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Bücher von Manish Kumar

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  • von Manish Kumar
    156,00 - 157,00 €

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a pivotal role in the field of urban planning and management and provide better solutions for numerous urban problems. With GIS, one has the ability to better understand existing requirements of a city and its design to fulfill those needs. This book contributes to developing scientific knowledge based on geospatial technologies among planners, researchers, scientists, professionals, students, and laymen and providing them with better understanding for urban planning and management at various levels. The book manifests the importance of GIS in better understanding of current urban challenges and provides new insights on how to apply GIS in urban planning. It also encourages the various stakeholders of society to participate in the decision-making process and assists planners and authorities to formulate suitable plans for sustainable urban growth of a region. The book is divided into two parts. The first part describes the fundamental concepts of GIS and also deals with the advanced techniques of spatial planning. The second part addresses real-world case studies using various applications of GIS. The case studies include urban land-use changes, simulation of future urban growth, urban heat island, alternate landfill site selection and urban flood susceptibility mapping, among others. This book shows how to integrate GIS with remote sensing, geostatistics, artificial intelligence-machine learning techniques, and other cutting-edge technologies. Readers find this book to be an invaluable resource for understanding and solving problems relating to sustainable urban planning and management.

  • von Manish Kumar
    17,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2023 in the subject Medicine - Pharmacology, Pharmacy, , course: M.Pharmacy, language: English, abstract: Ocular drug delivery plays a vital role in the treatment of various eye diseases and conditions. The unique anatomical and physiological characteristics of the eye pose significant challenges for effective drug delivery. Over the years, extensive research efforts have been dedicated to developing innovative strategies and formulations to overcome these challenges and improve therapeutic outcomes. This review provides an overview of recent advances in ocular drug delivery, highlighting the key challenges faced and discussing the potential future directions in this field.The first section of the review focuses on the barriers to ocular drug delivery, including the tear film, cornea, conjunctiva, and blood-ocular barriers. These barriers limit the bioavailability and efficacy of drugs administered to the eye. Strategies to bypass or overcome these barriers, such as the use of penetration enhancers, nanoparticles, and prodrug approaches, are discussed.The second section explores various ocular drug delivery systems, including eye drops, ophthalmic gels, ocular inserts, and contact lens-based delivery systems. Each system is examined in terms of its advantages, limitations, and recent advancements. Special attention is given to sustained drug release systems that aim to prolong drug residence time on the ocular surface and improve patient compliance.Next, the review delves into the role of nanotechnology in ocular drug delivery. Nanoparticles, liposomes, and nanomicelles have shown promise in improving drug solubility, stability, and ocular bioavailability. The use of novel nanomaterials and their surface modifications for targeted drug delivery to specific ocular tissues is also discussed.Furthermore, the review highlights emerging techniques in ocular drug delivery, such as microneedles, hydrogels, and gene therapy-based approaches. These technologies offer exciting prospects for precise and personalized treatment of ocular diseases.Finally, the review concludes by discussing the regulatory considerations, safety aspects, and clinical translation of ocular drug delivery systems. The importance of collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and regulatory bodies in advancing this field is emphasized.

  • von Manish Kumar
    16,00 €

    Brillopedia can provide interesting articles about law, socio-legal and contemporary issues. Brillopedia is also providing a platform to publish articles from students, professionals and others. Brillopedia seeks to foster research and writing skills.

  • von Manish Kumar, Er. INDU BHUSHAN Bhagat & Sudhakar Raj D.
    47,00 €

  • von Manish Kumar
    69,00 €

    The research work reports the fabrication and characterization of PMMA nanocomposites using various nanofillers such as nanoclay (OMMT), Co-Al LDH, Cu-Cr LDH and Ni-Al LDH. The melt intercalation and solvent blending techniques were employed for the preparation of PMMA nanocomposites. The different properties of PMMA nanocomposites were examined by using XRD, TEM, FESEM, FTIR, DSC, TGA, DMA, tensile, flexural, impact, hardness, flammability and rheological analysis. The initial part addresses the fabrication and characterization of PMMA/OMMT nanocomposites by melt intercalation technique. Thereafter, the influence of different compatibilizers on the properties of PMMA/clay nanocomposites is discussed. The further section deals with the development of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) based PMMA nanocomposites (PMMA/Co-Al LDH, PMMA/Cu-Cr LDH and PMMA/Ni-Al LDH) containing various concentration of LDHs (1-7 wt.%). Subsequently, the final part describes the characterization of PMMA/OMMT, PMMA/Ni-Al LDH and PMMA/Co-Al LDH nanocomposites prepared by solvent blending method.

  • von Manish Kumar
    18,00 €

  • von Manish Kumar
    17,00 €

  • von Manish Kumar
    45,00 €

  • von Manish Kumar
    43,00 €

  • von Manish Kumar
    131,00 €

    The book brings out several unique perspectives of impacts of COVID-19 on the environment with special emphasis on the risk and remediation of emerging contaminants. Idea is to work out under the one health framework and comprehend not only scientific and technical aspects but also environmental, legal and policy aspects for water resources management. The obvious stress is given to the occurrence, fate and transport of geogenic, microbial and anthropogenic contaminants of emerging concern under the preview of the fact that antibiotic and antiviral use has been unprecedented during the global pandemic of COVID-19. At the same time, this edited volume touches upon the broader framework of integrated water resource management, as well as mitigation and removal strategies to put forward a holistic picture to the readers and policymakers. These contents are divided into three sections: a) monitoring, occurrence, distribution and fate of emerging contaminants; b) source and effects of these contaminants on the total environment; and c) treatment strategies, natural attenuation and mitigation.

  • von Manish Kumar
    43,00 €

  • von Manish Kumar
    36,00 €

    This Book is concerned with presenting a comprehensive review on colon-specific drug delivery. This includes colon drug delivery and its approaches to colonic drug delivery via oral route and evaluation of colon-specific drug delivery system. The book is the result of fruitful teamwork and collaboration of authors include Professor (Dr.) Manish Kumar and Professor (Dr.) A. Pandurangan, MM College of Pharmacy Maharishi Markandeshwar(Deemed to be University), Mullana, Ambala-133207, Haryana India as well Professor (Dr.) Vipin Saini, MM University, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. This Book is concerned with presenting a comprehensive review on colon specific drug delivery. This includes approaches to colonic drug delivery via oral route and evaluation of colon-specific drug delivery system.

  • von Manish Kumar
    50,00 €

    Occlusion is defined as the act or process of closure or of being closed or shut off or the static relationship between the incising or masticating surfaces of the maxillary or mandibular teeth or tooth analogues (GPT-8).Canine protected occlusion suggests that the only tooth contact in all positions of the mandible except Centric Relation should be between maxillary cuspids and mandibular cuspids. Canine guided occlusion advantages that proprioceptors of the periodontal ligament associated with the canine teeth are far more responsive than those of any other teeth. Another advantage is it appears that fewer muscles are active when canines contact during eccentric movements than when posterior teeth contact. Occlusal trauma to the canine teeth is thus prevented by the reduced muscular tension and magnitude of the applied force. Therefore canines are appropriate teeth to contact and dissipate the horizontal forces while disoccluding the posterior teeth.

  • von Manish Kumar
    29,00 €

    This book is concerned with presenting a comprehensive review on buccal drug delivery system. This includes buccal drug delivery and its approaches to oral buccal mucoadhesive system and its evaluation of buccal drug delivery system. The blood supply to the oral cavity tissue is delivered via the external carotid artery, which branches into the maxillary, lingual and facial arteries. The advances in bioadhesive and controlled release technology have caused much interest in drug delivery through the oral mucosa.

  • von Manish Kumar
    32,00 €

    Em várias fontes de medicina indígenas e tradicionais, as plantas têm sido amplamente utilizadas para tratamento. A exploração dos constituintes químicos das plantas e o seu rastreio farmacológico pode fornecer-nos a base para desenvolver os novos agentes de tratamento de várias doenças. Annona squamosa vulgarmente conhecida como "maçã-creme" também tem sido amplamente utilizada como medicina tradicional em várias culturas. O nome do género, "Annona" é da palavra latina "anon", que significa "produto anual", referindo-se à produção de frutos das várias espécies deste género. Tradicionalmente, as folhas da planta são utilizadas nas feridas para melhorar a cicatrização. Uma ferida pode ser infectada com vários patogénios microbianos e o Staphylococcus aureus é o patogéneo mais comum nas feridas. Foi estabelecido que os agentes patogénicos microbianos atrasam a cicatrização da ferida através de vários mecanismos diferentes. Na presente investigação científica inicialmente, o isolamento e identificação de Staphylococcus aureus foi feito a partir de feridas contaminadas.

  • von Manish Kumar
    32,00 €

    In varie fonti di medicina indigena e tradizionale, le piante sono state ampiamente utilizzate per il trattamento. L'esplorazione dei costituenti chimici delle piante e il loro screening farmacologico possono fornirci le basi per sviluppare nuovi agenti per il trattamento di vari disturbi. Anche l'Annona squamosa, comunemente nota come "mela da pasticcere", è stata ampiamente utilizzata come medicina tradizionale in varie culture. Il nome del genere "Annona" deriva dalla parola latina "anon", che significa "prodotto annuale", in riferimento alla produzione di frutti delle varie specie di questo genere. Tradizionalmente, le foglie della pianta vengono utilizzate sulle ferite per migliorare la guarigione. Una ferita può essere infettata da vari agenti patogeni microbici e lo Staphylococcus aureus è l'agente patogeno più comunemente riportato. È stato stabilito che i patogeni microbici ritardano la guarigione delle ferite attraverso diversi meccanismi. Nella presente indagine scientifica, inizialmente sono stati effettuati l'isolamento e l'identificazione dello Staphylococcus aureus da ferite contaminate.

  • von Manish Kumar
    18,00 €

    V razlichnyh korennyh i tradicionnyh istochnikah mediciny rasteniq shiroko ispol'zuütsq dlq lecheniq. Izuchenie himicheskih komponentow rastenij i ih farmakologicheskij skrining mozhet stat' osnowoj dlq razrabotki nowyh sredstw dlq lecheniq razlichnyh zabolewanij. Annona squamosa, shiroko izwestnaq kak "zawarnoe qbloko", takzhe shiroko ispol'zuetsq w kachestwe tradicionnoj mediciny w razlichnyh kul'turah. Nazwanie roda "Annona" proishodit ot latinskogo slowa "anon", oznachaüschego "ezhegodno proizwodit'", chto otnositsq k proizwodstwu plodow razlichnyh widow ätogo roda. Tradicionno list'q rasteniq ispol'zuüt na ranah dlq uluchsheniq zazhiwleniq. Rana mozhet byt' inficirowana razlichnymi mikrobnymi patogenami, a zolotistyj stafilokokk qwlqetsq samym rasprostranennym wozbuditelem rany. Ustanowleno, chto mikrobnye patogeny zaderzhiwaüt zazhiwlenie ran posredstwom neskol'kih razlichnyh mehanizmow. V nastoqschem nauchnom issledowanii perwonachal'no wydelenie i identifikaciq zolotistogo stafilokokka byli prowedeny iz zagrqznennyh ran.

  • von Manish Kumar
    32,00 €

    Dans diverses sources de médecine indigène et traditionnelle, les plantes ont été largement utilisées pour le traitement. L'exploration des constituants chimiques des plantes et leur criblage pharmacologique peuvent nous fournir la base pour le développement de nouveaux agents pour le traitement de diverses affections. Annona squamosa, communément appelée "pomme-crème", est également largement utilisée comme médicament traditionnel dans diverses cultures. Le nom du genre "Annona" vient du mot latin "anon", qui signifie "produit annuel", en référence à la production de fruits des différentes espèces de ce genre. Traditionnellement, les feuilles de la plante sont utilisées sur les plaies pour favoriser la cicatrisation. Une plaie peut être infectée par divers pathogènes microbiens et Staphylococcus aureus est le pathogène de plaie le plus communément signalé. Il a été établi que les pathogènes microbiens retardent la cicatrisation des plaies par plusieurs mécanismes différents. Dans la présente étude scientifique, l'isolement et l'identification de Staphylococcus aureus ont été effectués à partir de plaies contaminées.

  • von Manish Kumar
    32,00 €

    En varias fuentes de medicina indígena y tradicional, las plantas se han utilizado ampliamente para el tratamiento. La exploración de los componentes químicos de las plantas y su cribado farmacológico pueden proporcionarnos la base para desarrollar nuevos agentes para el tratamiento de diversas dolencias. La Annona squamosa, comúnmente conocida como "chirimoya", también se ha utilizado ampliamente como medicina tradicional en varias culturas. El nombre del género, "Annona", procede de la palabra latina "anon", que significa "producto anual", en referencia a la producción de frutos de las distintas especies de este género. Tradicionalmente, las hojas de la planta se utilizan en las heridas para mejorar su curación. Una herida puede infectarse con varios patógenos microbianos y el Staphylococcus aureus es el patógeno más común de las heridas. Se ha establecido que los patógenos microbianos retrasan la cicatrización de las heridas a través de varios mecanismos diferentes. En la presente investigación científica se realizó inicialmente el aislamiento y la identificación de Staphylococcus aureus a partir de heridas contaminadas.

  • von Manish Kumar
    39,90 €

    In verschiedenen einheimischen und traditionellen Quellen der Medizin werden Pflanzen ausgiebig zur Behandlung eingesetzt. Die Erforschung der chemischen Bestandteile der Pflanzen und ihr pharmakologisches Screening können uns die Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuartiger Wirkstoffe zur Behandlung verschiedener Krankheiten liefern. Annona squamosa, allgemein bekannt als "Puddingapfel", wird in verschiedenen Kulturen auch als traditionelle Medizin verwendet. Der Gattungsname "Annona" leitet sich von dem lateinischen Wort "anon" ab, was so viel bedeutet wie "Jahresprodukt" und sich auf die Produktion der Früchte der verschiedenen Arten dieser Gattung bezieht. Traditionell werden die Blätter der Pflanze auf Wunden gelegt, um die Heilung zu fördern. Eine Wunde kann mit verschiedenen mikrobiellen Krankheitserregern infiziert sein, wobei Staphylococcus aureus der am häufigsten gemeldete Wundpathogen ist. Es ist erwiesen, dass mikrobielle Krankheitserreger die Wundheilung durch verschiedene Mechanismen verzögern. In der vorliegenden wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung wurde zunächst die Isolierung und Identifizierung von Staphylococcus aureus aus kontaminierten Wunden durchgeführt.

  • von Manish Kumar
    75,00 €

    The banking sector in Jharkhand, of which the State Bank of India is the main pillars, must contribute to their optimum to the economic development of the state in the roads of development and prosperity with special emphasis on the broader national goal of eradication of poverty, balanced regional development and other social objectives. In this research study, attempts have been made to analyze the role of State Bank of India in Economic Development of Jharkhand - Ranchi. A descriptive research was used to identify and report the same. Primary and Secondary data were collected and findings were discussed and reported based on descriptive statistics. Entire research study has been divided into six chapters for the ease of readers and scholars. Note: This book may be utilised for academic purposes and State Bank of India (Internal) only.

  • von Manish Kumar
    32,00 €

    To study the inheritance of some important yield contributing characters and yield through combining ability analysis, some selected seven parents of pea genotypes were crossed in diallel without reciprocals during Rabi2013-14. The seven parents and their 21 F1s were grown in randomized block design with three replications during Rabi 2014-15. In the field experiment, observations on 12 quantitative characters were recorded for genetic analysis. Out of 21 cross combinations, 13 crosses exhibited significant heterosis over their better parent as well as standard check. The crosses which exhibited superiority over better parent or standard parent for seed yield also exhibited significant heterosis for three to four yield components. Overall on the basis of results of mean performance, including gca andsca effects and standard heterosis, Makyatmubi X KPMR-851, Makuchabi X VL-58 andMakuchabi X Prakash were identified as the most promising cross combinations for improvement of seed yield in pea.

  • von Manish Kumar
    72,00 €

    One of the initial targets of Applied Linguistics is language teaching. Applied Linguistics embraces social aspects which are core to any understanding of language attitude whereas policy and planning represent practical application. Teaching English as a Second Language without knowing both the linguistic and cultural norms of the students¿ population is never proper because a Linguistic study excluding social aspects is really missing something critical. The English language has emerged as a stepping-stone for educational, economical and national development of any developing country. Its utilitarian value to the larger Indian society is vested in the role of English as the official language of administration and commerce; and it emphasizes the importance of and need for improving the quality of spoken and written English language among school children.

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