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Bücher von Mark Cheverton

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  • von Mark Cheverton
    23,00 €

    YA Fantasy Novel of the year, from the New York Times bestselling author of the Minecraft-inspired Gameknight999 series with over 2 million copies in print. This high-quality fantasy book is for kids, teens, and grown-ups who love to read epic stories about adventure! Perfect for fans of the Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Maze Runner series. Theft of the Giant's Soul is a suspenseful tale of danger, bravery, and sacrifice.The rise in technology, at first, seemed like a good thing. But what happens when humanity goes one step too far? After replicating humans using advanced technologies, it soon became apparent that the machines were much stronger, faster, and more intelligent than humanity ever thought possible. And friendly? Absolutely not. In the war between the people and the aiBots, there was only going to be one victory.The aiBots rapidly rose to power, launching nuclear missiles that wiped out humanity, leaving only a few survivors. But out of The Great Fire emerged a whole new world - a world that was to be known as Phoenix.In this new world, a young giant must step up and provide for her poverty-stricken family, but when the odds are stacked against her, Lacy StormChaser envisions nothing but failure. Along with her younger brother, Lacy is faced with terrifying obstacles that threaten their livelihood. With nothing to lose and everything to fight for, can she fend off the ravenous Cavedogs and the ultimate beast, The Baelath? Her WarHammer in hand and a strong determination, does Lacy have what it takes to succeed? Or is she destined for a life of poverty?

  • von Mark Cheverton
    17,98 €

    NEW FROM INTERNATIONALLY PUBLISHED NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR Mark Cheverton has written 27 books, with over 2 million copies in print.~ ~ Winner: Mom's Choice GOLD Award~ ~ Winner: 2023 International Book Award for Children's Fiction~ ~ Winner: 2023 NYC Big Book Award for Middle-grade Fiction~ ~ RunnerUp: 2023 PenCraft Award for Children's Fiction Cameron Poole has a problem, a big problem: he's a bully magnet who struggles with anxiety. Being the smallest sixth grader at his summer camp, everything around him triggers his anxiety, his Beast, making it impossible for him to do the same things other kids can do. In a constant state of worry, Cameron feels like a perpetual failure. That's bad enough, but when Cameron learns that mythical monsters are trying to invade his camp, things go from bad to worse. Malphas, the Demon Lord from a parallel world called Agartha, wants to bring his monster army to Camp Pontchartrain and begin his invasion. But before he can the biggest and most lethal monsters to Earth, he must find the seven Skull Keys that will keep the gateway between them open forever. Cameron and his unusual collection of friends are chosen to stop Malphas from finding the Skull Keys. But the Demon Lord of Agartha has other plans. He sends mythical creatures to Earth, gremlins, imps, gargoyles . . . to find the keys and destroy anyone in their way. In order to stop the Malphas and his monster army from getting all the Skull Keys, Cameron must face his worst nightmares while trying to keep his friends safe. But when he learns Malphas's real plan, Cameron's blood runs cold with fear. Can Cameron control his anxiety and confront his Beast while battling an army of minotaurs, banshees, ghouls, golems, and other nightmarish monsters? Buckle up and get ready for a thrilling adventure!

  • von Mark Cheverton
    7,48 €

    Die Spannung ist auf dem Höhepunkt, wird es ein Happy End für Gameknight und seine Schwester geben? Werden sie das Geheimnis um Herobrine lüften können? Finde es in diesem dritten und letzten Band heraus!

  • von Mark Cheverton
    7,48 €

    Ein neuer, furchteinflößender Gegner. Ein Held, der an sich zweifelt. Eine epische Schlacht mit ungewissem Ausgang - das fesselnde Abenteuer geht weiter! Kann Gameknight999 genug Mut aufbringen, um auch diesen Kampf zu bestreiten?Gameknight999 und sein Freund Crafter finden sich auf einem neuen Server wieder. Doch der Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei. Auch der König des Nether, der furchtbare Ghast Malacoda, will mit seiner Armee aus Lohen, Magmaschleimen, Schweinezombies und Witherskeletten das Game zerstören. Doch gegen ihn wirkt Erebus, der König der Endermen, wie ein harmloses Stofftier.Um das Leben aller in der Klötzchenwelt - und in der wirklichen Welt - zu retten, müssen Gameknight und Crafter eine neue NPCArmee zusammenstellen. Aber die letzten Kämpfe haben Gameknight an seinen Fähigkeiten zweifeln lassen.

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