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Bücher von Mark Douglas

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  • von Mark Douglas
    26,00 €

    A secret treasure buried inside Robin Hood's grave . . .Maddie Jones accidentally blew up her dad's museum. Now the place is going to close its doors. Forever. Sifting through the ashes, Maddie finds a mysterious iron box with a map inside dating to the fourteenth-century. The map alludes to the grave of Robin Hood and a vast treasure . . . riches from the Crusades that could save the destroyed museum.But when the treasure map falls into the hands of an old hag who might be the immortal Sheriff of Nottingham, Maddie and her brothers must race across England to reach the treasure first. Throw in a secret sect of masked archers determined to keep Robin Hood's grave buried forever, and the Jones siblings are in for a historic ride.Rob from the rich and give to the poor? Nah, better to rob from the dead and keep the riches for yourself.Maddie Jones is an edgy Nancy Drew meets the Goonies with a voice like Percy Jackson.

  • von Mark Douglas
    36,90 €

    VorteileEin Grundlagenwerk und weltweiter Klassiker der Börsenliteratur: ein Muss für den ernsthaften TraderWie Trader den Markt mit Selbstvertrauen, Disziplin und einer gewinnenden Einstellung meisternZum WerkDie meisten Fehler beim Traden entstehen in der Folge von Angst, Angst vor Verlusten oder etwas zu verpassen. Erfolgreiche Trader haben dagegen keine Angst bei ihrer Arbeit. Wie man man diesen sorglosen Zustand, auch als "im Fluss" oder "in the zone" bezeichnet, erreicht, beschreibt Mark Douglas in seinem Standardwerk.Zunächst erklärt er uns, dass der Markt völlig neutrale Signale sendet und wir es sind, die in diese Signale unseren inneren Zustand hineininterpretieren. Haben wir drei Gewinntrades hinter uns, dann werden wir die nächste Trading-Gelegenheit optimistischer betrachten als nach drei vorangegangenen Verlust-Trades. Wenn Douglas sagt, wir müssen zu jeder Zeit auf alles gefasst sein, dann werden die meisten von uns dies nicht abstreiten. Aber der Durchschnittstrader macht sich genau an dieser Stelle etwas vor. Er glaubt, den Markt vorhersehen zu können, und hat eine dementsprechende (oft fatale) Erwartung an kommende Ereignisse. Douglas stellt fünf Eckpfeiler erfolgreichen Tradings vor, deren Verinnerlichung zu einer signifikanten Veränderung des Tradingstils bei den meisten Tradern führen wird.1. Mehr oder bessere technische Analyse ist in der Regel nicht die Lösung, wenn uns die Konsistenz beim Traden fehlt.2. Vielmehr bestimmt unsere mentale Verfassung den Erfolg.3. Dabei geht es insbesondere darum, in Wahrscheinlichkeiten zu denken.4. Die meisten Schwierigkeiten entstehen dann, wenn Trader glauben, sie dächten in Wahrscheinlichkeiten, es aber tatsächlich nicht tun.5. Es gibt einen Prozess der Integration der richtigen Denkstrategie in das mentale System eines Traders.Denken in Wahrscheinlichkeiten oder besser ein statistisches Denken führt uns danach zu der einfachen Erkenntnis, dass wir auf längere Sicht gar nicht verlieren können. Das macht uns sorgenfrei, nämlich wenn es uns gelingt, diese Einsicht in unser (meist unbewusstes) Glaubenssystem zu integrieren - was in den meisten Fällen nicht einfach ist, da sie in Konflikt zu anderen Glaubenssätzen stehen wird. Aus diesem Grunde geht der Autor in der zweiten Hälfte seines Buches auf die Veränderung unseres Glaubenssystems sehr ausführlich ein. Er zeigt uns in Teilschritten, wie wir zu den grundlegenden Veränderungen kommen, die uns zu einem konsistent erfolgreichen Trader machen.ZielgruppeFür erfahrene Trader und solche, die es werden wollen.

  • von Mark Douglas
    140,00 €

    In this volume, Mark Douglas presents an environmental history of the Christian just war tradition. Focusing on the transition from its late medieval into its early modern form, he explores the role the tradition has played in conditioning modernity and generating modernity's blindness to interactions between 'the natural' and 'the political.' Douglas criticizes problematic myths that have driven conventional narratives about the history of the tradition and suggests a revised approach that better accounts for the evolution of that tradition through time. Along the way, he provides new interpretations of works by Francisco de Vitoria and Hugo Grotius, and, provocatively, the Constitution of the United States of America. Sitting at the intersection of just war thinking, environmental history, and theological ethics, Douglas's book serves as a timely guide for responses to wars in a warming world as they increasingly revolve around the flashpoints of religion, resources, and refugees.

  • von Mark Douglas
    44,00 €

    In the fall of 2006, Mark Douglas, a professor of Christian ethics, was invited to write weekly editorials for a secular newspaper. Surprisingly, his editor placed no limits around either the content or the rhetoric of those editorials. This book offers Professor Douglas''s reflections on that work and the editorials themselves. Taken together, they model a particular vision of Christian engagement in the public sphere. This book offers a single sustained argument about why and how the Christian faith should shape the public lives of its adherents. Both the reflections and the editorials model various aspects of that argument.At the center of this book''s argument are the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love. Douglas begins by arguing not only that faith matters in the public sphere but describing how this is so. He then describes the way hope shapes a worldview through which to interpret public life. Finally, the virtue of love informs the practices of a life in which Christians learn to ""believe aloud."" Many recent books have made the case that it is important for people of faith to engage in matters of public interest-this one actually shows how one person has done so.""Mark Douglas consistently finds ways to surprise the reader--not with gimmicks, but with hope so truthful it reveals the world anew. That hard-won hope lets Douglas make a crucial contribution to academic debates about religion and politics. It also helps him write editorials that crackle with good humor and fresh insight. Douglas calls his readers to believe aloud--and then gives rich samples of what that sounds like for our time.""--Ted A. Smithauthor of The New Measures: A Theological History of Democratic Practice""Mark Douglas''s Believing Alou is a wonderful book, or really two books: one a collection of his newspaper columns, the other a series of meditations (which connect the columns) on what he was trying to do in the columns, and how he thought he did. Combining theological depth, political and cultural acumen, and a vivid and sharp writing style, the book is both an education in Douglas''s wise and persuasive understanding of religion''s role in public life, and an education about how to communicate that understanding to others. A delight.""--Charles Mathewesauthor of A Theology of Public LifeMark Douglas is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. He is the author of Confessing Christ in the 21st Century (2005).

  • von Mark Douglas
    23,00 - 28,00 €

  • - Reflections on Being Religious in the Public Square
    von Mark Douglas
    31,00 €

    Description:In the fall of 2006, Mark Douglas, a professor of Christian ethics, was invited to write weekly editorials for a secular newspaper. Surprisingly, his editor placed no limits around either the content or the rhetoric of those editorials. This book offers Professor Douglas''s reflections on that work and the editorials themselves. Taken together, they model a particular vision of Christian engagement in the public sphere. This book offers a single sustained argument about why and how the Christian faith should shape the public lives of its adherents. Both the reflections and the editorials model various aspects of that argument.At the center of this book''s argument are the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love. Douglas begins by arguing not only that faith matters in the public sphere but describing how this is so. He then describes the way hope shapes a worldview through which to interpret public life. Finally, the virtue of love informs the practices of a life in which Christians learn to ""believe aloud."" Many recent books have made the case that it is important for people of faith to engage in matters of public interest-this one actually shows how one person has done so.Endorsements:""Mark Douglas consistently finds ways to surprise the reader--not with gimmicks, but with hope so truthful it reveals the world anew. That hard-won hope lets Douglas make a crucial contribution to academic debates about religion and politics. It also helps him write editorials that crackle with good humor and fresh insight. Douglas calls his readers to believe aloud--and then gives rich samples of what that sounds like for our time.""--Ted A. Smithauthor of The New Measures: A Theological History of Democratic Practice""Mark Douglas''s Believing Alou is a wonderful book, or really two books: one a collection of his newspaper columns, the other a series of meditations (which connect the columns) on what he was trying to do in the columns, and how he thought he did. Combining theological depth, political and cultural acumen, and a vivid and sharp writing style, the book is both an education in Douglas''s wise and persuasive understanding of religion''s role in public life, and an education about how to communicate that understanding to others. A delight.""--Charles Mathewesauthor of A Theology of Public LifeAbout the Contributor(s):Mark Douglas is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. He is the author of Confessing Christ in the 21st Century (2005).

  • - The Time Before the USS Hoquiam Pf-5
    von Mark Douglas
    23,00 €

  • - The Missing Ten Hours
    von Mark Douglas
    25,00 €

  • - USS Hoquiam Pf-5
    von Mark Douglas
    27,00 €

  • - Hocky Maru
    von Mark Douglas
    27,00 €

  • - Road to Hungnam
    von Mark Douglas
    39,00 €

  • - A Husband's Map to Unknown Treasures
    von Mark Douglas
    13,00 €

    The Pampered Wife is an extremely helpful and insightful book for any husband trying to improve his relationship with his wife.Author Mark Douglas draws on his own life experiences and presents them in a way that is easy for the reader to understand and to apply in his own marriage. He explains how little chats with his mother while baking cookies and cakes, as well as conversations and experiences with his father taught him how and prepared him to be sensitive to the future needs of his wife. Douglas uses a very practical, non-technical approach to show the husband things he can do to help make his marriage even better than it is. Some of the subjects covered are:What a woman really means when she says she is "fat, ugly, and has nothing to wear!"How sex and communication are the same thingHow important service is in a marriageWhy you should treat your wife like a queen and how to treat her as suchThe Pampered Wife truly is a roadmap to unknown treasures as it show its readers how they can have a wonderfully rich marriage.

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