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Bücher von Madeline Hunter

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  • von Madeline Hunter
    14,00 €

  • von Sabrina Jeffries & Madeline Hunter
    24,00 €

  • von Madeline Hunter
    14,00 €

    Ein Herz voller Rache und eine Liebe, die alles besiegen kann ...Adam Penrose, Duke of Stratton, gehört zu Londons elitärer Gesellschaft. Seine Familiengeschichte ist skandalös, deswegen sucht er eine Frau mit Vermögen, Schönheit und Verstand, die bereit ist, sich seinem rücksichtslosen Lebensstil anzupassen. Doch jedes Mal, wenn Clara Cheswick, die wunderschöne Tochter des Erzfeindes seiner Familie, auftaucht, brennt seine Seele vor Verlangen nach ihr.Clara Cheswick denkt überhaupt nicht daran zu heiraten. Sie will nur eins: ihre Frauenzeitschrift veröffentlichen. Selbst wenn sie an einer Heirat interessiert wäre, würde sie sich niemals auf jemanden wie Adam einlassen. Aber Clara hat ein gutes Gespür für Geschichten und hinter Adams Fassade steckt mehr, als sie denkt. Und wer hätte gedacht, dass das Spiel mit der Gefahr so viel Spaß machen kann?Madeline Hunter ist New York Times Bestsellerautorin. Mehr als sechs Millionen Exemplare ihrer Bücher wurden bereits gedruckt. Sie ist Mitglied der RWA-Ehrenliste, hat zweimal den RITA Award gewonnen und war sieben Mal Finalistin. Ihre Bücher sind auf den Bestsellerlisten der New York Times, von USA Today und Publishers Weekly zu finden und wurden in dreizehn Sprachen übersetzt. Sie hat einen Doktortitel in Kunstgeschichte und liebt es, mit ihren Lesern in Kontakt zu stehen.

  • - Increasing Instructional Effectiveness in Elementary and Secondary Schools
    von Madeline Hunter & Robin Hunter
    40,00 €

    This newly updated edition features a tried-and-true plan for effective instruction; encompasses independent learning; integrates instruction, learning, and assessment into an effective model for teaching; and more!

  • - Increasing Instructional Effectiveness in Elementary and Secondary Schools, Colleges, and Universities
    von Madeline Hunter
    35,00 €

    Increase students' learning and retention with the expert teachings of this gifted educator. A useful resource for the beginning teacher or the experienced veteran, this classic has sold more than 100,000 copies and is still going strong.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    36,00 €

    This practical volume offers administrators and teacher leaders advice on how to maximize the benefit of staff development programmes. The authors address three challenges: How and what trainers should observe in a classroom; how they should analyze these observations; and how they can translate observations into feedback which will encourage teachers to enhance their professional effectiveness.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    31,00 €

    This study of 'transfer' addresses the perplexing question: How can students possess knowledge and skills in one set of circumstances and yet not be able to apply those same skills to other situations that require them? Madeline Hunter introduces four factors designed to aid the process of transfer and promote creativity and problem-solving techniques among students: similarity; association; degree of original learning; and critical attributes.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    29,00 €

    Madeline Hunter introduces six factors which can influence a student's motivation to learn: concern, feeling tone, success, interest, knowledge of results and extrinsic-intrinsic motivation. She then illustrates how to use productively these factors in the classroom.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    36,00 €

    This effective guide has been used to train not only aides and volunteers but also teachers and administrators throughout the world. Madeline Hunter describes a number of staff meeting plans for using the principles of learning in daily classroom planning and teaching.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    33,00 €

    This is a clear, useful guide for teachers, administrators and student teachers in which Madeline Hunter offers ten step-by-step plans for staff development meetings. Each plan focuses on: one area of meeting; topics for staff discussion; long-range objectives; and follow-up activities.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    31,00 €

    The elements which influence a student's rate and degree of learning are outlined in this volume. Madeline Hunter demonstrates a diversity of practical teaching techniques, including how to design practice so that it does `make perfect' and how to avoid the `black holes' in any sequence of learning.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    36,00 €

    This 'how-to' book for teachers and administrators at all grades presents many proven techniques for reducing the time and effort spent on trying the achieve the important goal of student self-discipline.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    46,00 €

    An essential guide for parents and parent education groups, the authors of this volume use straightforward writing and an appealing format to help parents with the discipline of children. The book will help parents develop their activities to increase their child's productive behaviour - improved behaviour which then transfers to the classroom.

  • von Madeline Hunter
    29,00 €

    In this book, Madeline Hunter presents five factors to help students remember what they have learned: meaning; feeling tone, degree of original learning, practice schedule, and transfer.

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