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Bücher von M University) Kellstedt

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  • von Paul M. (Texas A, M University) Kellstedt, Guy D. (Texas A, usw.
    64,00 - 155,00 €

  • von Paul M. (Texas A & M University) Kellstedt
    32,00 €

    This workbook teaches students how to use the popular R statistical software program to assess causal relationships using real political science data. It parallels the main Kellstedt and Whitten text, which allows students to apply the lessons and techniques they learn in each chapter in a statistical software setting.

  • von Paul M. (Texas A, M University) Kellstedt, Guy D. (Texas A & usw.
    60,00 - 162,00 €

    The Fundamentals of Political Science Research provides an introduction to the scientific study of politics, presenting a series of strategies and developing an integrated approach to research design and empirical analysis that supplies students with the basic tools needed to be both critical consumers and producers of scholarly research in political science.

  • von Paul M. (Texas A & M University) Kellstedt
    35,00 €

    Paul M. Kellstedt explains the variation in Americans' racial attitudes over the last half-century, particularly the relationship between media coverage of race and American public opinion on race, and examines the relationship between attitudes on the two major issues of the twentieth century: race and the welfare state.

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