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Bücher von Michael Newton

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  • von Michael Newton
    20,00 €

    Journey of Souls by Michael Newton is a captivating exploration into the mysteries of life after death. Published by Llewellyn Publications, U.S. in 2002, this book delves into the spiritual genre with an intriguing perspective. Newton, a renowned hypnotherapist, takes readers on an extraordinary journey as he uncovers the mysteries of the spirit world. The book is a collection of actual case studies of his clients who, under hypnosis, have recounted their experiences between lives. These personal narratives reveal a fascinating world where souls rest, learn, and plan their next life. Journey of Souls is a thought-provoking read that challenges conventional wisdom about the afterlife. It provides hope, comfort, and unexpected answers to life's biggest questions. It's a must-read for those seeking understanding and enlightenment about the journey of the soul.

  • - Tales of the World's Most Prolific Serial Killers
    von Michael Newton
    20,00 €

    Historical in scope, this collection chronicles 15 of the world's most infamous "extreme killers"--those with the largest number of confirmed kills. The subjects range from 15th-century French child killer Gilles de Rais, purportedly the model for "Bluebeard," to Henry Lee Lucas and Otis Toole, who inspired the film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, to Samuel Little, America's most prolific serial killer, to Mikhail Popkov, dubbed "The Werewolf" by Russian media for having slain more than 70 women.

  • - Gaelic Songs, Poetry, Tales and Traditions of the Lennox and Menteith in Gaelic with English Translations
    von Michael Newton
    34,00 €

  • von Dr Michael (Leiden University Newton
    11,98 €

  • von Michael Newton
    22,00 €

    Bu carpici kitap ölümün ardindan ruhsal dünyada yasananlar üzerindeki sir perdesini kaldirmaktadir. Ipnoterapist Dr. Michael Newton gelistirdigi özel bir teknikle ölüm sonrasi sakli anilarina ulasmayi basarmis ve bunlar arasinda süper bilinc haline getirdigi yirmi dokuz deneginin selse kayitlarini bir araya getirerek bu kitabi olusturmustur.Bu denekler, derin trans halinde, tekrarlanan bedenlenmeleri arasinda baslarina neler geldigini heyecan verici bir sekilde tanimlamaktadirlar. Verdikleri canli ayrintilar, ölümün nasil bir sey oldugunu, ruhsal varlik olarak nereye gittigimizi, ne yaptigimizi ve nicin belli bedenlerde geri gelmeyi sectigimizi net bir sekilde ortaya koymaktadir.Ruhlarin Yolculugunu okuduktan sonra insan ruhunun ölümsüzlügünü daha iyi idrak edecek... ve hayatinizdaki olaylarin ardindaki nedenleri anlamaya basladikca her gün icinde oldugunuz kisisel zorluklarinizi onlarin hangi maksada hizmet ettiklerine dair artan kavrayisinizla karsilayacaksiniz.Derin ipnoz durumunda iken bu yirmi dokuz kisi ebedi ruhlar olarak hayatlar arasindaki deneyimlerini hatirlamislardir. Olaganüstü öykülerini okurken su spesifik konular hakkinda bilgi sahibi olacaksinizÖlmek nasil bir seydirÖldükten hemen sonra neler görürsünüz ve neler hissedersinizRuhsal rehberler.Karmasa icindeki ruhlara ne olurRuh dünyasinda nicin belli ruh gruplarina atanirsiniz ve orada ne yaparsinizYeryüzüne dönmek icin yeni bedeninizi nasil secersinizFarkli ruh düzeyleri baslangic, orta ve ilerlemis.Yeryüzündeki ruh eslerinizi tanimayi ilk olarak ne zaman ve nerede ögrenirsinizHayatin amaci ve bir yaraticinin tezahürleri.

  • 12% sparen
    von Michael Newton
    15,00 €

    Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life is one of the best-loved films of Classical Hollywood cinema, a story of despair and redemption in the aftermath of war that is one of the central movies of the 1940s, and a key text in America's understanding of itself. This is a film that remains relevant to our own anxieties and yearnings, to all the contradictions of ordinary life, while also enacting for us the quintessence of the classic Hollywood aesthetic. Nostalgia, humour, and a tough resilience weave themselves through this movie, intertwining it with the fraught cultural moment of the end of World War II that saw its birth. It offers a still compelling merging of fantasy and realism that was utterly unique when it was first released, and has rarely been matched since. Michael Newton's study of the film investigates the source of its extraordinary power and its long-lasting impact. He begins by introducing the key figures in the movie's production - notably director Frank Capra and star James Stewart - and traces the making of the film, and then provides a brief synopsis of the film, considering its aesthetic processes and procedures, touching on all those things that make it such an astonishing film. Newton's careful analysis explores all those aspects of the film that are fundamental to our understanding of it, particularly the way in which the film brings tragedy and comedy together. Finally, Newton tells the story of the film's reception and afterlife, accounting for its initial relative failure and its subsequent immense popularity.

  • 14% sparen
    von Michael Newton
    31,00 €

    The intent of this research is to put forward evidence for whether or not the moral panic around youth crime is justifiable. The method being conducted for this research will be done in a secondary research basis: this is due to the need to review media and theoretical data around social class, role models and the mediäs opinion on these topics. The aim is draw reasoning for youth crime from different aspects that could possibly be part of a cause and effect cycle around this topic. The research will be looking at actual statistics in a bid to view the actual extent of youth crime; another aspect being looked includes the goals for the 2010 general election in relation to the intentions for youth justice.

  • von Michael Newton
    27,00 €

    Wild or feral children have fascinated us down the centuries, and continue to do so today. In a haunting and hugely readable study, Michael Newton deftly investigates a number of infamous cases. He looks at Peter the Wild Boy, who gripped the attention of Swift and Defoe, and at Victor of Aveyron who roamed the forests of revolutionary France. He tells the story of a savage girl lost on the streets of Paris; of two children brought up by wolves in the jungles of India; of a boy brought up among monkeys in Uganda; and in Moscow, of a child found living with a pack of wild dogs.

  • von Michael Newton
    19,90 €

    Sie sind Stoff für unzählige Verfilmungen: die Taten von Serienmördern. Auch wenn oder gerade weil ihre Handlungen immer unbegreiflich bleiben werden, üben sie eine große Faszination auf uns "normale" Menschen aus.Die erste Frage muss wohl lauten: Gibt es überhaupt so viele Serienmörder, dass damit eine ganze Enzyklopädie gefüllt werden kann? Die Antwort: Es gibt sie, wie die fünfte ergänzte und überarbeitete Auflage der "Großen Enzyklopädie der Serienmörder" beweist.Und es sind nicht die Unbekanntesten, die in dieser Sammlung vermerkt sind: Jack the Ripper beispielsweise, dessen Treiben im nebeligen London schon so manche Verfilmung erlebt hat. Fritz Haarmann, dem Schauspieler Götz George in der Verfilmung seines Lebens sein kahlgeschorenes Haupt lieh. Oder Edward Gein, um ein Beispiel aus den USA zu nennen, der zum real existierenden und mordenden Vorbild für Alfred Hitchcocks wohl besten Film - "Psycho" - wurde. Jack Unterweger ist ebenso vertreten, wie das "Vampir von Düsseldorf" oder der "Menschenfresser von Duisburg".Die Geschichte der Serienmörder beginnt bereits bei Jeanne d'Arc - einer ihrer Kampfgefährten hatte hunderte Knaben auf dem Gewissen. Leider hat die Geschichte bis heute kein Ende. Zu den aktuellsten Beispielen gehören der BTK-Mörder ("Bind, Torture, Kill") und der Franzose Fourniret, der gemeinsam mit seiner Frau junge Mädchen misshandelte und tötete.Was treibt sie also an? Wir werden es nie verstehen. Aber wir können dank dieser Enzyklopädie ihre Lebensgeschichte nachlesen und gleichzeitig in die wahre Welt der Kriminalfälle eintauchen - eine Welt, die grausamer ist, als es jede erfundene Geschichte je sein kann.

  • von Michael Newton
    31,50 €

    32 Hypnotherapeuten, die ihre Klienten nicht nur in frühere Leben zurückführen, sondern auch in das Leben zwischen den Leben, präsentieren in diesem Buch Beispiele ihrer Arbeit mit Menschen, welche sich auf Trancereisen an Geschehnisse vor ihrem Erdenleben erinnern: Nach eindringlich geschilderten Vorleben kommen sie in die spirituelle Welt, treffen ihre Seelenpartner und geistigen Führer wieder und verbinden sich mit ihrem unsterblichen Selbst als Seele. Diese Erfahrung verändert das Leben der Klienten von Grund auf und gibt ihrem Sein in diesem Erdenleben einen tiefen Sinn. Alle 32 Fallbeispiele werden von Michael Newton kommentiert und mit Verweisen auf Weiterführendes in seinen anderen Büchern ergänzt.

  • von Michael Newton
    25,50 €

  • - The FBI Crime War, 1933-1939
    von Michael Newton
    47,00 €

    Between 1933 and 1939, the FBI pursued an aggressive, highly publicized nationwide campaign against a succession of Depression era 'public enemies.' This historical analysis reveals the agency's often illegal tactics, including torture, frame-ups, and summary executions.

  • - The Mafia Life of Frankie Yale
    von Michael Newton
    40,00 €

    Largely forgotten now, Frankie Yale was an influential New York mobster of the early 20th century whose proteges included future leaders of New York's five Mafia families and Chicago's outfit. Despite Yale's prominence during his life, this is the first biography to survey his life and career.

  • von Michael Newton
    21,98 €

  • von Michael Newton
    21,00 €

  • von Michael Newton
    21,00 €

  • - The Criminal Life of Albert Anastasia
    von Michael Newton
    34,00 €

    Umberto Anastasio, better known as Albert Anastasia, was an Italian-American mobster and hitman who became one of the deadliest criminals in American history. This first-ever book-length biography of Anastasia traces the mobster's life and the ripple effects his career had on the American crime world.

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    25,00 €

    Book No. 7 of The Bureau, Crimes of Honor, follows the surviving protagonists through the tumultuous years between 1965 and 1973. The civil rights movement expands and urban ghettos burn through "long hot summers," while the war in Southeast Asia escalates with corresponding protests in America. The FBI inaugurates new extralegal operations labeled COINTELPRO-BLACK HATE and COINTELPRO-NEW LEFT, attacking any groups and individuals who fail to meet Chief Hoover's definition of "true Americans." More high-profile assassinations rock the nation and Lyndon Johnson withdraws from the next presidential campaign, succeeded by Richard Nixon awash in Syndicate money. Once in office, Nixon heaps new fuel onto the fire in Vietnam and brings the war home, wielding lethal force against campus protesters. Black Panthers, Weathermen, and other radicals respond in kind. Ryan O'Hara joins the FBI, while his father is forced from the Bureau by Hoover. The director's death in 1972 permits Erin O'Hara to become one of the first female FBI recruits since 1924, entering the academy as burglars expose the Bureau's COINTELPRO operations and the Nixon White House lurches into Watergate. Dominic Giordano seeks to lead his Mafia family in new directions, at risk of his life. The era ends in scandal and dissension, verging on America's first resignation of a president.

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    27,00 €

    Book VI of The Bureau-In Honor's Name-spans events from January 1956 through publication of the Warren Report on President John Kennedy's assassination, encompassing: the Black civil rights movement and southern resistance by organized terror, plus the Hungarian rebellion and escalating warfare in Southeast Asia, the election of America's first Roman Catholic president and his Attorney General brother's campaign against organized crime, the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile crisis, JFK's assassination in Dallas and suppression of its conspiratorial details. Robert Kennedy's resignation as Attorney General ends the "Camelot" era, while the Gulf of Tonkin incident propels America toward full-scale military involvement in Vietnam. Series protagonists confront unexpected challenges, none of them emerging unscathed, costing some of them their lives. Their children grow, pursuing various careers in law enforcement or the realm of crime, some undergoing transformations that divert the courses of their lives forever.

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    22,00 €

    Book No. 8 of The Bureau, Price of Honor, follows the surviving protagonists through the turbulent years between 1974 and 1983. For the FBI and NYPD's BOSS, pursuit of black militants and white radicals continues, sometimes with fatal results.President Nixon resigns in disgrace, while revelations made in recent years prompt formation of multiple congressional committees probing illegal acts by both the FBI and CIA. Despite cancelation of COINTELPRO before Hoover's death, the Bureau still pursues lawless tactics against perceived subversives, including a new Indian War of sorts against Native American activists.The Vietnam war ends in communist triumph, while two single-term presidents seek to salvage America's image on a global scale. A new grassroots demand for "law and order" at home, with greater security abroad, propels Ronald Reagan into the White House and toward a new would-be assassin's gunsights. Nolan O'Hara leaves the Bureau to cooperate with Senate investigators, while the CIA cleans house of all possible living embarrassments.New frontiers of conflict open in Latin America and the Caribbean.

  • von Michael Newton
    26,00 €

    On the eve of his hotly contested reelection campaign in Cascade County, Oregon, Sheriff Jason Pruett finds himself in the midst of an unprecedented crime wave. The richest man in town has been murdered, his neck broken my someone-or something-with extremely large, powerful hands. Sheriff Pruett races against time to find the killer(s), while the victim's company-Paul Bunyan Logging-faces violent opposition from radical environmentalists and a Native American tribe bent on preserving their homeland's virgin forest at all costs. A tribal shaman claims that he has conjured Omah, a vengeful nature spirit better known to Cascade County's white inhabitants as Sasquatch or Bigfoot. Sheriff Pruett is a skeptic, but as mayhem escalates around him, claiming other lives, he must follow every lead available to solve the crime and restore order.Hopsquatch is a modern mystery set against the background of Amerindian legend, cryptozoology (the search for "hidden" animals), and clashes mirroring real-life headlines from the rural battlegrounds where tradition stands against the march of "progress," often with explosive results.

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    22,00 €

    Set in the years 1925 to early 1933, the novel tracks O'Hara, Gantt, Tolson, Sawyer and Jordan through new trials and tribulations. The rift between old friends Declan O'Hara and Aloysius Gantt deepens, with O'Hara pursuing criminal cases from the nation's capital to Oklahoma and New Jersey, while Gantt defends his ties to Edgar Hoover against recent newcomer Clyde Tolson. Third classmate Greg Jordan, now attorney and consiglieri for his brothers' crime family in New York City, finds himself in the midst of the Mafia's bloody Castellammarese War, forced to take violent personal action in defense of his loved ones. Isaac Sawyer, cashiered from the Bureau of Investigation for the color of his skin in 1924, makes his mark with the Treasury Department's Prohibition Unit, then transfers to the fledgling Federal Bureau of Narcotics when President Herbert Hoover shifts Prohibition enforcement to Justice, back under Edgar Hoover's thumb. The FBN's mission takes him from Manhattan's Chinatown to Texas in pursuit of dangerous drug smugglers. The sudden death of Thomas Walsh, named as the next U.S. Attorney General, rescues Edgar Hoover from enforced retirement, while prompting Declan O'Hara to wonder if there might be more behind that death than just an unexpected heart attack.

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    22,00 €

    In 1917, three law school graduates are on their way to register for the draft in World War I. En route to the recruiting office, they meet classmate J. Edgar Hoover, who invites them all to join him in the U.S. Department of Justice, thereby serving their country without facing death in the trenches. Two-Aloysius Gantt and Declan O'Hara-agree, while the third, Gregory Jordan, goes on to join the U.S. Marines.On the home front, Gantt and O'Hara join in roundups of suspected draft dodgers and later, while Jordan is hospitalized for wounds suffered at Belleau Wood, they follow Hoover's lead into the Palmer raids, deporting alleged alien radicals to Russia.

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    30,00 €

    In Book V of The Bureau-Code of Honor-a grim "Cold War" settles in to replace the recent global conflagration, spawning a Red Scare at home and abroad surpassing the postwar paranoia of 1919-20. Declan O'Hara returns to FBI headquarters from service in Latin America, to find Aloysius Gantt still striving to curry J. Edgar Hoover's favor. Devon Gantt serves the Bureau in Los Angeles until he, too, is recalled to Washington at the peak of the Red-hunting 1950s. Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy leave their indelible marks on a country afraid of its own lurking shadows. When President Truman dissolves the wartime OSS, Colby Gantt transfers to its successor, the Central Intelligence Agency, joining in subversion of "dangerous" governments abroad. Ike Sawyer nears mandatory retirement age at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, but remains determined to make his last years on the job count for something, while son Payton joins the New York City Police Department, beginning a career that parallels his father's early war against black "radicals." As the USSR goes through traumatic changes, climaxed with the death of Joseph Stalin, Leonid Babin pursues his campaign to raise a son who will become a sleeper agent in America and infiltrate the FBI, destroying it from within. Their courses converge during conflicts in Korea and Indochina, while Greg Jordan and his Syndicate associates plant their flags in Cuba, launching a new age of gambling and drug smuggling into the United States, with incipient warfare brewing inside Cosa Nostra.¿

  • - An FBI Crime Thriller
    von Michael Newton
    23,00 €

    In Book IV of The Bureau-Honor and Glory-global war sets Earth ablaze. Declan O'Hara is assigned to the FBI's new Special Intelligence Service in Latin America, while his son Nolan joins the U.S. Marine Corps and distinguishes himself in the Pacific Theater. Aloysius Gantt chafes at his headquarters assignment, while evidence of his possible involvement in the death of Senator Thomas Walsh accumulates. Greg Jordan continues his role as counselor for the Giordano crime family, steering his brothers through a minefield of criminal cases involving the National Crime Syndicate and "Murder Incorporated." Ike Sawyer continues his work for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, exacerbated by new legislation, hysteria over "demon weed," and the war's proliferation of narcotics smuggling. The U.S. Navy's "Operation Underworld" secures Lucky Luciano's release from prison and he soon returns to Cuba, directing Syndicate affairs. In the Soviet Union, Leonid Babin pursues his vendetta against the FBI while struggling to survive both World War Two and ongoing purges in Moscow.

  • von Michael Newton
    28,00 €

  • von Michael Newton
    52,00 €

    This first full-length survey of American civil rights "cold cases" examines unsolved racially motivated murders over nearly four decades, beginning in 1934. The author covers all cases reviewed by the federal government to date, as well as a larger number of cases that were ignored without official explanation.

  • von Michael Newton
    104,00 €

    Organized crime has played a significant social role in cultures all over the world. This is the first book to establish a timeline of global organized criminal activity, which spans eight millennia. Entries are arranged chronologically and represent many facets of the criminal underground, including the birth of major players in crime as well as law enforcement officials, the discovery or invention of drugs and weapons, the creation of law enforcement agencies, and the passage of statutes relevant to the control of criminal activity. A broadly useful examination of organized crime, this book encompasses all nations, races, religions and political philosophies.

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