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Bücher von Louise Glück

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  • - 1962-2020
    von Louise Glück
    14,00 €

  • von Louise Glück
    9,59 €

    'Brilliant poems of complex, haunting power... Averno may be Glück's masterpiece' The New York Times Book ReviewAn acclaimed collection from the Nobel prize-winning poetThis startlingly original reworking of the Persephone myth takes us to the icy shores of Averno, the crater lake regarded by the ancient Romans as the entrance to the underworld. Here, the consolations of rebirth and renewal are eclipsed by the immediacy of loss - by a mother's possessive grief, an abducted girl's equivocal memories, a farmer's lament for a lost harvest. This chorus offers neither comfort nor solace but deepened understanding, its sorrow textured by the poet's luminous wit. Together, the poems of Averno swell to a staggeringly powerful lamentation, through which the reader glimpses the ecstasy of the inevitable, only to find it resisted by the insistent, impersonal presence of the Earth.

  • von Louise Glück
    31,00 €

    WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATUREA haunting new book by a poet whose voice speaks of all our lifetimesLouise Gluck's thirteenth book is among her most haunting. Here as in the Wild Iris there is a chorus, but the speakers are entirely human, simultaneously spectral and ancient. Winter Recipes from the Collective is chamber music, an invitation into that privileged realm small enough for the individual instrument to make itself heard, dolente, its line sustained, carried, and then taken up by the next instrument, spirited, animoso, while at the same time being large enough to contain a whole lifetime, the inconceivable gifts and losses of old age, the little princesses rattling in the back of a car, an abandoned passport, the ingredients of an invigorating winter sandwich, a sister's death, the joyful presence of the sun, its brightness measured by the darkness it casts. "e;Some of you will know what I mean,"e; the poet says, by which she means, some of you will follow me. Hers is the sustaining presence, the voice containing all our lifetimes, "e;all the worlds, each more beautiful than the last."e; This magnificent book couldn't have been written by anyone else, nor could it have been written by the poet at any other time in her life.

  • von Louise Glück
    11,00 €

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2014 FORWARD PRIZE FOR BEST COLLECTION The latest collection by multi-award-winning US poet, Louise Gluck.

  • von Louise Glück
    18,00 €

    »Es ist wahr, dachte Marigold; es ist bloß nicht real.« Getragen von unendlicher Neugierde, traurig und komisch zugleich und anders als alles, was Nobelpreisträgerin Louise Glück je geschrieben hat: die erstaunliche Chronik des ersten Jahres im Leben von Zwillingsmädchen. Rose bezaubert mit ihrem Lächeln, sie ist abenteuerlustig, mutig und kommt ganz nach der Mutter. Marigold beobachtet, ist so zurückhaltend wie der Vater. Und sie will ein Buch über sich und ihre Zwillingsschwester schreiben - natürlich erst, wenn sie sprechen und lesen kann. Zwischen Badezeit und Mittagsschlaf, dem Kennenlernen mit der einen Großmutter und dem Abschiednehmen von der anderen versuchen Marigold und Rose, der Fragen in ihrem Kopf Herr zu werden. Warum ist meine Schwester so anders als ich? Ob Mutter mich lieber hat? Oder Vater? Darf ich denken, was ich denke? Und wie nur kann ich mich ohne Worte ausdrücken? Anhand dieses kleinsten Kosmos des ersten Lebensjahres beschreibt Louise Glück das, was uns zu Menschen macht, untersucht das große Geheimnis der Sprache und das der Zeit, dessen, was ist und was war und was sein wird.

  • von Louise Glück
    13,00 €

    Marigold and Rose is a magical and incandescent fiction from the Nobel laureate Louise Glück."Marigold was absorbed in her book; she had gotten as far as the V." So begins Marigold and Rose, Louise Glück's astonishing chronicle of the first year in the life of twin girls. Imagine a fairy tale that is also a multigenerational saga; a piece for two hands that is also a symphony; a poem that is also, in the spirit of Kafka's The Metamorphosis, an incandescent act of autobiography.Here are the elements you'd expect to find in a story of infant twins: Father and Mother, Grandmother and Other Grandmother, bath time and naptime-but more than that, Marigold and Rose is an investigation of the great mystery of language and of time itself, of what is and what has been and what will be. "Outside the playpen there were day and night. What did they add up to? Time was what they added up to. Rain arrived, then snow." The twins learn to climb stairs, they regard each other like criminals through the bars of their cribs, they begin to speak. "It was evening. Rose was smiling placidly in the bathtub playing with the squirting elephant, which, according to Mother, represented patience, strength, loyalty and wisdom. How does she do it, Marigold thought, knowing what we know."Simultaneously sad and funny, and shot through with a sense of stoic wonder, this small miracle of a book, following thirteen books of poetry and two collections of essays, is unlike anything Glück has written, while at the same time it is inevitable, transcendent.

  • von Louise Glück
    18,00 €

    Louise Glück ist eine der wichtigsten Lyrikerinnen Amerikas und wurde 2020 mit dem Literaturnobelpreis ausgezeichnet. »Endlich umfing mich die Nacht / ich schwebte auf ihr, vielleicht in ihr / oder sie trug mich, wie ein Fluss / ein Boot trägt ...« Wir betreten die Welt dieses Buches durch eines ihrer vielen traumartigen Tore. Wir gelangen immer an denselben Ort, doch jedes Mal erscheint er anders. Wir entdecken ihn als Frau, als Mann, als Kind oder Greis. Eine einzige Geschichte in fließenden Teilen. Es ist die Geschichte eines Abenteuers, einer Begegnung mit dem Unbekannten, der mutigen Reise des treuen und edlen Ritters ins Königreich des Todes. Als Fortsetzung der Welt unserer Kinderbücher ist sie uns zutiefst vertraut. Nur beginnt das Vertraute sich zu wandeln, geheimnisvoll zu glänzen wie die Umrisse eines Traums, wie die Sterne der »treuen und edlen Nacht«.

  • von Louise Glück
    16,00 €

    "Das Buch enthält/nur Rezepte für den Winter, wenn das Leben schwer ist. Im Frühling/kann jeder ein feines Mahl zubereiten."Die neuesten Gedichte der Literaturnobelpreisträgerin sind schnörkellos, reduziert und lassen einen doch nicht mehr los. Sie wenden sich an ein Individuum, schwellen an zu einem Chor und weisen auf das große Ganze, das Kollektiv. Lebensgeschichten sind in ihnen verborgen, Segen und Fluch des Alterns, die Kunst, einen Bonsai zu beschneiden, der Tod der Schwester, die Labsal der wärmenden Sonne, deren Helligkeit sich an den dunklen Schatten ermessen lässt, die sie wirft.

  • von Louise Glück
    12,00 €

  • von Louise Glück
    16,00 €

  • von Louise Glück
    14,00 €

    Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature In Vita Nova, Pulitzer-Prize winning poet Louise Glck manages the apparently impossible: a terrifying act of perspective that brings into resolution the smallest human hope and the vast forces that shape and thwart it.

  • von Louise Glück
    12,00 €

    Winner of the Nobel Prize in LiteratureThe masterful collection from the acclaimed Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Wild Iris and Vita Nova Louise Glück has long practiced poetry as a species of clairvoyance. She began as Cassandra, at a distance, in league with the immortal; to read her books sequentially is to chart the oracle's metamorphosis into unwilling vessel, reckless, mortal and crude. The Seven Ages is Glück's ninth book, her strangest and most bold. In it she stares down her own death, and, in doing do, forces endless superimpositions of the possible on the impossible--an act that simultaneously defies and embraces the inevitable, and is, finally, mimetic. over and over, at each wild leap or transformation, flames shoot up the reader's spine.

  • - Poems
    von Louise Glück
    13,00 €

    A Village Life, Louise Gluck's eleventh collection of poems, begins in the topography of a village, a Mediterranean world of no definite moment or place:All the roads in the village unite at the fountain.Avenue of Liberty, Avenue of the Acacia Trees-The fountain rises at the center of the plaza;on sunny days, rainbows in the piss of the cherub.-from "e;tributaries"e;Around the fountain are concentric circles of figures, organized by age and in degrees of distance: fields, a river, and, like the fountain's opposite, a mountain. Human time superimposed on geologic time, all taken in at a glance, without any undue sensation of speed. Gluck has been known as a lyrical and dramatic poet; since Ararat, she has shaped her austere intensities into book-length sequences. Here, for the first time, she speaks as "e;the type of describing, supervising intelligence found in novels rather than poetry,"e; as Langdon Hammer has written of her long lines-expansive, fluent, and full-manifesting a calm omniscience. While Gluck's manner is novelistic, she focuses not on action but on pauses and intervals, moments of suspension (rather than suspense), in a dreamlike present tense in which poetic speculation and reflection are possible.

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