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Bücher von Ludwig Wittgenstein

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  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    13,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    12,95 €

    Ludwig Wittgenstein is considered by many to be one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century. He was born in Vienna to an incredibly rich family, but he gave away his inheritance and spent his life alternating between academia and various other roles, including serving as an officer during World War I and a hospital porter during World War II. When in academia Wittgenstein was taught by Bertrand Russell, and he himself taught at Cambridge.He began laying the groundwork for Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus while in the trenches, and published it after the end of the war. It has since come to be considered one of the most important works of 20th century philosophy. After publishing it, Wittgenstein concluded that it had solved all philosophical problems¿so he never published another book-length work in his lifetime.The book itself is divided into a series of short, self-evident statements, followed by sub-statements elucidating on their parent statement, sub-sub-statements, and so on. These statements explore the nature of philosophy, our understanding of the world around us, and how language fits in to it all. These views later came to be known as ¿Logical Atomism.¿This translation, while credited to C. K. Ogden, is actually mostly the work of F. P. Ramsey, one of Ogden¿s students. Ramsey completed the translation when he was just 19 years of age. The translation was personally revised and approved by Wittgenstein himself, who, though he was Austrian, had spent much of his life in England.Much of the Tractatus¿ meaning is complex and difficult to unpack. It is still being interpreted and explored to this day.

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    11,90 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    17,90 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    17,90 €

    Der Tractatus logico-philosophicus ist das erste Hauptwerk des österreichischen Philosophen Ludwig Wittgenstein. Wie schon der Titel des Buches verspricht, enthält es zum einen eine logische Theorie, zum anderen legt Wittgenstein darin eine philosophische Methode dar. Sein Hauptanliegen ist es, die Philosophie von Unsinn und Verwirrung zu bereinigen, denn, so LW, ¿die meisten Sätze und Fragen, welche über philosophische Dinge geschrieben worden sind, sind nicht falsch, sondern unsinnig.¿ Gröls-Klassiker (Edition Werke der Weltliteratur)

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    11,90 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    33,00 €

  • von Alfred Nordmann & James C. Klagge
    33,00 - 106,00 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    31,00 €

    2014 Reprint of 1956 Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Published in English and German with each text presented on opposing pages. "Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics" are Wittgenstein's notes on the philosophy of mathematics. It has been translated from German to English by G.E.M. Anscombe, edited by G.H. von Wright and Rush Rhees, and published first in 1956. The text has been produced from passages in various sources by selection and editing. The notes have been written during the years 1937-1944 and a few passages are incorporated in the "Philosophical Investigations" which were composed later. Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics is exposed chiefly by simple examples on which further skeptical comments are made. The text offers an extended analysis of the concept of mathematical proof and an exploration of Wittgenstein's contention that philosophical considerations introduce false problems in mathematics. Wittgenstein in the "Remarks" adopts an attitude of doubt in opposition to much orthodoxy in the philosophy of mathematics. Wittgenstein's influence has been felt in nearly every field of the humanities and the social sciences, though many of his views remain controversial. Wittgenstein's work remains, undeniably, now, that of one of those few philosophers who will be read by all future generations. It is by far the richest twentieth-century source of philosophical ideas, which it will take us more decades yet properly to apprehend and to absorb; despite the difficulty with which his work presents the reader, there is nothing that is likely to be more rewarding. The philosophy of mathematics was one of his earliest and most persistent preoccupations.... The present edition is a selection from seven distinct pieces of writing by Wittgenstein prior to his death in 1951.

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein & Wolfgang Kienzler
    8,00 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    18,00 €

    Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) schrieb zwei Hauptwerke, früh die strenge Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung (BS 1322), spät die offeneren, lebendig in immer neuen Anläufen vorgetragenen Philosophischen Untersuchungen, mit denen der Begriff des »Sprachspiels« in die Welt gekommen ist: »Man kann für eine große Klasse von Fällen der Benützung des Wortes >BedeutungPhilosophischen Untersuchungen, die sich nach der definitiven, 2001 von Joachim Schulte herausgegebenen »kritisch-genetischen« Edition richtet.

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    23,00 €

    The volume is full of thought-provoking insight which will prove a stimulus both to further study and to scholarly disagreement.

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    16,00 €

    "»Man konnte den ganzen Sinn des Buches etwa in die Worte fassen: was sich überhaupt sagen läßt, läßt sich klar sagen; und wovon man nicht reden kann, darüber muß man schweigen. Das Buch will also dem Denken eine Grenze ziehen, oder vielmehr - nicht dem Denken, sondern dem Ausdruck der Gedanken: denn um dem Denken eine Grenze zu ziehen, müßten wir beide Seiten dieser Grenze denken können (wir müßten also denken können, was sich nicht denken lässt.« Wittgenstein untersucht die Möglichkeiten des Denkens an den Möglichkeiten der Sprache."

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein, Georg Henrik von Wright & G. E. M. Anscombe
    18,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    18,00 €

    Vorbemerkungen des Herausgebers / Das Blaue Buch / Eine Philosophische Betrachtung (Das Braune Buch)

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    28,00 €

    Tractatus logico-philosophicus Tagebücher 1914-1916 Anhang I: Aufzeichnungen über Logik Anhang II: Aufzeichnungen, die G.E. Moore in Norwegen nach Diktat niedergeschrieben hat Philosophische Untersuchungen Register Notiz zu den Texten

  • - Centenary Edition
    von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    36,00 - 154,00 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    17,00 €

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    23,00 €

    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus may be the most important book of philosophy written during the twentieth century. Wittgenstein's writing style is clear, succinct, and accessible. Bertrand Russell claimed that "I cannot see any point on which it is wrong. But to have constructed a theory of logic which is not at any point obviously wrong is to have achieved a work of extraordinary difficulty and importance." Required ready for anyone interested in philosophy.

  • von Ludwig Wittgenstein
    37,00 €

    Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus may be the most important book of philosophy written during the twentieth century. Wittgenstein's writing style is clear, succinct, and accessible. Bertrand Russell claimed that "I cannot see any point on which it is wrong. But to have constructed a theory of logic which is not at any point obviously wrong is to have achieved a work of extraordinary difficulty and importance." Required ready for anyone interested in philosophy.

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