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Bücher von Max Lucado

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  • - Studies on Peace
    von Max Lucado
    17,00 €

    Why does the Bible contain so many stories of hurting people? In this volume of the popular Topical Bible Study Series, Max Lucado builds on themes explored in He Still Moves Stones, showing us the tenderness of Christ through tragic situations and reminding us that what he did then he is willing to do today.

  • - How the Story of Esther Inspires Us to Step Up and Stand Out for God
    von Max Lucado
    23,00 €

    Racial divides, political strife, uncertain futures, challenging times---is this the story of Esther or the story of today? Thankfully, the promise of both then and now is this: Our God triumphs in troubled times and we are invited to be a part of the victory.

  • - Edificar nuestras vidas sobre las promesas de Dios
    von Max Lucado
    23,00 €

    Explora esas promesas infinitas de la Palabra de Dios y edificar sobre ellas tu vida.

  • - Menos preocupacion, mas paz
    von Max Lucado
    23,00 €

    En todo momento tenemos mucha ansiedad, pero existe una receta para lidiar con el. Max Lucado invita a los lectores a un estudio de Filipenses 4.6-7 donde el Apostol Pablo amonesta a los seguidores de Cristo, 'No se inquieten por nada...'.

  • von Max Lucado
    11,00 €

    Cuando el caos de nuestras vidas cotidianas se vuelve abrumador, ?donde podemos acudir en busca de paz y descanso?

  • - The God Who Knows Your Name
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Do you find it more difficult to think of Jesus Christ as a human, like you, than to think of him as God? You may believe in God, and you may believe Jesus is God, but many Christians find it difficult to think of him as a real person--fully human as he was fully divine.Award-winning author Max Lucado reveals in this video Bible study that in order to really know God and understand the Gospel, it's essential that we take a closer look at Jesus' humanity.The concept of Jesus' human and heavenly nature is difficult to wrap our minds around. He's the God who formed the universe and, at the same time, knows your personal struggles...because he went through the same things. For thirty-three years Jesus felt everything you have ever felt. Weakness. Weariness. Sadness. Rejection. His feet got tired. His head ached. He was tempted and his strength was tested.The purpose of this study is simple: by journeying through these six lessons with a small group, you will get to know Jesus--and, therefore, God--like you never have before. And by learning more about the person Jesus was and is, we come to understand more clearly the people we were created to be.The Jesus Study Guide includes:video teaching notesgroup discussion questions and activitiesBible exploration and prayersand weekly personal study and reflection materials.Get ready to study who Jesus was while he walked this earth and what that means for your life today. In doing this, you will get to know God, his purpose for you, and his love for you like you never have before.Sessions include:God with UsFriend of SinnersCompassionate PhysicianGreat TeacherMiracle WorkerVictorious SacrificeDesigned for use with the Jesus: The God Who Knows Your Name Video Study available on DVD or streaming video, sold separately.

  • von Max Lucado
    27,00 €

    NHI¿U NG¿¿I TRONG CHÚNG TA BI¿T V¿ CHÚA GIÊ-XU. Chúng ta có th¿ li¿t kê n¿i sinh c¿a Ngài, nh¿ng câu chuy¿n và s¿ ki¿n trong cüc ¿¿i c¿a Ngài, th¿m chí trích d¿n m¿t vài l¿i d¿y c¿a Ngài. Nh¿ng b¿n có th¿t s¿ bi¿t Ngài, gi¿ng nh¿ cách b¿n bi¿t m¿t ng¿¿i b¿n thân c¿a mình không? B¿n có bi¿t nh¿ng thói quen, tình c¿m, nh¿ng mong mün và tâm tính c¿a Ngài không? B¿n có th¿ d¿ ¿oán Ngài s¿ ph¿n ¿ng nh¿ th¿ nào trong m¿t tình hüng c¿ th¿ không? B¿n có th¿ k¿t thúc nh¿ng câu mà Ngài b¿ l¿ng không? M¿c dù cái tên Giê-xu r¿t quen thüc và câu chuy¿n v¿ Ngài c¿ng khá ph¿ bi¿n, nh¿ng r¿t ít ng¿¿i trong chúng ta có th¿ th¿t s¿ g¿i Ngài là m¿t ng¿¿i b¿n thân c¿a mình. Theo th¿i gian, chúng ta có th¿ nh¿n ra s¿ tinh t¿, cách th¿ hi¿n quen thüc c¿a nh¿ng ng¿¿i b¿n thân thi¿t nh¿t c¿a mình. C¿ng v¿y, chúng ta c¿ng có th¿ d¿n nh¿n bi¿t nh¿ng thüc tính c¿a ¿¿ng C¿u Chüc chúng ta. Kinh Nghi¿m T¿m Lòng c¿a Chúa Giê-xu s¿ giúp giúp chúng ta th¿t s¿ bi¿t Ngài.

  • von Max Lucado
    21,00 €

    'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life.' (John 4:13-14 NCV) Like the woman at the well, we recognize our need for living water to quench, nurture, and heal.

  • - Mas historias de gracia
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Nosotros los humanos somos propensos al fracaso. Somos expertos en enredar, revolver y estropear nuestras vidas. ?Quien de nosotros no ha mirado hacia arriba desde el fondo de un hoyo y se ha dado cuenta de que lo ha cavado por si mismo?

  • von Max Lucado
    30,00 €

    Max Lucado wrote Cure for the Common Life to help you find your uniqueness. Now, in Cure for Common Life Small Group Study, Max teams with People Management International. In this engaging and dynamic 6-week small group study, you will learn how to: pay attention to your uniqueness, unpack your life to discover your S.T.O.R.Y., strengthen and enhance your relationships, discover your career strengths, and live in your sweet spot every day of your life!

  • - Receive What Your Soul Longs For
    von Max Lucado
    21,00 €

    'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty. The water I give will become a spring of water gushing up inside that person, giving eternal life.' (John 4:13-14 NCV) Like the woman at the well, we recognize our need for living water to quench, nurture, and heal.

  • - Wake Up and Live!
    von Max Lucado
    22,00 €

    Teens are notorious for attitude issues that create struggles for their own lives and those around them. This book teaches that life is a gift, that gratitude is critical, how to deal with days in bite-sized portions, and to trust God through the great days and worst days.

  • - Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations
    von Max Lucado
    22,00 €

    In this six-session video Bible study, bestselling author Max Lucado explores passages in the Bible that reveal how the happiest people aren't those who have the most but who are willing to give the most away.

  • - Book of Beginnings
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    A beginning. An origin. A foundation.Knowing where we came from says much about where we are going. Perhaps that is why the first book of the Bible is a book of beginnings. God wants us to know where we came from. Learning that will teach us much about the place we are going. The book of Genesis brings us back to the beginning of the Bible, where the foundation of life itself is explained. We learn how we were created, about the origins of sin and its fallout, and how to best relate to God through obedience and trust. We are drawn into tales of deceit, jealousy, and outright failure, where we see how God still uses flawed people. And weaving throughout these earliest stories of humankind are the golden threads of God's promises promises we can trace from their origins, through the course of history, up through our lives today, and beyond us to the end of time when his final promises will at last be fulfilled.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting and for individual study.

  • - Lessons in Leadership
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Two leaders, one burning mission: restoration.When the people of Israel returned to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon, they found the city laid waste, the temple destroyed, and their way of life obliterated. Out of the ashes of this devastation, two leaders emerged to restore the foundations of their worship and their city. Ezra, the first to return, set out to restore true worship in Jerusalem by reminding the people of God's teaching, what it meant for them, and how it should shape their lives. Nehemiah, the next to arrive, exchanged his royal cupbearer's robes for coveralls and got to work rebuilding the wall. The project took twelve years and was an uphill battle all the way with grumpy workers, squabbles, and enemies lurking at every turn. The efforts of these men reveal just how much God can accomplish in our lives when we follow where he leads.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting and for individual study.

  • - Faith Under Pressure
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Staying faithful when the pressure was most intense. That's what these two did.The Jewish people had reason to be depressed. Their nation had been conquered. Their hometown was in ruins. They were living in captivity. Yet from the ashes, God raised up two key figures to preserve the Jewish race. Daniel was among the first of the captives carried away by the Babylonians. Although he lived in a culture opposed to God, he was always faithful to the Lord even in the face of death and ultimately was able to influence kings and rulers. Esther was in exile during the time of the Persian Empire. Like Daniel, the Lord also placed her in a position to influence those in power. God also called her to step out in faith and risk her life to foil a plot against her people. As a result of her bold actions, the entire Jewish race was saved from annihilation.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting and for individual study.

  • - A Praise Book for God's People
    von Max Lucado
    22,00 €

    Worship is a daunting task.For that reason, God gave us the Psalms. This collection of hymns and petitions was written over a span of centuries, in many different settings, by kings such as David and Solomon and commoners like Asaph, Heman, and the sons of Korah. Some of the psalms are defiant; others are reverent. Some are meant to be sung; others are to be prayed. Some are intensely personal; others are written as if the whole world is to use them. But all have one purpose to help us express our hears to God. So don't just read these psalms but actually pray them along with the saints who composed them. As you do, you will experience their energy, appreciate their honesty, and enjoy their creativity.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting and for individual study.

  • von Max Lucado
    17,00 €

    Based on the bestseller Just Like Jesus, this impact-sized book opens the heart and mind to the Savior.

  • - God's Open Arms (Studies on Grace)
    von Max Lucado
    22,00 €

  • - What God Did to Win Your Heart
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Every gift from God reveals his love, but no gift reveals his love more than the gifts of the cross. Have we taken time to open these? As we do, we find that Jesus did it all just for us.

  • von Max Lucado
    19,00 €

  • - Despojemonos de las cargas que nunca debimos llevar - la promesa del Salmo 23
    von Max Lucado
    24,00 €

    Lucado nos reta a considerar el equipaje que todos cargamos y la necesidad abrumadora de dejar estas cargas a un Dios que ya esta dispuesto a ser nuestro todo.

  • - Final Curtain Call
    von Max Lucado
    22,00 €

    The end of the world. How do you react to that thought? Does it make you afraid? Excited? Nervous? Full of anticipation? Full of peace? The apostle John was privileged to preview the end of the world. While in exile, he experienced an amazing vision that gave him a glimpse of heaven. He saw the final battle of good and evil. He saw God's justice. He witnessed the assured victory for believers in Christ as all hell broke loose and all heaven came forth. He saw Jesus, born in a manger, now triumphant over Satan. John's description stretches our imagination, fuels our anticipation, and comforts us as we await the final curtain call.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

  • - Between the Rock and a Hard Place
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Has your peace been stolen? Dreams crushed? Hope lost? Life has a way of not turning out the way we want. The disciple Peter knew what it was like to go through tough times. He endured threats, punishment, time in jail, beatings, and false words. He had seen enough to know how to stay strong in tough times. So he wrote a survival manual to show how we should act and respond when life isn't fair. His words of wisdom are beacons of hope for making it through hard times. Peter's counsel may surprise you. But it may be just what you need to sustain you when you find that you are between the rock and a hard place.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

  • - Practical Wisdom
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Do your Monday actions reflect your Sunday worship? How about your claims to faith? Is your life full of noticeable changes and actions? James, the half-brother of Jesus, wasn't impressed with talk. He knew that a life of faith was all about actions that revealed a difference in a person's life. For him, it was not that works save the Christian, but that they mark the Christian. In his letter, he boldly deals with practical issues of faith not bound by culture or place. He shows the importance of living a genuine life of faith. His message is bare-knuckled as he encourages, challenges, and confronts, offering practical words and admonitions to live out our faith.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

  • - The Incomparable Christ
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    The Jewish believers were torn between their new faith in Jesus and their old ways rooted in Old Testament routines and rituals. They were tempted to go back to their familiar life that seemed "e;good enough."e; But the author of Hebrews shows that when Jesus came, "e;the best got better."e; He skillfully compares these believers' old ways and their new faith, arguing that Christ is better in every way. He focuses on Jesus, his effective ministry, and his ultimate sacrifice, showing us that absolutely nothing compares to our incomparable Christ.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

  • - Ageless Wisdom for Young Leaders
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    Who is a mentor in your life? Who guides you through the ups and downs of life, helps you make decisions, and is there when you have questions and doubts? The apostle Paul knew the importance of this kind of discipleship. He mentored Timothy, a young pastor who was facing all sorts of challenges. He also pointed the way for Titus, a pastor who was shaping an early church. Paul's letters to these young leaders are packed with instruction, guidelines, principles, and encouragement. His practical words of wisdom are valuable keys to discipleship in any generation.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

  • - Transcendent Living in a Transient World
    von Max Lucado
    20,00 €

    The church in Thessalonica was a study in contrast. They had been a quiet and holy people. But after a while, they had become restless and impatient. They needed direction on how to live. So Paul wrote the young church two letters. The first commended the believers for their faith and encouraged them to continue living according the gospel principles he had taught. The second letter was filled with helpful hints that corrected their wrong beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors. Whether we are living a quiet and holy life or one that leaves us restless and impatient, Paul's letters encourage us. They challenge us to remain faithful in a temporary world.The Life Lessons with Max Lucado series brings the Bible to life in twelve lessons filled with intriguing questions, inspirational stories, and poignant reflections to take you deeper into God's Word. Each lesson includes an opening reflection, background information, an excerpt of the text (from the New International and New King James versions), exploration questions, inspirational thoughts from Max, and a closing takeaway for further reflection. The Life Lessons series is ideal for use in both a small-group setting or for individual study.

  • - Answers and Inspiration for Life's Questions
    von Max Lucado
    19,00 €

    With four sessions featuring real-life stories of people who have faced the situations that give birth to some of our biggest questions about life and faith, Max on Life is the perfect individual or small group study for both new and mature believers.

  • von Max Lucado
    22,00 €

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