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Bücher von Malcolm Smith

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  • von Malcolm Smith
    20,00 €

    Besiegelt durch das Blut JesuWenn du Jesus Christus als Retter und Herrn annimmst, empfängst du die Kraft seines Blutes, die deine Sündenvergebung besiegelt und dir das Recht auf ewiges Leben gibt. Allein das wäre schon das größte Geschenk überhaupt, aber es geht dabei um ein Abkommen, hinter dem noch sehr viel mehr steckt: ein heiliger Bund zwischen dir und Gott dem Vater - getragen von Gottes ewigem Eid und garantiert durch das Blut Christi.Dieser Bund offenbart die tiefe, bedingungslose Liebe Gottes. Wer sie erkennt und annimmt, lebt in einem Reich des Glaubens und des Sieges, von dem andere nur träumen. Entdecke in diesem Buch, worauf alle großartigen Wunder und mächtigen Taten Gottes gründen, und gelange an den Ort wunderbarer Segnungen und Verheißungen.

  • von Malcolm Smith
    81,00 - 222,00 €

    The only accounting-specific research methods textbook available on the market.

  • von Malcolm Smith
    23,00 €

    100 challenging and compelling cryptic crosswords and solutions

  • - Uncover the Secret Strength in God's Eternal Oath
    von Malcolm Smith
    36,00 €

    "The most amazing news to be announced to the human race is that God, in His unconditional love for us, has called us to participate in the most intimate relationship and unbreakable bond known among men...."-Malcolm SmithWhen you receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you receive the power of His blood that seals your redemption from sin and entitles you to eternal life. And if that was the only thing Salvation in Christ brought you, it would be the greatest gift of all. But there is much more to this agreement with Almighty God. This agreement is a sacred covenant between you and the Father God that entails more than most believers have ever even imagined. It's time to discover the depth and power of God's eternal oath with you. This secret strength hidden within the heart of the Christian life reveals the profound depth of God's unconditional love and is bound by the blood covenant. Those who realize and embrace this strength live in a realm of faith and victory that others only dream of. Throughout these pages, you will journey through the Scriptures to unearth this reality that contains the basis of all God's wondrous miracles and mighty works-a place of marvelous blessings and promises.Discover the power of the blood covenant that not only seals your eternal destiny, but can open up a new world of faith and adventure like you've never known!

  • von Malcolm Smith & Clarice Georgia V Chan
    35,00 €

    Feng Shui Gourmet gives the reader a different perspective to the kitchen and cooking in it. In the Chinese culture, and according to the theories of Feng Shui, the kitchen is much more than a space to prepare meals. The kitchen is considered one of the areas that can improve the family's health and wealth. Feng Shui masters often stress the importance of having a well-designed kitchen where the oven, hob and washbasin have specific positions. The concept of Yin and Yang and the five elements are the fundamental theory of Feng Shui and occupies the heart of Chinese philosophy. It is believed to be the essence of nature, where everything is in a perpetual state of change. All the recipes have been tried and prepared in several home kitchens to make sure that they can be done at home.Elemental qualities are also included in this book to give readers a better understanding of the relation between Feng Shui and food.

  • - A Down-to-Earth, No Nonsense Reality Check
    von Malcolm Smith
    23,00 €

  • - History, Myth and Popular Memory
    von Malcolm Smith
    67,00 €

    1940 was the most significant year in European history this century, this book examines what it meant for the people of Britain then and now. Malcolm Smith details the resultant influences that have constructed our national consciousness.

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