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Bücher von Max Tegmark

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  • - My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality
    von Max Tegmark
    12,00 €

    Max Tegmark leads us on an astonishing journey through past, present, and future, and through the physics, astronomy, and mathematics that are the foundation of his work, most particularly his hypothesis that our physical reality is a mathematical structure and his theory of the ultimate multiverse. In a dazzling combination of both popular and groundbreaking science, he not only helps us grasp his often mind-boggling theories, but he also shares with us some of the often surprising triumphs and disappointments that have shaped his life as a scientist. Fascinating from first to last - here is a book for the full science-reading spectrum.Max Tegmark is author or co-author of more than 200 technical papers, twelve of which have been cited more than 500 times. He has featured in dozens of science documentaries, and his work with the SDSS collaboration on galaxy clustering shared the first prize in Science magazine's "e;Breakthrough of the Year: 2003"e;. He holds a Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley, and is a physics professor at MIT.

  • von Max Tegmark
    12,99 €

    Max Tegmark entwickelt eine neue Theorie des Kosmos: Das Universum selbst ist reine Mathematik. In diesem Buch geht es um den Urknall, die »Zeit davor« und die Evolution des Weltalls. Welche Rolle spielen wir dabei - die Wesen, die klug genug sind, das alles verstehen zu wollen? Dieses Terrain sollte nicht länger den Philosophen überlassen bleiben, meint Tegmark. Denn die Physiker von heute haben die besseren Antworten auf die ewigen Fragen.

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