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Bücher von Louisa May Alcott

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  • von Louisa May Alcott
    29,00 €

    "Little Women" is a classic novel written by Louisa May Alcott and published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. The book follows the lives of four sisters, Meg, Jo, and Beth as they grow up and navigate the challenges of life during the Civil War era in the United States. The novel is set in Concord, Massachusetts, and opens with the March family preparing for Christmas. The sisters are close and supportive of each other, but they all have very different personalities and interests. Meg is the eldest and the most conventional, Jo is tomboyish and dreams of being a writer, Beth is quiet and kind-hearted, and Amy is artistic and a bit spoiled. As the book progresses, the sisters face various trials and tribulations. How will they spend their life? What will they do in their lives? Throughout the novel, the sisters support each other and rely on their family bonds to overcome the challenges they face.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    21,00 €

    The heartwarming classic is now available in an affordable softcover edition featuring a striking cover and distinctive interior design elements, making it ideal for classic fiction lovers, readers in high-school or college literature courses, and fans of annual reading challenges and "Required Reading" lists.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    33,00 €

    American author Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) wrote the children's book Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys, which was first released in 1871 by Roberts Brothers. The book serves as a sequel or the second book in an unofficial Little Women trilogy and features characters from her 1868-1869 two-volume novel Little Women. Jo's Boys, written by Alcott in 1886, and How They Turned Out: A Sequel to Little Men mark the trilogy's conclusion. The lives of Jo Bhaer, her husband, and the many pupils at Plumfield Estate School are described in Alcott's tale. The 1934 film, the 1940 film, the 1998 film, the television series, and the Japanese animated television series are all adaptations of Louisa May Alcott's classic book. Nat Blake, a bashful little orphan who is talented at playing the violin and making lies, arrives at the start of the narrative. The story is told by Nat, who also introduces each character. Several characters from the original Little Women novel make cameo appearances. The school already has ten boys enrolled. Then, Nat and his friend Dan arrive in Plumfield. After that, Nan shows up and starts hanging out with Daisy, the sole girl.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    9,99 €

    Esta amable carta, de una antigua empleadora, me fue entregada estando yo agotada y desanimada, tras una búsqueda infructuosa de un puesto como el que hora me ofrecían. Estaba tan interesada que me apresuré a salir de nuevo, con la esperanza de que nadie se me anticipara con los Carruth. Hecha de un imponente bloque de granito, la casa se levantaba en una tranquila plaza del West End que tenía su propio pequeño parque, donde había una fuentecita y donde los niños paseaban bajo sus capuchas blancas. Elegantes carruajes entraban y salían, las damas subían y bajaban con ligereza por los amplios escalones arrastrando sus vestidos de seda, y los caballeros, con sus trajes de montar intachables, pasaban a medio galope sobre sus hermosos caballos. Incluso las mujeres y los hombres de servicio tenían aspecto de que La buena vida bajo las escaleras hubiese sido representada en este siglo, al igual que en el pasado, y todo participaba del aire de lujo que impregnaba el ambiente, tan agradable como el sol en otoño. «Los Carruth deben de ser una familia feliz», pensé al acordarme de mi propia pobreza y soledad, mientras esperaba de pie a que contestaran a mi tímida llamada al timbre.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    24,00 €

    Lulu's Library, Volume 1 by Louisa May Alcott has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    24,00 €

    Lulu's Library, Volume 3 by Louisa May Alcott has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    24,00 €

    Lulu's Library, Volume 2 by Louisa May Alcott has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    15,90 €

    Completamente sola, Rosa estaba sentada en una de las salas más grandes y bonitas de su casa, con el pañuelo en la mano, listo para recoger su primera lágrima, pues cavilaba en sus tribulaciones y el llanto era inevitable. Se había encerrado en este cuarto por considerarlo sitio adecuado para sentirse miserable; pues era oscuro y silencioso, estaba lleno de muebles antiguos y cortinados sombríos y de sus paredes pendían retratos de venerables caballeros de peluca, damas de austeras narices, tocadas con gorros pesadotes y niños que llevaban chaquetas colimochas y vestiditos cortos de talle. Era un lugar excelente para sentir dolor; y la lluvia primaveral intermitente que golpeaba los cristales de las ventanas parecía decir entre sollozos: «¡Llora, llora! Estoy contigo». Rosa tenía su buen motivo para sentirse triste, pues era huérfana de madre, y últimamente había perdido al padre también, con lo cual no le quedó más hogar que éste de sus tías abuelas. Hacía sólo una semana que estaba con ellas, y aunque las viejecitas queridas se esforzaron todo lo posible por hacer que viviese contenta, no lograron mucho éxito que digamos, ya que era muy distinta a cuantos niños conocían, y experimentaron casi la misma sensación que si estuviesen al cuidado de una mariposa abatida.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    15,90 €

    ¿Navidad no será Navidad sin regalos ¿murmuró Jo, tendida sobre la alfombra. ¿¡Es tan triste ser pobre! ¿suspiró Meg mirando su vestido viejo. ¿ No me parece justo que algunas muchachas tengan tantas cosas bonitas, y otras nada ¿añadió la pequeña Amy con gesto displicente. ¿Tendremos a papá y a mamá y a nosotras mismas ¿dijo Beth alegremente desde su rincón. Las cuatro caras jóvenes, sobre las cuales se reflejaba la luz del fuego de la chimenea, se iluminaron al oír las animosas palabras; pero volvieron a ensombrecerse cuando Jo dijo tristemente: ¿No tenemos aquí a papá, ni lo tendremos por mucho tiempo. No dijo "tal vez nunca", pero cada una lo añadió silenciosamente para sí, pensando en el padre, tan lejos, donde se hacía la guerra civil. Nadie habló durante un minuto; después dijo Meg con diferente tono: ¿Saben que la razón por la que mamá propuso que no hubiera regalos esta Navidad fue porque el invierno va a ser duro para todo el mundo, y piensa que no debemos gastar dinero en gustos mientras nuestros hombres sufren tanto en el frente. No podemos ayudar mucho, pero sí hacer pequeños sacrificios y debemos hacerlos alegremente. Pero temo que yo no los haga ¿y Meg sacudió la cabeza al pensar arrepentida en todas las cosas que deseaba.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    15,90 €

    ¿Jamás hubiera podido creer a quien me pronosticase los cambios ocurridos en este lugar durante los diez últimos años ¿dijo Jo a su hermana Meg. Con orgullo y satisfacción ambas dirigieron una mirada a su alrededor. Luego tomaron asiento en uno de los bancos de la plaza de Plumfield. ¿Así es. Son transformaciones debidas al dinero y a los buenos corazones ¿respondió Meg¿. Tengo la convicción de que el señor Laurence no podía tener mejor monumento que ese colegio, debido a su generosidad. Y mientras esa casa exista perdurará la memoria de tía March. ¿¿Recuerdas, Meg? Cuando niñas creíamos en las hadas. Incluso estábamos preparadas para pedirle ¿si se nos aparecía unä tres cosas. Las que yo quería pedir las he logrado: dinero, fama y afectos ¿dijo Jo, mientras componía su peinado con un gesto que ya de niña le era característico. ¿También se cumplieron mis peticiones y las de Amy. Sería completa nuestra dicha, como un cuento de hadas, si mamá, John y Beth estuvieran aquí ¿la emoción quebró la voz de Meg. ¡Quedaba tan vacío el sitio de la madre! ¿

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    10,00 €

    'The small hopes and plans and pleasures of children should be tenderly respected by grown-up people, and never rudely thwarted or ridiculed'Spirited Jo March, now Mrs Bhaer, has settled into living and teaching at Plumfield boarding school, also home to a lively band of orphan boys. Jo's many pupils include Nat, a shy but talented musician, Dan, an ill-mannered troublemaker and Tommy Bangs, the school's mischievous class clown. Despite the troubles and scrapes that come with adolescent life, the lessons of kindness and gratitude taught at Plumfield prove to have a profound impact on each child.Published in 1871, Little Men was received with delight by the many who cherished the coming-of-age tale Little Women, and proved a worthy sequel. Wisdom, courage and love is at the heart of Louisa May Alcott's writing, which continues to inspire and give solace to readers around the world today.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    27,00 €

    The Louisa Alcott Reader: a Supplementary Reader for the Fourth Year of School, has been considered important throughout human history. In an effort to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to secure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for both current and future generations. This complete book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not scans of the authors' original publications, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    49,90 - 69,90 €

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    15,90 €

    ¿¿Ha venido? ¿No, mamá, aún no ha venido. ¿Desearía que todo hubiera acabado. Pensar en ello me inquieta y al mismo tiempo me provoca cierta emoción. Bella, acércame un cojín para la espalda. La malhumorada señora Coventry se acomodó en un sillón con un suspiro que denotaba nerviosismo y cierto aire de mártir, mientras su hermosa hija revoloteaba a su lado con afectuosa solicitud. ¿¿De quién están hablando, Lucía? ¿preguntó el joven lánguido que permanecía cerca de su prima repantigado en otro sillón. Ésta se inclinó sobre su obra de tapicería con una amable sonrisa esbozada en su rostro, que, por lo general, se mostraba altivo. ¿De la nueva institutriz, la señorita Muir. ¿Qué quieres que te cuente sobre ella? ¿Nada, gracias. Siento una gran aversión por todas esas mujeres. A veces doy gracias a Dios por tener sólo una hermana, de que ella sea la madre de un niño mimado y de haberme librado durante tanto tiempo de la tortura de tener una institutriz. ¿¿Y ahora cómo lo soportarás? ¿quiso saber Lucía. ¿Ausentándome mientras ella esté en casa. ¿No, no lo harás. Eres demasiado indolente para eso, Gerald ¿ interrumpió un hombre más joven y energético que jugueteaba con sus perros desde el descansillo.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    19,90 €

    La avenida de los olmos estaba cubierta de malezas, el gran portón nunca se abría, y la vieja casona permanecía cerrada desde hacía varios años. No obstante, se escuchaban voces por ese lugar, y las lilas, inclinándose sobre el alto muro parecían decir: «¡Qué interesantes secretos podríamos revelar si quisiésemos! ¿», en tanto que del otro lado del portón, una caléndula procuraba alcanzar el ojo de la cerradura para espiar lo que ocurría en el interior. Si por arte de magia hubiera crecido de súbito y mirado dentro cierto día de junio, habría visto un cuadro extraño pero encantador. Evidentemente, alguien iba a dar allí una fiesta. Un ancho sendero de lajas color gris oscuro bordeado de arbustos que se unían formando una bóveda verde iba del portón hacia el «porch». Flores silvestres y malezas salvajes crecían por doquier cubriendo todo con un hermosísimo manto. Un tablón sostenido por dos troncos que estaba en medio del sendero se hallaba cubierto por un descolorido y gastado chal, encima del cual había sido dispuesto, muy elegantemente, un diminuto juego de té. A decir verdad, la tetera había perdido su pico, la lechera su asa, y el azucarero su tapa, y en cuanto a las tazas y los platos, todos se hallaban más o menos deteriorados; pero la gente bien educada no toma en cuenta esas insignificancias y sólo gente bien educada había sido invitada a la fiesta.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    15,00 €

    The Mysterious Key and What it Opened is written by L. M. Alcott. The strange passing of Sir Richard Trevlyn sets the story in the beginning. The only thing the reader is aware of is that Richard's wife, Alice, who is expecting their first child, is listening to a discussion Richard is having with a visitor via a keyhole in the library door. She faints after being horrified by what she hears, and a servant named Hester discovers her and puts her to bed. Hester rushes to the library to inform Richard that his wife is ill despite Alice's insistence that he not be disturbed. She discovers him dead, slouched over his desk. A sixteen-year-old kid named Paul who is applying for work on the estate runs into the young child, Lillian, twelve years later. He performs his duties successfully, rising in rank and winning the love of both his family and his employees. Some of the servants are confused and sad when he goes without saying goodbye since they have a suspicion that he may be more than just the gardener or groom. When everything is revealed in the final chapters, the riddles of why Richard died, who Paul is, and how those things are connected are still unsolved.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    36,00 €

    Little Women, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    49,90 - 69,90 €

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    28,00 €

    Little Men: Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    21,00 €

    May Flowers, has been acknowledged as a major work throughout human history, and we have taken precautions to assure its preservation by republishing this book in a modern manner for both present and future generations. This book has been completely retyped, revised, and reformatted. The text is readable and clear because these books are not created from scanned copies.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    32,00 €

    Children's book author Louisa May Alcott first released Jack and Jill: A Village Story in 1880. After the Civil War, it takes place in a small New England community. The aftermath of a terrible sledding accident is described in the tale of two close friends named Jack and Janey, Jack and Jill.Best friends Jack Minot and Janey Pecq reside next door to one another. Since they are frequently spotted together, Janey adopts the pseudonym Jill to parody the traditional tale. One winter day, the two do climb a hill, but they subsequently have a tragic mishap. They suffer severe bodily injuries in a sledding accident and recuperate while learning life lessons with their numerous pals. Various activities that their moms came up with assist them on their road to recovery. They have ultimately improved and gained numerous priceless lessons as a result.Along with being a fun and instructive novel, Jack and Jill also addresses several crucial contemporary social issues. This enjoyable yet thought-provoking book delves deeply into a number of issues, including children's health, the passage from infancy to adolescent, the value of emotional support during sickness, and the life-altering effects of our impulsive behaviors.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    38,00 €

    LITTLE WOMEN:- is an autobiographical or semi-autobiographical novel written by American novelist Louisa May Alcott. It has been translated into numerous languages, and frequently adapted for stage and screen. The fictionalized account is said to be loosely based on the lives of Alcott and her three sisters Originally published in two volumes, this is a story that follows the lives of the four March sisters ? Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy ? and presents in detail their passage from childhood to womanhood.The plot of the novel revolves around four sisters and their mother, Marmee who live in a new neighborhood. Meg and Jo must work to support the family. Beth is content to stay at home and help with housework; and Amy is still at school. Laurie, the neighbor boy, becomes close friends with the sisters, particularly Jo. Little Women addresses three major themes ? domesticity, work, and true love, all of them interdependent and necessary to the success of main protagonist?s individual identity.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    29,90 - 49,90 €

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    69,90 - 89,90 €

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    24,00 €

    Little Men, or Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys is a novel by American author Louisa May Alcott, first published in 1871. Little Men tells the story of Jo Bhaer and the children at Plumfield Estate School. The novel has been adapted to a film and a 1997 television series. Little Men follows the life of Jo Bhaer and the students who live and learn at the Plumfield Estate School that she runs with her husband, Professor Bhaer. The mischievous children, whom she loves and cares for as her own, learn valuable lessons as they become proper gentlemen and ladies. We also get cameo appearances of almost all the characters found in the previous books, almost all of them happy and well. Meg's older two children, Demi and Daisy, also attend the school and so do Mr. Bhaer's German nephews Franz and Emil.The story begins with the arrival of Nathaniel "Nat" Blake, a shy young orphan with a talent for playing the violin and a penchant for telling fibs. Through his eyes we are introduced to the majority of the characters, from the Bhaers' children to other classmates. We follow Nat's life from April through Thanksgiving, meeting new students and playing games and having adventures throughout. Each student has his or her own struggles: Nat lies; Demi, although adored by his mother and sister, is so naïve that he finds it hard to live in the real world, but swears that he will be like 'parpar' after John Brooke (Meg's husband) dies; Emil has a bad temper; Dan is rebellious and rude; Tommy is careless (and once sets the house afire); Annie alias Nan is too tomboyish; Daisy is too prim and even weak-willed etc. They all learn to cope with their faults as they grow into young men and women.

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    17,00 €

    Originally published in 1866 under the pseudonym "A. M. Barnard. Louisa May Alcott's novel of romance is one of her lesser-known gems. Its tone and characterizations strike a markedly different chord from her best-known works, such as "Little Women" and "Little Men," and it remains a popular addition to her oeuvre. Set in Victorian era Britain, the story follows Jean Muir, the deceitful governess of the wealthy Coventry family. With expert manipulation, Jean Muir obtains the love, respect, and eventually the fortune of the Coventry family.

  • von Louisa May Alcott & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    17,90 - 24,90 €

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    21,00 €

  • von Louisa May Alcott
    59,90 - 79,90 €

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