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Bücher von Maria Garcia

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  • von Maria Garcia
    39,00 €

    "Spænsk Matarfegurð: Að Kynnast Bragðum Suðurlands" er bók sem gefur þér að sjálfu þér sem matreiðslumeistara í Spáni. María García, spænsk matlistarkona og bragðmeistari, veitir þér áhugaverðar innsýningar í ríkið og fjölbreytt matarhefðir Spánar, þar sem ræktun, hraðflutningur og bragð leika úr sér.Bókin er ekki aðeins safn uppskrifta, heldur ævintýrastjórn í Spænskri matarhefð, þar sem matreiðsluferli, hráefni og höfundurinn sjálfur fletjast saman. Frá Andalúsíu til Baskalands, frá klasískum tapasréttum til nýsköpunarlega matarmótanna, María García leggur undir meðlag smjöri á hvern rétt og gefur þér innsýn í hverja gildu bragðupplifun.Þessi bók skartar ekki bara smjög góðum mataruppskriftum, heldur er hún einnig gluggi inn í daglegu lífi Spánverja, þar sem matarmál, samkomulag og skemmtun koma saman. Hér færðu ekki bara bragðlegar réttir, heldur einnig myndir sem leysa smjúgsmíl á andlitið og leggja út fyrir þig glæsilega smáblíðu.Ef þú hefur áhuga á að rannsaka heim matarins í Suðurhluta Evrópu, þá er "Spænsk Matarfegurð: Að Kynnast Bragðum Suðurlands" þín leiðangur á að upplifa Spænskt bragð, skemmtileg kynni og matarlist í besta bókaklæðnaði.

  • von Maria Garcia
    43,00 €

    Plongez dans l'univers ensoleillé de la cuisine espagnole avec María García et son livre "Délices Espagnols: Recettes Traditionnelles pour un Voyage Culinaire en Espagne". Laissez-vous emporter par les saveurs authentiques et les arômes envoûtants de la gastronomie espagnole.Ce livre de cuisine vous invite à un voyage culinaire à travers les régions d'Espagne, à la découverte de recettes traditionnelles transmises de génération en génération. María partage avec vous les secrets de la cuisine espagnole, des tapas alléchantes aux paellas délicieuses, des gazpachos rafraîchissants aux churros croustillants. Chaque recette est un hommage aux saveurs uniques de l'Espagne, une célébration des produits frais, des épices et des techniques de cuisson traditionnelles.María vous guide pas à pas, en partageant ses astuces pour choisir les meilleurs ingrédients, maîtriser les techniques de préparation et présenter vos plats comme un véritable chef espagnol. Découvrez comment créer une ambiance authentique à la table, en partageant des moments conviviaux et festifs avec vos proches."Délices Espagnols" est bien plus qu'un simple livre de recettes, c'est une invitation à un voyage culinaire en Espagne, où les traditions culinaires et la passion pour la bonne cuisine se rencontrent.Accompagnez María García dans cette aventure culinaire et laissez-vous envoûter par les délices de la cuisine espagnole, tout en découvrant les richesses culturelles de ce magnifique pays.

  • von Maria Garcia
    40,00 €

    În "Delicii spaniole", vei g¿si o colec¿ie de re¿ete autentice pentru a explora aromele vibrante ¿i gusturile unice din buc¿t¿ria spaniol¿. Fie c¿ e¿ti un buc¿tar experimentat sau un încep¿tor, aceast¿ carte de bucate î¿i va oferi toate informäiile necesare pentru a crea preparate delicioase la tine acas¿.Fiecare re¿et¿ este conceput¿ pentru a capta esen¿a gusturilor spaniole autentice ¿i pentru a-¿i satisface papilele gustative. Începe cu tapas-uri delicioase ¿i gust¿ri üoare, precum chiftelele de brânz¿ Manchego sau ceapa caramelizat¿ cu vin röu. Apoi, îndr¿zne¿te ¿i preg¿te¿te mânc¿ruri principale precum paella cu fructe de mare sau coaste de porc la cuptor cu sos de paprika.Fiecare re¿et¿ este însöit¿ de instruc¿iuni clare ¿i imagini atractive, astfel încât s¿ pöi vedea exact cum s¿ preg¿te¿ti preparatul. În plus, vei înv¿¿a despre istoria ¿i cultura culinar¿ spaniol¿, astfel încât s¿ pöi în¿elege mai bine aromele ¿i gusturile din spatele preparatelor.Indiferent dac¿ dore¿ti s¿ g¿te¿ti pentru prieteni ¿i familie sau pur ¿i simplu dore¿ti s¿ î¿i extinzi cunötin¿ele culinare, "Delicii spaniole" este cartea perfect¿ pentru tine.

  • von Maria Garcia
    20,00 €

    Silly Women Anonymous is a fictitious Christian-based organization where "silly women" go for spiritual and emotional healing. These women have done some "silly," or foolish things, in their relationships with men. In each chapter, a woman enters the door of Silly Women Anonymous and introduces herself during a meeting. Each person is assigned a seasoned mentor. In every chapter, a woman shares her "silly woman" story, providing background information about her life and her relationship as well as biblical truths she learned that led to her healing. Silly Women Anonymous was inspired by the scripture 2 Timothy 3:1-7, where it speaks about high-minded, boastful, self-loving players who have a form of godliness. These men would creep into "silly women" houses, leading them into the captivity of various types of sinful lusts:This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. Formen shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud,blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, withoutnatural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce,despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded,lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form ofgodliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captivesilly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, everlearning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  • - Valuable Insider Information to Painless Weight Loss and Physique Improvement
    von Maria Garcia
    21,00 €

  • - The Hero's Encounter with the Beast
    von Maria Garcia
    136,00 €

    This book examines the narrative and cinematic conventions of movies that are about the quest for identity and individuation. Chapters are devoted to individual films, such as La Belle et la Bête, The Silence of the Lambs, The Searchers, The Deer Hunter, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, as well as considerations of films directed by Catherine Breillat and Robert Bresson.

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