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Bücher von Manisha Singh

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  • - A Children's Book About Appreciating Nature
    von Manisha Singh
    27,00 €

    Written to feel like a walk through the forest, "If Trees Could Wave" ignites an excitement for nature in the minds of young readers. Through captivating poetry and illustrations, children are invited to engage their senses on a journey to better understand the magical, trunked beings we share our planet with. This book explains what trees are, the important role they play in our environment, similarities humans and trees share together, and a few ways we can connect with them on a deeper level. The purpose of "If Trees Could Wave" is to help children begin to understand trees as living beings that deserve respect, just like humans. . . . We recommend taking this book with you and your child outdoors where they'll be able to see and engage with nature. Spending time with your child as they discover the beauty of the outdoors with this fun and thought provoking book, will surely create memories that you'll both cherish for years to come. Due to the impact of deforestation and climate change, the number of trees around the world is on a fast decline. If from a young age, children learn to appreciate and respect nature, we can reverse some of the damage we've caused and restore hope for a brighter future. "If Trees Could Wave" is a book intended for children, but can be thoroughly enjoyed by people of all ages.

  • von Manisha Singh
    35,00 €

    Spiritual education embodies those virtues or attributes which not only guide our morals but also enhance material education. By teaching children kindness, concentration, will power, strength of character, truthfulness, and other higher qualities, life is made richer. These are deeply important to the development of the human being, but such things are not taught today in public education. The ultimate purpose of life is not simply to get a job. So many people live this way and then die, not of old age, but of deep disappointment with the life they have led. If you don¿t know how to be truly happy, money won¿t buy it for you. Spiritual education is training people for life. Spiritual education means knowing our own true self and the power that controls our life. Present piece of work is focused on developing Spiritual Education Modules and its effect on level of Anxiety.

  • von Manisha Singh
    47,00 €

    Ricketts est né le 5 mai 1920 à Kokomo, Indiana. Il est entré à l¿école dentaire en économisant chaque centime qüil pouvait rassembler. Il a obtenu son diplôme en médecine dentaire à l'École de médecine dentaire de l'Université d'Indiana en 1945. Il a ensuite rejoint la marine américaine en tant que dentiste pendant deux ans et est finalement allé à l'Université de l'Illinois pour étudier l'orthodontie. Il a obtenu sa maîtrise en 1950. Il a été professeur dans de nombreuses universités à travers le monde, notamment l'Université de Loma Linda et l'Université de l'Illinois à Chicago. Au cours de sa vie, il a été membre de 17 sociétés professionnelles et a donné plus de 100 conférences dans le monde entier sur l'orthodontie. En 1981, il fonde l¿American Institute for Bioprogressive Education. Il a reçu un prix de mérite de l'American Society of Dentistry for Children, le William Cogswell Distinguished Service Award in Oral Surgery, le prix Albert H. Ketcham de l'American Board of Orthodontics, la distinction John Mershon, l'Associated Journals of Europe Award, le Strang Award de la Connecticut State Society of Orthodontics et un Waldron Lecturer Award de l'American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Il a pris sa retraite à l'âge de 72 ans.

  • von Manisha Singh
    24,00 €

    Ricketts rodilsq 5 maq 1920 goda w Kokomo, shtat Indiana. On postupil w stomatologicheskuü shkolu, äkonomq kazhdyj cent, kotoryj mog sobrat'. On poluchil stepen' stomatologa na stomatologicheskom fakul'tete Uniwersiteta Indiany w 1945 godu. Zatem on postupil na sluzhbu w VMS SShA w kachestwe dantista na dwa goda i w konce koncow otprawilsq w Uniwersitet Illinojsa, chtoby izuchat' ortodontiü. On poluchil stepen' magistra w 1950 godu. On byl professorom mnogih uniwersitetow mira, w tom chisle Uniwersiteta Loma Linda, Uniwersiteta Illinojsa w Chikago. Za swoü zhizn' on byl chlenom 17 professional'nyh obschestw i prochital bolee 100 lekcij po ortodontii po wsemu miru. V 1981 godu on osnowal Amerikanskij institut bioprogressiwnogo obrazowaniq. On poluchil nagradu za zaslugi pered Amerikanskim obschestwom detskoj stomatologii, premiü Uil'qma Kogswella za wydaüschiesq zaslugi w oblasti hirurgii polosti rta, premiü Al'berta H. Ketchama ot Amerikanskogo soweta ortodontii, nagradu za lekciü Dzhona Mershona, premiü Associated Journals of Europe, Premiq Stränga ot Obschestwa ortodontii shtata Konnektikut i premiq lektora Uoldrona ot Amerikanskogo obschestwa plasticheskih i rekonstruktiwnyh hirurgow. On wyshel na pensiü w wozraste 72 let.

  • von Manisha Singh
    47,00 €

    Ricketts nasceu em 5 de maio de 1920 em Kokomo, Indiana. Ele entrou na faculdade de odontologia economizando cada centavo que conseguiu juntar. Ele se formou em odontologia pela Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Indiana em 1945. Ele então ingressou na Marinha dos Estados Unidos como dentista por dois anos e acabou indo para a Universidade de Illinois para estudar Ortodontia. Ele obteve seu mestrado em 1950. Foi professor em muitas universidades do mundo, incluindo a Loma Linda University, University of Illinois em Chicago. Durante sua vida, foi membro de 17 sociedades profissionais e deu mais de 100 palestras em todo o mundo sobre ortodontia. Em 1981, fundou o Instituto Americano de Educação Bioprogressiva. Ele recebeu um Prêmio de Mérito da Sociedade Americana de Odontologia para Crianças, o Prêmio William Cogswell de Serviço Distinto em Cirurgia Oral, o Prêmio Albert H. Ketcham do Conselho Americano de Ortodontia, a palestra John Mershon, o Prêmio Associated Journals of Europe, o Prêmio Strang da Sociedade Estadual de Ortodontia de Connecticut e o Prêmio Waldron Lecturer da Sociedade Americana de Cirurgiões Plásticos e Reconstrutivos. Ele se aposentou aos 72 anos.

  • von Manisha Singh
    47,00 €

    Ricketts was born on May 5, 1920 in Kokomo, Indiana. He entered the dental school by saving every cent he could gather. He obtained his dental degree from Indiana University School of Dentistry in 1945. He then joined the U.S. Navy as a dentist for two years and eventually went to the University of Illinois to study Orthodontics. He obtained his master's degree in 1950. He was a professor at many universities in the world, including Loma Linda University, University of Illinois at Chicago. During his lifetime, he was member of 17 professional societies and gave over 100 lectures all over the world about orthodontics. In 1981, he founded the American Institute for Bioprogressive Education. He received a Merit Award from the American Society of Dentistry for Children, the William Cogswell Distinguished Service Award in Oral Surgery, the Albert H. Ketcham Award from the American Board of Orthodontics, the John Mershon lecture honor, the Associated Journals of Europe Award, the Strang Award from the Connecticut State Society of Orthodontics, and a Waldron Lecturer Award from the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.He retired at the age of 72.

  • von Manisha Singh
    35,00 €

    Teaching of innovation skills to school children is being recognized as an important component of the curriculum for the 21st century and some initiatives in this regard have already been taken by the National Innovation Council in southern India. According to the Council ¿Innovation involves thinking differently, creatively and insightfully to create solutions that have an impact in terms of social and economic value¿. In the present study innovation implies the generation of new ideas and their application to yield useful products or services, working individually or in a team. This study has been taken up as an endeavor to design a programme to systematically integrate Innovation Skills in the Secondary School Curriculum.

  • von Manisha Singh
    48,00 €

    Dosage concentration of a racemic drug is an illusion to the patients as well to the practicing physicians because they are not aware of the fact that the two enantiomers have different pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Thus, the production and marketing of pure enantiomeric drug is of critical importance. USFDA and other regulatory agencies require complete information on both the enantiomers along with the details of methods of separation and control of enantiomeric purity before a new enantiomeric mixture is approved. Therefore, the development of reliable and sensitive analytical methods are gaining importance and are the need of the hour. This publication reports several such new methods using liquid chromatography.

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