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Bücher von Mark Bowden

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  • von Mark Bowden
    18,00 €

    Wednesday Wanders is a book about walking; not a guidebook with detailed route descriptions and maps, but the journal of a walker looking to broaden his horizons by seeing what could be achieved with an early start and still be home for tea (or supper more often). Weekly adventures setting out from northwest London to explore some of the long-distance footpaths of southeast England.Written in a light-hearted, humorous, but sometimes thoughtful style, it's a journal of determination and achievement sitting alongside not a little folly, with some inept navigation and unrealistic plans. More importantly, it's about what happened along the way, the fascination of places visited, the people met, the animals encountered, and perhaps most significantly, discovering the unexpected beauty and varied countryside in this corner of the country.Each chapter covers one of the seven routes attempted. Starting with the London LOOP, although this was the last walk completed. Chapter two returns to the beginning with a naïve walker setting out on the first stage of the North Downs Way from Farnham to Guildford on a wet and travel-disrupted day in early November. That chapter finishes five months later, on a bright but windy spring day, along the cliff tops into Dover. Proving that you can indeed complete a long-distance path in day trips.¿Five more routes are covered: the Ridgeway, Icknield Way Path, the Chiltern Way, Greensand Way, and the Hertfordshire Way. Some walks were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic or the onset of winter when the days were too short to complete their further reaches, but all were eventually finished. A thousand miles of walking recalled in a diary entry format. Each outing is dated, and the location and mileage given.

  • von Mark Bowden
    136,00 €

    Norman's function in this grand design, as a field archaeologist was to find, identify and survey monuments in the field and write a diagnostic field report on each site. The bulk of these sites were recorded by the Southampton office staff, but many others were new discoveries.

  • von Mark Bowden
    12,98 €

  • von Mark Bowden
    16,00 €

    1992 rief der Präsident Kolumbiens die Amerikaner gegen den mächtigsten Staatsfeind des Landes zu Hilfe: Pablo Escobar hatte mit seinen Kokainmilliarden und seinen Killerkommandos das Land an den Rand des Chaos gebracht. Mark Bowden schildert in seinem atemberaubenden Bericht die Jagd einer Spezialeinheit des amerikanischen Militärs auf einen der »größten Verbrecher der Welt«. Dabei stützt er sich auf Interviews mit Beteiligten und auf Hunderte von Seiten geheimdienstlicher Dokumente, darunter die Mitschriften von Escobars abgehörten Telefongesprächen.

  • - A Turning Point of the American War in Vietnam
    von Mark Bowden
    20,00 €

    Bowden's most ambitious work yet, Hue 1968 is the story of the centrepiece of the Tet Offensive and a turning point in the American war in Vietnam.

  • - The Life and Archaeological Work of Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers
    von Mark Bowden
    40,00 €

    A flamboyant polymath, General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers (1827-1900) was influential in four fields during his lifetime: military training, anthropology, archaeology and public education. Yet very little is known about his career, character or motivation.

  • - The professional footballer's guide to peak performance
    von Mark Bowden
    23,00 €

    What sets the very best footballers apart from the rest?It's not about ability but about being able to perform at your peak level consistently.You train your ability regularly, but do you leave your form down to 'luck' and simply hope you have a good game?Thanks to developments in our understanding of how the brain works, you can now effectively train to improve your form by conditioning your thoughts and behaviour in all aspects of your life. This engages the parts of the brain that enable you to perform consistently on the football pitch.Using Mark's proven BECOME method, you can stop relying on luck, and easily and effectively: Raise your confidence and self-belief Sharpen your motivation and drive Make better decisions, more quickly Perform consistently throughout the season Bring tackling, passing, shooting and every part of your game to a whole new levelIt's time to get the edge. It's time to Use Your Brain and Raise Your Game.

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