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Bücher von Michael Lang

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  • von Michael Lang
    25,00 €

    On the afternoon of August 15, 1969, Richie Havens took the stage at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, welcoming a crowd of several hundred thousand to the green fields of Max Yasgur's farm. Havens was the first act - the legendary festival, years in the making, was finally beginning. This title tells the story from inspiration to celebration.

  • von Michael Lang
    37,00 €

    Achieve Timeless StrengthWhen your bones start to synchronize with the creaking of your rocking chair, you start regretting not taking that fitness class that your active pal suggested a decade ago.Welcome to "Aging Strong" A guide to strength training for seniors by the fitness virtuoso, Michael Lang. This illustrated senior fitness book is your backstage pass to defying age, mastering strength, and embracing vitality.With This Insightful Longevity Book, You Will Gain:Foundational Wisdom: From strength training basics to tailored considerations for seniors, grasp the ABCs of muscle magic.Safety Mastery: Prioritize safety with insights into medical clearance, professional guidance, and conquering common concerns.Bone Health Hacks: Build bone density and reduce osteoporosis risks with targeted exercises that will make your bones applaud.Mind-Body Mastery: Witness the synergy of mental and physical well-being turning you into a resilience maestro.Holistic Fitness Harmony: Cardiovascular, stability, strength, and balance exercises for seniors for an everlasting anti-aging symphony.Major Benefits Await YouAt the intersection of brain and brawn, "Aging Strong" was born, marking a shift towards strength as a way of life. Beyond just lifting weights, this elderly wellness book serves as a comprehensive manual for reshaping your personal narrative. From enhancing your mental resilience to designing a well-rounded fitness regimen, consider this healthy living book your guide to metamorphosing into the superhero of your life story.

  • von Michael Lang
    59,99 €

    Lernen hört nie auf!Nach dem Erfolg des ersten "Praxis-Guide für Digital Leader" berichten in diesem Werk weitere erfolgreiche Digital Leader von ihren Erfahrungen bei der digitalen Transformation. Welche Konzepte, Strategien, Vorgehensweisen waren erfolgreich? Welche eher weniger? Welche Probleme oder Hindernisse mussten gemeistert werden? Was bedeutet Nachhaltigkeit im Kontext der Digitalisierung? Oder welche Rahmenbedingungen sind nötig und was muss bei der Umsetzung unbedingt beachtet werden? Fragen rund um die digitale Transformation werden direkt aus der Praxis beantwortet. Unverzichtbar für alle, die selber die digitale Transformation eines Unternehmens erfolgreich begleiten wollen!- Die digitale Transformation erfolgreich meistern- Stets dranbleiben und wissen, worauf es ankommt- Direkt von erfahrenen Digital Leadern lernen- Chancen nutzen und Risiken handhaben- Mit Erfolgsfaktoren und konkreten PraxistippsBei den Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Buches handelt es sich um elf erfolgreiche Digital Leader mit vielfältigsten Digital-Erfahrungen - in den meisten Fällen als Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Chief Information Officer (CIO) bzw. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) - aus verschiedensten Branchen:- Julia Bangerth- Simone Bock- Tobias Fausch- Julia Freudenberg- Stefan Latuski- Thomas Mannmeusel- Nino Messaoud- Gerrit Pohl- Sandra Rauch- Fedor Ruhose- Rosanna Sibora

  • von Michael Lang
    14,00 €

    Die Idylle des lieblichen Tales der Gersprenz wird gestört: Ein spektakulärer Fund in der Reichelsheimer Kelterei Kabel ruft Kriminalhauptkommissar Karl Kunkelmann und seinen Kollegen Heiner Ehrenreich auf den Plan. Steckt ein perfider Mord dahinter? Hängt der Fall mit der mysteriösen Erkrankung einiger Rinder in diesem Landstrich zusammen?Fragen, die Kunkelmann schlaflose Nächte bereiten. Doch eine Lösung scheint in weiter Ferne. Bis in die österreichischen Alpen strecken die Ermittler ihre Fühler aus, um auf die Spur des Täters zu kommen.Auch in seinen zweiten Kriminalroman packt Michael Lang knisternde Spannung, schaut in die Seele des Odenwalds und beschreibt dessen Bevölkerung mit beeindruckendem Scharfsinn. Der Autor würzt seine packende Geschichte mit der aus seinem ersten Krimi "Der Seelensammler vom Odenwald" bekannten Schrulligkeit des ermittelnden Kommissars, einem hintergründigen Humor und einem deutlichen Fingerzeig auf negative Auswüchse unserer Gesellschaft. Witzig, fesselnd und lebensklug.

  • 12% sparen
    von Gabriela Czibula, Virginia Niculescu, Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi, usw.
    103,00 €

    This volume is a collection of papers on emerging concepts, significant insights, and novel approaches on information systems development (ISD). It examines and investigates up-and-coming trends in ISD in general, emphasizing benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence in the development and operation of Information Systems. The book draws on invited papers selected from the proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Information Systems Development hosted by Babe¿-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 31 - September 2, 2022 (ISD2022). The theme of ISD2022 was ¿Artificial Intelligence for Information Systems Development and Operations¿. The conference focused on the interplay between Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence, trying to emphasize novel, smarter automation approaches and the mitigation of risks related to AI adoption. Primary readership of the volume are researchers interested in methodological and operational perspectives related to ISD in general, and to AI adoption as a means of digital transformation in particular.

  • von Michael Lang
    59,99 €

    Von erfolgreichen Profis lernenDie digitale Transformation eines Unternehmens ist kein Projekt mit einem definierten Anfang und einem definierten Ende, sondern sie verlangt ein ständiges Dranbleiben, eine ständige Bereitschaft zur Weiterentwicklung und zur Veränderung kombiniert mit einem Wissen, welche Chancen und Risiken die unterschiedlichen digitalen Möglichkeiten bieten, und vieles andere mehr. Eine Herausforderung für jeden, der die digitale Transformation eines Unternehmens starten oder weiterentwickeln will.- Die digitale Transformation erfolgreich meistern- Direkt von erfahrenen Digital Leadern lernen- Chancen nutzen und Risiken handhaben- Mit Erfolgsfaktoren und konkreten PraxistippsIn diesem Werk berichten Digital Leader, die allesamt selber erfolgreich die digitale Transformation eines Unternehmens begleitet haben bzw. diese noch begleiten, von ihren Erfahrungen, Strategien, Erfolgskonzepten, aber auch von Problemen, Hindernissen und Rückschlägen. Im Zentrum stehen Fragen wie beispielsweise welche Strategien, Methoden und Vorgehensweisen bei der Umsetzung hilfreich sind, welche Rahmenbedingungen im Unternehmen geschaffen werden müssen oder was bei der Umsetzung unbedingt zu beachten ist.Bei den Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Buches handelt es sich um 14 erfolgreiche Digital Leader mit vielfältigsten Digital-Erfahrungen - in den meisten Fällen als Chief Digital Officer (CDO), Chief Information Officer (CIO) bzw. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) - aus über zehn Branchen:- Christian Ammer- Catalin Barbulescu- Harald Greiner- Rainer Karcher- Melanie Kehr- Antje König- Andreas Meyer-Falcke- Michael Müller-Wünsch- Bernd Preuschoff- Jörg Reinold- Jürgen Renfer- Anke Sax- Susanne Steffen- Bettina Uhlich

  • von Michael Lang
    49,99 €

    Durch den digitalen Wandel entstehen immer mehr Daten, die für die Geschäftstätigkeit genutzt werden können. Für Unternehmen ergeben sich damit enorme Chancen und Risiken zugleich. Somit ist es für den zukünftigen Erfolg von Unternehmen entscheidend, wie gut es ihnen gelingt, relevante Daten zu sammeln, diese systematisch auszuwerten, daraus wertvolle Erkenntnisse abzuleiten und diese für die Geschäftstätigkeit zu nutzen.Die zentrale Grundlage dafür ist, dass die Mitarbeitenden des Unternehmens die erforderlichen Kompetenzen für eine erfolgreiche Nutzung von Daten besitzen.Dieses praxisorientierte Handbuch vermittelt alle relevanten Aspekte dazu:- Daten modellieren- Daten sammeln, aufbereiten und speichern- Daten analysieren- Daten visualisieren und präsentieren- Datenqualität gewährleisten- Data Governance umsetzen- Big Data sinnvoll nutzen- Datenschutz und Datensicherheit gewährleistenBei den Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Buches handelt es sich um zehn ausgewiesene Expertinnen und Experten:- Beate Navarro Bullock- Robert Butscher- Andreas Gadatsch- Benedikt Haag- Oliver Hummel- Stefan Karg- Christiana Klingenberg- Oliver Schwarz- Kristin Weber- Roland Zimmermann

  • von Michael Lang
    18,95 €

    Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2020 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,0, Mendel University (Economics), language: English, abstract: The goal of this paper is to outline the main challenges of established companies in the field of business model innovation. By conducting an empirical analysis through 30 expert interviews insights are generated in the field of dealing with disruptive innovation, dominant mindset and business model innovation.At first, the focus of the research is to identify the main levers for enabling disruptive innovation through the eyes of established companies. Secondly, a special focus of the interviews is to identify how an established organizational mindset affects the organizations behavior towards disruption. Finally the main difficulties of established organizations regarding business model innovation is outlined.According to the research goal, the main insight regarding disruptive innovation is that 25 percent of the experts point out that they are lacking a supportive environment for dealing with disruptive innovation in the correct way. In the area of dominant logic, over 50 percent are concerned how their large, traditional and process-heavy firms can overcome their dominant mindset in order to stay competitive. Finally, 60 percent highlighted in the area of business model innovation that business innovation projects with experimentation without a reporting structure is key.The analysis of the expert interviews reveal that established companies are aware of disruptive trends, however are not sure how to design the right environment for building the right capabilities. Secondly, it also highlights that the companies are aware of their dominant mindset as a key success factor for their business model innovation initiatives, but do not know how to create cultural shift to overcome it.Finally, the research clearly demonstrates that the main challenges of established companies in business model innovation lays in the interlinkage between disruptive innovation, dominant mindset and business model innovation itself which needs more attention by research in the future.

  • von Reinhard Wagner & Michael Lang
    49,99 €

  • von Michael Lang
    18,95 €

    Seminar paper from the year 2011 in the subject Communications - Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Social Media, grade: 1,3, AKAD University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, language: English, abstract: "Conjoint analysis has become one of today¿s most widelyused marketing research tools.It goes beyond simple surveys, providing a more realistic approach to understanding customers attitudes, opinions, and behaviors."(Orme, 2010, p. 7)The author Orme (2010, p. 7) emphasises in his book the growing popularity of conjoint analysis in marketing research. According to Orme (2010, p. 1) the consumer preferences are changing constantly with an increasing speed. Therefore many marketing managers ask themselves, how they could asses client preferences? Which product characteristics are most important to the customer and what price brings the maximum profit?From Wilcox¿s (2003, p. 1) point of view conjoint analysis gives answers to these most critical questions of marketing research. The conjoint analysis is a marketing research technique designed to help managers determine the value system of clients and potential customers (Wilcox, 2003, p. 1). Introduced as a fundamental measurement method by the mathematical psychologists Luce and Tukey (1964, p. 1) more than forty years ago, conjoint analysis presents combination of features in product profiles and ask people to rank or make choice among of them. Finally, the results can be used for new product design, targeting, pricing and market segmentation (Dolan, 1990, p. 1).However, there arises the question what is conjoint analysis really and why it has become so popular in contrast to other marketing research techniques? In order to answer these questions, section 2.1 defines the terms marketing and market research and outlines the contrast between them. Section 2.2 gives an overview of different preference measurement techniques before it deals with the conjoint analysis itself. Chapter 3 presents the main chapter of this assignment. At first, it gives a brief overview of the role of conjoint analysis in the marketing concept. The next two sections illustrate an exemplary conjoint analysis survey and show the usage of conjoint analysis for the design of marketing strategies. Moreover chapter 4 discusses the advantages and disadvantages of conjoint analysis. Finally chapter 5 summarizes the basic insights and gives a short perspective.

  • von Michael Lang
    49,00 €

    The Law of Double Taxation Conventions Cross-border activities or transactions may trigger tax liability in two or more jurisdictions. In order to mitigate the financial burden resulting from these situations, States have entered into numerous double taxation conventions, which provide for rules that allocate the taxing rights between the contracting states.This handbook aims at providing an introduction to the law of double taxation conventions. It is designed for students - irrespective of their national background, but the author believes that it will also be of great help for tax experts who wish to know more about double taxation conventions, as well as for international law experts who wish to understand more about tax law. The handbook does not consider one jurisdiction in particular but rather takes examples from a wide range of different countries and their jurisdictions. It includes an overview of the problem of double taxation, the state practice in the conclusion of double tax conventions and their effects, the interpretation of double taxation conventions and treaty abuse.Furthermore, this updated handbook takes new developments into account occurred since the last edition of the book from 2013, in particular also the changes through OECD's BEPS project and the Multilateral Instrument. It deals with the latest versions of the OECD Model Tax Conventions on Income and on Capital and the UN Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries, both published in 2017, as well as the latest version of the OECD Model Double Taxation Convention on Estates and Inheritances and on Gifts.

  • von Michael Lang
    12,00 €

  • von Michael Lang
    24,95 €

    Das wichtigste Buch zum größten Festival aller Zeiten. Jetzt endlich auf Deutsch. Woodstock gilt auch heute noch als DER Meilenstein der Musikgeschichte. In seinem New-York-Times-Bestseller berichtet der Woodstock-Organisator Michael Lang aus erster Hand vom legendären Massenevent, das so ganz anders gelaufen ist als geplant. Als Zeitzeuge und unmittelbar Beteiligter beschreibt Michael Lang eine ganze Generation und ihren Zeitgeist, ihre Sorgen und Sehnsüchte, aus denen ein Event und eine Legende wie Woodstock erst entstehen konnten. Lang ist ein überaus humorvoller, intelligenter Erzähler, der mit seinem schonungslosen Blick hinter die Kulissen hautnah berichtet vom größten, bewegendsten - und überraschendsten - Musikfestival aller Zeiten. Ein Tatsachenbericht, der sowohl die Magie von Woodstock einfängt, als auch die zum Teil bittere Realität dahinter schonungslos enthüllt. Diese Buch fängt die einmalige Atmosphäre von Woodstock detailgetreu ein und nimmt die Leser mit auf eine Zeitreise in das Jahr 1969, zu einem Ort und einem Event, die Geschichte schrieben und noch heute für ein ganz besonderes Lebensgefühl stehen.

  • 13% sparen
    von Christoph Schneider, Michael Lang, Henry Linger, usw.
    186,00 €

    Information System Development-Improving Enterprise Communication are the collected proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Information Systems Development: Improving Enterprise Communication-ISD 2013 Conference, held in Seville, Spain. It follows in the tradition of previous conferences in the series in exploring the connections between industry, research and education.These proceedings represent ongoing reflections within the academic community on established information systems topics and emerging concepts, approaches and ideas. It is hoped that the papers herein contribute towards disseminating research and improving practice.The conference tracks highlighted at the 22nd International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD 2013) were:ApplicationsData and OntologiesEnd UsersEnterprise EvolutionIndustrial cases in ISDIntelligent Business Process ManagementModel Driven Engineering in ISDNew TechnologiesProcess ManagementQuality

  • 12% sparen
    von Christoph Schneider, Julie Fisher, Michael Lang, usw.
    189,00 €

    ¿Information Systems (IS) as a discipline draws on diverse areas including, technology, organisational theory, management and social science. The field is recognized as very broad and encompassing many themes and areas. However, the development of artefacts, or information systems development (ISD), in the broadest sense, is a central concern of the discipline. Significantly, ISD impacts on the organisational and societal contexts through the use of the artefacts constructed by the development. Today, that impact also needs to be evaluated in terms of its effects on the environment. Sustainable, or "green," IT is a catch-all term used to describe the development, manufacture, management, use and disposal of ICT in a way that minimizes damage to the environment. As a result, the term has many different meanings, depending on the role assumed in the life span of the ICT artefact. The theme of the proposed work is to critically examine the whole range of issues around ISD from the perspective of sustainability. Sustainable IT is an emerging theme in academic research and industry practice in response to an individual concern for the environment and the embryonic regulatory environments being enacted globally to address the environmental impact of ICT. In this work we intend to bring together in one volume the diverse research around the development of sustainable IS.

  • von Michael Lang
    20,00 €

    This book was created for relaxation and fun. The designs were taken from an assortment of my signature urban expression paintings, which reflect both moods and color variation.

  • von Michael D. Lang
    50,00 - 115,00 €

    Designed as a manual, Lang's Guide will help mediators incorporate the values and habits of reflective practice into their professional work in order to become resilient, resourceful and competent practitioners. The book presents practical, easy-to-understand descriptions of practitioner thinking and the application of theory and core beliefs.

  • - Structure and Paradox in the American Political Economy
    von Michael Lang
    116,00 €

    Approaching the problem of homelessness from a broad public policy perspective, Lang focuses on the American political economy and how it permits community development patterns based on racism and self-interest.

  • 13% sparen
    von Jens Muller, Michael Lang & Naoki Toyota
    140,00 €

    This monograph assimilates new research in the field of low-dimensional metals. It provides a detailed overview of the current status of research on quasi-one- and two-dimensional molecular metals, describing normal-state properties, magnetic field effects, superconductivity, and the phenomena of interacting p and d electrons.

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