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Bücher von Louis Fu

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  • von Louis Fu
    51,90 €

    Als die ersten ausländischen Mediziner nach China kamen, war ihre Aufmerksamkeit natürlich von der ungewöhnlichen und bizarren Natur der chinesischen medizinischen Theorien und Praktiken gefesselt. Ebenso waren nur wenige Ausländer in der Lage, unter die Oberfläche der chinesischen Medizin zu blicken. Getrieben von dem Wunsch, Berichte über das, was sie erlebt hatten, nach Hause zu schicken, stellten sie die Dinge unbewusst im Gegensatz zu den Fortschritten im Westen dar. Die Geschichte der chinesischen Medizin, die bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts lediglich ein "Hobby" oder eine "Nebenbeschäftigung" erfolgloser Gelehrter und/oder Beamter war, ist zum Gegenstand des allgemeinen Interesses geworden. Als einer der ältesten Zweige der Medizin bildet die menschliche Anatomie die Grundlage für die Diagnose und Behandlung von Krankheiten. Diese kurze Monographie umspannt mehr als zwei Jahrtausende der Geschichte der Anatomie in China. Durch die Hervorhebung einiger bedeutender Episoden des anatomischen Geschehens wird versucht, ihre Entwicklung von einem empirischen und philosophischen Konzept zu einer wissenschaftlich fundierten Disziplin darzustellen. Dabei wird die besondere Rolle der westlichen medizinischen Wissenschaft hervorgehoben.

  • 17% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    43,00 €

    Lorsque les premiers médecins étrangers sont venus en Chine, leur attention a été naturellement attirée par la nature inhabituelle et bizarre des théories et des pratiques médicales chinoises. De même, peu d'étrangers étaient capables de regarder sous la surface de la médecine chinoise. Poussés par le désir d'envoyer chez eux des récits de ce qu'ils avaient vu, ils ont inconsciemment dépeint les choses en contraste avec les progrès réalisés en Occident. L'histoire de la médecine chinoise qui, jusqu'à la fin du XIXe siècle, n'était qu'un "hobby" ou une "carrière alternative" de savants et/ou de fonctionnaires sans succès, est devenue un sujet d'intérêt universel. L'anatomie humaine, l'une des branches les plus anciennes de la médecine, est à la base du diagnostic et du traitement des maladies. Cette courte monographie couvre plus de deux millénaires d'histoire de l'anatomie en Chine. En mettant en lumière certains épisodes significatifs de l'histoire de l'anatomie, elle tente de dépeindre son évolution d'un concept empirique et philosophique vers une discipline à base scientifique. Le rôle particulier joué par la science médicale occidentale est souligné.

  • 17% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    43,00 €

    Quando i primi medici stranieri arrivarono in Cina, la loro attenzione fu naturalmente catturata dalla natura insolita e bizzarra delle teorie e delle pratiche mediche cinesi. Allo stesso modo, pochi stranieri erano in grado di guardare sotto la superficie della medicina cinese. Spinti dal desiderio di inviare a casa i resoconti di ciò che avevano visto, inconsciamente rappresentavano le cose in contrasto con i progressi compiuti in Occidente. La storia della medicina cinese, che fino alla fine del XIX secolo era stata un semplice "hobby" o una "carriera alternativa" di studiosi e/o funzionari di scarso successo, è diventata oggetto di interesse universale. Essendo una delle branche più antiche della medicina, l'anatomia umana è alla base della diagnosi e del trattamento delle malattie. Questa breve monografia ripercorre oltre due millenni di storia dell'anatomia in Cina. Mettendo in evidenza alcuni episodi significativi delle vicende anatomiche, cerca di descrivere la sua evoluzione da concetto empirico e filosofico a disciplina scientificamente fondata. Viene sottolineato il ruolo particolare svolto dalla scienza medica occidentale.

  • 17% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    43,00 €

    Quando os primeiros médicos estrangeiros chegaram à China, a sua atenção foi naturalmente atraída pela natureza invulgar e bizarra das teorias e práticas médicas chinesas. Da mesma forma, poucos estrangeiros foram capazes de olhar para além da superfície da medicina chinesa. Impelidos pelo desejo de enviarem para casa os relatos do que tinham testemunhado, retratavam inconscientemente as coisas em contraste com os progressos realizados no Ocidente. A história da medicina chinesa que, até ao final do século XIX, tinha sido um mero "passatempo" ou "carreira alternativa" de académicos e/ou funcionários mal sucedidos, tornou-se objeto de interesse universal. Sendo um dos ramos mais antigos da medicina, a anatomia humana é a base do diagnóstico e do tratamento das doenças. Esta pequena monografia abrange mais de dois milénios de história da anatomia na China. Destacando certos episódios significativos dos acontecimentos anatómicos, tenta descrever a sua evolução de um conceito empírico e filosófico para uma disciplina de base científica. É realçado o papel especial desempenhado pela ciência médica ocidental.

  • 17% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    43,00 €

    Cuando los primeros médicos extranjeros llegaron a China, su atención se vio naturalmente fascinada por la naturaleza inusual y extraña de las teorías y prácticas médicas chinas. Del mismo modo, pocos extranjeros fueron capaces de mirar bajo la superficie de la medicina china. Impulsados por su deseo de enviar a casa relatos de lo que habían presenciado, inconscientemente describían las cosas en contraste con los progresos realizados en Occidente. La historia de la medicina china, que hasta finales del siglo XIX había sido un mero "pasatiempo" o "carrera alternativa" de eruditos y/o funcionarios fracasados, se ha convertido en objeto de interés universal. Como una de las ramas más antiguas de la medicina, la anatomía humana es la base del diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las enfermedades. Esta breve monografía abarca más de dos milenios de historia de la anatomía en China. Al destacar ciertos episodios significativos del acontecer anatómico, intenta describir su evolución desde un concepto empírico y filosófico hasta una disciplina con base científica. Se destaca el papel especial desempeñado por la ciencia médica occidental.

  • 20% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    93,00 €

    In the history of progress of civilisation, surgery precedes internal medicine with regard to accurate observation of lesions and of their results on the human body. Speculations about the four humours, medical constitutions and vital spirits did not concern the minds of the ancient peoples in their attempts to observe and describe the signs of different forms of fractures and dislocations, the danger of wounds in different localities, or the different varieties of tumours. From Antiquity up to the eighteenth century, surgery in the Western world was more of a craft than a science. This book chronicles the development of ancient surgical practices in the Orient (China, India, and the Islamic world), through the glories of classical Greece, to the decline in the Middle Ages and pre-Renaissance era. The revival of art and science in Western Europe led to the medical Renaissance and medical revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries respectively. Surgery gradually moved from the barbers and barber-surgeons to the scientific surgeons of the Age of Enlightenment in the eighteenth century. This is evident from the dominance of British and French surgeons.

  • 18% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    46,00 €

    Whatever controversies may have surrounded the use of eponymns in medicine, they are here to stay. In science as well as in medicine, eponymns bring the present members of the profession closer to their predecessors. This is more so in orthopaedics, even if sometimes there are political and national issues involved in the choice of specific names. This volume is the first of a projected three-volume work, which when completed, will span classic orthopaedic literature from the pre-Christian era to the twentieth century. The selection is entirely the author's personal preference, and in no way reflects the relative importance of the individual eponymns. It is his wish to bring back a sense of nostalgia in these halycon days of busy practice, but at the same time to stimulate an investigatory spirit among members of the profession to search for their roots.

  • 17% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    66,00 €

    Up to the late 18th and early19th centuries, although surgeons featured in the previous two volumes had been pioneering the surgical treatment of bone and joint diseases, yet there were no attempts to establish orthopaedics as a specialty. The ¿new¿ orthopaedics is more than surgery. The orthopaedic surgeon is a personal teacher, and in two directions¿of the patient¿s mind quite as much as of his muscles and joints. It is not simply a surgical matter, but an individual, human problem, requiring prolonged attention and study of each case. Industrialization and war had contributed to the increase of crippling diseases in adults. By the turn of the century, orthopaedic surgery began to see daylight in the care of crippled patients on both sided of the Atlantic. The early part of the 20th century has given to orthopaedics both meaning and substance. Hugh Owen Thomas of Liverpool and his nephew Robert Jones were the driving forces behind this development. Its scope was defined by Jones as, ¿based on, and consists of, the recognition and practice of definite principles of treatment, whether operative, manipulative or educational, which lead to the restoration of function in nerves.

  • 18% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    72,00 €

    Prior to the nineteenth century, the practice of surgery in the West was as more a craft than science. Modern surgery is based upon foundations that were firmly established from the end of the eighteenth century to the nineteenth century ¿ the Age of Scientific Medicine. It was a product of nineteenth-century so-ciety, when scientific discoveries provided the rationale for the-ories and actions. Anatomy, bacteriology, chemistry, pathology, pharmacology, physics and physiology all influenced the shaping of the ¿new surgery¿. It is the author¿s hope to provide students and practitioners with little time or opportunity for consulting the original documents, the means of ascertaining the periods and places in which the leading surgeons of the past had done their work. The best historical literature on surgery is in the formal treatises, but it requires leisure, patience, and access to a large library to make historical studies really interesting.

  • 17% sparen
    von Louis Fu
    43,00 €

    When the first foreign medical practitioners came to China, their attention was naturally riveted by the unusual and bizarre nature of Chinese medical theories and practice. Likewise, few foreigners were able to look beneath the surface of Chinese medicine. Urged as they were by their desire to send home accounts of what they had witnessed, they subconsciously depicted things in contrast to progress made in the West. The history of Chinese medicine which, up to the end of the nineteenth century, had been a mere ¿hobby¿ or ¿alternative career¿ of unsuccessful scholars and/or officials, has become the subject of universal interest. As one of the oldest branch of medicine, human anatomy is the basis of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This short monograph spans over two millenniums of history of anatomy in China. By highlighting certain significant episodes in anatomical happenings, it attempts to depict its evolution from an empirical and philosophical concept to a scientifically-based discipline. The special role played by Western medical science is emphasized.

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