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Bücher von Mark Hitchcock

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  • von Mark Hitchcock
    22,00 €

    Will God Bless America--Even in the End Times?Every day brings more news of a world that seems to teeter on a disastrous precipice: . Wars of genocide. Massive earthquakes and typhoons. The rising cost of foreign oil. Terrorist bombings. Economic disasters and lost security. Crushing federal debt. Famine and worldwide hunger. a tidal wave of illegal immigrantsHow many of these events and crises are signs of the "end times"? And what will become of the United States? Will America continue to slip as today's lone world superpower, and will it even exist when the sounds of warfare rumble at the Battle of Armageddon?Clearly explaining the end time prophecies of Scripture, Mark Hitchcock shows that today's geopolitical situation corresponds remarkably to what the Bible predicted thousands of years ago. Prophecies previously dismissed as unbelievable now read like news headlines. Learn of America's final fate and the outcome of dire events at the end of the age as Mark Hitchcock teaches how to find the only lasting hope in a God who will not forsake us--no matter what cataclysms we experience on earth.

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    25,00 €

    Four thousand years ago, amid tragic suffering and death, Job asked the question of the ages: "If a man dies, will he live again?" Since the dawn of history, the subject of death and the afterlife has been the great question of human existence. It's a subject that everyone wonders about. What lies behind the veil of death? Is there really life after death? Is there a place called hell? This small yet power-packed book answers, in a very straightforward, reader-friendly format, all the most-asked questions ordinary people have about death, near-death experiences, cremation, purgatory, hell, heaven, and our future bodies. You'll be amazed at what awaits us beyond the grave.Is There Sex in Heaven? It's a fair question! And so are the rest. Go ahead…flip to the table of contents. Discover another one, two, or fifty-four others that are guaranteed to intrigue you. Questions like: Do those in heaven know what's happening on earth? and Will I see my pets in heaven? Because even if you'd rather avoid the topic, death will not avoid you. So fire away! Ask the tough questions, and get the dead-on answers you need. Straightforward and easy to read, 55 Answers to Questions About Life After Death satisfies that nagging, curious voice whispering from the corner of your mind. Story Behind the Book"Three key experiences in my life have come together to make this book a reality. First, as the pastor of a local church for thirteen years, I have had the privilege of visiting people who are facing imminent death, conducting funerals, and ministering to grieving families. During these times people often have probing questions about life after death. Second, due to my interest and writing in the area of Bible prophecy, I am frequently asked questions about the afterlife at conferences and via e-mail. Third, all kinds of books, TV shows, and groups out there today are fostering unbiblical views of life after death. Knowing that this is a subject of universal interest and great confusion, I have a passionate desire to create a user-friendly, clear, straightforward resource to answer all the key questions that people everywhere are asking about life's greatest mystery."

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    22,00 €

    For many believers, the subject of the End Times stirs confusion, apprehension, and dread. No longer! This user-friendly manual answers 101 of the most frequently asked questions about everything from the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, the Antichrist, and Tribulation to the Second Coming and the Millennium. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a biblically authoritative resource for understanding God's plan and a reason for peace instead of anxiety about each believer's role in it.'The End Is Near!' Or is it? The Antichrist is alive and well today! Or is he? The church is about to be raptured and will certainly escape the tribulation.... right? When it comes to the End Times, there's so much confusion. Preachers with elaborate charts share their theories about Revelation and other prophetic books of the Bible. "Ah, Babylon stands for the United States ," they say. But then other teachers share their theories: "No, Babylon stands for the Roman Catholic Church, or the European Union, or the literal Babylon rebuilt in Iraq …." Would somebody please shoot straight with me? Finally, someone has. Gifted scholar and pastor Mark Hitchcock walks you gently through Bible prophecy in an engaging, user-friendly style. Hitchcock's careful examination of the topic will leave you feeling informed and balanced in your understanding of events to come…in our time?

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    13,00 €

    Stehen wir vor einem grossen Glaubensabfall in der Gemeinde? Die Autoren Mark Hitchcock und Jeff Kinley untersuchen gemeinsam alarmierende Trends, die die Lehrer unserer Zeit propagieren. Sagen die heutigen Bibellehrer den Menschen einfach nur das, was sie gerade hören wollen?

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    10,00 €

    Gibt es Tiere im Himmel? Das ist eine gute Frage. Und so gibt es viele andere, die die Menschen bewegen, wie: Wissen dieBewohner des Himmels, was auf der Erde los ist? Oder: Können Selbstmörder in den Himmel kommen? Dieses Buchgibt Antwort auf diese und über 50 andere brennende Fragen zum Leben nach dem Tod. Und auch wenn Sie diesem Thema lieber aus dem Weg gehen würden, so wird der Tod Ihnen nicht aus dem Weg gehen. Darum, schießen Sie los! Stellen Sie die schweren Fragen. Hier erhalten Sie die Antworten, die Sie brauchen, auch auf Fragen, die Sie womöglich gar nicht zu stellen wagen - auf den Punkt gebracht, verständlich und informativ.

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    23,00 €

    Global Reset will open readers' eyes and alert them to how world leaders are using the "Great Reset" agenda to seize pandemics, natural disasters and catastrophes, civil disorder, political unrest, and other current events to reshape every facet of life---all pointing toward the universal economy and godless global government of the Antichrist.

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    24,00 €

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    26,00 €

    Russia, again, is on the move. The news headlines proclaim it. Georgia was first. Then, Ukraine and the invasion of Crimea. Meddling in the elections of the United States followed. For the fourth straight year, Forbes has ranked Vladimir Putin as the world's most powerful person-even above the president of the United States. Like it or not, the world has descended into a new Putin-led Cold War 2.0. As the storm clouds gather, America sleeps.Russian's hand in Syria and its closer ties to Iran are especially alarming to those who know Bible prophecy and the book of Ezekiel. Putin is poised right now on Israel's northern border-an ominous sign of our times.What does the Bible say about our troubling times?In Russia Rising, Mark Hitchcock, popular speaker and Bible prophecy expert, explores the history of Russia and its current military moves. He will explain the biblical prophecies related to Russia, the Middle East, and the end times. The tracks of the Russian bear lead to the Middle East and Israel. Are we on a collision course with Russia?

  • von Mark Hitchcock, Al Lacy & Joanna Lacy
    20,00 €

    When Hannah Cooper and her children pray for the salvation of their Jewish friend, Jacob Kates, they have no idea what it might take to see that prayer answered. Mary Beth Cooper has said that, if need be, she''ll give her life to see him become a Christian. But will she have to prove it? Thousands of devoted Lacy readers will find out in this eighth installment of the Hannah of Fort Bridger series, which continues the saga of a widowed frontier woman''s faith-filled journey through the hardships and joys of life.

  • von Mark Hitchcock & Al Lacy
    18,00 €

    Writing 2,500 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel predicted a Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel in the last days. The third book in Mark Hitchcock''s fascinating prophecy series explains the relevance of this prediction to today''s world. First, he establishes how the current global scene sets the stage for this event and focuses on the identity of the invading nations (those mentioned in Ezekiel are like a Who''s Who of Israel''s current enemies). Hitchcock then considers the time and motives for their attack. Finally, he discusses God''s dramatic intervention that will pave the way for the Antichrist''s worldwide empire.

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    18,00 €

    Two days before He died, Jesus gave His closest followers a sweeping panorama of earth''s final days. Responding to questions about the end times, Jesus'' great speech on the Mount of Olives described the tribulation and His second coming - and offered several famous parables of practical application for the disciples. In a powerful indication of His priorities, Jesus devoted twice as much time to telling His followers how to live in light of His return as he did to describing the actual event. Readers will be inspired and equipped to live faithfully in expectation of Christ''s coming.

  • von Mark Hitchcock
    15,00 €

    Find out what Mark Hitchcock means when he says there is an Antichrist alive today, right now, in this generation! Easy to read and biblically solid, Hitchcock''s fascinating resource illuminates what the Bible says about the Antichrist and explains how the prophecies about him strikingly foreshadow today''s events: 1) the rise of the European Union; 2) the peace process in Israel; 3) the rush toward globalization; 4) the technology and desire for a worldwide identification system; 5) the movement to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem

  • - What Bible Prophecy Says About...
    von Mark Hitchcock
    19,00 €

    The Bible says that Babylon will be rebuilt and become the economic center of the world. Even now the ruins of the ancient city - just sixty miles south of Baghdad, Iraq - are quietly stirring. What does it mean for America? For Israel? For every person alive today? Are we living in the last days of earth as we know it? Find out, from Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock. . . 1. How the focus of the world will shift back to Babylon 2. How Antichrist will make Babylon his capital 3. How the kingdoms of earth will fade as Babylon rises 4. How the false powers of Antichrist will grow 5. How prophecy will be fulfilled - and Babylon finally destroyed!

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