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Bücher von Martin Luther

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  • von Martin Luther
    51,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.The Reformer's lectures on the First Book of Moses must be numbered among the great works in the field of exegetical writing. Unlike many scholars who have undertaken to expound Genesis, Luther is not afraid to adhere strictly to the letter of what Moses wrote. He does not indulge in wild allegories. He does not tear words or sentences out of their context. He knows that Genesis is the Word of God. Therefore he approaches the book with awe and reverence. His is a genuinely Christian commentary.This volume discusses Genesis 1-5, including the Creation, the Fall, the First Brothers, and the line of Adam.

  • von Martin Luther
    51,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.In this section of Luther's Lectures on Genesis (31-37) the subject is the mature child of God in the school of adversity.Says Luther, "We have seen the triumphs and glory of Jacob ... let us now also descend with him into hell and see his sadness and terror." Extensive treatment is given to a mounting series of afflictions for Jacob. In every affliction, Jacob "wrestles with great infirmity," and one trial may be termed "light" only by comparison with another.Luther is also interested in pointing out the antidote for all adversity-the comforting mercy of God. This comfort is in Jesus Christ; therefore Luther observes: "These emphatic words, which Moses scatters like jewels here and there in his writings, are wonderfully sweet, provided they are referred to Christ." Luther does not hesitate to draw comparisons: "These things are written to comfort us so that we may know that our afflictions and disasters are not extreme."

  • von Martin Luther
    51,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.The Lectures on Genesis are remarkably extensive in their sweep and give conclusive proof of extraordinary diligence. Luther expounds Scripture in the light of Scripture. Furthermore, he couches his treatment of the Biblical text in a language of simplicity without compromising his forthright way of speaking that evidences profound learning.In the third volume of the American Edition of Luther's Works (Genesis 15-20) the great man of God deals with numerous happenings in the colorful and exciting career of Abraham, the father of the faithful. As he does so, he pays special attention to Sarah, Hagar, Ishmael, Lot, and others. He is always at pains to point to the guiding hand of God. Human beings often sin-either willfully or out of the weakness of the flesh-but God is always present to shape the course of events and to reveal abiding love as well as unflinching justice.The great master holds his readers spellbound as he discourses on the Biblical narrative and applies Scriptural truths to what happened in the past, to what is taking place in his own time, and to what is bound to occur in the future.

  • von Martin Luther
    51,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.In this volume (Genesis 26-30) Luther comments trenchantly and in a God-fearing manner on a somewhat complicated concatenation of events in the life of the patriarch Jacob.Esau has sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage. Issac aims to bestow a deathbed blessing on Esau. But in cahoots with Rebecca, Jacob cleverly succeeds in tricking Issac into giving him his brother's blessing. The blessing is irrevocable. Jacob is sent away to the home of Laban, his uncle, "to take a wife from there." On the way Jacob has a dream that the Lord tells him he will be given the land that he is traveling on. When Jacob arrives on his uncle's land, he meets the beautiful Rachel and falls in love with her. Before Jacob can be wed, though, he must work for Laban for 7 years. After 7 years time, when Jacob was to then receive Rachel, Laban tricks him into serving for another 7 years to get Rachel.Luther discusses this involved account sagaciously and with due reverence. He does not deal in a flippant manner with matters pertaining to sex, for he realizes that the story of Jacob's adventures and deeds has not been set forth in vain. He never fails to bear in mind that all Scripture is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.

  • von Martin Luther
    51,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.In this volume, Luther ends his biography of Abraham (begun in Volume 2) and begins his focus on the later patriarchal narratives. Written, it is believed, during an outbreak of the plague in 1539, this section of the Genesis lectures (Genesis 21-25) includes Luther's moving study of the Abraham and Isaac story in which he compares Isaac's obedience to that of Christ.

  • von Martin Luther
    51,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.Luther's Lectures on Genesis is a great classic in the filed of theological literature. These discourses are clear, vigorous, pertinent, and comprehensive. They reveal vast learning as well as extraordinary ability to expound Scripture in a manner that is intelligible to everyone. Regarding style and method, Luther himself states that in his youth he was "enchanted" by allegories. Consequently, he sometimes resorts to allegorical interpretations when he expounds the Book of Genesis, though always in a manner that is "comfortable to the faith."Lectures on Genesis: Chapters 6-14 deal with the Flood, with Noah and his descendants, with the Tower of Babel, and with Abram and Lot up to the time of Abram's vision and the promise of the Seed.

  • von Martin Luther
    13,00 €

    The Augsburg Confession: The Concordia Reader's Edition offers you the chance to read and study the Augsburg Confession in an edition designed with the lay reader in mind. You will find a comprehensive introduction and explanation of why and how the Augsburg Confession was written. Before each of the articles in the Confession, you will find a summary and explanation of technical terms and phrases that may appear in the article. This edition also features pictures of the key Lutheran laymen who were responsible for the Augsburg Confession, from Philip Melanchthon, the author, to John the Steadfast and George of Brandenburg, two brave Lutheran leaders who refused to compromise their trust in Christ, and insisted on boldly confessing it before the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V.The goal of this edition is to aid understanding and give you a fuller picture of the Augsburg Confession and why it remains, to this day, the most basic and fundamental of the Lutheran Confessions, as they are found in the Book of Concord. The Concordia Reader's Edition of the Augsburg Confession is taken from the popular Reader's Edition of the Book of Concord, the best selling edition of the Book of Concord in English.

  • von Martin Luther
    52,00 €

    Luther's Works: The American Edition, published by Concordia and Fortress Press between 1955 and 1986, comprises fifty-five volumes. These are a selection representing only about a third of Luther's works in the Latin and German of the standard Weimar Edition, not including the German Bible.Luther set special store by the Gospel According to St. John. He often spoke and wrote of John as the foremost of the evangelists. The tenderness with which the writer of the fourth Gospel sets forth the message of God's love and mercy made a deep and lasting impression on the Reformer. Luther lays special stress on what they evangelist states about the Messiah as the one and only Way to salvation and about good works as the inevitable fruits of that faith. Luther's assaults on those who either misinterpreted or deliberately falsified the Biblical teachings are sharp and devastating. Although he often speaks with the utmost tenderness, he does not hesitate to hurl thunderbolts at those who sought to discredit him and played fast and loose with Scriptural truth. The Reformer's discourses are plain, clear-cut, and logical. He calls John a master in the doctrine of justification.

  • von Martin Luther
    10,00 €

    Luther, qui a été un homme d'action, disait qu'il avait tant de choses à faire, qu'il devait consacrer au moins trois heures par jour à la prière, pour y parvenir... En 1517, l'année de l'affichage de ses 95 thèses, il y a tout juste cinq siècles, il fit paraître un traité d'une centaine de pages : Explication de l'Oraison Dominicale, qui fut l'un des premiers à être traduit en français, et qui eut un certain impact populaire. Trois siècles plus tard, un petit-fils d'Oberlin, le pasteur Louis Rauscher (1807-1840) le traduisit à nouveau de l'allemand en français. C'est son texte remanié par Frédéric de Rougemont (1808-1876), d'une étonnante fraîcheur, que nous présentons ici. En 1535, Luther installé à Wittemberg, à présent connu de toute l'Europe, reçut de son barbier, Peter Beskendorf, la singulière demande de lui apprendre à prier. Luther lui répondit par une lettre, naturellement beaucoup plus courte que le traité, mais où là encore il expose le sens du Notre Père, et montre le fruit qui peut en être retiré. Cette numérisation ThéoTeX donne en appendice la Simple Manière de prier, dédiée à mon ami, Maître Peter, le barbier. S'agissant des propres paroles de Jésus-Christ sur la prière, il est incontestable que le Notre Père restera jusqu'à la fin des temps le modèle par excellence de la prière chrétienne.

  • von Martin Luther
    12,00 €

    De sa nature et de son enfance, où il reçut une éducation très sévère, Martin Luther avait contracté une attitude craintive vis-à-vis de Dieu, qu'il imaginait constamment en colère contre ses péchés. Devenu moine, ses angoisses religieuses s'accrurent jusqu'à l'amener au voisinage de la folie et du tombeau. Enfin brilla sur lui la grande vérité centrale de la Bible, celle qui fut à la base de la Réforme : La justification de l'homme auprès de Dieu, s'obtient par la foi seule, sans que ses oeuvres y apportent aucune contribution. Toute l'exégèse de Luther restera marquée par l'expérience dramatique de cette révélation ; ainsi c'est spontanément, que dans le psaume 51, il s'identifie avec David, roi adultère et assassin, mais pécheur brisé et repentant, qui ne plaide que la pure miséricorde de Dieu. La foi des croyants de l'Ancienne alliance se portait sur le Messie à venir, celle de ceux de la Nouvelle regarde au Messie déjà venu : Jésus-Christ ; les uns et les autres sont donc sauvés par lui de la même manière. Composé en latin en 1532, imprimé en 1545, ce livre du Réformateur sur le Psaume de la repentance de David n'est pas à proprement parler un Commentaire : il va au-delà du texte, en appliquant de manière spirituelle les pensées du psalmiste à la vie chrétienne. Luther explique l'Écriture comme il prêche, son Explication du Psaume 51, est en somme une collection de vingt sermons portant sur chacun des versets. Jean-Frédéric Nardin (1687-1728), qui l'a traduit en français, a été un prédicateur piétiste remarquable du pays de Montbéliard. La traduction du Psaume figurant en tête est de Armand de Mestral (1815-1873), pasteur suisse ; celle placée à la fin, et en vers, de Clément Marot (1496-1544), fameux poète de la cour de Marguerite de Navarre. ette reproduction ThéoTeX reprend le texte de l'édition de 1842.

  • von Martin Luther
    9,99 €

    Martin Luther (* 10. November 1483 in Eisleben, Grafschaft Mansfeld; ¿ 18. Februar 1546 ebenda) war ein deutscher Augustinermönch und Theologieprofessor, der zum Urheber der Reformation wurde. Er sah in Gottes Gnadenzusage und der Rechtfertigung durch Jesus Christus die alleinige Grundlage des christlichen Glaubens. Auf dieser Basis wollte er damalige Fehlentwicklungen der Römisch-katholischen Kirche beseitigen und sie in ihrer ursprünglichen evangelischen Gestalt wiederherstellen (¿re-formieren¿). Entgegen Luthers Absicht kam es im Lauf der Reformation zu einer Kirchenspaltung, aus der evangelisch-lutherische Kirchen und weitere Konfessionen des Protestantismus entstanden.Die Lutherbibel, Luthers Theologie und Kirchenpolitik trugen zu tiefgreifenden Veränderungen der europäischen Gesellschaft und Kultur in der Frühen Neuzeit bei. Nicht zuletzt hat Luther die Entwicklung der neuhochdeutschen Sprache entscheidend beeinflusst.

  • von Martin Luther
    26,00 €

    2023 Reprint of the 1957 Fourth U.S. Edition. Abridged edition by Theodore Graebner. Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. This work is considered Luther's most comprehensive work on justification by faith. Luther's fundamental belief in justification by faith was formed in large part by his interpretation of Galatians. Combined with the passion and faith expressed in these lectures, the biblical foundation for the crucial doctrine of justification is underscored and expressed for all Protestants. The commentary is also a historical document, a recording of a professor in a classroom in 1531 from July to December of that year, which expresses the Reformer's commitment to the good news of Jesus' death in the sinner's place, challenging the reader/hearer to compare St. Paul's theology with what he or she hears in the church today.

  • von Martin Luther
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    18,00 €

    " ¿I, CAPTAIN HENRY BELL, do hereby declare, both to the present age, and also to posterity, that being employed beyond the seas in state affairs divers years together, both by King James, and also by the late King Charles, in Germany, I did hear and understand, in all places, great bewailing and lamentation made, by reason of the destroying and burning of above fourscore thousand of Martin Luther¿s books, entitled His Last Divine Discourses.¿For after such time as God stirred up the spirit of Martin Luther to detect the corruptions and abuses of Popery, and to preach Christ, and clearly to set forth the simplicity of the Gospel, many Kings, Princes, and States, Imperial Cities, and Hans-Towns fell from the Popish Religion, and became Protestants, as their posterities still are, and remain to this very day."

  • von Martin Luther
    39,90 €

    Nach dem großen Erfolg der Lieder-Ausgabe Paul Gerhardts ist nun Ein feste Burg. Luthers Lieder mit den Illustrationen von Egbert Herfurth wieder lieferbar.Martin Luther gab als Erfinder des Kirchenliedes der Gemeinde eine Stimme und förderte damit deren aktive Beteiligung an der Gestaltung des Gottesdienstes. Überliefert sind heute 36 seiner Kirchenlieder, darunter " Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her" oder "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott".Ein einordnendes Vorwort der Kirchenhistorikerin Inge Mager erläutert die Bedeutung Luthers als Kirchenlieddichter und die Entstehungsgeschichte seiner Lieder.Der Leipziger Künstler Egbert Herfurth gab Wort und Gesang exzellente Bilder bei. So entstand eine wunderbare Symbiose, die neben ihrer Benutzbarkeit als Gesangbuch auch einen ästhetischen Genuss bei der Feier Gottes bereitet.

  • von Martin Luther
    23,00 €

    Martin Luther's Large Catechism, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Martin Luther
    16,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    18,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    36,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    19,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    15,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    9,00 €

  • von Martin Luther
    14,90 - 25,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    14,90 €

  • von Martin Luther
    29,90 - 49,90 €

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