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Bücher von M. C. Beaton

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  • von M. C. Beaton
    21,00 €

    "Beloved New York Times bestseller M. C. Beaton's cranky, crafty Agatha Raisin--the star of her own hit T.V. series--is back on the case again in Down the Hatch. Private detective Agatha Raisin, having recently taken up power-walking, is striding along a path in Mircester Park during her lunch break when she hears a cry for help. Rushing over, she finds an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Swinburn, in the middle of the green-with the body of an old man lying at their feet. The man, who the coroner determines died by poisoning, was known as "the Admiral," a gardener notorious for his heavy drinking, and Chief Inspector Wilkes writes the death off as an accident caused by the consumption of weed killer stored in a rum bottle. Agatha is not convinced that anyone would mistake weed killer for rum but carries on with her work at Raisin Investigations, until she receives an anonymous tip that the Admiral's death was no accident. Local gossip points to the Swinburns themselves as the killers, spurred by a feud at the club where they, as well as the Admiral, were members. Distraught at this accusation, they turn to Agatha to clear their name, and she takes the case-despite the warnings of Chief Inspector Wilkes. Agatha encounters one suspicious character after another, becoming further enmeshed in the Admiral's own dark and shady past. And when she's run off the road, narrowly escaping with her life, and then another attack occurs, it becomes clear that someone doesn't want the case closed-and will stop at nothing to prevent Agatha from solving it"--

  • von M. C. Beaton
    13,00 €

  • von M. C. Beaton
    13,00 €

    Das Opfer ist diesmal der Gärtner ... Agatha hat sich verliebt - schon wieder! Diesmal ist es der hiesige Gärtner, George Marston, auf den sie ein Auge geworfen hat. Doch die Konkurrenz um dessen Aufmerksamkeit ist groß. Mit ihrer schamlosen Entschlossenheit ist Agatha allerdings bereit, alles zu tun, um den Mann zu bekommen. Sie stürzt sich sogar in Unkosten und unterstützt einen Wohltätigkeitsball in der Stadt - nur um mit George tanzen zu können. Als der charmante Gärtner dort jedoch nicht auftaucht, macht sich Agatha auf die Suche nach ihm und findet ihn mausetot in einem Komposthaufen vergraben. Todesursache: Biss einer Giftschlange. Für Agatha ist sofort klar: Es war Mord! Und sie wird alles daransetzen, seinen Mörder dingfest zu machen!

  • von M. C. Beaton
    13,00 €

    Wenn der Müllmann ins Gras beißt ... Als Fergus Macleod, der schnell beleidigte und oft betrunkene Müllmann von Lochdubh, zum Leiter des örtlichen Recyclingzentrums und zum Umweltbeauftragten ernannt wird, wittert der schottische Dorfpolizist Hamish Macbeth bereits Ärger. Fergus wird durch seine neuen Befugnisse tatsächlich zu einem Tyrannen, und als seine Leiche in einer Mülltonne gefunden wird, tut es niemandem leid - noch nicht einmal seiner Familie ... An Verdächtigen mangelt es also nicht. Als der Täter ein zweites Mal zuschlägt, muss der schlaksige Gesetzeshüter schnell den Schuldigen ausfindig machen - bevor der Mörder sich aus dem Staub machen kann!

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Ein eigenes Cottage in den malerischen Cotswolds - davon hat Agatha Raisin immer geträumt. Nun ist dieser Wunsch endlich wahr geworden. Womit die Ex-PR-Beraterin aus London allerdings nie gerechnet hätte, ist die Abneigung ihrer neuen Nachbarn: Die Dörfler wollen offenbar lieber unter sich bleiben! Doch Agatha ist es gewohnt, ihren Kopf durchzusetzen. Um Eindruck zu schinden, reicht sie beim örtlichen Backwettbewerb eine Feinkost-Quiche ein, die sie als ihre eigene ausgibt. Dumm ist allerdings, dass einer der Preisrichter stirbt und in Agathas Quiche Gift gefunden wird. Nun muss sie nicht nur zugeben, dass sie gemogelt hat, sondern auch versuchen, den Mordverdacht gegen sich auszuräumen ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    In welchen trüben Gewässern muss Hamish diesmal angeln? Eigentlich ist Tommy Jarret auf der Suche nach einem Seeungeheuer in der Nähe des Dorfes Drim. Aber dann ist er plötzlich tot. Offenbar starb er an einer Überdosis Drogen. Hamish Macbeth findet das Ableben des Jungen ein bisschen sehr merkwürdig - und seine Spürnase hat den schottischen Dorfpolizisten noch nie getäuscht! Daher beschließt er, undercover zu ermitteln, und schleust sich in den illegalen Drogenhandel im nahe gelegenen Strathbane ein. Seine Tarnung fliegt allerdings schnell auf, nachdem er sich mit der knallharten Glasgower Kriminalinspektorin Olivia zusammengetan hat, um den Fall aufzuklären. Für den schlaksigen Gesetzeshüter heißt es nun: untergehen oder schwimmen ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Wenn das Schwein Glück hat, muss der Bulle dran glauben ... Winter Parva, ein Dorf in der Nähe von Carsely, begeht den Beginn der Winterferien traditionell mit einem kleinen Fest. Auch Agatha Raisin nimmt an dem fröhlichen Treiben teil. Kulinarisches Highlight der Feierlichkeit soll ein Schweinespieß sein. Doch als der zum glühenden Grill getragen wird, wird Agatha klar, dass hier eine große Schweinerei im Gange ist: Statt eines Tiers wurde der nicht sehr beliebte Polizist Gary Beech aufgespießt. Agatha und die Dorfbewohner sind mehr als entsetzt über die grauenvolle Tat. Und natürlich steht außer Frage, dass sich die ehrgeizige Detektivin direkt auf den Fall stürzt, um dem Mörder das Handwerk zu legen!

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    Beaton's beloved mystery series--now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television--continues. An elderly spinster has been murdered and the villagers are bewildered as to who would commit such a crime. Agatha Raisin investigates, but soon begins to fear for her reputation--and even her life. Minotaur Books.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    New York Times bestseller M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin--now the star of a hit show on Acorn TV and public television--is back on the case and poking around where she doesn't belong. Agatha Raisin, private detective, resident in the Cotswold village of Carsely, should have been a contented and happy woman... But in M.C. Beaton's Pushing Up Daisies, things are about to get a little less cozy. Lord Bellington, a wealthy land developer, wants to turn the community garden into a housing estate. And when Agatha and her friend Sir Charles Fraith attempt to convince Lord Bellington to abandon his plans, he scoffs, "Do you think I give a damn about what a lot of pesky villagers want?" So it's no surprise that some in the town are feeling celebratory when Agatha finds his obituary in the newspaper two weeks later. The villagers are relieved to learn that Bellington's son and heir, Damian, has no interest in continuing his father's development plans. Except the death was apparently murder, and the police see Damian as suspect number one--though Agatha finds plenty of others when he hires her to find the real killer. The good news is that a handsome retired detective named Gerald has recently moved to town. Too bad he was seen kissing another newcomer... Soon, another murder further entangles Gerald and Agatha in a growing web of intrigue as they work with her team of detectives work to uncover the killer's identity.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Mord ist nicht nur ihr Hobby, sondern ihr Beruf Die betagte Schriftstellerin Patricia Martyn-Broyd ist entsetzt, als sie erfährt, dass ihre Protagonistin Lady Harriet in den Verfilmungen ihrer Krimis als kiffender Hippie dargestellt werden soll. Dass der Drehbuchautor für seine skurrilen Drehbücher bekannt ist und Lady Harriet von der moralisch fragwürdigen Penelope Gates gespielt werden soll, macht die Sache nicht besser. Aber Vertrag ist Vertrag, lernt die Autorin schnell. Plötzlich überschlagen sich jedoch die Ereignisse, und Patricia wird beschuldigt, Drehbuchautor und Hauptdarstellerin ermordet zu haben. Um ihre Unschuld zu beweisen, wendet sie sich an ihren einzigen Freund in Lochdubh: den Dorfpolizisten Hamish Macbeth ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    12,00 €

    Stille Nacht, tödliche Nacht Agatha Raisin hat mit Weihnachten zwar nicht viel am Hut, aber ihr kleines Dorf Carsely war schon immer stolz auf seine Festtagstraditionen. Dieses Jahr jedoch hat John Sunday, ein Beamter der Sicherheitsbehörde, gerade die besinnlichen Tage als Zeitpunkt gewählt, um gegen das vorzugehen, was er als grobe Fahrlässigkeit ansieht: so ziemlich alles. Selbst der Weihnachtsbaum entpuppt sich als Sicherheitsrisiko. Doch damit ist Sunday eindeutig zu weit gegangen. Kein Wunder, dass er bald tot im Vorgarten des Pfarrhauses gefunden wird. Agatha übernimmt den Fall, aber bei so vielen Leuten, die dem Opfer feindlich gesinnt waren, weiß sie kaum, wo sie mit der Suche nach dem Mörder beginnen soll ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    When therapist Jill Davent moves into the village of Carsely, Agatha Raisin is not a fan. Not only is the therapist romancing her ex-husband James but she digs up details of Agatha's rather unsavoury origins. Furthermore, Jill is counselling a woman Agatha is convinced is a murderess - although she has no actual proof. Agatha tells anyone who cares to listen that Jill is a charlatan. So she can only sigh with relief when Jill takes offices in the nearby town of Mircester. But then Jill is found strangled to death in her office two days later and Agatha is the prime suspect!

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    This little piggy went to investigate...After a disappointing Christmas season, the touristy Cotswold town of Winter Parva is upping the stakes with an old-fashioned pig roast, complete with music, merriment, and medieval Morris-dancing. Always one for a good roasting, Agatha Raisin is looking forward to the event, especially after a heated dispute over a traffic ticket has her picturing a certain boorish cop turning on the spit. But when the big night arrives--and the smoke clears--Agatha notices that the slow-roasting "pig" has a tattoo with the name Amy on it. It's the body of the policeman who had Agatha all fired up. And now his ex-wife Amy wants her to find the butcher who did the deed--and solve a murder that's disturbingly well done... "Who but Agatha Raisin could spot such an unusual method of disposing of a body?" --Kirkus Reviews "I laughed out loud...hilarious." --Gumshoe Reviews "Once you meet Agatha Raisin, you'll keep coming back."--New York Journal of Books

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    Busy Body continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.Agatha Raisin has always been ambivalent about holiday cheer, but her cozy little village of Carsely has long prided itself on its Christmas festivities. But this year Mr. John Sunday, a self-important officer with the Health and Safety Board, has ruled that the traditional tree on top of the church is a public menace; that lampposts are unsafe for hanging illuminations; that May Dimwoody's homemade toys are dangerous for children... Things have reached such a desperate pass that the Carsely Ladies' Society joins forces with the ladies in the neighboring village of Odley Cruesis to try to put a stop to Mr. Sunday's meddling-only to find that someone has literally put a stop to him with a kitchen knife.Agatha's detective agency is on the case, but when a man has made as many enemies as John Sunday, it's hard to know where to start...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    17,00 €

    The New York Times bestselling Traveling Matchmaker series begins with a Regency tale of seductive subterfuge--from the author of the Agatha Raisin novelsA dead employer's legacy of five thousand pounds allows spinster Hannah Pym to resign from housekeeping and find adventure traveling the English countryside by coach. But the adventure soon finds Miss Pym traveling with Miss Emily Freemantle, a spoiled, violet-eyed beauty fleeing an arranged marriage to a rake she has never met. When Emily's darkly handsome betrothed boards their stage, Miss Pym is certain the girl was rash to bolt from this aristocratic catch! So, as soon as the travelers repair to an inn, Miss Pym begins her matchmaking. Although Lord Ranger Harley complains he'll not marry an ungrateful minx, Miss Pym suspects once she's marshaled the couple into sharing intimate household chores, all romantic knots will be untangled.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    The Blood of an Englishman continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television."Fee, fie, fo, fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman..."Even though Agatha Raisin loathes amateur dramatics, her friend Mrs. Bloxby, the vicar's wife, has persuaded her to support the local pantomime. Stifling a yawn at the production of "Babes in the Woods," Agatha watches the baker playing an ogre strut and threaten on the stage, until a trapdoor opens and the Ogre disappears in an impressive puff of smoke. Only he doesn't re-appear at final curtain.Surely this isn't the way the scene was rehearsed? When it turns out the popular baker has been murdered, Agatha puts her team of private detectives on the case. They soon discover more feuds and temperamental behavior in amateur theatrics than in a professional stage show-and face more and more danger as the team gets too close to the killer.The Blood of an Englishman is Agatha's 25th adventure, and you'd think she would have learned by now not to keep making the same mistakes. Alas, no-yet Agatha's flaws only make her more endearing. In this sparkling new entry in M. C. Beaton's New York Times bestselling series of modern cozies, Agatha Raisin once again "manages to infuriate, amuse, and solicit our deepest sympathies as we watch her blunder her way boldly through another murder mystery" (

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

  • von M. C. Beaton
    11,00 €

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

    Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin cozy mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.Recently married to James Lacey, the witty and fractious Agatha Raisin quickly finds that marriage, and love, are not all they are cracked up to be. Rather than basking in marital bliss, the newlyweds are living in separate cottages and accusing each other of infidelity. After a particularly raucous fight in the local pub, James suddenly vanishes-a bloodstain the only clue to his fate-and Agatha is the prime suspect. Determined to clear her name and find her husband, Agatha begins her investigation. But her sleuthing is thwarted when James's suspected mistress, Melissa, is found murdered. Joined by her old friend Sir Charles, Agatha digs into Melissa's past and uncovers two ex-husbands, an angry sister, and dubious relations with bikers. Are Melissa's death and James's disappearance connected? Will Agatha reunite with her husband or will she find herself alone once again?

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

    Love, Lies and Liquor continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin cozy mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.Agatha Raisin is lonely. Busy as she is with her detective agency and the meetings of the Carsely Ladies' Society, she still misses her ex-husband, James Lacey, so she welcomes his return to the cottage next door with her usual triumph of optimism over experience---especially when he invites her on holiday at a surprise location that was once very dear to him. With visions of a romantic hideaway in Italy or the Pacific dancing in her head, Agatha goes off happily with James to...Snoth-on-Sea, in Sussex.While James may have fond memories of boyhood holidays there, Snoth-on-Sea has seen better days, as has the once-grand Palace Hotel, now run-down and tacky and freezing cold. Nor do the other guests have much to recommend them, especially the brassy honeymoon couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jankers, who pick a fight with Agatha in the dining room. But trouble has a way of following Agatha even if romance does not: Just as she and James are preparing to flee to warmer climes, Geraldine Jankers is found dead on the beach-strangled with Agatha's scarf. So much for Agatha's holiday fantasies: Not only is it time to put her detective skills to work, but the police are not even sure that she'll be allowed to leave town.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

  • von M. C. Beaton
    26,00 €

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

    Agatha Raisin and the Witch of Wyckhadden continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin cozy mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.There is nothing more depressing for a middle-aged lovelorn woman with bald patches on her head than to find herself in an English seaside resort out of season. Agatha Raisin, her hair falling out after a run-in with a hairdresser-cum-murderess from a previous investigation, travels to an old-fashioned hotel in order to repair the damage away from the neighbors in her all-too-cozy Cotswolds village. Unhappy about the slow results and prompted by the elderly residents of the resort, she consults the local witch for help. Agatha purchases a hair tonic (and a love potion, just in case!) and is soon sprouting hairs and capturing the fancy of the village police inspector. But the quiet town is stunned by the murder of the witch. Which one of the graying guests is capable of such a brutal crime? The brassy yet endearing Agatha won't stop until she finds the culprit--and, of course, a little love, too.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

    Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin cozy mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.Agatha Raisin's marriage was put off when her ex-husband showed up, unfortunately alive. Fortunately, he was murdered and Agatha solved the crime. Now she is off to Cyprus to track down her ex-fiance. Instead of enjoying their planned honeymoon, however, they witness the murder of an obnoxious tourist. Two sets of terrible tourists surround the unhappy couple, arousing Agatha's suspicions. And, much to James' chagrin, she won't rest until she finds the killer. Unfortunately, it seems the killer also won't rest until Agatha is out of the picture. Agatha is forced to track down the murderer, try to rekindle her romance with James, and fend off a suave baronet, all while coping with the fact that it's always bathing suit season in Cyprus.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

    Agatha Raisin and the Wizard of Evesham continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin cozy mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.After a home dye job ruins her hair, Agatha Raisin, the prickly yet lovable amateur sleuth, turns to the wonderful new hairdresser in the neighboring town for help. And as Agatha soon learns, Mr. John is as skilled at repairing her coiffure as he is at romancing her heart. But the charming Mr. John isn't all he appears to be. According to gossip around the salon and the village, some of his former clients seem to be afraid of him. Could Mr. John really be a ruthless blackmailer? When a murderer strikes at the busy salon, Agatha must discover the truth and the killer's identity before it's too late ...

  • von M. C. Beaton
    22,00 €

    Something Borrowed, Someone Dead continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin cozy mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.Gloria French was a jolly widow with dyed blonde hair, a raucous laugh and rosy cheeks. When she first moved from London to the charming Cotswolds hills, she was heartily welcomed. She seemed a do-gooder par excellence, raising funds for the church and caring for the elderly. But she had a nasty habit of borrowing things and not giving them back, just small things, a teapot here, a set of silverware there. So it's quite the shock when she is found dead, murdered by a poisoned bottle of elderberry wine. Afraid the murder will be a blight on the small town, Parish councillor, Jerry Tarrant, hires private detective Agatha Raisin to track down the murderer.But the village is secretive and the residents resent Agatha's investigation. Of course that doesn't stop the ever-persistent Agatha from investigating and sticking her nose where no one wants it-especially as the suspect list grows. And, as if it isn't enough that Agatha's ex has reentered the picture, the murderer is now targeting Agatha!With M.C. Beaton's Something Borrowed, Someone Dead the bossy, vain, and absolutely irresistible, Agatha Raisin continues to be a fan favorite.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    23,00 €

    If only the bossy, beloved Agatha Raisin were as lucky at finding the right man as she is at catching killers in M. C. Beaton's New York Times bestselling mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of everyone's favorite sleuth, M. C. Beaton's Agatha Raisin is as feisty as ever-armed with her famous wit and biting sense of humor. This time, though, there's some biting of a whole other sort going on. Agatha has fallen head over heels in love-again. This time, she has her eye on the local gardener, George Marston, but so do other women in their little Cotswold village. Shamelessly determined, Agatha will do anything to get her man-including footing the bill for a charity ball just for the chance to dance with him. And then George doesn't even show up. Only partly deterred, Agatha goes looking for him, and finds his dead body in a compost heap. Murder is definitely afoot, but this killer chose no ordinary weapon: A poisonous snake delivered the fatal strike.Rising to the occasion, Agatha rallies her little detective agency to find the killer, only to learn that George had quite a complicated love life. But murderously complicated? Well, if she can't have George, at least Agatha can have the satisfaction of confronting the other women and solving the crime. With Hiss & Hers, once again, "M. C. Beaton has a foolproof plot for the village mystery" (The New York Times Book Review) in the irresistible adventures of the irrepressible Agatha.

  • von M. C. Beaton
    26,00 €

    There Goes the Bride continues the tradition in M. C. Beaton's beloved Agatha Raisin mystery series-now a hit show on Acorn TV and public television.James Lacey wandered over to the window of his hotel room. His fiancée, Felicity, was asleep. He was feeling some twinges of unease. What he loved about Felicity was the way she looked at him with her large eyes, appearing to drink in every word.But on the plane journey, he wondered if she were listening to him. "The order to charge was given," said James, "and a spaceship landed in the valley and some little green men got out." "Fascinating," breathed Felicity. "You weren't listening!" "Just tired, darling. What were you saying?"James heard a commotion down below the hotel. He opened the window and leaned out. A woman had tripped and fallen getting into a cab. He only got a glimpse but he was suddenly sure the woman was Agatha. A familiar voice rose on the Crimean air, "Snakes and bastards!"Bossy, impulsive, yet hopelessly romantic, Agatha is dreading the upcoming marriage of her ex-husband, James Lacey. Although she has set her sights on a handsome and beguiling new Frenchman, she can't quite stop obsessing about James.Her best intentions to move on with her life are put on hold when James's young bride is shot to death just minutes before saying "I do," and Agatha is named the prime suspect. Agatha's sleuthing sidekick Toni stands ready to help find the real killer, but the case proves trickier than ever.Will her name be cleared, or has the outrageous Agatha finally had her last romp?

  • von M. C. Beaton
    11,00 €

    Keine Hochzeit, aber ein Todesfall! Agathas Ex-Mann James Lacey ist mit einer schönen jungen Frau verlobt - und Agatha wird sogar zur Hochzeit eingeladen. So eine Misere! Aber schlimmer geht es bekanntlich immer, und am Tag der Hochzeit kommt es zur Katastrophe: Die Braut wird tot aufgefunden. Plötzlich ist die taffe Detektivin als eifersüchtige Ex die Hauptverdächtige. Und das ist noch nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange, denn die untröstliche Brautmutter bittet Agatha, den Mord an ihrer Tochter aufzuklären. Da Agatha sowieso ihre Unschuld beweisen muss, trifft sich das immerhin ganz gut. Doch ehe sie sichs versieht, befindet sie sich selbst in großer Gefahr und muss nebenbei auch noch (wenigstens halbherzig) die Avancen eines attraktiven und äußerst entschlossenen Franzosen abwehren ...

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