de mise en ¿uvre de la paix, ainsi que son efficacité en termes de paix et de stabilité à long terme.Le processus de paix et les accords de paix ont eu une influence substantielle sur les relations internationales. Le règlement pacifique des différends par le biais de discussions et d'accords, selon R Mac Ginty dans International Politics (2010), a longtemps été reconnu comme un principe de base dans les relations internationales. Cela se traduit souvent par des traités de paix, conclus entre deux ou plusieurs gouvernements pour régler un conflit spécifique. Ces accords ont le potentiel de modifier les relations entre les parties, ce qui peut conduire à la formation de liens diplomatiques plus forts.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    65,00 €

    Per secoli, le procedure e i trattati di pace sono stati utilizzati per fermare la guerra, promuovere la stabilità e favorire un sentimento di unità in tutto il mondo. Affinché si possa giungere a una conclusione pacifica di una determinata guerra, è necessario affrontare, concordare ed eseguire efficacemente alcune componenti, spesso attraverso lo sviluppo di accordi ufficiali noti come trattati di pace. Questo articolo analizzerà il processo di negoziazione e attuazione della pace, nonché la sua efficacia in termini di pace e stabilità a lungo termine.Il processo di pace e gli accordi di pace hanno avuto un'influenza sostanziale sulle relazioni internazionali. La soluzione pacifica delle controversie attraverso discussioni e accordi, secondo R Mac Ginty in International Politics (2010), è stata a lungo riconosciuta come una premessa fondamentale nelle relazioni internazionali. Ciò si manifesta spesso sotto forma di trattati di pace, creati tra due o più governi per risolvere un conflitto specifico. Questi accordi hanno il potenziale di modificare le relazioni tra le parti, portando forse alla formazione di legami diplomatici più forti.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    65,00 €

    Durante siglos, los procedimientos y tratados de paz se han utilizado para detener la guerra, promover la estabilidad y fomentar un sentimiento de unidad en todo el mundo. Para llegar a una conclusión pacífica en cualquier conflicto bélico deben abordarse, acordarse y ejecutarse eficazmente determinados elementos, a menudo mediante el desarrollo de acuerdos oficiales conocidos como tratados de paz. En este documento se examina el proceso de negociación y aplicación de la paz, así como su eficacia en términos de paz y estabilidad a largo plazo. Según R. Mac Ginty en International Politics (2010), la resolución pacífica de disputas a través de discusiones y acuerdos se reconoce desde hace tiempo como una premisa básica en las relaciones internacionales. Esto se ve a menudo en forma de Tratados de Paz, que se crean entre dos o más gobiernos para resolver un conflicto específico. Estos acuerdos tienen el potencial de modificar las relaciones de las partes, lo que puede conducir a la formación de vínculos diplomáticos más fuertes.

  • von Lorenca Bejko
    79,90 €

    Seit Jahrhunderten werden Friedensverfahren und Friedensverträge eingesetzt, um Kriege zu beenden, Stabilität zu fördern und ein Gefühl der Einheit in der Welt zu schaffen. Damit ein Krieg friedlich beendet werden kann, müssen bestimmte Komponenten angesprochen, vereinbart und effektiv umgesetzt werden, häufig durch die Entwicklung offizieller Vereinbarungen, die als Friedensverträge bekannt sind. In diesem Beitrag wird der Prozess der Friedensverhandlung und -durchsetzung sowie seine Wirksamkeit im Hinblick auf langfristigen Frieden und Stabilität untersucht.Der Friedensprozess und die Friedensabkommen hatten einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die internationalen Beziehungen. Die friedliche Beilegung von Streitigkeiten durch Gespräche und Abkommen ist laut R. Mac Ginty in International Politics (2010) seit langem als eine Grundvoraussetzung in den internationalen Beziehungen anerkannt. Dies zeigt sich häufig in Form von Friedensverträgen, die zwischen zwei oder mehreren Regierungen zur Beilegung eines bestimmten Konflikts geschlossen werden. Diese Abkommen haben das Potenzial, die Beziehungen zwischen den Parteien zu verändern und vielleicht zur Bildung stärkerer diplomatischer Verbindungen zu führen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    Na protqzhenii mnogih wekow mirnye procedury i mirnye dogowory ispol'zowalis' dlq prekrascheniq wojny, ukrepleniq stabil'nosti i sozdaniq chuwstwa edinstwa wo wsem mire. Dlq mirnogo zawersheniq lüboj konkretnoj wojny neobhodimo rassmotret', soglasowat' i äffektiwno wypolnit' opredelennye komponenty, chasto putem razrabotki oficial'nyh soglashenij, izwestnyh kak mirnye dogowory. V dannoj stat'e budet rassmotren process peregoworow i osuschestwleniq mira, a takzhe ego äffektiwnost' s tochki zreniq dolgosrochnogo mira i stabil'nosti.Mirnyj process i mirnye soglasheniq okazali suschestwennoe wliqnie na mezhdunarodnye otnosheniq. Mirnoe uregulirowanie sporow posredstwom diskussij i soglashenij, soglasno R. Mak Dzhinti w knige "Mezhdunarodnaq politika" (2010), uzhe dawno priznano osnownoj predposylkoj mezhdunarodnyh otnoshenij. Jeto chasto mozhno uwidet' w forme mirnyh dogoworow, kotorye zaklüchaütsq mezhdu dwumq ili bolee prawitel'stwami dlq uregulirowaniq konkretnogo konflikta. Jeti soglasheniq sposobny izmenit' otnosheniq storon, wozmozhno, priwesti k formirowaniü bolee prochnyh diplomaticheskih swqzej.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    56,00 €

    Diplomacy is no longer only the domain of states. Commercial diplomacy, economic diplomacy, business diplomacy, open diplomacy, coercive diplomacy, preventive diplomacy, bomber diplomacy, Para diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy, celebrity diplomacy, sports diplomacy, and parliamentary diplomacy demonstrate that the number of international actors has grown significantly.Parliaments are increasingly taking the lead among this diverse range of diplomatic players. Parliamentary diplomacy is evolving in such a manner that it is changing people's perceptions of diplomacy in general, while simultaneously addressing the democratic gap in foreign policy. The phrase encompasses all types of collaboration among members of parliaments, as well as the many overseas activities or meetings in which they may participate. Parliaments and legislators are becoming as more vital and major international players through encouraging collaboration, boosting political discussion, and actively participating in the international arena. Parliamentarians regularly participate in parliamentary assemblies of international organizations and other multilateral forums.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    65,00 €

    For ages, peace procedures and peace treaties have been used to stop war, promote stability, and foster a feeling of oneness across the globe. Certain components must be addressed, agreed upon, and effectively executed in order for a peaceful conclusion to be accomplished within any particular war, frequently via the development of official agreements known as peace treaties. This paper will look at the process of negotiating and implementing peace, as well as its efficacy in terms of long-term peace and stability.The Peace Process and Peace Accords had a substantial influence on international relations. Peaceful settlement of disputes via discussions and accords, according to R Mac Ginty in International Politics (2010), has long been acknowledged as a basic premise in international relations. This is often seen in the form of Peace Treaties, which are created between two or more governments to settle a specific conflict. These agreements have the potential to modify the parties' relationships, perhaps leading to the formation of stronger diplomatic connections.

  • 16% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    37,00 €

    Diplomacy is a challenging and dynamic discipline, and the art of consular affairs is one of its subfields. It includes the administration of diplomatic relations, the negotiating of international agreements, and the protection of persons who are living outside their own country. This is a field that calls for an in-depth knowledge of international politics, legal systems, and cultural norms. Protection of people residing in other countries is the fundamental focus of consular work. This includes offering aid to residents who are in a precarious situation, such as those who have been arrested or jailed, those who have been the victims of a crime, or those who are in need of medical treatment. In addition to this, it entails assisting citizens who are looking for visas or other travel papers. Consular activities encompass not only the provision of aid to people, but also the negotiation of international accords. The negotiation of treaties, trade agreements, and other international accords are all included in this category. In addition to this, it entails the administration of diplomatic relations between different nations.

  • 18% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    50,00 €

    Europe has seen its fair share of wars and battles, therefore diplomacy is vital to the region's long-term security. Diplomacy has played an important part in European history, and this article will examine that role, examining its influence on molding European history and its relevance in settling wars in Europe.There has been a lot of talk in recent years about the importance of diplomacy in maintaining peace and stability in Europe, and about the necessity for international collaboration to forestall a return to violent war. N. Tocci writes that diplomacy is "a significant role in the process of constructing peace, not just in the European Union, but also in the broader European area" in his book "Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution in the European Union," published in 2007. Moreover, he claims, "diplomacy is vital in the process of conflict resolution and in the handling of crises" (Tocci, 2007). This is because diplomatic channels enable for governments to speak with one another in a way that is not aggressive, so facilitating the peaceful settlement of issues. In addition, governments may work together and coordinate their responses via diplomacy.

  • 19% sparen
    von Lorenca Bejko
    84,00 €

    As Robin Lane suggests (British historian) ¿Post communism transition in Eastern Europe will be not considered complete until this regime will be successfully integrated with the European Union. As by such, Albania coming with a background of suffering one of the most Harshest dictatiorships freely compared with North Korea. Discussion of Albanian Integration into European Union. Questioned by countries with a crucial position in the global politics and display Albania is still a located geographically perfect in Europe but politically kept outside yet. After those ¿fences¿ of European Union those are three concern that reflects the issues of identity, security and economics. Relations between the European Union and Albania were set on a new basis in 1992, when a Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Albania was signed. Albania became eligible for funding under the EU Phare program6 and subsequently received EU funds under the external relations' aid scheme (1021 million Euro in the period 1991-2000). While in the first years it became apparent, that funding was given to Albania with very little long-term strategy.

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