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Bücher von Manoj Kumar

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  • 13% sparen
    - Paving the Way Towards Circular Economy and Nutritional Security
    von Manoj Kumar
    167,00 €

    Protein is one of the most important ingredients of the human diet and is considered crucial for the growth development of all age groups. Studies have set the recommended dietary allowance of protein as 0.8 g/kg body weight per day for healthy adults. The world population is projected to reach 10 billion by 2050 and it will be a significant challenge for the scientific community to overcome the growing demand for protein. The results of global warming, from shifting climactic conditions to unpredictable rainfalls, have further complicated the situation. The search for alternative protein sources that can be both sustainable and renewable is one of the major challenges in the face of potential mass protein malnutrition. Oilseed crops such as soybean, mustard, oil palm, peanuts, cottonseed, flax seed, coconut, canola and sesame are mainly cultivated for the extraction of cooking oil and are underutilized as sources of protein. Oilseed meals contain as much as 50% protein but remain under-valued since they are traditionally utilized as fertilizer or as feed for livestock animals. Numerous recent studies show that oilseed meal sources can be utilized as a sustainable and renewable source of protein and could play a major role in alleviating the global problem of protein malnutrition. Oilseed Meal as Sustainable Contributor to Plant-Based Protein explores oilseed crops that can contribute towards the regular supply of protein in an increasing population and changing climate. Each chapter focuses on a specific oilseed crop including comprehensive coverage of the processing and extraction specifics for each crop plus their amino acid profiles and other functional properties. The application of oilseed proteins for production of bioactive peptides and preparation of value-added products is also covered. This text is useful for food scientists and researchers seeking an updated single source for coverage on all the most important oilseed crops andtheir potential roles in combating protein shortages in a growing world population.

  • 19% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    56,00 €

    Este livro perspicaz investiga o papel crítico dos antioxidantes na prevenção do cancro oral, oferecendo uma exploração abrangente do seu potencial como aliados formidáveis na manutenção da saúde oral. O autor elucida os mecanismos intrincados através dos quais os antioxidantes contrariam o stress oxidativo, um dos principais contribuintes para o desenvolvimento do cancro oral. Com base numa grande quantidade de investigação científica e estudos clínicos, o livro navega através das vias moleculares envolvidas na proteção antioxidante, enfatizando a sua capacidade de neutralizar os radicais livres nocivos e atenuar os danos celulares. Os leitores irão adquirir uma compreensão profunda dos antioxidantes específicos que exibem propriedades preventivas promissoras contra o cancro oral, tais como as vitaminas C e E, o selénio e os polifenóis encontrados em vários frutos e vegetais. O livro também aborda os efeitos sinérgicos da combinação de vários antioxidantes e o seu potencial para aumentar a eficácia na proteção dos tecidos orais. Além disso, o autor destaca o estilo de vida e os factores dietéticos que têm impacto no sistema de defesa antioxidante do organismo, fornecendo informações práticas sobre o cultivo de hábitos que promovem a saúde oral e reduzem o risco de cancro.

  • 19% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    56,00 €

    Questo libro approfondisce il ruolo critico degli antiossidanti nella prevenzione del cancro orale, offrendo un'esplorazione completa del loro potenziale come formidabili alleati nel mantenimento della salute orale. L'autore chiarisce gli intricati meccanismi con cui gli antiossidanti contrastano lo stress ossidativo, un fattore chiave per lo sviluppo del cancro orale. Attingendo a una grande quantità di ricerche scientifiche e studi clinici, il libro naviga attraverso le vie molecolari coinvolte nella protezione antiossidante, sottolineando la loro capacità di neutralizzare i radicali liberi dannosi e di mitigare il danno cellulare. I lettori acquisiranno una conoscenza approfondita degli antiossidanti specifici che mostrano promettenti proprietà preventive contro il cancro orale, come le vitamine C ed E, il selenio e i polifenoli presenti in vari tipi di frutta e verdura. Il libro tratta anche degli effetti sinergici della combinazione di più antiossidanti e della loro potenziale efficacia nel salvaguardare i tessuti orali. Inoltre, l'autore evidenzia i fattori legati allo stile di vita e all'alimentazione che influiscono sul sistema di difesa antiossidante dell'organismo, fornendo indicazioni pratiche per coltivare abitudini che promuovano la salute orale e riducano il rischio di cancro.

  • 19% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    56,00 €

    Ce livre perspicace se penche sur le rôle critique des antioxydants dans la prévention du cancer de la bouche, offrant une exploration complète de leur potentiel en tant qu'alliés formidables dans le maintien de la santé bucco-dentaire. L'auteur élucide les mécanismes complexes par lesquels les antioxydants contrecarrent le stress oxydatif, un facteur clé du développement du cancer de la bouche. S'appuyant sur une multitude de recherches scientifiques et d'études cliniques, le livre parcourt les voies moléculaires impliquées dans la protection antioxydante, en mettant l'accent sur leur capacité à neutraliser les radicaux libres nocifs et à atténuer les dommages cellulaires. Les lecteurs acquerront une connaissance approfondie des antioxydants spécifiques qui présentent des propriétés préventives prometteuses contre le cancer de la bouche, comme les vitamines C et E, le sélénium et les polyphénols que l'on trouve dans divers fruits et légumes. Le livre aborde également les effets synergiques de la combinaison de plusieurs antioxydants et leur potentiel d'efficacité accrue dans la protection des tissus buccaux. En outre, l'auteur met en évidence les facteurs liés au mode de vie et à l'alimentation qui ont un impact sur le système de défense antioxydant de l'organisme, fournissant ainsi des indications pratiques pour cultiver des habitudes qui favorisent la santé bucco-dentaire et réduisent le risque de cancer.

  • von Manoj Kumar
    68,90 €

    Dieses aufschlussreiche Buch befasst sich mit der entscheidenden Rolle von Antioxidantien bei der Prävention von Mundkrebs und bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung ihres Potenzials als hervorragende Verbündete bei der Erhaltung der Mundgesundheit. Der Autor erläutert die komplizierten Mechanismen, mit denen Antioxidantien oxidativem Stress entgegenwirken, der maßgeblich zur Entstehung von Mundkrebs beiträgt. Das Buch stützt sich auf eine Fülle wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen und klinischer Studien und führt durch die molekularen Wege, die am Schutz durch Antioxidantien beteiligt sind, wobei die Fähigkeit der Antioxidantien hervorgehoben wird, schädliche freie Radikale zu neutralisieren und Zellschäden zu mindern. Die Leser erhalten ein tiefes Verständnis der spezifischen Antioxidantien, die vielversprechende präventive Eigenschaften gegen Mundkrebs aufweisen, wie z. B. die Vitamine C und E, Selen und die in verschiedenen Obst- und Gemüsesorten enthaltenen Polyphenole. Das Buch erörtert auch die synergistischen Effekte der Kombination mehrerer Antioxidantien und ihr Potenzial für eine verbesserte Wirksamkeit beim Schutz des Mundgewebes. Darüber hinaus hebt die Autorin Lebensstil- und Ernährungsfaktoren hervor, die sich auf das antioxidative Abwehrsystem des Körpers auswirken, und gibt praktische Einblicke in die Kultivierung von Gewohnheiten, die die Mundgesundheit fördern und das Krebsrisiko verringern.

  • 19% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    56,00 €

    Este perspicaz libro profundiza en el papel fundamental de los antioxidantes en la prevención del cáncer oral, ofreciendo una exploración exhaustiva de su potencial como formidables aliados en el mantenimiento de la salud oral. El autor esclarece los intrincados mecanismos mediante los cuales los antioxidantes contrarrestan el estrés oxidativo, un factor clave en el desarrollo del cáncer oral. Basándose en una gran cantidad de investigaciones científicas y estudios clínicos, el libro navega a través de las vías moleculares implicadas en la protección antioxidante, haciendo hincapié en su capacidad para neutralizar los radicales libres dañinos y mitigar el daño celular. Los lectores conocerán en profundidad los antioxidantes específicos que presentan propiedades preventivas prometedoras contra el cáncer oral, como las vitaminas C y E, el selenio y los polifenoles presentes en diversas frutas y verduras. El libro también analiza los efectos sinérgicos de la combinación de varios antioxidantes y su potencial para mejorar la eficacia en la protección de los tejidos orales. Además, el autor pone de relieve los factores relacionados con el estilo de vida y la dieta que influyen en el sistema de defensa antioxidante del organismo, y ofrece ideas prácticas para cultivar hábitos que promuevan la salud bucodental y reduzcan el riesgo de cáncer.

  • 19% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    56,00 €

    Jeta pronicatel'naq kniga poswqschena wazhnejshej roli antioxidantow w profilaktike raka polosti rta i predlagaet wsestoronnee issledowanie ih potenciala kak groznyh soüznikow w podderzhanii zdorow'q polosti rta. Awtor raskrywaet slozhnye mehanizmy, s pomosch'ü kotoryh antioxidanty protiwodejstwuüt okislitel'nomu stressu, qwlqüschemusq klüchewym faktorom razwitiq raka polosti rta. Opiraqs' na mnogochislennye nauchnye i klinicheskie issledowaniq, kniga rasskazywaet o molekulqrnyh putqh antioxidantnoj zaschity, podcherkiwaq ih sposobnost' nejtralizowat' wrednye swobodnye radikaly i smqgchat' kletochnye powrezhdeniq. Chitateli poluchat glubokoe predstawlenie o konkretnyh antioxidantah, proqwlqüschih mnogoobeschaüschie profilakticheskie swojstwa protiw raka polosti rta, takih kak witaminy S i E, selen i polifenoly, soderzhaschiesq w razlichnyh fruktah i owoschah. V knige takzhe rassmatriwaetsq sinergeticheskij äffekt ot sochetaniq neskol'kih antioxidantow i ih potencial'naq äffektiwnost' w zaschite tkanej polosti rta. Krome togo, awtor osweschaet faktory obraza zhizni i pitaniq, wliqüschie na antioxidantnuü zaschitnuü sistemu organizma, i daet prakticheskie rekomendacii po formirowaniü priwychek, sposobstwuüschih ukrepleniü zdorow'q polosti rta i snizheniü riska razwitiq raka.

  • 19% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    56,00 €

    This insightful book delves into the critical role of antioxidants in preventing oral cancer, offering a comprehensive exploration of their potential as formidable allies in maintaining oral health. The author elucidates the intricate mechanisms by which antioxidants counteract oxidative stress, a key contributor to oral cancer development. Drawing on a wealth of scientific research and clinical studies, the book navigates through the molecular pathways involved in antioxidant protection, emphasizing their ability to neutralize harmful free radicals and mitigate cellular damage. Readers will gain a deep understanding of the specific antioxidants that exhibit promising preventive properties against oral cancer, such as vitamins C and E, selenium, and polyphenols found in various fruits and vegetables. The book also discusses the synergistic effects of combining multiple antioxidants and their potential for enhanced efficacy in safeguarding oral tissues. Moreover, the author highlights lifestyle and dietary factors that impact the body's antioxidant defence system, providing practical insights into cultivating habits that promote oral health and reduce cancer risk.

  • von Manoj Kumar
    31,00 €

    "Wheat Cultivars and Chapatti Quality Flour Constituent Assessment" by Manoj Kumar is an indispensable guide that delves into the world of wheat cultivars and their direct impact on the quality of chapatti, a quintessential staple in many cultures. As the foundation of numerous diets worldwide, wheat is a crucial crop, and its cultivars play a significant role in determining the characteristics of the flour produced. In this comprehensive work, Manoj Kumar, an esteemed expert in the field of agriculture and food science, meticulously explores various wheat cultivars, their unique attributes, and how they influence the ultimate quality of chapatti flour. The book offers a wealth of scientific insights and cutting-edge research, presenting a thorough assessment of the essential constituents in flour that affect chapatti quality. From protein content and gluten strength to carbohydrate composition and enzymatic activity, Kumar leaves no stone unturned in unraveling the intricate relationship between wheat cultivars and chapatti excellence. With practical applications in mind, this well-researched work equips farmers, food scientists, and culinary enthusiasts with the knowledge to make informed decisions about wheat cultivation and flour selection. Kumar's expertise shines through as he provides valuable recommendations for enhancing chapatti quality through specific wheat cultivars and suitable agronomic practices. "Wheat Cultivars and Chapatti Quality Flour Constituent Assessment" stands as a testament to Kumar's dedication to advancing the understanding of agricultural and culinary sciences. It is a must-read for anyone involved in wheat cultivation, flour milling, or seeking to achieve the perfect chapatti-nutritious, flavorful, and a symbol of cultural sustenance.

  • von Manoj Kumar
    33,00 €

    Health is one of the important part our life. A good health is a boon for one's life and medical system and services are trying to prove it. However, the cost of health per person increases and it is a trouble for various healthcare. The best efforts will be trying to improve various health problems for the reduction of the cost of medical systems. The possible solution is given by electronically assisted health care. A large number of various therapeutic devices are available in the market with the best efforts of bio-medical engineering.

  • 16% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    59,00 €

    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] is the sixth most important global cereal crop which is grown by subsistence farmers in the semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent (Haussmann et al., 2012). it is believed to have originated in Africa (Vavilov,1950 and Murdock, 1959), from where it was introduced to India. It is an important coarse grain drought tolerant warm season cereal which belongs to family Poaceae and is commonly known as bajra in different parts of the country. Pearl millet is a highly cross-pollinated diploid (2x=14) annual C4 crop with protogynous flowering nature, wind-borne pollination mechanism and availability of efficient cytoplasmic genetic male sterility system. It is extensively cultivated as dual-purpose crop over large area in Africa, Asia, Australia and also as forage crop in the sub-tropics of USA.

  • 18% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    51,00 €

    Finsler geometry generalizes Riemannian geometry in the same sense that Banach spaces generalize Hilbert spaces. This book presents some transformations in Riemann-Finsler geometry, which have recently undergone significant development but have not had a pedagogical treatment elsewhere. Each article will open the door to an active area of research and is suitable for a special topics course in graduate-level differential geometry.

  • 18% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    59,00 €

    This book is on "water generation from atmospheric air" provides an in-depth coverage of description , characteristics, underlying principles of working and application of desiccant/composite desiccant materials in the area of water generation from atmospheric air. An attempt has been made in the book to indicate present trends in practices and analysis in water generation from atmospheric air. This book provides the experimental exposure to this very new technology. Sailent Features: 1. An ideal offering for complete and up-to-date coverage on water generation from atmospheric air 2. Dedicated chapters on synthesize procedure for new composite desiccant material and experimental results on water generation from atmospheric air 3. Year round testing in Solar Glass Desiccant Box Type System (SGDBS) of composite desiccant materials for the water generation from atmospheric air in the northern Indian climatic conditions

  • 13% sparen
    von Ram Prasad, Vivek Kumar & Manoj Kumar
    167,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 14% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    119,00 - 181,00 €

    This book unveils forestry science and its policy and management that connect past and present understanding of forests. The aggregated knowledge is presented to cover the approaches adopted in studying forest structure, its growth, functioning, and degradation, especially in the context of the surrounding environment. The application of advance computation, instrumentation, and modelling has been elaborated in various chapters.Forest ecosystems are rapidly changing due to forest fires, deforestation, urbanization, climate change, and other natural and anthropogenic drivers. Understanding the dynamics of forest ecosystems requires contemporary methods and measures, utilizing modern tools and big data for developing effective conservation plans. The book also covers discussion on policies for sustainable forestry, agroforestry, environmental governance, socio-ecology, nature-based solutions, and management implication.  It is suitable for a wide range of readers working in the field of scientific forestry, policy making, and forest management. In addition, it is a useful material for postgraduate and research students of forestry sciences.

  • 12% sparen
    von Meenakshi Kumari, Shashank Shekhar Solankey & Manoj Kumar
    94,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar & Shruti Gupta
    31,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditi Saxena, Rahul Katyayan & Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditi Saxena, Rahul Katyayan & Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditi Saxena, Rahul Katyayan & Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditi Saxena, Rahul Katyayan & Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditi Saxena, Rahul Katyayan & Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • von Aditi Saxena, Rahul Katyayan & Manoj Kumar
    54,90 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    46,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Punya, Bikash Das & Manoj Kumar
    59,00 €

  • 15% sparen
  • 18% sparen
    von Manoj Kumar
    51,00 €

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