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Bücher von Mandeep Singh

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  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    56,00 €

    Ingegneria dei tessuti orali: Revolutionizing Dental Medicine" è un libro innovativo che approfondisce il campo dell'ingegneria dei tessuti orali. Questa guida completa illustra le ultime ricerche e i progressi nella rigenerazione e riparazione dei tessuti orali, offrendo un nuovo orizzonte alla medicina dentale. Il libro copre una serie di argomenti, dalla scienza fondamentale che sta alla base della crescita delle cellule e dei tessuti alle tecniche all'avanguardia nella terapia con cellule staminali, nella progettazione di scaffold e nei biomateriali. Gli autori, rinomati esperti di scienze dentali e bioingegneria, forniscono un'esplorazione dettagliata delle sfide e delle opportunità di questo campo in rapida evoluzione. Discutono gli aspetti etici, normativi e pratici dell'ingegneria dei tessuti orali, rendendo il libro una risorsa preziosa per i professionisti del settore dentale, i ricercatori e gli studenti.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    56,00 €

    Ingeniería de tejidos orales: Revolucionando la medicina dental" es un libro pionero que profundiza en el innovador campo de la ingeniería de tejidos orales. Esta completa guía ilustra las últimas investigaciones y avances en la regeneración y reparación de los tejidos orales, ofreciendo un nuevo horizonte en la medicina dental. El libro abarca una amplia gama de temas, desde la ciencia fundamental que subyace al crecimiento celular y tisular hasta las técnicas de vanguardia en terapia con células madre, diseño de andamiajes y biomateriales. Destaca el potencial de regeneración de los tejidos dentales, incluidos el esmalte, la dentina, la pulpa y las estructuras periodontales, ofreciendo esperanza a los pacientes que sufren enfermedades y lesiones dentales.Los autores, expertos de renombre en odontología y bioingeniería, ofrecen una exploración detallada de los retos y oportunidades en este campo en rápida evolución. Analizan los aspectos éticos, normativos y prácticos de la ingeniería de tejidos orales, lo que convierte al libro en un recurso inestimable tanto para los profesionales de la odontología como para los investigadores y estudiantes.

  • von Mandeep Singh
    68,90 €

    Oral Tissue Engineering: Revolutionierung der Zahnmedizin" ist ein bahnbrechendes Buch, das sich mit dem innovativen Gebiet der oralen Gewebezüchtung befasst. Dieser umfassende Leitfaden beleuchtet die neuesten Forschungsergebnisse und Fortschritte bei der Regeneration und Reparatur von oralem Gewebe und eröffnet neue Perspektiven für die Zahnmedizin. Das Buch deckt eine Reihe von Themen ab, von den wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen des Zell- und Gewebewachstums bis hin zu modernsten Techniken der Stammzelltherapie, des Gerüstdesigns und der Biomaterialien. Die Autoren, renommierte Experten auf dem Gebiet der Zahnmedizin und des Bioengineering, befassen sich eingehend mit den Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten auf diesem sich rasch entwickelnden Gebiet. Sie erörtern die ethischen, regulatorischen und praktischen Aspekte des oralen Tissue Engineering und machen das Buch zu einer unschätzbaren Ressource für Zahnmediziner, Forscher und Studenten gleichermaßen.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    56,00 €

    Oral Tissue Engineering: Revolutionizing Dental Medicine" - nowatorskaq kniga, poswqschennaq innowacionnoj oblasti tkanewoj inzhenerii polosti rta. Jeto wseob#emlüschee rukowodstwo osweschaet poslednie issledowaniq i dostizheniq w oblasti regeneracii i wosstanowleniq tkanej polosti rta, otkrywaq nowye gorizonty w stomatologicheskoj medicine. Kniga ohwatywaet shirokij spektr tem, nachinaq s fundamental'nyh nauchnyh osnow rosta kletok i tkanej i zakanchiwaq peredowymi metodami terapii stwolowymi kletkami, konstruirowaniq stroitel'nyh lesow i biomaterialow. V nej osweschaetsq potencial regeneracii zubnyh tkanej, wklüchaq ämal', dentin, pul'pu i periodontal'nye struktury, chto daet nadezhdu pacientam, stradaüschim ot stomatologicheskih zabolewanij i trawm. Awtory, izwestnye äxperty w oblasti stomatologii i bioinzhenerii, podrobno rassmatriwaüt problemy i wozmozhnosti w ätoj bystro razwiwaüschejsq oblasti. Oni obsuzhdaüt äticheskie, normatiwnye i prakticheskie aspekty tkanewoj inzhenerii polosti rta, chto delaet knigu bescennym istochnikom informacii dlq professionalow stomatologii, issledowatelej i studentow.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    56,00 €

    Oral Tissue Engineering: Revolutionizing Dental Medicine" (Engenharia de tecidos orais: revolucionando a medicina dentária) é um livro inovador que investiga o campo inovador da engenharia de tecidos orais. Este guia abrangente apresenta as mais recentes investigações e avanços na regeneração e reparação de tecidos orais, oferecendo um novo horizonte na medicina dentária. O livro abrange uma série de tópicos, desde a ciência fundamental por detrás do crescimento de células e tecidos até às técnicas de ponta na terapia com células estaminais, conceção de andaimes e biomateriais. O livro destaca o potencial de regeneração dos tecidos dentários, incluindo o esmalte, a dentina, a polpa e as estruturas periodontais, oferecendo esperança aos pacientes que sofrem de doenças e lesões dentárias. Os autores, especialistas de renome em ciências dentárias e bioengenharia, apresentam uma exploração pormenorizada dos desafios e oportunidades neste domínio em rápida evolução. Discutem os aspectos éticos, regulamentares e práticos da engenharia de tecidos orais, tornando o livro um recurso inestimável para profissionais, investigadores e estudantes de medicina dentária.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    56,00 €

    Oral Tissue Engineering : Révolutionner la médecine dentaire" est un ouvrage novateur qui se penche sur le domaine innovant de l'ingénierie des tissus buccaux. Ce guide complet met en lumière les dernières recherches et avancées en matière de régénération et de réparation des tissus buccaux, offrant ainsi un nouvel horizon à la médecine dentaire. Le livre couvre un large éventail de sujets, de la science fondamentale derrière la croissance des cellules et des tissus aux techniques de pointe dans la thérapie des cellules souches, la conception d'échafaudages et les biomatériaux. Il met en lumière le potentiel de régénération des tissus dentaires, y compris l'émail, la dentine, la pulpe et les structures parodontales, offrant ainsi un espoir aux patients souffrant de maladies et de blessures dentaires.Les auteurs, experts renommés en sciences dentaires et en bio-ingénierie, fournissent une exploration détaillée des défis et des opportunités dans ce domaine en évolution rapide. Ils abordent les aspects éthiques, réglementaires et pratiques de l'ingénierie tissulaire orale, faisant de ce livre une ressource inestimable pour les professionnels dentaires, les chercheurs et les étudiants.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    56,00 €

    Oral Tissue Engineering: Revolutionizing Dental Medicine" is a groundbreaking book that delves into the innovative field of oral tissue engineering. This comprehensive guide illuminates the latest research and advancements in the regeneration and repair of oral tissues, offering a new horizon in dental medicine. The book covers a range of topics, from the fundamental science behind cell and tissue growth to cutting-edge techniques in stem cell therapy, scaffold design, and biomaterials. It highlights the potential for regenerating dental tissues, including enamel, dentin, pulp, and periodontal structures, offering hope for patients suffering from dental diseases and injuries.The authors, renowned experts in dental science and bioengineering, provide a detailed exploration of the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field. They discuss the ethical, regulatory, and practical aspects of oral tissue engineering, making the book an invaluable resource for dental professionals, researchers, and students alike.

  • 16% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    37,00 €

    Si è cercato di studiare la corrosione per vaiolatura, la tenacità all'impatto e le prestazioni metallurgiche di giunti saldati in acciaio inossidabile martensitico (AISI 410 SS). Sono stati studiati anche gli effetti dei materiali d'apporto e dei trattamenti termici post-saldatura. Lo studio sperimentale indica che il materiale d'apporto Inconel 625 contribuisce a migliorare la resistenza alla vaiolatura e la tenacità all'urto dei provini saldati in condizioni as-received e PWHT.

  • 16% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    37,00 €

    Se ha intentado investigar la corrosión por picaduras, la tenacidad al impacto y el comportamiento metalúrgico de las uniones soldadas de acero inoxidable martensítico (AISI 410 SS). También se han investigado los efectos de los materiales de aportación y de los tratamientos térmicos posteriores a la soldadura. El estudio experimental indica que el material de relleno Inconel 625 ayuda a mejorar la resistencia a la corrosión por picaduras y la tenacidad al impacto de las probetas soldadas en condiciones tal como se reciben junto con PWHT.

  • von Mandeep Singh
    43,90 €

    Es wurde versucht, die Lochfraßkorrosion, die Kerbschlagzähigkeit und die metallurgische Leistung von Schweißverbindungen aus martensitischem Edelstahl (AISI 410 SS) zu untersuchen. Die Auswirkungen von Schweißzusatzwerkstoffen und Wärmebehandlungen nach dem Schweißen wurden ebenfalls untersucht. Die experimentelle Studie zeigt, dass der Schweißzusatzwerkstoff Inconel 625 dazu beiträgt, die Lochfraßbeständigkeit und Kerbschlagzähigkeit der geschweißten Proben im Anlieferungszustand zusammen mit der PWHT-Behandlung zu verbessern.

  • von Mandeep Singh
    19,00 €

    Byla predprinqta popytka issledowat' pittingowuü korroziü, udarnuü wqzkost' i metallurgicheskie harakteristiki swarnyh soedinenij iz martensitnoj nerzhaweüschej stali (AISI 410 SS). Takzhe bylo issledowano wliqnie prisadochnyh materialow i posleswarochnoj termicheskoj obrabotki. Jexperimental'noe issledowanie pokazywaet, chto prisadochnyj material Inconel 625 sposobstwuet powysheniü stojkosti k tochechnoj korrozii i udarnoj wqzkosti swarnyh obrazcow w poluchennom sostoqnii, a takzhe w uslowiqh PWHT.

  • 16% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    37,00 €

    Foi feita uma tentativa de investigar a corrosão por perfuração, resistência ao impacto e desempenho metalúrgico das juntas soldadas de aço inoxidável martensítico (AISI 410 SS). Foram também investigados os efeitos dos materiais de enchimento e dos tratamentos térmicos pós-soldadura. O estudo experimental indica que o material de enchimento Inconel 625 ajuda a melhorar a resistência ao pitting e a resistência ao impacto dos espécimes soldados no estado de "as-received" juntamente com o PWHT.

  • 16% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    37,00 €

    Une tentative a été faite pour étudier la corrosion par piqûre, la résistance à l'impact et les performances métallurgiques des joints soudés en acier inoxydable martensitique (AISI 410 SS). Les effets des matériaux d'apport et des traitements thermiques post-soudure ont également été étudiés. L'étude expérimentale indique que le matériau d'apport Inconel 625 contribue à améliorer la résistance à la corrosion par piqûre et la résistance à l'impact des spécimens soudés dans les conditions de réception et de traitement thermique post-soudure.

  • 16% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    37,00 €

    An attempt has been made to investigate the pitting corrosion, impact toughness and metallurgical performance of martensitic stainless steel (AISI 410 SS) welded joints. The effects of filler materials and post-weld heat treatments were also investigated. The experimental study indicates that the Inconel 625 filler material helps to improve the pitting resistance and impact toughness of the welded specimens in as-received along with PWHT condition.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh
    67,00 €

    Structural changes refer to change in the structure of the economy. As the economy grows, its production structure shifts from agriculture to industrial and then to service sector. Indiäs growth experience does not seem to follow this theory. As the high growth and high share of service sector which is a feature of a developed economy has been attained by India even before reaching a developed stage. This book is the birds¿ eye view on the development of all three sectors of the Indian economy especially tertiary sector. It throws light on the role of different sub-sectors in determining the production structure of Indian economy with the help of available data. The backward and forward linkages of service sector with the help of most advanced statistical techniques have been analyzed. It will help the researchers to understand the growth and development of all three major sectors of the Indian economy before and after liberalization period.

  • 13% sparen
    von Shruti Jain, Mandeep Singh, Sudip Paul & usw.
    149,00 €

    Artificial intelligent systems, which offer great improvement in healthcare sector assisted by machine learning, wireless communications, data analytics, cognitive computing, and mobile computing provide more intelligent and convenient solutions and services. With the help of the advanced techniques, now a days it is possible to understand human body and to handle & process the health data anytime and anywhere. It is a smart healthcare system which includes patient, hospital management, doctors, monitoring, diagnosis, decision making modules, disease prevention to meet the challenges and problems arises in healthcare industry. Furthermore, the advanced healthcare systems need to upgrade with new capabilities to provide human with more intelligent and professional healthcare services to further improve the quality of service and user experience. To explore recent advances and disseminate state-of-the-art techniques related to intelligent healthcare services and applications. This edited book involved in designing systems that will permit the societal acceptance of ambient intelligence including signal processing, imaging, computing, instrumentation, artificial intelligence, internet of health things, data analytics, disease detection, telemedicine, and their applications. As the book includes recent trends in research issues and applications, the contents will be beneficial to Professors, researchers, and engineers. This book will provide support and aid to the researchers involved in designing latest advancements in communication and intelligent systems that will permit the societal acceptance of ambient intelligence. This book presents the latest research being conducted on diverse topics in intelligence technologies with the goal of advancing knowledge and applications healthcare sector and to present the latest snapshot of the ongoing research as well as to shed further light on future directions in this space. The aim of publishing the book is to serve for educators, researchers, and developers working in recent advances and upcoming technologies utilizing computational sciences.

  • 19% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi & Kiarash Fartash
    85,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Mandeep Singh & Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Davoudi
    77,00 €

  • von Mandeep Singh
    12,00 €

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