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Bücher von Manish Sharma

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  • 14% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    31,00 €

    O rio Ganga, no subcontinente indiano, está entre os rios que transportam mais sedimentos para os oceanos do mundo. A erosão e a carga sedimentar resultante é um perigo natural silencioso que pode afectar os processos hidráulicos de um sistema fluvial. A taxa de erosão física na bacia do Alaknanda é cinco vezes superior à média global, e o rio Alaknanda é um importante fornecedor de sedimentos para o rio Ganges. A morfologia fluvial pode fornecer conhecimentos valiosos sobre as características históricas da deformação tectónica da região que se encontra por baixo. Diferentes índices geomórficos como Hypsometric Integral (Hi), Razão de Alongamento da Bacia (Eb), Assimetria da Bacia de Drenagem (AF), Perfil Longitudinal do Rio, Perfil Transversal, Índice de Gradiente do Córrego (SL) para que a bacia hidrográfica desenvolva pontos de tangente na bacia. Neste livro foram investigados índices geomórficos para caracterizar o padrão do terreno e comparar a bacia hidrográfica dos afluentes do rio Alaknanda, nomeadamente os rios Birahi Ganga e Nandakini.

  • von Manish Sharma
    50,00 €

    Wireshark: A hacker's guide to network insights¿DESCRIPTION Ethical Hacking and Network Analysis with Wireshark provides you with the tools and expertise to demystify the invisible conversations coursing through your cables. This definitive guide, meticulously allows you to leverage the industry-leading Wireshark to gain an unparalleled perspective on your digital landscape.This book teaches foundational protocols like TCP/IP, SSL/TLS and SNMP, explaining how data silently traverses the digital frontier. With each chapter, Wireshark transforms from a formidable tool into an intuitive extension of your analytical skills. Discover lurking vulnerabilities before they morph into full-blown cyberattacks.Dissect network threats like a forensic scientist and wield Wireshark to trace the digital pulse of your network, identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks with precision. Restructure your network for optimal efficiency, banish sluggish connections and lag to the digital scrapheap.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN¿ Navigate and utilize Wireshark for effective network analysis.¿ Identify and address potential network security threats.¿ Hands-on data analysis: Gain practical skills through real-world exercises.¿ Improve network efficiency based on insightful analysis and optimize network performance.¿ Troubleshoot and resolve protocol and connectivity problems with confidence.¿ Develop expertise in safeguarding systems against potential vulnerabilities.WHO THIS BOOK IS FORWhether you are a network/system administrators, network security engineers, security defender, QA engineers, ethical hackers or cybersecurity aspirants. This book helps you to see the invisible and understand the digital chatter that surrounds you.

  • von Manish Sharma
    21,00 €

    Everyone on this earth has gone through various phases of life right from their childhood to final destiny. This journey of life brought them many bitter and sweeter experiences, those with a passage of time in later stage of life seems to be of very funny moments, and you started laughing on yourself. This is the tragedy that bitter experience is always more frequent than sweeter experience and always teach us a lesson. Each one of us feels great when remembers old memories of the life and would like to live past life time and again. It is just like a beautiful dream you have seen once and wanted to recur. This book is all about those small funny life events, where every moment was so powerful to change your final destiny and you were not aware about this or realize it. It is a combination of science, management principles, spirituality, emotions, morality, and social science explained in a funny way. It is sure that you can't decide your destiny as per your will or wish, surrounding circumstances at that time decide your life path and you have to only follow them. Situation at that time may encourage or discourage you but in later stage you will realize that was the only best possible way. This book is a collection of small funny stories, and I believe that each one of you will really enjoy reading this book till the last page. Hide Long Description

  • von Manish Sharma
    20,00 €

    Purpose of writing this book is to help FMCG students & professionals to understand each and every aspects, whether it is related to understanding concept of FMCG, FMCG terminologies, food supply chain, food safety challenges, food product market, legal food regulation compliance nationally or internationally, FSMS (Food Safety Management System) certification, food hygiene practices, and many more.

  • von Manish Sharma
    22,00 €

    Purpose of writing this book is to help all food lovers across the globe to get at a glance handy foods, snacks, cookies, cakes & deserts, and pizza details with in a minute. In the book, we have covered various topics related to food safety hygiene, food supply chain, food safety challenges, wide range of food products, food safety regulations, and one very interesting topic on choice between vegetarian and non vegetarian foods with its pros and cons. Hope you would find this small pocket book very useful.

  • von Manish Sharma
    34,00 €

    Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a strategic approach that aims to create a seamless and consistent brand message across various communication channels. This description explores the concept of IMC and its significance in building a strong and unified brand identity.IMC involves the integration and coordination of all marketing communication elements; such as advertising; public relations; sales promotions; direct marketing; social media; and personal selling. The primary objective is to deliver a cohesive brand message to the target audience; ensuring that all interactions with the brand align with the desired image and positioning.By adopting an integrated approach; organizations can achieve a synergistic effect; where the impact of each communication element is amplified by the others. This leads to a more holistic and compelling brand experience for consumers; fostering brand loyalty and enhancing customer engagement.A key aspect of IMC is consistency in messaging and branding across different platforms. Whether it's a print advertisement; a social media post; or a TV commercial; the core message and visual elements should remain consistent; reinforcing the brand's identity and values.IMC also emphasizes the importance of understanding the target audience and tailoring the message to resonate with their needs; preferences; and behaviors. Through market research and customer insights; organizations can craft messages that speak directly to their audience; creating a more meaningful and relevant connection.In the digital age; IMC has become even more crucial as consumers interact with brands through multiple touchpoints and devices. An integrated approach ensures that the brand's message is consistent across online and offline channels; providing a seamless experience for the modern consumer.

  • von Manish Sharma
    41,00 €

    Plongez dans un voyage culinaire en Inde avec le livre "Épices et Saveurs de l'Inde: Voyage Culinaire au Pays des Maharajas", écrit par le renommé auteur Manish Sharma. Ce livre vous transporte dans l'univers envoûtant de la cuisine indienne et vous révèle les secrets des plats les plus emblématiques de ce pays aux mille épices.Découvrez la richesse des saveurs indiennes à travers des recettes authentiques transmises de génération en génération. Manish Sharma vous guide pas à pas dans la préparation de plats épicés et parfumés, vous dévoilant les techniques traditionnelles et les combinaisons d'épices qui font de la cuisine indienne un véritable festin pour les sens.Que vous soyez novice ou passionné de cuisine, vous serez transporté par les couleurs, les arômes et les textures uniques de la cuisine indienne. Apprenez à préparer des curry savoureux, des biryanis parfumés, des naans moelleux et bien plus encore, et émerveillez vos convives avec des plats dignes des meilleurs restaurants indiens.Au-delà des recettes, Manish Sharma partage également des anecdotes et des histoires sur la culture culinaire indienne, vous permettant de mieux comprendre les traditions et les coutumes qui entourent la cuisine du pays. Vous découvrirez l'importance des épices, des herbes et des techniques de cuisson spécifiques à chaque région de l'Inde."Épices et Saveurs de l'Inde: Voyage Culinaire au Pays des Maharajas" est bien plus qu'un simple livre de recettes, c'est une immersion totale dans la cuisine indienne, ses traditions et son héritage culinaire. Laissez-vous envoûter par les saveurs exotiques de l'Inde et explorez un univers gastronomique riche et passionnant.

  • 14% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    31,00 €

    Le Gange, dans le sous-continent indien, est l'un des fleuves qui transportent le plus de sédiments vers les océans du monde. L'érosion et la charge sédimentaire qui en résulte sont un risque naturel silencieux qui peut affecter les processus hydrauliques dans un système fluvial. Le taux d'érosion physique dans le bassin de l'Alaknanda est cinq fois plus élevé que la moyenne mondiale, et la rivière Alaknanda est un fournisseur majeur de sédiments au fleuve Ganga. La morphologie de la rivière peut fournir des informations précieuses sur les caractéristiques historiques de la déformation tectonique de la région sous-jacente. Différents indices géomorphologiques comme l'Intégrale Hypsométrique (Hi), le Rapport d'Allongement du Bassin (Eb), l'Asymétrie du Bassin Drainant (AF), le Profil Longitudinal de la Rivière, le Profil Transversal, l'Indice de Gradient du Cours d'Eau (SL) pour le bassin versant afin de développer des points d'accroche dans le bassin. Dans ce livre, les indices géomorphiques ont été étudiés pour caractériser le modèle de terrain et comparer le bassin versant des affluents de la rivière Alaknanda, à savoir Birahi Ganga et Nandakini River.

  • 14% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    31,00 €

    El río Ganges, en el subcontinente indio, es uno de los que más sedimentos transporta a los océanos del mundo. La erosión y la consiguiente carga de sedimentos son un peligro natural silencioso que puede afectar a los procesos hidráulicos de un sistema fluvial. La tasa de erosión física en la cuenca del Alaknanda es cinco veces superior a la media mundial, y el río Alaknanda es uno de los principales suministradores de sedimentos al río Ganges. La morfología fluvial podría aportar valiosos datos sobre las características históricas de la deformación tectónica de la región que se encuentra bajo él. Diferentes índices geomórficos como la Integral Hipsométrica (Hi), el Coeficiente de Elongación de la Cuenca (Eb), la Asimetría de la Cuenca de Drenaje (AF), el Perfil Longitudinal del Río, el Perfil Transversal, el Índice de Gradiente de la Corriente (SL) de la cuenca para desarrollar puntos de nudo en la cuenca. En este libro se investigaron los índices geomórficos para caracterizar el patrón del terreno y comparar la cuenca hidrográfica de los afluentes del río Alaknanda, a saber, Birahi Ganga y el río Nandakini.

  • von Manish Sharma
    19,00 €

    El río Ganges, en el subcontinente indio, es uno de los que más sedimentos transporta a los océanos del mundo. La erosión y la consiguiente carga de sedimentos son un peligro natural silencioso que puede afectar a los procesos hidráulicos de un sistema fluvial. La tasa de erosión física en la cuenca del Alaknanda es cinco veces superior a la media mundial, y el río Alaknanda es uno de los principales suministradores de sedimentos al río Ganges. La morfología fluvial podría aportar valiosos datos sobre las características históricas de la deformación tectónica de la región que se encuentra bajo él. Diferentes índices geomórficos como la Integral Hipsométrica (Hi), el Coeficiente de Elongación de la Cuenca (Eb), la Asimetría de la Cuenca de Drenaje (AF), el Perfil Longitudinal del Río, el Perfil Transversal, el Índice de Gradiente de la Corriente (SL) de la cuenca para desarrollar puntos de nudo en la cuenca. En este libro se investigaron los índices geomórficos para caracterizar el patrón del terreno y comparar la cuenca hidrográfica de los afluentes del río Alaknanda, a saber, Birahi Ganga y el río Nandakini.

  • von Manish Sharma
    19,00 €

    Reka Ganga na Indijskom subkontinente otnositsq k chislu rek s naibol'shim kolichestwom nanosow, transportiruemyh w Mirowoj okean. Jeroziq i swqzannaq s nej nagruzka na osadki - äto tihaq prirodnaq opasnost', kotoraq mozhet powliqt' na gidrawlicheskie processy w rechnoj sisteme. Skorost' fizicheskoj ärozii w bassejne Alaknandy w pqt' raz wyshe, chem w srednem po miru, a reka Alaknanda qwlqetsq osnownym postawschikom otlozhenij w reku Ganga. Morfologiq reki mozhet dat' cennoe predstawlenie ob istoricheskih harakteristikah tektonicheskoj deformacii regiona pod nej. Razlichnye geomorficheskie indexy, takie kak Gipsometricheskij integral (Hi), koäfficient udlineniq bassejna (Eb), asimmetriq drenazhnogo bassejna (AF), prodol'nyj profil' reki, poperechnyj profil', index uklona potoka (SL) dlq wodosbornogo bassejna pozwolqüt opredelit' uzlowye tochki w bassejne. V ätoj knige geomorfnye indexy byli issledowany dlq harakteristiki rel'efa i srawneniq wodosbornogo bassejna pritokow reki Alaknanda, a imenno Birahi Ganga i Nandakini.

  • von Manish Sharma
    35,90 €

    Der Fluss Ganga auf dem indischen Subkontinent gehört zu den Flüssen mit dem größten Sedimenttransport in die Weltmeere. Erosion und die daraus resultierende Sedimentbelastung sind eine stille Naturgefahr, die die hydraulischen Prozesse in einem Flusssystem beeinträchtigen kann. Die physische Erosionsrate im Einzugsgebiet des Alaknanda ist fünfmal höher als der weltweite Durchschnitt, und der Alaknanda ist ein wichtiger Lieferant von Sedimenten für den Ganga-Fluss. Die Flussmorphologie könnte wertvolle Einblicke in die historischen Merkmale der tektonischen Deformation der darunter liegenden Region liefern. Verschiedene geomorphologische Indizes wie das hypsometrische Integral (Hi), das Dehnungsverhältnis des Beckens (Eb), die Asymmetrie des Einzugsgebiets (AF), das Längsprofil des Flusses, das Querprofil und der Gradientenindex des Flusses (SL) wurden für das Wassereinzugsgebiet ermittelt, um Knickpunkte im Einzugsgebiet zu ermitteln. In diesem Buch wurden geomorphologische Indizes zur Charakterisierung des Geländemusters und zum Vergleich des Einzugsgebiets der Nebenflüsse des Alaknanda, nämlich des Birahi Ganga und des Nandakini River, untersucht.

  • 16% sparen
  • 16% sparen
  • 11% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    31,00 €

    The Ganga River in the Indian sub-continent is amongst the highest sediment transporting rivers to the World¿s oceans. Erosion and the resulting sediment load is a silent natural hazard that can affect the hydraulic processes in a fluvial system. The physical erosion rate in the Alaknanda basin is five times higher than the global average, and Alaknanda River is a major supplier of sediments to the Ganga River. River morphology might deliver valuable insights into the historical characteristics of tectonic deformation of the region beneath it. Different geomorphic indices like Hypsometric Integral (Hi), Basin Elongation Ratio (Eb), Drainage Basin Asymmetry (AF), Longitudinal River Profile, Transverse profile, Stream Gradient Index (SL) for the watershed to develop knick points in the basin. In this book Geomorphic indices were investigated to characterize terrain pattern and comparison the watershed basin of the tributaries of Alaknanda river, namely Birahi Ganga and Nandakini River.

  • 16% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    37,00 €

    In VANET high speed is the real characteristics which leads to frequent breakdown,interference etc. Moreover the energy consumption of the mobile terminals is increasing rapidly due to higher CPU clock speeds and inclusion of more Programs such as gaming, Internet, credit functions etc. Therefore Performance of ad hoc routing protocols is helpful to improve the Quality of Service (QOS) at higher altitude. In this work we studied various Adhoc routing protocols Reactive, Proactive & Hybrid, taking in to consideration parameters like speed, altitude, mobility etc in real VANET scenario at an altitude of 1500m. The Chosen protocols are AODV and DYMO (Reactive), OLSR (Proactive) and ZRP (hybrid) and are compared for various battery models along with above the Protocols are also compared for IEEE 802.11(MAC), IEEE 802.11(DCF), IP, FIFO and throughput standards along with using Qualnet as Simulation tool. Energy Conservation and good Quality of Service (QoS) is the prime concern.Since IEEE 802.1, covers both physical and data link layer. Hence performance of the protocols in these layers helps to make a right selection.In all parameters Proactive protocols OLSR and Fisheye outperforms.

  • 15% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    34,00 €

    Metastatic jaw lesions are uncommon in relation to the overall spectrum of oral malignancy. They originate from a variety of organs such as breast, kidney, lung, stomach, uterus, liver and others with varied histology and present with quite erratic clinical symptoms and signs in addition to radiographic appearances which are not diagnostic since they impersonate malignant and benign tumors, cysts, inflammatory reactions of oral cavity and systemic diseases and en suite in the differential diagnosis. Mandible is predominantly involved than maxilla and oral mucosa often may be involved secondarily by extension from the metastatic foci in the jaws. Thus biopsy is essential for the establishment of the diagnosis. A complete survey of other organs is also imperative in determining the treatment because oral involvement occurs as multiple metastases. It can be said that meticulous work-up of jaw lesions suspected of being metastatic, may be life saving or extend the patient¿s survival period. Prognosis is invariably grave in cases of oral metastasis.

  • von Manish Sharma
    28,00 €

  • von Manish Sharma
    22,00 €

  • von Manish Sharma
    22,00 €

  • von Abhijit Jana, Manish Sharma & Mallikarjuna Rao
    62,00 €

    Do you want to create stunning applications with HoloLens? Are you a developer or entrepreneur who is fascinated with Microsoft HoloLens and its capabilities? If so, this is the book for you.This book introduces and demystifies the HoloLens platform and introduces new ways you can interact with computers (mixed-reality).

  • 15% sparen
    - Migrating to Azure Cosmos DB and Using the MongoDB API
    von Manish Sharma
    30,00 €

  • 17% sparen
    von Manish Sharma
    49,00 €

    In survey sampling we are often concerned with the estimation of population parameters with the use of auxiliary information, which may be available (or made available by diverting a part of the resources) in one form or the other. If used properly, this information may provide better estimates than those where such information is not used. In this context improved classes of estimators of population mean with the use of auxiliary information, improved ratio and product type of estimators have been developed for estimation of population mean of study variable .The families of estimators of mean have been proposed for various situations of auxiliary characters such as when variance is known and population mean unknown, when variance is unknown and population mean known and neither population mean nor variance is known. Further various classes of improved ratio type estimators and product type estimators have been developed. The large sample properties of the proposed estimators of mean, ratio and product type estimators have been compared with conventional and other estimators through empirical study for different sample sizes.

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