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Bücher von Martin Luther

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  • von Martin Luther
    19,90 €

    Als Auftakt einer ganzen Serie antijudaistischer Schriften, welche auf die Dämonisierung und Vertreibung von Juden aus evangelisch-christlichen Gebieten abzielte, entfaltete Luthers Rhetorik beginnend mit den Erlassen reformatorischer Machthaber des 16. Jahrhunderts (Braunschweig, Meißen, Kursachsen) eine verhängnisvolle Wirkungsgeschichte, die bis zum Nationalsozialismus reicht. Anknüpfungspunkte fanden sich vor allem im umfassenden Maßnahmenkatalog des letzten Teils des Buches »Von den Juden und ihren Lügen«, in dem unter anderem die Verbrennung von Synagogen und Büchern, Lehrverbot und Zwangsarbeit für Juden gefordert werden. Dieser wird hier ebenso ungekürzt wiedergegeben wie die derbe, oft unflätige Sprache Luthers. Gerade deswegen fordert »Von den Juden und ihren Lügen« eine Debatte, die nicht auf Grundlage ihrer letzten Bearbeitung von 1936 geführt werden darf. Die Übertragung und Kommentierung aus Sicht der jüdischen Literatur stellt eine einzigartige Möglichkeit des Eingedenkens und der Auseinandersetzung mit einer Schattenseite der Reformation dar, die zu lange ungenutzt geblieben ist.

  • von Martin Luther
    15,00 €

    Designed for beginner students of New Testament Greek, this book allows readers to easily comprehend several of the most important Scripture passages.

  • von Martin Luther
    14,00 €

    The Small Catechism authored by Martin Luther stands as a seminal work, laying the groundwork for Protestant teachings and succinctly encapsulating Luther's theology. In this enduring text, Luther presents a systematic exposition of essential Christian doctrine, grounded in Scripture and the teachings of the early church. Through a series of catechetical questions and answers, he elucidates the significance of the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the sacraments of Baptism.Beyond mere instruction, the Small Catechism serves as a theological primer, equipping believers with a robust framework for understanding and articulating their faith. Luther's lucid explanations and pastoral insights offer practical guidance for Christian living, emphasizing the centrality of grace, faith, and the Word of God.As a foundational text of Lutheran theology and a touchstone for Protestant Christianity, The Small Catechism continues to exert profound influence on theological education, church practice, and spiritual formation.

  • von Martin Luther
    19,00 €

    Dr. Martin Luther's fundamental work "A Treatise on Good Works" encapsulates the essential principles of the Protestant Reformation and offers a new viewpoint on the relationship between faith and good acts. This version of "A Treatise on Good Works" is both modern and legible, with an eye-catching new cover and professionally typeset manuscript. Some narratives are violent and bizarre, while others one sneak up on you and gradually consume you. Because the title character is so self-indulgent, readers are forced to keep reading. This narrative is full of unexpected twists and turns which will keep the reader engaged. The central element of Luther's argument is that redemption is obtained via trust in God's compassion rather than through good works or external acts of piety. He is a vocal critic of the widely held concept that people can earn their salvation through their actions. Luther, on the other hand, argues that true righteousness is born of faith in Christ. In "A Treatise on Good Works," Luther argues that a life of faith and love should serve as the foundation for all good works. He emphasizes that good deeds should flow naturally from a changed heart rather than being done in order to gain salvation or God's favor.

  • von Martin Luther
    30,00 €

    An intriguing literary masterpiece, "Table Talk" by Martin Luther invites readers into the intimate and often animated conversations of the 16th-century Reformation leader. This collection of dialogues captures Martin Luther's unfiltered thoughts, theological insights, and even his humor, making it a captivating journey through the mind of one of the most influential figures in Christian history.These dialogues, transcribed and compiled into "Table Talk," reveal Luther's unreserved reflections on matters ranging from profound theological doctrines to everyday anecdotes. Luther's keen intellect is evident as he grapples with complex concepts, offers fresh perspectives and challenges traditional views. The book serves as a window into the Reformer's passionate convictions, unwavering commitment to the Scriptures, and profound understanding of God's grace.Amidst the weighty discussions, Luther's warmth and wit shine through. More than a theological discourse, "Table Talk" is a glimpse into the soul of a man driven by conviction, grappling with faith, and sharing his journey with those gathered around him. Readers are transported to a time when theological discourse was not confined to scholarly texts but unfolded organically in the camaraderie of shared meals and lives. The result is a literary feast where intellectual rigor meets the warmth of human connection, making this read a delightful and enriching experience for those eager to explore the mind and heart of a Reformation giant.

  • von Martin Luther
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    17,00 €

    1523 was a crucial year for the German Reformation. This volume presents two-lesser known short pamphlets which illustrate the local as well as global role of printing in the development. The first is the entertaining 'Deutung der greulichen Figur des Mönchkalbs' (Interpretation of the gruesome figure of the monk-calf), a polemical interpretation of the monstrous birth of calf with a cowl-like neck in Saxony, which entered into circulation across Europe via Latin into French and from there into English. The second, 'Ursache und Antwort, dass Jungfrauen Klöster göttlich verlassen mögen' (Reason and justification why it pleases God that nuns may leave their convents), provides a justification for the decision of Katharina von Bora, Martin Luther's future wife, and eleven other nuns to leave their convent in April 1523.The historical introduction shows how Martin Luther's anti-monastic stance evolved in the run-up to these publications, followed by a survey of his pamphlets and sermons promoting marriage from 1519 onwards and an exploration of the afterlife of the debate on monastic vows and marriage. The chapter on printing history provides catalogue entries for the Oxford copies of the pamphlets edited in this volume - the 'Mönchkalb' in German (Taylor Institution Library), Latin (numerous College libraries), French (New College Library), and English (Bodleian Library), and for the 'Ursache und Antwort' in German (Taylorian and Bodleian Library). The last chapter gives advice on how to read the Early New High German texts. The edition is part of the Reformation Pamphlet series of the Taylor Institution Library in Oxford which aims to make the treasures of the library accessible via open access editions on and to bring together interdisciplinary expertise on different aspects of these historic holdings. Previous volumes have traced the success of Martin Luther's writings since the publication of the 95 Theses throughout the early 1520s, particularly his 1520 treatise 'Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen' (On Christian Freedom) and the 1522 translation of the New Testament. , the practical consequences of his teaching were made manifest, not least in the growing numbers of monks and nuns leaving behind the monastic life.This edition introduces these works, neither of which are available in modern English translations, to historians, theologians and linguists in richly annotated editions and translation. A particular feature is the quadrilingual edition of the interpretation of the 'monk-calf' which compares paragraph-for-paragraph the German, Latin, French, and English of the pamphlet which allows in-depth translation studies. The facsimiles at the end of the book give an insight into the material history of the Reformation rhetoric.

  • von Martin Luther
    23,00 €

    Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther, a classical book, has been considered essential throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von Martin Luther
    69,90 - 129,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    11,00 €

    Luther first focuses on the freedom of the inner man, "that we may see by what means a man becomes justified, free, and a true Christian; that is, a spiritual, new, and inward man." The soul's freedom is not tied to external factors that affect the body, for "what harm can ill health, bondage, hunger, thirst, or any other outward evil do to the soul?" Instead, "one thing, and one alone, is necessary for life, justification, and Christian liberty, and that is the most holy word of God, the gospel of Christ.

  • von Martin Luther
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    101,00 €

    About this VolumeThis volume contains theses that Martin Luther drafted (sometimes with the help of his colleague Philip Melanchthon) and the records of Luther's prefatory orations and the arguments made by Luther and his students and colleagues in the university disputations over which he presided between 1537 and 1545.These disputations offer Luther's extended systematic exploration of the central doctrines of Christian theology, drawn from his mature reflection on the Bible, the medieval theological tradition, and the church fathers, in dialogue and debate with his contemporary opponents. They are an invaluable resource for students of Luther, historians of the Reformation, and contemporary theologians.About the SeriesThoroughly researched and faithfully translated, the Luther's Works series consists of Martin Luther's Bible commentaries, sermons, prefaces, postils, disputations, and letters-translated and published in English for the first time.

  • von Martin Luther
    102,00 €

    Martin Luther has been the subject of hundreds of biographies in the last five hundred years, stretching back to his own autobiographical efforts, which were quickly supplemented by his colleagues, friends, and students as they sought to reflect on the significance of his life and teaching.This collection of seven biographical writings on the reformer features some of the earliest written sources on Luther's life, available for the first time in English. Written by those closest to him, these are accurate and direct accounts of Martin Luther's life and his impact on the world.

  • von Martin Luther
    99,00 €

    About this VolumeMartin Luther arrived in Wittenberg as an Augustinian friar and scholar, and his primary call was to the university. Yet from 1514 onward, he was also called by the Wittenberg town council to preach in the parish church, and periodically he was invited to preach in the Castle Church. Upon his return from the Wartburg in 1522, and for the next decade, Luther's preaching-more than 1,000 sermons-was a central means of organizing and directing reform in Wittenberg. The sermons also served to extend his voice beyond Saxony, as Luther's words from the pulpit were copied down and printed in Wittenberg and across Germany. The present volume offers a selection of Luther's sermons from this exceptionally fruitful and important period of his preaching.Luther used his sermons to inculcate the basic structures of Christian doctrine and life: the distinction between Law and Gospel and the use of Christian freedom and love for the neighbor. Unlike Karlstadt, Luther urged Christians who had been set free by the Gospel to show love for the weak in making changes. His sermons in these years particularly apply these principles to the administration of the Lord's Supper and the remembrance of the saints. In addition to instruction in Christian doctrine from the pulpit over the course of the 1520s, Luther also sought to teach the Wittenberg congregation to understand and appreciate the "estate of marriage" and the "temporal sword" as God's own appointed order for human life in the world. Luther extolled God's institution and blessing of marriage and emphasized His forgiveness which covered any sin that might remain in the flesh therein while defending the regrettable possibility of divorce under certain circumstances.About the SeriesThe 28 planned volumes are intended to reflect both modern and sixteenth-century interests and to expand the coverage of genres underrepresented in the existing volumes of Luther's Works, such as Luther's sermons and disputations. The primary basis for the translation is the comprehensive Weimar edition.

  • von Martin Luther
    53,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.From Luther's thorough-going expositions of Psalms 68, 82, 90, 101, 110, 111, and 112 it is evident at once that the Reformer had a keen insight into secular and ecclesiastical affairs as they existed in his time. But it is no less apparent that his understanding and his statements had a prophetic quality-a quality which, among other characteristics, makes his commentaries altogether timeless in their significance. "The commentaries in the present volume," writes editor Jaroslav Pelikan, "like those in Volume 12, are derived principally from Luther's classroom and from his pulpit; but they do not all owe their origin to his activity as a professor and a preacher. This collection of commentaries also provides some insight into Luther's work as an author." From explication of the religious and moral life of his day to the elucidation of differences between Jewish and Protestant interpretations of Psalm 111, Luther's literary breadth and depth provide the reader with an unrivaled uniqueness of commentary on these Psalms.

  • von Martin Luther
    99,90 - 119,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    25,00 €

    COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS. (1535)By Martin Luther.A 21st Century Version in Contemporary English.By Jeremy R McCandless

  • von Martin Luther
    52,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.This volume contains Luther's commentaries on selected psalms beloved by Christians everywhere. They are for the most part the outgrowth of sermons and classroom lectures, family devotions, and private conversations held between 1524 and 1537. Figures of speech, allusions, and references not immediately clear have been carefully explained for a fuller understanding of the text. The archaic literary forms have been removed and obscurities of earlier translations cleared up. This is an updated version of an important piece in Luther's tomes of work seminal to theological consideration everywhere.

  • von Martin Luther
    16,00 €

    Against Henry, King of the English, originally in Latin as Contra Henricum Regem Anglie, was a book written in 1522 by Martin Luther against Henry VIII of England. It was a response to Henry's book, Assertio septem sacramentorum. Thomas More then wrote Responsio ad Lutherum as a reply.

  • von Martin Luther
    13,00 €

    " ¿I, CAPTAIN HENRY BELL, do hereby declare, both to the present age, and also to posterity, that being employed beyond the seas in state affairs divers years together, both by King James, and also by the late King Charles, in Germany, I did hear and understand, in all places, great bewailing and lamentation made, by reason of the destroying and burning of above fourscore thousand of Martin Luther¿s books, entitled His Last Divine Discourses.¿For after such time as God stirred up the spirit of Martin Luther to detect the corruptions and abuses of Popery, and to preach Christ, and clearly to set forth the simplicity of the Gospel, many Kings, Princes, and States, Imperial Cities, and Hans-Towns fell from the Popish Religion, and became Protestants, as their posterities still are, and remain to this very day."

  • von Martin Luther
    100,00 €

    About this VolumeLuther's collected sermons for the church year were originally published in two series: the Church Postil and the House Postil. These were among his most popular works. Aside from his catechisms, they did more to teach people the Reformation than any other book. The new translation of the Church Postil follows the last edition of Luther's life, from 1540-1544, and includes Luther's often-extensive revisions to his own work, with significant variant readings from earlier editions translated in the footnotes.This volume includes the sermons on the Epistle and Gospel readings from New Year through Holy Week, plus "Meditation on the Holy Suffering of Christ" and "Sermon on Confession and the Sacrament." The appendix contains Luther's prefaces to earlier editions of the Church Postil. All the sermons include footnotes indicating Luther's edits over the course of his life, all rendered in clear, lucid English.Benefits of Luther's Works, American Edition, vol. 76 (Church Postil II):Accurate and clear translation. (An early 20th-century version of these sermons was inaccurate and stilted.)Presents the Church Postil as the mature Luther wanted it to be:Includes Luther's often-extensive revisions to his own work, with significant variant readings from earlier editions translated in the footnotes.Includes the version of the summer sermons that Luther approved (Cruciger's edition, not Roth's edition).Epistles and Gospels are interspersed as they were originally printed, showing the progression of Luther's teaching through the course of the church year. (The early 20th-century Lenker version followed the revisionist 1700 edition of Philipp Jakob Spener, not Luther's mature, final edition of 1540 and 1544.)Includes the careful, explanatory introductions and footnotes that have become a hallmark of Luther's Works: American Edition.Includes cross-references and a table showing where Luther's sermons can be found in the German originals.Fully indexed.Edited by Benjamin T.G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels.About the SeriesThe 28 planned new volumes are intended to reflect both modern and sixteenth-century interests and to expand the coverage of genres underrepresented in the existing volumes, such as Luther's sermons and disputations. The primary basis for the translation is the comprehensive Weimar edition.

  • von Martin Luther
    99,00 €

    This volume contains a selection of Luther's preaching on the first two books of the Bible roughly within the years 1523-25. Luther preached during these years in the context the controversies sparked by Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, Thomas Münzer, and the Peasants' War. The question of the day was how contemporary Christians ought to respond to Moses' Law. Where his opponents claimed the laws still bound Christians in some areas like images in worship or ceremonial law, Luther aimed to clarify the role of the Law of Moses for Christians. He returnes frequently to theological themes from the early years of his public career and to autobiographical reflection, working to convey the significance of the conservative Reformation to a zealous new generation asking new questions about their relation to the Old Testament.This volume includes original English translations of the following works by Luther:Sermon and Introduction to Genesis (1523)Dr. Martin Luther's Exposition of Several Chapters of the Second Book of Moses [Exodus 1-18] (1524-25/1563)Sermons on Exodus 19-20 (1525/1528)Luther's Preface to Volume 1 of Lectures on Genesis (1544)

  • von Martin Luther
    100,00 €

    About This VolumeFrom the beginning of his work on the postils, Luther had stated that they were supposed to serve common pastors and people, and thus were to be the great devotional book of the Reformation.Martin Luther's collected sermons for the church year were originally published in two series: the Church Postil and the House Postil. These were among his most popular works. Aside from his catechisms, they did more to teach people the Reformation than any other book. Volume 75 gives the sermons on the Epistle and Gospel readings from Advent through Christmastide in fresh, clear English.Benefits of Luther's Works, American Edition, vol. 75 (Church Postil I)Accurate and clear translation. (An early 20th-century version of these sermons was inaccurate and stilted.)Presents the Church Postil as the mature Luther wanted it to be:Includes Luther's often-extensive revisions to his own work, with significant variant readings from earlier editions translated in the footnotes.Includes the version of the summer sermons that Luther approved (Cruciger's edition, not Roth's edition).Epistles and Gospels are interspersed as they were originally printed, showing the progression of Luther's teaching through the course of the church year.(The early 20th-century Lenker version followed the revisionist 1700 edition of Philipp Jakob Spener, not Luther's mature, final edition of 1540 and 1544.)Includes the careful, explanatory introductions and footnotes that have become a hallmark of Luther's Works: American Edition.Includes cross-references and a table showing where Luther's sermons can be found in the German originals.Fully indexed.Edited by Benjamin T.G. Mayes and James L. Langebartels.About the SeriesThe 28 planned new volumes are intended to reflect both modern and sixteenth-century interests and to expand the coverage of genres underrepresented in the existing volumes, such as Luther's sermons and disputations. The primary basis for the translation is the comprehensive Weimar edition.

  • von Martin Luther
    11,00 €

    This festival requires us to instruct the people in the dogma of the Holy Trinity, and to strengthen both memory and faith concerning it. This is the reason why we take up the subject once more. Without proper instruction and a sound foundation in this regard, other dogmas cannot be rightly and successfully treated. The other festivals of the year present the Lord God clothed in his works and miracles. For instance: on Christmas we celebrate his incarnation; on Easter his resurrection from the dead; on Whit-sunday the gift of the Holy Spirit and the establishment of the Christian Church. Thus all the other festivals present the Lord in the guise of a worker of one thing or another. But this Trinity Festival discloses him to us as he is in himself. Here we see him apart from whatever guise assumed, from whatever work done, solely in his divine essence. We must go beyond and above all reason, leaving behind the evidence of created things, and hear only God's own testimony concerning himself and his inner essence; otherwise we shall remain unenlightened.

  • von Martin Luther
    79,90 - 99,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    11,00 €

    Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation is one of the tracts written by Martin Luther in 1520. In this work, he defined for the first time the signature doctrines of the priesthood of all believers and the two kingdoms.

  • von Martin Luther
    99,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    99,00 €

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