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Bücher von Michael Hudson

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  • von Michael Hudson
    41,00 €

    The contribution of the American School of Political Economy (1848 to 1914) to America's wildly successful industrial development has disappeared from today's history books. American protectionists and technology theorists of the day were concerned with securing an economic competitive advantage and conversely, with offsetting the soil depletion of 19th century America's plantation export agriculture. They also emphasized the positive effect of rising wage levels and living standards on the productivity that made the American economic takeoff possible. The American School's "Economy of High Wages" doctrine stands in contrast to the ideology of free traders everywhere who accept low wages and existing productivity as permanent and unchanging "givens," and who treat higher consumption, health and educational standards merely as deadweight costs. Free trade logic remains the buttress of today's financial austerity policies imposed on debtor economies by the United States, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. By contrast, the lessons of the American School of Political Economy can provide a more realistic and positive role model for other countries to emulate - what the United States itself has done, not what its condescending "free-trade" diplomats are telling them to do. The lesson is to adopt the protectionist policies of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that made America an economic superpower. Michael Hudson (Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City) is a frequent contributor to The Financial Times, Counterpunch, and Global Research.

  • von Michael Hudson
    42,00 €

    PROFESSOR MICHAEL HUDSON is one of the foremost critics of contemporary finance capitalism and the worldwide power "the 1%" weilds because of government tax breaks and other favorable legislation. In THE BUBBLE AND BEYOND, he illuminates how the expansive and successful forces of 19th and 20th century industrial capitalism have been subverted by today's predatory finance capitalism, putting the entire world in a financial mess - and what can be done about it. A confusing labyrinth of geo-political issues impacts economic health and growth, and few are studied in the classroom or given space in the press. There is a way out of the labyrinth, however, as Professor Hudson demonstrates across 20 readable topics. PROFESSOR HUDSON'S most controversial claim is that "Debts that can't be paid, won't be," leaving in question whether or not debt non-payment will lead to worldwide foreclosures - including sell-offs of public domain assets by debt-strapped local and national governments. This is already happening locally and globally - exactly what some of the 1% would like - creating a newly-poor feudalistic society with the 1% collecting all the usage "fees." Alternatively, he suggests that the debts be written down in line with the ability to pay, as has been done by corporations via Chapter 11 bankruptcies and reorganizations throughout a more enlightened modern economic history as well as biblical record. In Professor Hudson's bold view, debt write-downs versus privatization and sell-offs of public domain assets are the economic issues that will dominate politics over the next generation. THE BUBBLE AND BEYOND is a compendium and brief history of economic thought and why it matters not only to Americans, but to people all over the world. You will find that you refer to it again and again as a fount of information, much of which has been out of favor for decades and/or suppressed by the financial interests. Professor Hudson provides chapter and verse, names names, and explains the mistakes and outright fraud that have often been committed in the name of political ideology - by both the right and the left. You will encounter all of the heroes and miscreants of economics, industry, and politics from the Bible and Babylon to present day banksters, misguided Fed policy-makers, and captains of the finance/insurance/real estate (FIRE) sector and the military-industrial complex. In one chapter after another, Professor Hudson tells who did what to whom - as well as who wins and who loses. This updated edition makes it plain where money goes versus where it might go - and ought to go. UPDATED EDITION with a NEW INDEX, LIST OF 47 EXHIBITS (illustrations, charts, graphs and models), a BONUS CHAPTER and BONUS SUMMARY, contemporary quotes, and author pull-out quotes.

  • - Interviews and Speeches, 2003-2012
    von Michael Hudson
    28,00 €

    This book contains the most important interviews and speeches that Prof. Hudson has given over the past decade (2003-2012). They span the political spectrum from COUNTERPUNCH.COM and KPFK radio's GUNS AND BUTTER to to iTULIP.COM and SANKT GEORGE in Berlin. It also includes his now-famous Rlmini, Italy, speeches that were given at a packed sports arena in early 2012 on the topic of how finance capitalism is pushing the world, starting with Europe, into austerity and neo-feudalism.

  • von Michael Hudson
    43,00 - 51,00 €

  • von Michael Hudson
    27,00 €

    Seit über 100 Jahren beherrscht der amerikanische Finanzimperialismus das weltweite Finanzsystem. Dieses Buch erzählt die Vorgeschichte der dramatischen Ereignisse, die Michael Hudson in »Der Sektor« geschildert hat.Bis 1917 hielten sich die USA aus der Weltpolitik heraus. Bevor der Erste Weltkrieg ausbrach, hatten die USA die US-Zentralbank Federal Reserve (FED) gegründet. Sie und die Wall Street, meist gelenkt von superreichen Amerikanern, verlagerten Entscheidungen mit weltweiter Wirkung von der Politik auf die Finanzen. Eingängig und überzeugend schildert Michael Hudson die Geschichte des amerikanischen Finanzimperialismus seit 1917 und zeigt, wie gefährlich die Lage weltweit geworden ist - für die USA und die gesamte Weltwirtschaft.Die verheerende Entfesselung des Finanzkapitalismus, die Kontrolle der globalen Finanzströme durch die Wall Street und die FED schildert er als eigentliche Vorgeschichte der dramatischen Weltfinanzkrise von 2008, die keineswegs überwunden ist.

  • von Michael Hudson
    17,00 €

  • von Michael Hudson
    56,00 €

  • von Michael Hudson
    63,00 €

  • von Michael Hudson
    43,00 - 56,00 €

    In this survey of international economic thought, Michael Hudson rewrites the history of trade, development and debt theorizing. He shows that mainstream free-trade surveys are censorial in excluding the protectionist logic that has guided the trade policy of Europe and the United States, especially by leaving out discussion of the transfer problem and payment of international debts. He points out that most economists throughout history have focused as much on war financing as on trade and development. Free-trade ideology and IMF-style financial austerity under today's rules, rather than benefiting all parties and maximizing welfare, leave "client" nations severely indebted. By excluding dynamics that used to be central to trade theory such as emigration and technology transfer, today's global production and financial policies tend to concentrate economic and political power in the hands of dominant nations. Prof. Michael Hudson (Economics Department, University of Missouri, Kansas City) is a frequent contributor to The Financial Times, Counterpunch, and Global Research.

  • - A Guide to Reality in an Age of Deception
    von Michael Hudson
    50,00 €

  • - Good News for a Partisan World
    von Michael Hudson
    18,00 €

    "Hope and Change" or "Make America Great Again," these are just some of the recent promises political candidates have campaigned on to get elected. The temptation to put our trust in politicians and political parties is great. After all, there have been some great men and women who have run for office and done good things. Yet, even so, we have an expectation that one day someone will come along who can really fix things. Election after election, we keep waiting for that day to arrive.But what if that day has already come? What if that candidate has already come on the scene? What if someone ran for the highest office and was able to keep his campaign promises? Would you vote for that person? What would that campaign look like? Turns out, it would look a lot like the Gospel of Mark.The Campaign: Good News for a Partisan World looks at the Gospel of Mark like a political campaign. Mark comes complete with everything you need for a high-stakes contest. It has a reform candidate, primaries, slogans, campaign rallies in different towns, grassroots support, campaign promises, a party platform, opposition from the establishment, debates, false accusations, bribes, election eve sabotage, an assassination, and of course, a vote. Read this book and decide for yourself if The Campaign is really good news for a partisan world!

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