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Bücher von Marshall McLuhan

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  • - An Inventory of Effects
    von Marshall McLuhan
    12,00 €

    Written by the author who is known for coining the term 'Global Village', this title illustrates his theories that force us to question how modes of communication have shaped society.

  • - Reflections on Religion
    von Marshall McLuhan
    36,00 €

    Say the name Marshall McLuhan and you think of the great discover's explorations of the media. But throughout his life, McLuhan never stopped reflecting profoundly on the nature of God and worship, and on the traditions of the Church. Often other intellectuals and artists would ask him incredulously, ""Are you really a Catholic?"" He would answer, ""Yes, I am a Catholic, the worst kind -- a convert,"" leaving them more baffled than before. Here, like a golden thread lining his public utterances on the media, are McLuhan's brilliant probes into the nature of conversion, the church's understanding of media, the shape of tomorrow's church, religion and youth, and the God-making machines of the modern world. This fascinating collection, gathered from his many and scattered remarks, essays, and other writings, shows the deeply Christian side of a man widely considered the most important thinker of our time, a man whose insights into media and culture have revolutionized the field of media study and the way we see the world.

  • von Marshall McLuhan
    15,00 €

    Ursprünglich 1967 erschienen wirkt »The Medium is the Massage« heute noch jung und provozierend.Der Titel geht auf einen Druckfehler zurück: Ein Setzer hatte aus dem beabsichtigten »Message« das Wort »Massage« gemacht. McLuhan fand das großartig. Denn sein berühmter Slogan »Das Medium ist die Botschaft« war ein Klischee geworden. Jetzt bot sich die Gelegenheit, ihn ironisch zu brechen und mit neuem Sinn zu versehen. Die grafische Gestaltung betont McLuhans zentrales Argument, dass jedes Medium die menschliche Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit auf seine Weise »massiert«, also beeinflusst.Damit wurde aus dem ursprünglichen »The Medium is the Message« der neue Titel »The Medium is the Massage«.

  • von Marshall McLuhan
    68,00 €

    Brings together the key writings of Marshall McLuhan. In a communications environment transformed by the rapid spread of electronic media, McLuhans insights are fresher and even more applicable than when first written.

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