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Bücher von Mark Collins

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  • von Mark Collins
    22,00 €

    From a doting dad to determined humanitarian, Mark Collins has leveraged his challenges into philanthropic success. Founder of YOUschool, a learning organisation with the purpose of helping young people choose their best path in life, it is Mark's lived experiences that help him give children the best opportunities to enjoy happy, loving, and joyful lives through to adulthood. It is from his son, Max, that Mark draws inspiration. After being diagnosed with epilepsy at age five, Max has spent the last seven years in and out of hospitals - his dad by his side every step of the way. Mark has spent this time learning everything he can about his son's condition, raising money, and promoting awareness for epilepsy. It was his son's illness that spurred Mark to focus on his own health and wellbeing, recognising the direct effect and influence that the energy of others had on his son's symptoms. Mark began regularly practising meditation, yoga and eating natural foods with Max as a way of assisting him in his treatment. Max's seizure count went from sometimes over 50 per day to consistently zero with an energetic approach rather than a physical one. From neuro linguistic techniques and hypnosis to toxin removal and cranio-sacral adjustments, Mark and Max found their own way forward after being told that this was just how Max is, there is nothing other than the medication he takes. This book was written as the events in them played out over a two-year period. It is a blend of parenting advice, health and wellness techniques and a real life story of unconditional love and dedication between a father and son.

  • von Mark Collins
    49,00 €

    All money will be donated to Cancer MacCallum Cancer Centre and Battersea dog House (where Mark volunteered) Mark Collins is a son. a brother and a loving partner, a best friend and cannot forget a daddy to his fur baby. He was the life of the party, he lit up any room he entered. He was very humble and never understood why people were drawn to him and why he was loved by everyone that met him. He always had a joke for any occasion. even death. He would make you feel happy even if that meant taking the mickey out of you, but was never horrible in doing so. He would turn his hand to anything once but would definitely let you know if he didn't like it, ha ha. When Mark was diagnosed with colon cancer. he decided to write this blog. When reading this, you will find yourself laughing at some of the strangest things. Mark would be so happy -that his journey is being read and laughed at. Me wanted to show his true journey from how he was diagnosed. through the chemotherapy and surgery. (not forgetting every cancer journey is different and personal) but he wanted to show the horrible side and also what he found to be the lighter side. Please enjoy reading, do not feel bad about laughing, and REMEMBER if your are worried, get it checked.

  • von Mark Collins
    10,00 €

    9 Practical Ways to Support International MissionsMany new believers have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church, and pastors are looking for resources to pass along to their congregations to help them think biblically about the Christian life. Church Questions is a series by 9Marks that seeks to provide Christians with sound and accessible biblical teaching by answering common questions about church life. Each booklet offers biblical answers and practical applications with the goal of nurturing healthy church practice and commitment.In this concise booklet, Mark Collins addresses the essential role of the local church in furthering global missions. He shows how Christians can participate in the global cause by sharing the gospel locally with friends and neighbors; studying the work of missionaries throughout the world; investing in the global missions work supported by a local church; praying for missionaries; and more. This helpful resource reminds readers how fundamental they are to the spread of the gospel throughout the world and offers practical ways for them to participate.

  • von Mark Collins
    45,00 €

    Pro HTML5 with Visual Studio 2015 is written to help ASP.NET developers make the leap to the inevitable and exciting world of HTML5. With this book, you'll quickly master the new HTML elements, the improved CSS features, and advanced content including audio, video, canvas, SVG, and drag and drop capabilities. You will also learn how your enterprise applications can benefit from some brand-new technology such as web workers and web sockets. Using practical hands-on demonstrations you will learn all of the really cool features that you can start using now, within your existing ASP.NET applications.HTML5 promises to revolutionize the way web sites are developed with an impressive set of built-in client-side features. The use of HTML5 as a preferred development language in Windows 10, along with growing support from the major browser vendors, is likely to make HTML5 the de-facto standard for all future web development. The number of HTML5-capable phones alone is estimated to top 2 billion by 2016. Many professional web developers who are firmly rooted in the Microsoft toolset such as Visual Studio, Active Server Pages, and .NET are trying to understand how HTML5 fits into their world.Written with the Visual Studio 2015 developer in mind, this book:Illustrates how to integrate the new HTML5 features in an ASP .NET MVC6 applicationExplains how to add active content including video and graphicsDemonstrates the new scripting features of HTML5 such as application cache and local storage

  • von Michael Mayberry & Mark Collins
    45,00 €

    Pro Office 365 Development, Second Edition, is a practical, hands-on guide to building applications for the cloud with Office 365. Combine Office 365 features out of the box with custom code to make the most of what this increasingly powerful and flexible platform has to offer.As an Office 365 developer, you have an amazing range of technologies at your fingertips. Build custom SharePoint apps in Visual Studio using HTML5, CSS, and jQuery. Create declarative workflow applications with Visio and SharePoint Designer. Use Access Web Database to publish your data on the web, or write Exchange and Lync applications. All these possibilities and more are covered.You also have unprecedented control and flexibility over how you use these technologies in your applications. With a powerful set of Office 365 APIs, you can now access and integrate Office 365 data directly into your web or native applications, with full control of authentication, authorization and discovery.No prior cloud experience is necessary. Sample projects are designed to bring the reader up-to-speed quickly, with full step-by-step instructions to maximize your success across the whole Office 365 suite. Whether you want to build desktop client applications or browser-only solutions, Pro Office 365 Development will show you how to do it.

  • - A Halloween Tale
    von Mark Collins
    29,00 €

  • - Windows Workflow in .NET 4.0
    von Mark Collins
    37,00 €

    This book details how Microsoft's Workflow Foundation technology can be used in a wide variety of applications. Each chapter shows how to build an application and then explains each of the new concepts introduced. It includes many sample projects.

  • von Mark Collins & Creative Enterprises
    43,00 €

    Many successful project managers are beginning to utilize Microsoft SharePoint to drive their projects and operational initiatives. Each chapter is focused on a typical project management activity and demonstrates techniques that can be used to facilitate that activity.

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